Chapter 3

My Puppy :3

Chapter 3

“ unnie! “ Yoona exclaimed, rushing through her main door and opening them with all her frantic might.




Yoona was greeted by a usual tail wag from Mario, a stuffed with meat - mouth from Sooyoung, and her Taeyon unnie’s very peculiar, flirtatious voice, echoing from around the house, calling out to someone, who appears to not respond to her calling.


“ woof woooff where are you??? ‘


Yoona subconsciously patted Mario’s head, while she glared around in disgust looking for Taeyon and Yuri.


“ snicoomps? You there? “


It was ear piercing for everyone, although ‘everyone’ in the premises have their own sense cloggers, one was Sooyoung who deafen herself by stuffing her whole system with copious amounts of food, two was Mario, wagging happily at his Master and who would rather be bitten to death by ticks, three was Yoona, who was somewhat filled with intruded shock and aggravation.


She really doesn’t mind her co – worker unnie’s visiting her even at her most stressed state, but this very particular state she’s in, isn’t the time for her unnie’s to even pay a peek visit, as she hasn’t stabled everything out regarding her surprise guest, which is Kwon Yuri.


Yoona clasped her hands on her waist, already annoyed, and waiting for her unnie to see her exasperated gesture, but as soon as the other puppy, whom Yoona and Taeyon had endearingly baptized had quickly shown up and scampering to Yoona,


Yoona felt the moment was almost as the same as when she first saw Mario’s puppy eyes at her, she scampered and hid behind Yoona, bowing her head on her shoulder,


Yoona’s supposedly annoyed gesture slowly faded, if she could only pout her lower lip out in adoration at Yuri right now she would, but it was all kept in her thoughts.


“ spot? Bum bum? Tooshie – Tooshie? “


Sooyoung rolled her eyes, as her anti – Taeyon cloggers were shredding down, she quickly ran to the kitchen and stuffed her head in the fridge, looking for something else to phase out, which is still food.



As Taeyon was getting closer, Yuri subconsciously clutched Yoona’s blouse, and if she had puppy ears it would have slowly dripped down like a scared pup that she is.


Still in the gravity with her new – found adoration at her canine – like guest, Yoona spread her arms around Yuri, gesturing a police line kind of sentry at her.


“ wooo – “


Taeyon was caught in a stop with open in an ‘o’, and quickly closing them at the sight of Yoona’s infuriated face.


“ unnie what is it this?? “ demanded Yoona, pointing with her eyes, the scared pup behind her.


“ whaddya mean what is this? “ said an instantly dumbfounded Taeyon, pointing at the same pup Yoona was pertaining to.


Yoona scrunched her temple, confused.


“ you mean that y pup you got thar? “ pertained Taeyon, pointing liberally with her short arms, while pouting.


The child that was hiding behind Yoona, curiously took a peek at Taeyon, to which made her hide again quickly, plop! Like a cartoon animation, as Taeyon eagerly grinned and waved her short arms like a seal.


“ aw – why wouldn’t she look at me? “ complained the still, pouting Taeyon, obliviously displaying her aegyo.


“ can’t a liberated creep take a hint – “


Sooyoung finally removed her head from the ice box, and was scooping on an ice cream bucket.


Taeyon raised a brow at Sooyoung, Yoona was still guarding her child – puppy – guest, behind her stretched arms.


“ as soon as you shook her hand, you quickly carved you cell number on her palm – “


“ – and? “ said the seemingly aggravated Taeyon, shaking her head in disbelief.


“ – AND she zoomed away, right into the backyard “


“ clueless garden gnome “ said the talking ice cream, I mean Sooyoung.


 “ how dare you! “


Taeyon finally got offended, as if Sooyoung hadn’t called her names pertaining to her height, since they started crawling on diapers.


Clueless indeed, for Yoona, as nothing was cleared from either of her visitor’s explanations, gaped open at the confusing, scene, which was a dwarf trying to reach a troll for a headlock, but obviously couldn’t, ultimately she was the one head locked.


Minutes passed and the two were still arguing, while Yoona took the chance to get Yuri out of their sight.


She held her arm and led her to her room, as it was the safest place to keep her at the moment.


Arriving there, she held both of Yuri’s hands and locked their eyes together, she needed to interview her first, it was obviously rude to just leave her like that, but she had to go to work early, and she didn’t even plan for her abusive unnies to barge – in, in her house, while Yuri was still in her – care.


