
Chapter 7.

“This stupid fashionista… This shirt must match with my leather pants~” I complained as I imitated Minwoo’s voice.

I was on a duty to fetch Minwoo his leather pants which were left in Hyesung’s house. Hence, I jumped into a cab from SBS building all the way to Hyesung’s house. The fact that the time given to me for accomplishing this mission was only 30 minutes made me S-T-R-E-SS! It was obviously not my job to do that, but I was apparently the one with less duty among the workers.

“Grr…” I grumbled as I wondered who on Earth would leave his pants in other people’s house. Shinhwa members are not even living together in a dorm anymore. It just sounds so wrong to me…

Without me knowing, the cab had arrived at the front door of Hyesung’s condominium.

I followed the address written by Minwoo on a piece of paper, and stumbled upon a door. Before ringing the doorbell, I could feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach. “What is it…?” I questioned myself. I’m definitely not on the way to give a speech to thousands of audience, yet I felt a sudden anxiety.

I guess I was not worrying for nothing… The door in front of me was not locked at all! Someone must have forgotten to lock it before leaving the house. With a tipping of my finger, the door was wide opened, as if it was welcoming me.

It seemed like no one was in the house. There was the leather pants placed on the coffee table. I guess Minwoo contacted Hyesung about it beforehand. I grabbed the pants and thought for a moment whether I shall lock the door before I leave.

Bada… It sounds like something has fallen to the ground. Then it followed by some rustling sound. It was from one of the room from my left hand side.

Wait… could it be… burglar? If so, it makes sense that the door was unlocked! I frantically glanced around and decided to grab along an umbrella, which can be found right beside the main entrance. I just knew I need it for security reasons.

Yeah, I have to check that out… The atmosphere gave me a strange vibe, in which I could not bear it without getting an answer to this anxiety I was suffering from. I carefully moved my feet towards the rooms, afraid of letting out any noise.

Swoosh…… As the rustling sounds ended, the splashing sound of water joined in.

Without hesitating much, I speeded to the washroom, which had a sign of ‘wc’ hanging on its door. From the half-opened door, I could see the bathtub was filled with too much of water that it started to overflow and flooded the floor.

So… is it just someone has forgotten to turn off the running pipe…? I was about to let out a relieved sigh, but no…

As I slide opened the door, I saw Hyesung was fully immersed in the bathtub, unconsciously.

“Hyesung-sshi!!” I called, yet there was no answer.

He may appear feminine, but he definitely weighed like a man. I tried my best to lift him sitting up in the bathtub. Nonetheless, I failed to evacuate him from the bathtub.

Seeing part of the water was dyed pale red, I realized there were cuts on his left wrist. This person indeed tried to suicide… All I could do was unplugging the drain stopper and let the water flow. I was not courageous enough to check out his breathing with my trembling fingers.

On the ground, there was a blade together with his cellphone, which was drenched wet. I do not know why, but I picked up the cellphone and wiped away the liquid, to make sure it still works. Thank goodness, it was working.

The next thing I realized I was doing was looking up at the contact list. I contacted Eric. I guess I was more than alert. I called him because he probably was the only one nearest and care the most about this suicidal idiot.

As I heard the call was picked up, I almost speak Chinese into the phone. However, I managed to arrange the words came into my mind in Korean at that very moment, “Eric-sshi… in Hyesung house… He’s bleeding… unconscious… No one here… Come… Quick…”

Eric must have been on the way while I was holding Hyesung’s hands. I did my best to warm his icy cold hands, and if only right now I were given a wish to be fulfilled by the Genie, I will sincerely wish this person will not die, not in front of my eyes.

He cannot die for that b*tch... It is just way too unworthy.

I just hate Shinhwa, the most troublesome boy group ever! I just know how much I dislike Shinhwa as I could feel a drop of tears rolled down my cheek.


I turned my head to find Eric was standing behind of me, with that miserable look.

I handed him Hyesung. He rested in his arms, remained unconscious.

“Yah, Jung Pilkyo… I’m right here… Don’t worry…” He whispered into his ears, as he hugged the man for a second, before he hurriedly carried him on his back.

Without delaying anymore seconds, Eric sprinted. I never expect Eric to be such athletic, while I almost sprained my ankles a couple of times as I tried to catch up his footsteps.

From time to time, he would whisper something to the guy lying on his back, “Hyesung ah… We’re on the way to hospital, don’t worry…”

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Updated. Special thanks to my readers, subscribers, commenters & voters. Kamsahamida!


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rinonori #1
Chapter 8: Oh.. i just read your story. At first it looks normal pov from a normal girl outside shinhwa idolising lives. But step by step the emotion get involved... and that attracts me the most. I really really like your story. And also nicely written... smoothly flowing. Thanks a bunch for writing this. I subscribed :)
aora1234 #2
Chapter 8: Kyaaa... Keep it coming... Hyesung, please be good to Eric. He is just too lovable and precious. Jebal...^^
Chapter 8: Hiks hiks heart hurt for you..
Where I can find this perfect guy author-nim?
shinjaejong #4
Chapter 8: OMO...Hyesung get well soon...dont worry too much Eric will protect you...

Fighting Author-nim!!!
Chapter 8: Woah! Daebak authornim-sshi! ^^ I usually don't like stories where is someone who works with Shinhwa members and then talks about them in her POV but wow I have been a fool. :D Now I read two stories that are like that. Some random girls POV. :) FIGHTING!
P.S. I don't usually like that someone in Shinhwa falls for a girl, even tho that's really really normal and what they really would do in their real life. Minwoo obviously likes Mika. :)
shinjaejong #6
Chapter 7: Oh my! Why Hyesung you always get hurt...and my hear is hurting too>>>

Fighting Author-nim!!!
Aja aja...
aora1234 #7
Now I can sense Ricsyung's ahead... Look forward for more.
Chapter 7: OMG, that !!! I wanna kill her!!! Seriously, i wanna kill her... Even in the fic only, i wanna kill her... It'l be great if Eric can find that and then grab all of her money as well, giving paybacks of what she had done to Hyesung, living her penniless... Maybe get her into trial n lock her up for life... Sorry, this is just me spurting hate.. Anyway, i like the way you told the story from the third party, n i kinda hoping Minwoo will be together with this taiwanese girl... Hhahaa...
Chapter 7: omg! FINALLY FINISHED THIS STORY IN ONE GO! Waaah! Waiting for the next update!!!!! :O Stupid Hyesung ah! You should've listened to Eric.
KarliCM #10