Chapter 4

My Puppy :3


Chapter 4

Sorry bout the delay guys, author was supposed to update earlier, like in the weekend, last weekend, but she got sick and had just recovered yesterday, but was pulled into a family reunion and so and so kekeke. THANKS FOR THE LOVE, STILL, GUYS!







Goes the continuous harsh weather,


“ – mo “


Goes someone who barely talks –


Yoona felt her slowly constricting and heart melting from another ‘– mo’, last time she heard the same undecipherable word from Yuri was when she kissed her – she was obviously shocked and flattered at that time, but this time Yuri’s gradually becoming  fuzzy infamous ‘ – mo ‘ was that of a frightened individual.


As another loud thunder stretched out the sky,




Yuri scurries a lot tighter on Yoona’s embrace, hiding her face – no burying her face on Yoona’s chest and neck.


Weird and awkward wasn’t part of Yoona’s feeling bank anymore, who could think of even declining to such an adorable creature such as Kwon Yuri, who voluntarily scampers unto to you – but again – ding! Goes Yoona’s conscience, she’s not taking advantage of such a situation and personality now does she? – ‘ uggghh – ‘ she shook her ridiculous thoughts away, cause she never even though of something so obscure at the time she took Yuri in – well abruptly though.


Her morality struck in when she saw Yuri, outside, seemingly exhausted and out of help, and at the very moment, she is almost as the same, and so Yoona is only acting in kindness and ethics, as she finally concluded, she nodded in her thoughts and patted Yuri’s back.


“ there there “


“ it’s okay I’m here with you “ comforting while whispering as gentle as possible unto Yuri’s ears.


Mario tilted his head, seemingly weirded out at the scene, ironic scene, remembering that it was him all the time who was in Yoona’s arms during these catastrophes.


Only a couple of silent minutes passed, as Yoona thought it would get a bit more peaceful in the atmosphere, but no –






Goes the ‘oh so wonderful and considerate’ weather.


 To which made the scampering Pup squeeze into her more, making Yoona panic at her reaction.


“ – it’s’s’s okay “ as she hastily said while rubbing Yuri’s back.


Yoona was running out of ideas on pacifying her gigantic puppy, and there goes the –








“ damn it, why now! “ said the frustrated Yoona, also the interrupted author/narrator.


“ – mo “ as Yuri began saying it in a whimper, almost as a dog does it.


“ it’’’sokay.I’m right here “


As Yoona thought she was getting hopeless with how the weather is just too friendly tonight, and how she is supposed to finish her homeworks with Yuri turning her into a hurricane shelter, she patted Yuri’s head then massaged her ears, just as how she does it with Mario, when they’re in their playful mode.




Shock initially and later on awe, at how Yuri’s anxious shoulders quickly calmed down and her rigorous breathing tuning down as well.


Yoona tilted her head to see if Yuri was still awake, she was still awake, fluttering her awe – taking eyes at her and giving her a questioning head tilt as well.


Shocked once again, but subtly, goes Yoona’s confused feeling, at Yuri’s quick change of aura, a minute ago she was scampering for her life, and now it was as if nothing happened, but Yoona made sure she was still caressing Yuri’s ears; gently squeezing them with her thumb and index finger as if kneading a very delicate dough.


Well who wouldn’t say Kwon Yuri is a very delicate dough? – okay enough, double sided comments from the, oh so innocent author – kekeke.


If Yoona could see a cute smoke puff out of Yuri’s mouth from the relief of her ear kneading, then she would have –


“ mo…. “


Yoona let out a giggle, “ you sure say a that a lot …. “


How cute…


Yuri had her eyes closed in serenity after a whole session of ear kneading, unbeknownst to the baker and masseur Yoona, that she already fell asleep on her chest.


Mario as well, who was looking for warmth squeezed on the duo’s somewhat entangled legs.


After a few more moments of uncared for closeness with her guest pup Yuri, Yoona had let out a yawn, and as if everything was coincidental, the weather seemed to have yawned as well.


“ – it stopped? “


“ owie my back “ whispered Yoona, quietly straightening her back, obviously ached from Yuri’s weight.


Even after all the stress of calming Yuri’s puppily similar fears and anxiousness, Yoona had only smirked in awe, as she carefully placed Yuri on a throw pillow from her sofa, and finally noticing the two sleeping fluffballs on her living room carpet.


It’s just like seeing her two most prized possessions; Yoona scrunched her brow at her thoughts, not wanting to admit any potent affection to Yuri yet, obviously from her emotional walls not wanting to be pulled down yet.   


But isn’t taking her – in, and looking after all her needs, eating, sleeping, and comfort, part of her walls being naturally torn down?


Yoona let out a stressed sigh; she didn’t want to overthink things yet.


She walked towards her bedroom and almost immediately plopped on her bed.



= = = =

Thunder and lightning echoing through out a seemingly endless room, fear and awe quickly struck the only presence at present,


Looking around with a very anxious breathing, suddenly voices struck along with the frightening atmosphere.


