

Chapter 5.


A sudden loud noise stopped the progressing motion of the crew. We were all stoned while looking at each other’s response. Andy and Junjin were whispering, to which I supposed they were discussing about what the noise was. Dongwan was on a phone call, in which he did not notice the awkward situation at all.

Before I have the chance to even out the foundation markings on Minwoo’s face, he shifted to the next door. As I was worried with my undone job, I followed him to the next door.

He swung opened the door. There were random items cluttered on the ground. To his expectation, Eric and Hyesung were both in the room, staring at each other fierily, like they’re going to kill each other any second afterwards. Minwoo remained calm, as if he was so adapted to such situations. However, I was too shocked.

“Again?” Minwoo asked. The two remained silent.

“Since when did you two best friend relationship became like this? When? Why? Say it out!! What exactly happened between you two??!” He was frustrated.

“Nothing happen ya, Minwoo, you go away.” Eric said.

All of a sudden, Minwoo’s heart rate rose up, and I estimated it had surpassed the other two’s heart rate. He sounded more upset than anybody.

“Go away? You two are getting in my way yah, you punk!” He slammed the door in my face, and began yelling.

I had no choice but remained at the outside.

“I DON’T CARE WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU TWO! SHINHWA IS NOT LIKE THIS!!” That easily angered Minwoo yelled like there is no need for the invention of microphone.

It was all I can hear after the door was closed before my eyes.

It was right before they perform their stage at Inkigayo. Girl’s Day Minah was emcee of the day. Sadly enough, there were only three members entertaining the videographer. After a quick interview with Junjin, Andy and Dongwan, who were remained at the dressing room, Minah left with a slightly unconvinced look. That must be because of the disappearance of the other three members.

The managers were urged to knock on the other room, where the other three members were having a serious discussion in.

“Hyung, Eric hyung… Minwoo hyung… Hyesung hyung…! It’s almost Shinhwa’s turn now!” The visual of the managers, Kim Bogeun, was knocking on the door with his weak knuckles.

Is there no any other manager who is willing to help? This is the weakest guy I met in Korea. I was speechless as I watched Bogeun tried his best to shout, as he pleaded them to get out of the room.

Hyun Taehak, Hyesung’s manager, appeared out of nowhere, and slapped his palm on the door several times. Then he rapidly left the crime scene.

That was loud enough, because Minwoo immediately showed up after that, with smeared make up on his face. I guess that was not the result of being punched or slapped. Before entering that room, his face really does looked like being pranked by some kids, with uneven foundation on his face.

“Ah, my makeup!” Minwoo finally remembered he was the only one unprepared, “How? Shall I appear without eyeliner?”

“It’s okay, I’ll be quick.” I painted his eyes with two swipe of eye shadow. Right… No eyeliner for Minwoo today, it’s too time-consuming.

Although Eric and Hyesung probably had a long talk, there was still silence between them.

I did not dare to watch their stage performance. It was exactly a nightmare. Hyesung was totally emotionless throughout the show; while Eric was like a zombie, which did not sleep for days. Andy and Junjin would infrequently check out Eric and Hyesung’s facial expression. There was only Dongwan, the smiling angel, performing whole-heartedly with a bright smile. Anyway, the worst is Minwoo’s eye makeup; it was kind of hilarious to me. There’s no way I can enjoy the performance.

“Yah, Mika, come here!” Minwoo called me over as soon as the performance ended.

“What’s with this makeup?? I feel like I’m G-Dragon right now.” He complained as he felt disgusted by his heavy eye shadow makeup while staring into the mirror.

I shoved the makeup remover sheet to him immediately, “To be honest, now that I see your heavy makeup look with my own pair of eyes, I’m very much convinced now that I wish to work under Big Bang…”

He stared at me, “Seriously? What did you just say??”

“N-nothing…” I grinned, “I-I said, it’s my honor to work with Shinhwa!”

“But if you really wish to, oppa will try my best help you.” He wiped his eyelid.

His offer made me speechless for a moment.

Still, I came to the sense that I must reject his offer, “No, I was just saying. I will work for Shinhwa, really.”

As a makeup artist, I admire celebrity with high fashion sense. Not to mention, the trendiest fashion icon in Korea is either Big Bang or 2NE1. I was not joking when I mentioned Big Bang earlier. I bet many would pay to cooperate with Big Bang too.


Ding Dong.

Probably it was just Hyomi visiting to my house during that late hour. To my expectation, I swung opened the door to encounter the girl in her sports outfit. She was carrying two cups of noodles, which probably was bought from the convenient store nearby.

