Chapter 5

My Puppy :3

Chapter 5

Alrighty! Here’s another chap! Cause you guys are super duper awesome! When I asked for a few support and pitch – ins, you guys did, so here it is! Thanks and love you guys!


And as for the title meaning, I just typed it on the title box without even thinking? Thinking, cause I was listening, to TVXQ’s Humanoids and Android at the time, and I just ran out of ideas, but the plot really is somewhat close to having a humanoid sorta puppish something something *scratches head.



“ here “


After Yoona had successfully rescued or found her lost Pups, she had just arrived in her house, as soon as she opened the door, Mario, who was trained to rush to the bathtub when his all soiled, quickly ran.


“ uh  “ Yoona had a hard time, offering Yuri to change covers and take a shower as well, she was left stuttering and hopping – glances at the person she held hands with.


Yuri gave her an inquiring glance.


“ I uh … “


Geez, where’all my courage a while ago?


A few more stutters and Yuri took the initiative, which was by pointing at her damp clothes, and glancing to where Mario went, which was the bathroom – only bathroom Yoona has, situated in her bedroom.


Very convenient for a single person, but not in situations when she has a guest, guest that she hasn’t grown upon in comfort with,


Yuri didn’t mean it though.


“ uh – yes, wash up too “


“ I’ll prepare you some fresh change of clothes “ said the ‘kid like shy’ Yoona, having her head down as she skipped into her bedroom.


Yuri followed her and carefully stepped into the bathroom as she arrived, relieving Yoona of her shyness or even worse, having to see her guest half covered.


Hearing, the sound of shower and a couple of movements in the bathroom, Yoona assumed the two to be cleaning themselves up already, she walked paced back and forth waiting for them to finish, so that she could help Mario dry up, and pass the new change of clothes to Yuri.


As the clock ticked, Yoona’s thoughts ticked along, jumping from hypothesis to hypothesis, or should she admit, anxiousness to happiness? Fear to courage? courage for what? Courage and confidence and security, which was naturally being emitted by someone –


Her thoughts broke up as she saw Yuri’s head pop out of the bathroom door, her  hair still dripping from the shower and, when Yoona’s traitorous eyes glanced downwards wanting to know if she was covered –


Eye movement and Plop! The door was the only object covering her, good thing nothing was seen, although it is indeed more teasing when all that is there to do is imagine….


Imagine what dear traitorous eyes and ‘back of the head’ thoughts of Im Yoona.


A second later and Yuri, let out mumming sound, asking for the change of clothes to be passed to her.


“ oh.oh.oh.oh – sorry sorry “ Yoona moved around the bedroom like an electrocuted person, searching for the clothes she had prepared for Yuri.


“ – it’s …on..the bed..”


Yoona’s body froze, first time hearing a full or maybe half sentence from her, her voice was…..cute? she tilted her head, adorable? …y? – uh.


“ …mo.? “


Does she always do that?, does it mean a lot of things? Like what the pirates say; argh?


Yoona was still stuck in her awed thoughts, until Mario barked from the bathroom, echoing throughout the room.




If it could mean, “ snap out of your thoughts “, it could - - as he barked again




To which Yoona did, gradually, shaking her head and blinking her eyes, she took the clothes on the bed and passed them to Yuri, slowly but surely, ridiculously turning her head away as she stretched her arms to Yuri.


“ thank you … “


“ hmm? “ goes Yoona’s automatic response, along with her traitorous head that turned to see Yuri.


Clearly, no one was at fault, “ oh sorry sorry sorry! “ Yoona bowed so many times that her blood rushed to her brain at the speed of the movement.


But Yoona’s barely tapped Byun thoughts did, including her eyes and her head movement, and her barely entertained Byun intentions.


She didn’t see anything anyway, just Yuri’s head and an eighth of her bare shoulder, which was already a ‘nod nod and wiggle wiggle’ for byun’s out there, if only Taeyon was present.


To which was received by a chuckle – a chuckle finally, “ omo it’s okay “




Goes Yoona’s light bulb, So that’s what it meant! – OMO, all this time she kept saying a half OMO! Aeeeshh.


