Chapter 2

My Puppy :3




Chapter 2


“ I uh – damn it “


“ she’s heavy “


It would not have looked comprising with Yoona carrying and balancing an unconscious body on her chest, but the neighborhood dogs just had to bark at her, making her panic and rush – rephrase that – drag the stranger insider her house.


Struggling with opening her well – locked main door, it took Yoona a couple of annoyed heaves before finally opening the door.


There was so much oddness for this day for Yoona, as Mario only greeted her and her guest with a tail wag, which means he was cheerful with the stranger, Mario was never fond of guests, another oddness because he was a gold ret and people would quickly assume that his breed is somewhat the friendliest – but no, Mario was one jealous pet, very possessive of his master.


He would always growl at Yoona’s guests, one of the worst incidents was when he bit one of Yoona’s ex – boyfriends, as Yoona was about to let former inside the house he didn’t even gave him the chance to look down at him and greet him, he pounced right on his knee and bit the living heck out of him.


It traumatized Yoona  so much that she had a hard time being involved into a new relationship – Mario is also a part of her life, thus he also has the right judge who would suit best for his master, according to their relationship rules( Dating for Dummies, or overly attached Dog and Master Dating rule book – Yoona and Mario version )


As Yoona’s pet retriever was one of the oddest cases for its kind, she was now in another odd – better yet fascinating case of a puppy (once again, as she said to her co – worker ), she carefully laid the pup – beautiful stranger on the sofa in her living room, she kept watch on Mario at the same time, still watchful of his possessive behavior.


Finally laying the odder on the sofa, Yoona was again left staring at how this particular stranger was getting more and more awe taking every time, Yoona lays her sight on her.


Her innocent gaze travelled slowly on the unconscious latter’s peach lips then carefully to her sweetly pointed nose and finally ending them on the beautiful windows of her soul; her eyes, although they were gracefully embraced by her eye lids, they still looked admirable.


Yoona’s was about to lose to her hands that were too curious to touch the latter’s face, but a very peculiar shriek came out of Mario’s snout, making Yoona snap out of her uncontrolled intention,


She felt funny and annoyed at the same time, being disrupted by her supposed companion, she quickly glanced at Mario, giving him a querying look,


As if Mario was playing around with her, he was only sitting upright a few meters away from them.


Yoona casted a doubting glare at him, before going back to investigating the stranger.


Mario only waged his tail, showing signs of gladness.


Yoona took the natural steps on helping her unknown guest; she carefully looked around for possible identification cards and contacts.


She was wearing black skinny jeans and a simple v – neck white tee, making it easy for Yoona to find a possible wallet lump, and just about a moment of gazing at her pants, Yoona quickly found the lump she was looking for, it was on the right side jean pocket, she carefully tweezed the wallet out.


It was simple leather wallet, being considerate Yoona, shut her attention off the other contents of the wallet and only goaled to look for an I.D, quickly enough, she found her driver’s license.


..23 – ripe enough – oh what the hell am I thinking! “


“ I should really stop talking to Soo and Tae unnie, those ually confused s! “


She shook her thoughts, and finally arriving to her name –


Kwon Yuri….. “


“ hmmm “


She smirked at the name, and then her curiosity hit her when she hovered upon the picture on the license, the person, Kwon Yuri, looked really sweet with her smile on the picture, she had these distinctive eyes and protruded cheeks that make you melt, like how she melts when a furry canine gives her a puppy look.


Yoona didn’t even notice that she had been grinning at the picture for so long, that Mario made another interrupting squeak.


Her shoulders literally jumped at Mario’s sudden mocking snivels, it was as if he was hooting at Yoona’s unexplainable fluttery actions at Yuri.


 “ ack. Would you cut it out “ Yoona whispered.


After scolding her furry companion, she went back to examining her guest; she then carefully placed the wallet back to their pocket.


