
Chapter 4.

As expected, Minwoo’s party was held at a classy pub. I wore the only dress which I could find in my closet. Yet, I still thought I was underdressed. Other girls were so well-dressed that they totally deserve the red carpet.

Of course, not to say, I was completely lost to those female celebrities who are invited, especially Lee Hyori, she was a diva. Besides Lee Hyori, there was barely any other celebrity that I can name. In fact, I was pretty ignorant to the entertainers in Korea.

The DJ was nodding to the loud music that drummed into my ears and raced my heartbeat. To be honest, I was rather annoyed, since I’m not a party person. I do not know how to dance and I do not even drink. I find it hard to enjoy in the pub. I was all bored at the corner table with two fellow colleagues, who were probably half-conscious after drinking the alcohol. They were barely yelling while playing kai bai bo (scissor rock paper) with one another.

Just when I planned to contact Hyomi, who was probably hanging around in the same place as I was, I sensed someone was coming to my way.

Unexpectedly, Minwoo, the birthday star, walked to our table. At last I get to see this person. I did not even have the chance to greet him yet, although I arrived for almost an hour already.

“Minwoo-sshi! Happy birthday!!” I shook his hand and greeted.

“Thanks! Why are you sitting here alone… with two drunkards… Let’s go to my table!” He said.

Go to your table? Are you crazy? The table with Junjin, Andy, Hyesung, Eric, Lee Hyori, and some-other-handsome-and-gorgeous-looking-celebrities-that-I-can’t-name-them…

“N-no… I’ll just stay here.” I smiled awkwardly and grabbed my glass of champagne to take a sip.

“Mika-sshi, do you treat me as oppa?”

“Y-yea…” Although I was still not used to calling anyone ‘oppa’, of course an elder brother is oppa...

“Hyesungie and Dongwannie are so lovey dovey with their girls. It’s my birthday today, give me a hand. Minwoo oppa also need a partner. Just pretend as my lover for today.” Minwoo forcefully pulled my hands to follow him to his seat.

I KNEW IT!! This person is not that kind at all. Why would he ever invite me to this party? I’m not Shinhwa’s fan or close friend, obviously… This is conspiracy!!

Although I was all unhappy, I had no choice, for the sake of my career. Sigh.

That table was placed with an extra-large sofa; where there were only the five members of Shinhwa and the partner of Dongwan and Hyesung. To my disappointment, there was no more Lee Hyori or other famous celebrities.

As I glanced through all their faces, the two girls are gorgeous beauty… Dongwan’s girl looks way too young. This guy doesn’t consider age difference, does he?

Hyesung’s girl looks exactly the same as the photo in the newspaper. She does give me the feeling of a femme fatale.

“Kids, this is my girl.” Minwoo introduced me.

I nodded my head politely to each and every one of them. I even smiled like I really was happy. I realized I was way too talented that I should have enrolled in acting academy when I was young. I should have offered a Daesang awards on this.

“She is Mika Chen, from Taiwan.”

“Hyung, isn’t she’s one of our cody…?” Andy pointed out.

“Yes! She is!” Minwoo happily ran his fingers through Andy’s hair, “Yah, our Andy has real good memory.”

The six men were chatting among themselves. First, they were praising Hyesung’s girlfriend beautiful features. I noticed Eric was quite uninterested in the topic though. Then, they praised Dongwan’s girlfriend too, on her innocent look. And then, they decided to talk about me.

“Minwoo-hyung, can you please tell us the story of you two?” Junjin prompted.

I held back my laughter. What kind of story do we have…? LOL.

“When I first saw her, she gave me a feeling that, she is different. Of course, she’s not Korean, so she looked slightly different from us. When she speaks, sometimes her broken Korean really made my day. As time passed by, I just realized I really like her.” Minwoo was staring at me as he told.

I tried not to look back to him. This is not a time to laugh off… This is awkward.

Yet, I have to face it anyway.

I forced a smile, “That’s right… but I’ve heard oppa’s ideal type is fat girl?? Am I really that fat?”