 Yuri closed the bathroom door and let Mario out.


She had to change furs, unlike Mario who doesn’t need to change furs, Mario quickly ran outside and shook away all the uncomfortable dampness of his fur.


His was trained to not wriggle around the house.


A couple of moments later and it was Yuri’s turn to go out of the bathroom, she had her towel twirled on her dank hair and a pair of new covers.



= = = =


It was half way till morning, still dark and cold due to the ongoing heavy rain, Yoona woke up, she actually fell asleep while waiting for the two furballs, finish up changing furcoats.


She weakly opened her eyes, and moved around, trying to look for a blanket to cover herself with, but as she moved her feet around she already felt a comforter neatly sheltered on her, she scrunched her drowsy brows, not even remembering to have tucked herself in.


Her drowsy brows kept still, as she felt Mario’s pelt on her feet, she smirked, her lil big furball was cold again and looked for warmth through her.


She was about to fall back to sleep, when she remembered where the heck did the other peltball go?


She sat up, and looked around her dark room, and as she moved her feet around again, she accidentally kicked something – or someone.


“ …. Mo…. “


The something – someone, mumbled unconsciously, obviously also in dreamland.


“ omo…I’m so sorry “ whispered Yoona, surprised to see both pelt rolls on her feet area, which was Mario’s or just about every dog’s favorite bed side.


Why is she sleeping there? I bet she’s also cold –


“ get over here “ offered Yoona, not even thinking of her awkward consequences to come, she gently pulled Yuri beside her and facing her.


Successfully laying the other Pup on her exact opposite bedside, Yoona shared the comforter with her.


“ momomomo “


“ eeepp  - “ said Yoona, but she quickly muffled herself after realizing she let out a loud giggle of adoration.


Yuri only let out another serene ‘mo’ feeling the warmth of the comforter on her, while shaking her head cutely on the pillow and blanket, but Yoona’s ‘kyeopta sense’ liked it too much and made her giggle in adoration out of impulse.


 Oh what should I do with you ….


Thought the self-muffled Yoona, but with her face full of fluffy frustration to pinch the cuteness out of Yuri.


Yoona thought she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep, with Yuri and Mario squeezing themselves with her.


But it only took her a few more adoring looks at the pinch – able cheeks of the snuggling Kwon and her eyes almost automatically shut their lids of the comfort and warmth of the two fluff balls.



= = = =



It was about 10ish am in another start of a weekend, but for Yoona, it was a new start, finally agreeing to let another Puppy in her life, a beautiful barely talking puppy, who was at current industriously tending the front lawn, while Mario was assisting her by digging plant dints,


It was a new page in her life that she was willing to experience, whatever the judgments, burdens, or anything afflicting her heart and mind, she was willing to face.


She stared at the two lively fluffballs from her main door, as she carried a spatula with her, wanting to cook breakfast for the two, when she reminisced her firsthand experience of the barely talking estranger,


She remembered being embraced tightly after she told her to stay with her and never leave without any notice.


At initial touch she felt really awkward but as she felt the gravity of Yuri’s emotions and embrace, she knew very well that it was hurt.


A past hurt definitely, to which she tried gently prying out of Yuri, but she just won’t budge.


Of course she had to consider a lot of emotional barriers,  first time she tried prying her past hurt was when they were walking back to her house, and Yuri was still clinging unto her shoulders, when she let out a few words of care “ so uhm…., Yuri right? “


“ could I call you Yul instead? “


She didn’t bother to look at Yoona, she buried herself into the oblivion of Yoona’s sight, and from that point on, Yoona made a rational note to not mention “Yul”, which was also part of Yoona’s clandestine investigations of her past.      


Probably someone dear, used to call her ‘Yul’, and that she obviously isn’t comfortable with anyone else using it, or she was hurt by that certain person.

“ Yooohooo! “


Yoona’s train of thoughts was halted by a familiar voice calling out to her.