“ uhm – “ Yoona looked around those beautiful naturally blameless circles which was the Kwon’s eyes, she was still skimming for the careful questions and answers for her, but she couldn’t help but be distracted at their pull, it was like a trap magnet.


“ where do I start… “


“ oh, okay, my name’s Im Yoona, I’m 23 years old, I work as an accounting instructor at Melchior Salazar’s University – AND…nice to meet you “


Yoona pursed her lips at the really awkward introduction, she wanted to knock her head on something, but she couldn’t – obviously.


After another set of awkward introductions, even including her ancestors, ancestor’s pets, pests, favorite food, Yoona had miraculously had the time to introduce all of them, given Taeon and Sooyoung would have looked for them at the length of their disappearance.


But in all her ironically enthusiastic and awkward intros, all she received was a couple of repeated nods and eye movements, and none verbal.


She shook her head trying to communicate with a couple of body movements.


After analyzing, that she either she was mute or was just afraid to talk, given that she is a complete stranger and that Taeyon even made it worse, Yoona felt a lot more pity at the seemingly lost pup.


“ I’ll introduce you as a cousin instead … “


Yoona was waiting for another nod from the latter, but didn’t receive any.


She was only looking at a new emotion from her, contemplating, her eyes moving around, skimming for answers too.


Seeing that, maybe she doesn’t like the idea, Yoona quickly skimmed ahead.


“ how about, a friend way back – oh wait a minute, they’re my way back friends…. – tsk.”


Yuri only waited again.


“ I can’t tell them that you’re my sister cause, they’re also my diaper buddies…… “


“ damn it …”


Yoona was a bit relaxed initially, not noticing that holding Yuri’s hands was one of the major reasons for her serenity, but as she heard the two seemingly walking towards her bedroom, she felt pressured to think of a clever cover up.


All she thought of was that, she needed to cover where she found Yuri and all that happened, as she wasn’t that comfortable telling anyone yet,


It was as if she ran across the world for the right cover up, and when the self – hospitable unnies, barged again in her room, Yoona never let go of Yuri’s hands.


“ – just who – “ Taeyon was cut off by Yoona’s reply.


“ she’s my g…girl..girlfriend “ declared the visibly blushing and unconvincing Yoona.


Oddly enough, Yuri didn’t protest, even to the slightest point.


Sooyoung and Taeyon were of course, plastered with a mouth shaped with ‘ o ‘s and shock.


“ then I thought you would never swing that way! “ complained Sooyoung.


Taeyon, who was seemingly heart broken, won’t go on defeated, she quickly glared around Yoona and Yuri’s interaction, looking for loopholes.


“ oh reaaalllly? Then why didn’t you tell us! “


Luckily Yoona quickly found a reply, “ cause …guys come on…, I was one of a left - swing hater….so yeah, I kinda had a hard time looking for the right moment to tell you guys “


To which was gulped by Sooyoung, the other idiot, among the two only.


“ oooh I see….. wow – “


“ congratulations Yoong, now let’s celebrate with more food! I’ll be waiting in the kitchen! “


The shikshin/idiot two, skipped happily to the kitchen, leaving the skeptical Taeyon behind.


She had her squint locked on the surprise lovers, Yoona was beaming with her best pretentious grin, while Yuri was avoiding Taeyon’s glares.


“ hmmmmm – “


Yoona’s heart was beating really fast; it was close to pumping out of her chest from Taeyon’s skeptic squint.


Taeyon leaned closer to the two, making Yoona’s anxiousness more visible, but as her crazed skeptic unnie was about to blow her cover, she abruptly landed her caressing lips on the unknowing Yuri’s cheek.


“ – mo “ she finally let out a word.


“ wow – she finally spoke?! Then I thought she was deaf “ exclaimed Taeyon in surprise.


“ – yeah me too.. “ said the more – surprised Yoona.


“ – what? “ goes back the utterly cynic midget, half glaring and squinting at Yoona’s blushing and shocked face.


“ – I mean uh – she really doesn’t talk much, and yeah, she isn’t that comfortable with guests – SUCH AS YOU “


“ what?? “ Taeyon’s eyes widened.


“ why youuuu?? But I thought she liked my company??? “ she was getting hysterical.


“ uh huh – if you hadn’t harassed her then maybe she would like you “


“ hmmm – no wonder you were so protective of her “ as Taeyon held in broken hearted self.


Yoona looked around for a bit, thinking why would she be overly protective of the stranger indeed, not because of Taeyon’s theory – as they weren’t really lovers, but, naturally, Yoona was protective of her.