Unfortunately as the pretty odder, now, known as Kwon Yuri, was wearing skinny jeans, which means the fabric of her pants were too fit somewhat becoming her other skin, and by skin somewhat means that she could feel anything unfamiliar grazing about on her wear,




Dog mixture of laughter and squeak


Within seconds Yoona was already sandwiched between Yuri’s clamped arms around her and on Yuri’s tummy.


Kind of a Kwon Yuri sandwich, but had the filling of Im Yoona in it – okay enough with the crappy and disturbing narration –


Yoona heard subconscious murmurs from Yuri before her grip grew tighter, making Yoona clasp her eyes shut in pain? – it wasn’t in pain, when it dawned on her and dragged for a bit, it was somewhat ticklish and soft and – actually smelled flowery.


What the hell is wrong with me??!


When Yoona snapped herself out of her thoughts, she carefully pried Yuri’s arms off of her.


During the prying process, she was constantly nudged by a furry paw on her legs, and after successfully removing the sleep – hugger’s paws off her, she quickly casted the same doubtful and shut your trap glare at Mario.


To which Mario acted with the same teasing high pitched squeaks, after doing so runs back a few meters away from his master.


Yoona kept her doubtful squint at her fishy acting companion, while she slowly walked towards her kitchen, she felt really hungry after all the ruckus with her abrupt guest.

= = = =


Before finally collapsing on her bed, Yoona had double checked the sleeping guest, turning off the lights in the living room, where she laid her in, and leaving only a tall lamp on the corner to illuminate her surroundings without waking her up, lastly, leaving a couple of notes that contained instructions on helping herself get dressed, refreshed, and tummy – filled, as Yoona might not be there when she wakes up, discerning she could be at work at that time.


Hearing her alarm for work, Yoona shot up from her bed, it was different this time around, as she didn’t have to go all laid back, worrying about Mario and her needs, this time around she has to worry for her guest’s needs as well, everyone has an option not to entertain their visitors, but this particular guest is just worrying for Yoona.


Quietly walking towards the living room where she had left her Yuri, Yoona was alerted by Mario’s barking,


That nut never barks –


She frantically searched towards the bark location, hearing it was at her backyard she ran outside.


Encircling her house and finally reaching the backyard, she was surprised, but not the negative one, more of something her mind couldn’t explain, but there was relief –


As she watched her last night’s guest Kwon Yuri, tossing a Frisbee around and enthusiastically chased by Mario, it was refreshing.


A smile was slowly forming on her lips as she watched the two chase each other around, until it dawned to her that it was a different type of Frisbee they were playing, as Yuri would throw the saucer, she would race Mario to catch the rim as well, impressive though as she seemed to have lost to him in a streak already, but she looked pretty AND pretty intact, not breaking a sweat.


She scratched the back of her head at Yuri’s behavior, puzzled at how she plays Frisbee with dogs.


What if I play fetch a stick with her? Would she do the same thing? – aeesshh Yoona – shake it off


As odder as yesterday got for Yoona, it seemingly hasn’t changed, normally at the sight of Yoona in the morning, Mario would enthusiastically greet her with a drool full, but this morning was out of the ordinary, it’s like she was only being passed by a golden fur without even glancing at her.


It was an odd ball of golden fur, but Yoona couldn’t mind less, as she was more glad in seeing their bond, no one getting bitten, aggravated and worse traumatized.




Goes Yoona’s cell phone, she growled at the caller ID, it was her department Dean, asking for her presence early again.


But before she rushed back inside the house to prepare for work, she made sure the two puppies have eaten already,


“ umm – I uhh – “


Bark! Interrupted Mario


“ –shush “




“ – damn it Mario! “


Yuri abruptly paused her chase and glanced at Yoona, the careless wave of her hair to her face made Yoona gush, including her heart, it skipped again –






She stuttered for a bit before even delivering her line,


“ have you guys eaten already? “


Yuri nodded as well as Mario’s tail wag


“ – uhm, good, if you need anything else, its all written on the notes I left on the sofa, you’ve seen them? “


Yuri nodded again


“ good, I have to go to work so …uh, help yourself around okay? – I’ll be back in the afternoon “


“ – will you - still be here by then? “ Yoona had a hard time letting that question out of , it’s like she didn’t want Yuri to leave quickly or hear an answer she might not like.