“What is it? Visiting me at this time?”

“Shinhwa oppa have been busy and you’re not in the company these days. I need to talk to you about something.” She said, as she handed me one cup of the noodles, which looked steaming hot that I doubted I shall accept it.

As she was impatiently waiting for me to take it over, she placed it on the small coffee table. She then handed me a crumpled paper that she kept in her pocket to me. And start slurping the noodles.

It’s a flyer, that promoting a condominium.

“What? I told you that I need to move to a better room, and you’re giving me this? I can never afford to buy this!” I jumped, “I thought I’ve told you, I can only rent a room, a room slightly bigger than this would be nice!”

She had filled with noodles that she could not answer me.

I was slightly annoyed, “Are you mocking me?”

“N-NO! Of course not!! Unnie, give me a chance to explain…” She chewed for a second and said, “One of the owner in this condo is putting up a room for rent.”

I paused a while, “Oh… how is it?”

“Good. Totally perfect! It may be slightly expensive than this rate you’re paying right now, but it’s worth it! Some more, it comes with the nicest view of Seoul city from the windows!!” She showed me a thumbs up.

“Wow… Hyomi zzang!” Generously, I gave her a hug.

“Unnie, enough, I’m suffocating…” she hit me on my back until I let go of her.

“By the way…” she stuffed mouthful of noodles into , and started chewing while talking, “I came all the way not because of this though…”

To be honest, I was quite dumbfounded at how graceless this person is when she’s not in public places…

“What is it then…?”

“I saw Shin Hyesung while I went to the condominium. Shocking, right?!! He’s with her girlfriend planning to buy the condominium there!! Seriously!!”

“Buying condo??? Oh my gosh!” I’m not really sure since when I’m a gossiper. All of a sudden, I’m so trained to gossip with her.

“I just by chance witnessed Hyesung oppa signed the contract. He is so serious with this girl… I’m heartbreak now…” She sobbed as she drank up her cup of noodles.

“Unnie, you’re not eating right, do you mind…?” Before I even respond, she grabbed over my cup of noodles and began eating.

“They are getting married seriously. Buy a home. Live together. Having babies…” She whimpered as she was overeating, “Do you know that I’m so regret now that I liked Shin Hyesung the most?”

“I know…” Patted on her shoulder, I consoled the girl, as I can see imaginary tears flowing out from her eyes.

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Updated. Special thanks to my readers, subscribers, commenters & voters. Kamsahamida!


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rinonori #1
Chapter 8: Oh.. i just read your story. At first it looks normal pov from a normal girl outside shinhwa idolising lives. But step by step the emotion get involved... and that attracts me the most. I really really like your story. And also nicely written... smoothly flowing. Thanks a bunch for writing this. I subscribed :)
aora1234 #2
Chapter 8: Kyaaa... Keep it coming... Hyesung, please be good to Eric. He is just too lovable and precious. Jebal...^^
Chapter 8: Hiks hiks Eric-ah..my heart hurt for you..
Where I can find this perfect guy author-nim?
shinjaejong #4
Chapter 8: OMO...Hyesung get well soon...dont worry too much Eric will protect you...

Fighting Author-nim!!!
Chapter 8: Woah! Daebak authornim-sshi! ^^ I usually don't like stories where is someone who works with Shinhwa members and then talks about them in her POV but wow I have been a fool. :D Now I read two stories that are like that. Some random girls POV. :) FIGHTING!
P.S. I don't usually like that someone in Shinhwa falls for a girl, even tho that's really really normal and what they really would do in their real life. Minwoo obviously likes Mika. :)
shinjaejong #6
Chapter 7: Oh my! Why Hyesung you always get hurt...and my hear is hurting too>>>

Fighting Author-nim!!!
Aja aja...
aora1234 #7
Now I can sense Ricsyung's ahead... Look forward for more.
Chapter 7: OMG, that !!! I wanna kill her!!! Seriously, i wanna kill her... Even in the fic only, i wanna kill her... It'l be great if Eric can find that and then grab all of her money as well, giving paybacks of what she had done to Hyesung, living her penniless... Maybe get her into trial n lock her up for life... Sorry, this is just me spurting hate.. Anyway, i like the way you told the story from the third party, n i kinda hoping Minwoo will be together with this taiwanese girl... Hhahaa...
Chapter 7: omg! FINALLY FINISHED THIS STORY IN ONE GO! Waaah! Waiting for the next update!!!!! :O Stupid Hyesung ah! You should've listened to Eric.
KarliCM #10