Perhaps her caring surveys will have to stop at the moment, she needs to take it more slowly and carefully, and not reaching Yuri’s injured points.


“ hey unnie! mornin’ “ Greeted Yoona waving her arms happily at Sooyoung, and the gang.


And by gang meaning,


“ heeeeeyyy! “


“ oooohhh “ greeted the byun midget who quickly skipped into the front lawn and staring at the Pup gardener’s bent body.


As she was wearing a tight tank top and a pair of tight rippy ripped jeans.


“ hey! eyes off my price! “ Yoona quickly put up her ‘girlfriend’ act and swooped in.


But of course, she didn’t mean for her supposed protective sentence to go all tumbling into a mix of awkward and byun misunderstandings.


Byun of course was from the garden gnome who greeted Yuri’s apple shaped buttom, her dumbfounded face quickly turning to Yoona.


Sooyoung didn’t really care and patted Yoona’s back before casually marching into the kitchen.


While Yoona’s ears and cheeks were starting to heat copiously from the embarrassing delivery of her line,


Taeyon kept a mocking stare at her dongsaeng before bursting into laughter, Yoona stomped her feet, trying to grab her unnie’s attention at the same time possibly making her stop.


“ seriously Unnie! eyes off! You harassed her enough “


“ geez I wasn’t even talking to her, I was talking to her magnificent “


“ aaeesshh! “


After hearing a couple of senseless arguments from the two beside her, Yuri had only noticed that there were people arguing beside her and worse it was the byun midget.

She quickly put down the gardening tools and removed her gloves then, ran towards Yoona.


“ hmph! “ said the offended and jealous garden gnome, glaring at the clung Yuri on Yoona’s back.


“ I changed hearts now, you gorgeous gardener “


“ my heart’s with Gloria now “


“ and who’s Gloria this time? “ asked Yoona, but in a very ridiculed dead pan tired of her unnie tone.


“ probably a fellow ahjumma more like 40 years older than her “ said the interrupting talking flapjacks/pancakes/Sooyoung.


“ shut up talking heap of food! “ and Taeyon just summed all of Sooyoung


“ Gloria is that entity trapped behind those skinny jeans of your galfriend Yoona “


To which Yoona quickly understood as Yuri gazed behind her, which was her BEHIND indeed, also known as Gloria.


“ Gloria, cause she’s glorious “


“ – okay enough bullcrap from you “ said the talking heap of flour, eggs, milk, vanilla powder, sugar, butter and don’t forget the pancake syrup.


Yoona rolled her eyes and held Yuri’s hands that were wrapped around her shoulder.


Wow this is getting……uhmmm…somewhere? I like how she clings on me like this.


I mean… aeeeshh Yoona focus! You took her in, to help her back to her feet and not to take advantage of anything, we’re not asking for anything back in return alright?


Aaeeesh. Understood……


Temporary shutdown of Yoona’s battling thoughts, as she felt Yuri’s warm exhale on her neck.


It was sweetly stingy, she couldn’t explain what it was, but she guilty liked it, she bit her lip helping herself not to go further in to the unknown feeling.


“ aaaahhh! Mario stay away! “


Thanks to Mario and Taeyon who broke their intimacy, as Yuri let go off her and took a careful look at the garden gnome being chased around by the other fluff ball.


While the mixture of flour, eggs, butter, milk, vanilla powder, sugar and don’t forget the strawberries and raspberries, was munching itself while laughing it’s heart out at the scenery.






a/n; by the way, if it isn’t much of a bother dear readers/subscribers/commentators, could I perhaps ask for an official poster for my fic, hehehe. Too lazy or uncreative to put one up, just leave it at my inbox, kekeke.   

Be out in a bit, cause I still have to update my other fics, on AFF and SFF.

Replies to these ‘o so awesome supporters!


@yoonyulyang12530 – ayo wassup! Thanks for using my fave catch whatsoev phrase, ‘awesome’ hahahahha! Don’t worry Yoong will take really really good care of her new Pup!