Fortunately, Yuri had nodded once again, although with a burdened gaze at her, Yoona took it for the most wonderful nod she had ever received.



= = = =


“ these crazy campus competitions are getting out of hand, were always called early in the morning “


“ – and we don’t even get paid for the extra time “


Yoona only shook her head grinning at her co – worker’s complaints, as she was typing her stress away, hoping to finish what piled up for her in time.


“ by the way Soo how’s that steak I hooked you up with last night? – eh – eh “ teased the latter while nudging their elbow on Sooyoung’s shoulder.


“ – look Tae, they weren’t even interesting at all, too bland “


One could only wonder what the two were talking about, but Yoona, who had been with them since childhood, knows too well what they meant.


“ see Soo, that’s why you end up being left out of the dining circle – you’re standards are so high ”


“ – look who’s talking, the sudden fail of a love guru, oh wait a minute, I almost forgot, you were never in a relationship to start with  “


Taeyon casted dagger stares at Sooyoung “ – why you “


Yoona let out a sigh


“ at least I give out love insights – unlike you, you’re too bitter to give out even one “


Sooyoung only made herself busy by unwrapping another McD’s burger.


“ – love insights my foot, all you give out are in – bed insights “


Taeyon didn’t retort back this time; she was proud for being a bed guru at the same time, which was also a fiasco, as no one from her friends even listens to her.


And as Taeyon and Sooyoung’s pointless argument faded out of the air, Taeyon went on with her teachings instead, which, at the move of her arms being crossed to her chest, Sooyoung already intercept with an a mixture of tired and annoyed growl with a hint of burger meat, buns, tomato, mayonnaise, etc.


“ as I was saying, when in bed – “


“ you weren’t even saying anything “ said the pre occupied Yoona, she knew from Taeyon’s sudden change of tone, that it was another start of her byun convos – teachings, ninja moves, the way of the Taeng Samurai, (Samurai during – BLEEP)  as she calls it.   


“ shush – young padwan “


“ when did she became Jedi Master “ said the burger and buns, I mean Sooyoung.


“ –WHENNNN your about to perform ninja moves in bed, you should always limber up, you don’t wanna end up breaking your joints while performing your stunts now would you – “


“ UGH – “ said Yoona, still typing her way out of work.


“ it also helps a lot when you have a lot of unique ninja moves in mind, cause when your STUNT partner has a ton of stamina in them, its troublesome …”


“ you know what I mean? Eh? “


“ ugh… “


“ ACK – Unnie! “ complained Yoona, as Taeyon had popped up beside her and nudging her shoulder.


“ oh come on don’t be shy dongsaeng – I know you want a partner that has a ton of stamina – “


I already have one – Mario – Oh…wait a minute…., is she referring to a ………in… in –bed partner…???


Normally Sooyoung and Yoona would only shake their heads in disbelief or ignore their byun Unnie, but in this particular situation, Yoona had suddenly thought of someone, that particular someone unexpectedly popped in her thoughts; showing the same scene she had gawked at this morning; with their hair carelessly tossed around while seemingly not running out of energy racing with Mario, a dog.


And with their effortlessly beautiful lashes and nose and peach lips –


Smack! Goes Yoona’s thoughts, as she shook them away from her innocent mind


“ right Yoong…eh eh “


Apparently the midget unnie still hasn’t finished nudging and lecturing the boredom out of her.


“ uggghhh….uunnniieeee “


= = = =


Moments after finally getting out of work and all the byunness and nonsense of her co – worker unnies, she was now driving home.


Her thoughts were dancing around, teasing her, scaring her, confusing her, she was weirdly excited to go home, but then her emotional securities kept pulling her out of her trance.


She always taught herself not to jump into cliffs quickly, and that she should always look around this particular cliff first before happily and securely hopping on to them, and by cliff meaning, whatever that was making her heart to – thump thump.