After settling her cover relationship with her guest to her other guests, and they had just left after dinner, it was served by Yuri, surprisingly she knew a couple of known dishes, which made Taeyon fall for her more, but her motivation to harass her was now swept or better yet, swatted by Im Yoona.


Swatting her away with a couple of glares and clearing of throats.


Although there was one occasion where she almost got hit with a frying pan, credits to the Im, as she almost pinched Yuri’s bum while cooking unguarded in the kitchen.


Yoona stretched her arms and yawned after cleaning up the whole mess her two unnies left behind.


She smiled right after, seeing the two lost pups, playing, counting each other’s paws.


“ hey “ greeted Yoona, sitting beside Yuri, who had Mario’s paws on her paws – hands.


“ thanks a lot for today…..and I’m really sorry bout what happened earlier, it really was abrupt, and I just couldn’t find any other excuse to get you off Taeyon unnie’s make – believe romantic attraction “


She received a slower nod from the latter, to which she took as a mix of understanding and agreement.


It became quiet for a bit, as Yoona was contemplating when to finally investigate or better yet, carefully question her guests, business – in general.


She stretched her fingers, counting them as well, but as she was about to let out another question for Yuri,




Goes the sky, the thunder echoed throughout the atmosphere and to the neighborhood, lastly in Yoona’s residence, to which made her look around in surprise, she was used to these dreadful echoes, but not for Mario, he always cries and hides anywhere he could, but the best place to hide was in her embrace.


Yoona prepared herself for Mario’s snuggle swoop, and feeling Mario snuggle to her indeed,




It wasn’t fur she locked her arms with, it was a pair of soft flesh and wavy hair, and don’t forget about the good gentle to the nose scent.


“ I …Uhhh… “


“ ..wae…. “   


Yoona was too shocked to complete a sentence, and the more the sky stomps and echoes madly, Yuri snuggles in – on her embrace, hiding her face unto her chest.


She’s also afraid of thunder and lightning?









This contains all the comments from the previous chapters!


@puppylover2017 – hey thar! Thanks for subscribing and loving this fic!


@yoonyulyang12530 – hahahha! I did, update kekeke. Was that really cut out ? orrrr a texting/typing error, kekke. But thanks though – for the comment and like!


@KumaKey88 – thanks for liking and subscribing! ^^ hahahahha! friend! Poor Taetae, kekekek.


@ariane143_nget – kekeke yup yup, YoonYul in – general is cute! So I had to make it as cute? Cute, kekekke, I hope I don’t fail in it though, thanks a bunch!


@samdoor – ey there! thanks for the patience and motivation ~ you’re awesome buddy! Kekekke, yeah bout TaeRi kekkeke, they’ll have more interactions in the upcoming chapters, and bout Yuri’s odd behavior,…’ll seeee kekekekke.




@ususe_iil – hahahaha! Puppy – yul indeed! ^^, ekekke seems that Yoona doesn’t know how to interact with yulpup yet kekeke. Thanks a bunch though ~


@neyryaki – awesome ~ thanks dude! Just a little drop of comment and it helps thanks a bunch!

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Done ~ Chap 6 is up! now to kill the cat that pissed inside my room ~


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theredangelnot #1
Chapter 16: hi my favorite author-nim~ I'll bother you again~ keke
no problem I'll try to be more talkative and post comments on all your fics keke~
don't worry the wait is worth it~
ahh finally the fight is over i miss the fluffy moments of Master Yoong and Pupppy Yul~
their moments are so asdfghgf Yoongmantic ;A;
okie dokie~ I'll wait for you there :3
oh this pic reminds me of this fic Master Yoong and mario~ lol
ynyltroiper #2
Chapter 16: yuupeee...finally an update..n this chapter is great as usual...thanks for the update..n pleasee..update soon kekekeke...^^
Trackstar #3
Chapter 16: Yuri say yes to yoona's proposal? What kind of proposal actually is it?
KM_3451 #4
Yeay yuri say yes kekeke.. So cute tho yoong appease yuri by proposing kekeke
megaflare9 #5
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! LAUGHING BANSHEE AND MOODY B1TCH!!! LOVE YAH! I saw u typing this a while ago BTW lol.
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~ ^^
Do you know who i am? Make a guess, make a guess~ kekeke
clue: "le-not-so-byun-type" hahaha

More taeri moments juseyo lol byuntaeng doesn't know how to give up huh ;))
Yoona you're not straight, you don't have to hide it to your mother.
Your gf is a one hot dawgy.(sup dawg) :p JFC. poor puppy yul <//3

btw thanks for the update~