@ususe_iil – kekke bout your question, more like what happened to Yuri? Kekekek, BUT I’ll make sure to clear that up for you, just follow along the chapters kekeke! Good thing indeed she found them, I couldn’t stand making a whole chapter without them or having them lost, kekeke. Aaaww thanks a lot! You’re JJang too buddy!


@F1e_4pple – aiiggoo, kekeke, I have a teasing commentator buddy here ;) I’m glad I made you happy kekeke. Just call me Strawberries instead, cause it’s my fave fruit, but that would be too long hahaha. So uh…, call me, Peach! It’s my second fave! And guessing by you’re name, yours is Apple isn’t it? may I call you that instead? Kekekke.  Nah, you know pretty much what you’re saying kekekeke.

And bout your questions, we’ll see how the story goes if what really is Yuri, and where she came from and basically her whole past….kekekeke.

Hahahah! You’re welcome for the books, Do stop by for more books ;) I think I’ll be getting a couple of new stocks over the weekend so uh..I’ll just hit you up to notify you of any that fits your taste nyahahhahah! You’re awesome dude! Jjang!


@NeyryAki – kekekke, thanks a bunch really, just seeing you’re comment and just about every participators comments here makes my day, and those cute impromptu smileys that you have in every sentence you make kekeke. Don’t’ worry I don’t abandon my fics, speaking of fics, I still have to update my fics on Soshified, ehe, okay enough talk. Thanks again!


@KumaKey88 – ey thar! Yeah damn right, no one wants either Y’s to leave each other’s side kekeke. I’m talking out of my behind right now hhahaha, sorry for the lingo, ooohh, I soo love these interactive questions, makes me realize my plot better, and for your interactive question; Yuri had a dream actually, and …yup, that’s all that I’m going to explain to you right now…kekeke, read more ~ kekek.


@ice – dancer – ahahahha! Thanks it’s funny how you comment, it’s like you’re watching a drama series and making impromptu comments along kekeke, but it’s awesome thanks!

Nope, she didn’t magically disappear kekekke, I’ll explain later on, I mean later chapters kekke, correct with your other guesses though, mixture of both. Hahaha, I’m not making these easy to understand now am i…ehehhe sorry bout that. You’re right again with the ‘mo’ and the locked thing, sorta…..ekkeke, it’s about her past, so that’s why it’s sorta locked, hahahahhha! Yup yup, be a good girl indeed and be patient for further plots and explanations from the upcoming chapters. Kekeke.

Byiee to you too! Oh and by the way I like your collage of Kwon Yuri(s) on your profile pic, heheh, it’s Jjang!

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Done ~ Chap 6 is up! now to kill the cat that pissed inside my room ~


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theredangelnot #1
Chapter 16: hi my favorite author-nim~ I'll bother you again~ keke
no problem I'll try to be more talkative and post comments on all your fics keke~
don't worry the wait is worth it~
ahh finally the fight is over i miss the fluffy moments of Master Yoong and Pupppy Yul~
their moments are so asdfghgf Yoongmantic ;A;
okie dokie~ I'll wait for you there :3
oh this pic reminds me of this fic Master Yoong and mario~ lol
ynyltroiper #2
Chapter 16: yuupeee...finally an update..n this chapter is great as usual...thanks for the update..n pleasee..update soon kekekeke...^^
Trackstar #3
Chapter 16: Yuri say yes to yoona's proposal? What kind of proposal actually is it?
KM_3451 #4
Yeay yuri say yes kekeke.. So cute tho yoong appease yuri by proposing kekeke
megaflare9 #5
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! LAUGHING BANSHEE AND MOODY B1TCH!!! LOVE YAH! I saw u typing this a while ago BTW lol.
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~ ^^
Do you know who i am? Make a guess, make a guess~ kekeke
clue: "le-not-so-byun-type" hahaha

More taeri moments juseyo lol byuntaeng doesn't know how to give up huh ;))
Yoona you're not straight, you don't have to hide it to your mother.
Your gf is a one hot dawgy.(sup dawg) :p JFC. poor puppy yul <//3

btw thanks for the update~