To which, unfortunately wasn’t still registering in her mind.


Yoona looked like a complete weirdo while driving, one moment she was smiling and the other frowning, but not for long as her cell phone buzzed for a call from Taeyon,




Clicking the answer button on her headset, she was quickly met with her unnie’s jumpy voice;


“ heeeyyy Yoonngg! “


“ aaeesshh “


Ouch goes Yoona’s eardrums


“ yes unnie, what is it? “


“ I hope you don’t mind me and Soo being in your house for dinner “


Yoona panicked, what would she say about Kwon Yuri, she quickly searched around for an answer, which was met with an interruption from the other line.


“ I hope you don’t mind as well, but I think I’m …smitten…..”


“ what..?? “ as Yoona’s face scrunched up with all her unnie’s randomness and sudden change of heart and aegyoish voice, it was…gut puking for Yoona.


“ I hope you don’t mind that I wrote my number on your sister’s palm, I was supposed to write it on her glorious abs or maybe , but I was too shy to even look at her cute puppy eyes since we just met – “


“ – what???!! “ Yoona was shocked as heck, who? She never had siblings, and it scared her to even guess where Taeyon was now.


“ – you..really, Yoong, keeping such gorgeous piece of meat in your stash – “


“ wait! Unnie where are you right now??? “


Yoona mentally face palmed herself so many times, she already had a hunch where Taeyon and Sooyoung are; she just needed to hear it and perhaps give herself a heart attack for confirming it.


“ – at your pad “








That’s all for this chapter! See yah guys on the next Chapter, and do watch out on Taeyon’s hallucinations  - I mean smitten – I mean, harassments on the upcoming Chapter!

I’ll get to the replies after school, since I ran out of time, and I have to make my bro sleep – yes…, that’s a 27 year old man having trouble sleeping recently, I just have to be the elder(although I’m 23) and caring sis..kekeke, here and help him sleep, by whatsoever I can do. Until next time! LOVE YOU NEW READERS, SUBSCRIBERS SOO MUCH!!!

And for those who want to order some of the said books here online;

Dating for Dummies, or overly attached Dog and Master Dating rule book – Yoona and Mario version

Ninja Moves – by Taeyon Kim

The way of the Samurai – by Taeyon Kim

Food after food after food after food – by Choi Sooyoung

You can contact me through my cell or landline; +96651***** and landline 0216*****. Nyahhhhahhaha! I almost gave out the real ones, and yeah, whoever has the same area codes, probably knows where am at.

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Done ~ Chap 6 is up! now to kill the cat that pissed inside my room ~


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theredangelnot #1
Chapter 16: hi my favorite author-nim~ I'll bother you again~ keke
no problem I'll try to be more talkative and post comments on all your fics keke~
don't worry the wait is worth it~
ahh finally the fight is over i miss the fluffy moments of Master Yoong and Pupppy Yul~
their moments are so asdfghgf Yoongmantic ;A;
okie dokie~ I'll wait for you there :3
oh this pic reminds me of this fic Master Yoong and mario~ lol
ynyltroiper #2
Chapter 16: yuupeee...finally an update..n this chapter is great as usual...thanks for the update..n pleasee..update soon kekekeke...^^
Trackstar #3
Chapter 16: Yuri say yes to yoona's proposal? What kind of proposal actually is it?
KM_3451 #4
Yeay yuri say yes kekeke.. So cute tho yoong appease yuri by proposing kekeke
megaflare9 #5
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! LAUGHING BANSHEE AND MOODY B1TCH!!! LOVE YAH! I saw u typing this a while ago BTW lol.
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~ ^^
Do you know who i am? Make a guess, make a guess~ kekeke
clue: "le-not-so-byun-type" hahaha

More taeri moments juseyo lol byuntaeng doesn't know how to give up huh ;))
Yoona you're not straight, you don't have to hide it to your mother.
Your gf is a one hot dawgy.(sup dawg) :p JFC. poor puppy yul <//3

btw thanks for the update~