“ don’t…..please…..just don’t….force yourself “


“ where?! – where do you think this is going by the way? “


“ and why? “


Gradually recognizing the voice’s identity, it only added to the presences’ fear,


“ why….. ? “


“ tell meee? “


The voice was slowly trembling, from seeming outpouring of emotions, one with tears


“ I ..AM ..suffocating …. “


A pause from the echoes, and sobbing came after shortly,


“ …I have ..needs well… “


“ have you ..ever…thought of ..them? “


It was cutting in the presences’ heart so much, hearing a particular voice they wanted to hear for so long, and they just couldn’t take such memories, which made them shook their head vigorously, attempting to remove such thoughts,


“ please…… “


“ please ……. “


“ I beg of you…… “


“ think ….about me for once…. “


The latter nodded, but with tears pouring profusely down their cheeks while their breathing slowly became irregular;


“ and let …me go…. “


“ Kwon Yuri … “



= = = =



Birds chirping, a few morning noises from vehicles and people passing by was Yoona hoping for, but no, this time around, it was one of Mario’s eerie and odd wheezing.


Alarmed, Yoona quickly shot up from her bed and jogged towards the living room where she remember leaving the two pups alone, not even with her bed – hair.


Arriving at the carpet area of the living room, she was alarmed to find only one pup, which was the real furball.


“ Mario? Where’s…..? “


“ Yuri? “


And as if the dog could answer her question, Yoona even crouched at eye level with Mario and asked the same question.


Which was replied with a couple of dog weeping, Yoona had known Mario for a while now, and she clearly understands what the means, or how he feels,


He was evidently sad, making Yoona worry as heck.


She immediately looked around her house, with her heart beating fast as she moved from room to room, even going as ridiculous as peeking under nooks that only toddlers or dogs would hide into, unfortunately, there was no trace of Yuri anywhere.


She ended up in the living room again, where she last saw her, and where Mario is at the moment,


A gradual wave of unexplained sadness began to flow into her heart, what is this?


Why should she be sad? She barely even knows her? What was there connection or relationship in the first place? – nothing.


Just mere guest and host,


Her saddened gaze turned to Mario, who was wagging his tail at her, and suddenly she stared at her hands, hands that knead Yuri’s ears to sleep and serenity.


“ Mario, here sniff this “ stretching her hands out to Mario’s supernatural talented nose.




“ good boy “


“ you recognize who that is right? – I want you to look for her “


Bark! Bark! Bark!


Mario quickly ran outside, using the canine door, Yoona finally let out a relieved smile, as she watched her dog ran swiftly away from her house.


Scratch her overly secured emotions, she needs to find her now, she needs to follow what naturally came into her heart.



= = = =


“ where could she be….. ? “


After almost an hour of worrying, it was now doubled, as Mario hasn’t even returned, and the ‘oh so wonderful’ weather was at it’s ‘nicest or should I say hospitable’ attitude again, dark clouds slowly clustering into each other, and the dreaded seemingly titan stomps are echoing once again throughout the skies.


Yoona’s heart was beating so much it could pop out of her rib cage from the doubled uneasiness.


“ Mario…..Yuri…….where are you two? “


She paced back and forth in front of her main door, contemplating.


Stomach empty, hair unkempt, generally still drowsy, Yoona ran into her bedroom and made a quick brush and wash of her face and teeth, before wearing a coat and rushing to her main door carrying an umbrella.


Reaching her front yard, she looked around trying to reminisce where Mario ran off to.


After only a minute of reminiscing she thanked her brain for printing the on her mind, but no thanks to the weather as it went;






If Yoona had time to roll her eyes, she would have, but she was overwhelmed with so much worry to even do such a thing.


She paced carefully around her neighborhood looking for her Puppies; careful not to slip from the drenched paths and careful enough to spot them quickly.


Every glance at every nook of the neighborhood, was equated with a ton of thoughts and skip beats from Yoona, her thoughts were not helping at all, neither was her heartbeats, they were only making her more physically and emotionally unstable.


Why did I let them go? Did I even let them go? Who let them go? What could have happened to them? I never should have let them go? Please – please – please – you two be alright – please….

Kwon Yuri why are you making me worry so much? And you Mario! You better have found her.



= = = =


Arriving at an outdoor playground, with it’s sandbox damp and everything else damp, Yoona stopped by it, remembering that Mario always loved chasing kids around the playground.


She looked around for a bit, everything was getting blurry, thanks to the weather again, from the rainfall, it made everything hazy in Yoona’s eyes.


Even her hearing was temporarily impaired, credits to the rainfall again.


But a sudden urge to call out Mario’s name came to her –


“ Marrrioooo “


Her eyes shot up from a very familiar bark – Bark! (Yupppp, pretty monotonous – keke )


She immediately looked around the playground, and within just a cycle of breaths, she spotted Mario’s golden fur, damped as heck.


“ Mario! “

Yoona called out and ran to him, not noticing what Mario sat beside, normally when she calls out to Mario, he run into anything just to get to her, but now, he wasn’t suddenly in the mood to go to such lengths.


“ Marriooo “


Arriving where Mario’s barks and hazy visuals, her heart skipped a beat from the sight.