“Nooo! I never said that!!” Minwoo stuttered and hurriedly grabbed a piece of cheese cake from the table and shoved to me, “You’re too thin. So… now I’m going to feed you until you’re fat.”

I let out a deep sigh and took the piece of cake over. I doubted Minwoo really meant what he said a while ago. No matter what, I felt I was being fooled.

Right when I dug my spoon into the cheese cake, Hyesung halted me, “Mika-sshi… T-this is the cake for my girlfriend, if you don’t mind…”

He gently took away the piece of cake, which was supposed to help me gain my weight.

The legendary beauty got hold of the cake with a confused look.

Dongwan whispered, “Don’t tell me you’re doing it today…”

“Ah…” As the beauty continued eating, an enormous diamond ring was found in the piece of cake.

As Dongwan expected, he was quite disappointed with that old trick of proposal, but at the same time, he looked jealous. On the other hand, Eric’s eye was indeed on fire. No joke. He was staring at the diamond ring, and glared at Hyesung’s girl in a disgusted way.

“This is…” she murmured.

Hyesung kneeled. He proposed. He really proposed, with that diamond ring, the one Eric tried to steal! Hyesung wanted to propose to her in front of Eric??

Eric was tightly holding his fists, to the extent that I could hear cracking sound of the bones. I swear I sensed danger. If only he was staring at me with that look, I would have search for the exit immediately.

“Will you marry me?”

The beauty shyly smiled and lightly raised her fingers to him. The ring fitted into her ring finger. It happened before my eyes. When the sweet couple was happily looking into each other’s eyes, Eric finally slapped the table and left his seat.

“Where are you going??” Minwoo tried to stop him.

“Smoke...” He answered coldly.

Minwoo calmed the situation and said, “I’m sure he doesn’t mean it. Let’s celebrate it!”

“Congrats!!” Everyone circled the table and cheered.

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Updated. Special thanks to my readers, subscribers, commenters & voters. Kamsahamida!


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rinonori #1
Chapter 8: Oh.. i just read your story. At first it looks normal pov from a normal girl outside shinhwa idolising lives. But step by step the emotion get involved... and that attracts me the most. I really really like your story. And also nicely written... smoothly flowing. Thanks a bunch for writing this. I subscribed :)
aora1234 #2
Chapter 8: Kyaaa... Keep it coming... Hyesung, please be good to Eric. He is just too lovable and precious. Jebal...^^
Chapter 8: Hiks hiks Eric-ah..my heart hurt for you..
Where I can find this perfect guy author-nim?
shinjaejong #4
Chapter 8: OMO...Hyesung get well soon...dont worry too much Eric will protect you...

Fighting Author-nim!!!
Chapter 8: Woah! Daebak authornim-sshi! ^^ I usually don't like stories where is someone who works with Shinhwa members and then talks about them in her POV but wow I have been a fool. :D Now I read two stories that are like that. Some random girls POV. :) FIGHTING!
P.S. I don't usually like that someone in Shinhwa falls for a girl, even tho that's really really normal and what they really would do in their real life. Minwoo obviously likes Mika. :)
shinjaejong #6
Chapter 7: Oh my! Why Hyesung you always get hurt...and my hear is hurting too>>>

Fighting Author-nim!!!
Aja aja...
aora1234 #7
Now I can sense Ricsyung's ahead... Look forward for more.
Chapter 7: OMG, that !!! I wanna kill her!!! Seriously, i wanna kill her... Even in the fic only, i wanna kill her... It'l be great if Eric can find that and then grab all of her money as well, giving paybacks of what she had done to Hyesung, living her penniless... Maybe get her into trial n lock her up for life... Sorry, this is just me spurting hate.. Anyway, i like the way you told the story from the third party, n i kinda hoping Minwoo will be together with this taiwanese girl... Hhahaa...
Chapter 7: omg! FINALLY FINISHED THIS STORY IN ONE GO! Waaah! Waiting for the next update!!!!! :O Stupid Hyesung ah! You should've listened to Eric.
KarliCM #10