It was who; she had been looking for all morning, sitting mentally and emotionally lifeless on the sand.


“ …Yuri… “


She covered Yuri’s already drenched body with an umbrella.


“ Yuri… “


Nothing, she was mentally absent.


“ please … “


She suddenly tilted her emotionless face.


“ please … … “


She was about to cover her ears when, Yoona’s last words gave her life.


“ don’t leave me like that. … “


It was as if a breath of life, blew into her heart, electrocuting and rejuvenating her lifeless self upon hearing such words from Yoona, and when she though Yoona was just a stranger who obliged herself to care, she was wrong.


Yoona held her face gently upwards and looked at her sincerely in the eyes.


“ don’t ……please… “


A connection of words that stabbed her thoughts and bled her heart was turned around by a total stranger.




Returns for the love that had been posted! J


Kekek, love your comments guys, it gives me more tinkering with my fic, hope I still get some more pitch – ins from you guys love you all!


@illy12020530 – THANKS BUD! Kekeke, do watch out for more interactions, I’ll be sure to give out more! As long as you guys keep showing my fic some love! Kekekke.


@ice – dancer – hahhahah! I don’t mind what you call your annoying rant, for me it’s a comment full of fundamental support and love! Thanks aaa whole lot for that! *claps like a seal from happiness.


@dearyoong123 – eeheyey, sure sure I’ll be updating this as much as I can, thanks for the comment and support new reader!


@yoonyulyan12530 – hey there again! yup, a bit of history? Or pov is shown here…, kekke, hope it helps clear your question, or …. I dunno, but thanks for the comment and love!


@ususe_iil – aaawww hahahhaha, I love your question? comment? Kekeke, it’s such a cute pitch in actually? But…, we’ll see what she really is…kekekke. Thanks for the support drop dude, you’re awesome! ;)


@KumaKey88 – eeey, thanks for the comment! Kekekke so short but so cute – having two puppies, one literal and meta kekkekeke! J


@NeyryAki – heeloooooo, hahahah! Don’t worry I won’t abandon this! I love YoonYul too much to do so, but I can’t guarantee earlier updates okay? Hehehe, sorry bout that, but thanks for the support, I thought It wouldn’t be liked by some readers so much cause of it’s title and plot kekkee, thanks for keeping me going ~


@ariane143_nget – ahahaha, how adorable, you’re smileys speak for your face somehow kekekke, thanks for the extra effort of the smileys, thanks aja to me and you, take care as well ~


@F1e_4pple – woooooow! Awesomeeeee dear reader and subscriber! Kekekek, THANKS for taking your time and effort for commenting separately and profoundly, *bows, kekek.

Let me see..thanks for liking the oddness or variation of this fic, and thanks for liking my writing kekeke *blushes, *quickly looses blush, aiiigoooo don’t call me unnie, although I am to you in fact, I just don’t wanna sound old…..kekekekkeke!  hahahahhahah, sorry bout your diabetes? Kekekke, I’ll be sure to send you some meds for it along with your book order…! Hahhahahah yupppp…, one “ Food after food after food after food “ for you dear reader.. bwahhahah! I never thought someone would bite my offer hahahhaha! Don’t worry I wrote down a bit of Yuri’s history in this chap! Hope it helps answer those questions flying in your mind ~, and thanks and thanks and thanks! Paws and Paws and Paws! I'll try offering you a book bout Paws too! kekekeke thanks! For the immense love and support, hope to interact with you more!, and I just accepted your friend request! Kekeke, thanks new friend and reader and subscriber!

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Done ~ Chap 6 is up! now to kill the cat that pissed inside my room ~


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theredangelnot #1
Chapter 16: hi my favorite author-nim~ I'll bother you again~ keke
no problem I'll try to be more talkative and post comments on all your fics keke~
don't worry the wait is worth it~
ahh finally the fight is over i miss the fluffy moments of Master Yoong and Pupppy Yul~
their moments are so asdfghgf Yoongmantic ;A;
okie dokie~ I'll wait for you there :3
oh this pic reminds me of this fic Master Yoong and mario~ lol
ynyltroiper #2
Chapter 16: yuupeee...finally an update..n this chapter is great as usual...thanks for the update..n pleasee..update soon kekekeke...^^
Trackstar #3
Chapter 16: Yuri say yes to yoona's proposal? What kind of proposal actually is it?
KM_3451 #4
Yeay yuri say yes kekeke.. So cute tho yoong appease yuri by proposing kekeke
megaflare9 #5
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! LAUGHING BANSHEE AND MOODY B1TCH!!! LOVE YAH! I saw u typing this a while ago BTW lol.
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~ ^^
Do you know who i am? Make a guess, make a guess~ kekeke
clue: "le-not-so-byun-type" hahaha

More taeri moments juseyo lol byuntaeng doesn't know how to give up huh ;))
Yoona you're not straight, you don't have to hide it to your mother.
Your gf is a one hot dawgy.(sup dawg) :p JFC. poor puppy yul <//3

btw thanks for the update~