

Chapter 1.

Slowly, the rain decreased its temptation to pour onto the Seoul city. The road, however, was still slippery. The speed of the cars on the road is abnormally unhurried. It was such a nice weather to hide in the blanket. Yet, reality is always cruel.

Not only I have to hurry myself to pack my makeup tools into the box in time, I have no breakfast to feed myself at all. I rushed myself to the company building, in half wet condition. My hairstyle was in a total mess. I used to like rainy days, but not anymore after this experience. The feeling of raindrops tickling around the roots of your hair is extremely irritating.

What to say, working in Korea, is really stressful, especially when I am a foreigner. I was not raised up being taught about the age differences or the manner to bow to the elder, or even just to greet anyone to appear friendly. However, whatever mood I am in, now, here in Korea, I have to nod my head, greet to almost whoever I see.

“What are you saying? Where is Mika? We have no enough hands to style up all these members’ hair in time!” The fiery manager of Shinhwa appeared to be very displeased.

I, who arrived, was afraid to show up, and only able to stood at the doorway, dumbfound.

“Mika!” said the cody colleague who was conversing with the manager, saw me at the doorway, “What are you waiting for? Hurry and work!”

“Yes. Sorry.” I had no choice but to bow 90 degrees to the manager all the way as I enter the room.

“Mika-sshi, what happened to your hair? It's all soaked!” Minwoo, who had his hair half-done by the hairstylist, had a glanced at the mirror in front of him and saw my visual condition, which was in total mess.

“It’s raining outside. Don't worry, it’s okay I look this way, but no matter what, Shinhwa have to look perfect.” I put on a smile and tried to cheer myself, as I looked for the right foundation colour for Minwoo.

“Mika-sshi, it’s my first time meeting such makeup cody,” Minwoo smirked.

I ignored that person who could only make my day worse with his childish remarks, and continue myself with the makeup process.


A sudden loud noise stopped the progressing motion of the crew. We were all stoned while looking at each other’s response. Andy and Junjin were whispering, to which I supposed they were discussing about what the noise was. Dongwan was on a phone call, in which he did not notice the awkward situation at all.

“Did Hyesungie and Eric fight again...? Aish…” Minwoo was too upset to sit in his chair. He was intended to move to next door and check out what happened.

“Minwoo, now is not the right time ya… You are the only one have not done with your makeup now…”

“Are you speaking informal language to me?” Minwoo turned to me.

“N-no…” I stuttered, “Sorry… you knew I’m from Taiwan… I’m still not familiar with that... formal and informality…”

Before I have the chance to even out the foundation markings on Minwoo’s face, he shifted to the next door. As I was worried with my undone job, I followed him to the next door.

He swung opened the door. There were random items cluttered on the ground. To his expectation, Eric and Hyesung were both in the room, staring at each other fierily, like they’re going to kill each other any second afterwards. Minwoo remained calm, as if he was so adapted to such situations. However, I was too shocked.

“Again?” Minwoo asked. The two remained silent.

“Since when did you two best friend relationship became like this? When? Why? Say it out!! What exactly happened between you two??!” He was frustrated.

“Nothing happen ya, Minwoo, you go away.” Eric said.

All of a sudden, Minwoo’s heart rate rose up, and I estimated it had surpassed the other two’s heart rate. He sounded more upset than anybody.

“Go away? You two are getting in my way yah, you punk!” He slammed the door in my face, and began yelling.

I had no choice but remained at the outside.

“I DON’T CARE WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU TWO! SHINHWA IS NOT LIKE THIS!!” That easily angered Minwoo yelled like there is no need for the invention of microphone.

It was all I can hear after the door was closed before my eyes.

If something must be told to get the answer for this situation, it must be during the time when Hyesung was rumored to have proposed to his girlfriend. Right when the newspaper was published, everyone was stunned by the pretty look of that girlfriend of Hyesung. And that, it made the news became a hot topic. Even I, a human who do not favour reading newspaper, heard the story while I was half-sleeping in the train.

“Did Shin Hyesung really proposed to this girl?” “No, but they are dating. And Shin Hyesung is spotted wearing a ring on his forth finger. Isn’t he hinting something?” Two high school girls sitting next to me were chirping.

“What did you just said?” I was shocked to the extent that I was not anymore sleepy… “Shinhwa? Shin Hyesung?”

“Yes, unnie. You’re Shinhwa Changjo, right? Unnie, our oppa have their lives too, let’s pray success to Shin Hyesung’s relationship, shall we?”

To be honest, I’m not Hyesung’s fan. He seems to be the pickiest out of the six members. I was just too surprised that I was not revealed to any rumor while I’m apparently working in the entertainment industry.

As Shinhwa’s makeup cody, I rarely get in contact with Shin Hyesung. Although I worked under Shinhwa, I specifically worked for Minwoo more as I was appointed to.

After I get off the train, I arrived at Shinhwa Company.

Usually, when scandals appeared in the newspaper, the office would become a mess. The managers would be busy protecting too much revelation of the celebrity to happen again. The stylists gathered at the discussion table, either chitchatting about it, or commenting on the fashion sense of their boss.

However, instead of the whole Shinhwa, Eric and Minwoo would be the most disturbed of those newspaper articles. In the half-tinted glassed meeting room, it looked like Eric and Minwoo were both having a serious discussion in the room quietly.

When the office turns into a mess, there’s a huge probability that I got nothing to do for that whole day, as most schedule of the two bosses would be canceled. I strolled into the rest area in search of coffee to keep myself out of boredom.

“Mika-unnie.” My fellow colleague, who works as secretary, walked to me with empty cups in her hands.

“Oh, Hyomi…” I greeted.

“I just served the two bosses the coffee. That situation you never want to get involve in… Urgh… Especially Eric-sshi, he’s like clouds gathering on top of his head. Besides that, I think I’ve answered more than 20 phone calls since the morning. I’ve just stopped because our President, Eirc-sshi ordered to not answer the phone today.”

“Daebak… If those two are not going to relax, there’s nothing else they can do for this…” I was confused with their stress.

“Mika-unnie, you’ll never understand this. You’re not Shinhwa Changjo, you do not know how much Eric treasures Hyesung.”

“Pffft, you fangirl…” I held back my laughter as I imagined her fantasies.

“But unnie, it’s not my fantasy. Once, I’ve heard Eric and Hyesung argued because Eric does not allow Hyesung to marry at this age. And, Eric wants to be the first to marry in Shinhwa.”

“And… that does not mean that Eric likes Hyesung… right??” I raised my eyebrow as I poured hot water into my cup.

“Right….” She pouted, “But that is the reason why Eric-sshi is now very gloomy. He probably felt hurt because Hyesung is going to make his move earlier this time.”

“Eish… that’s a way too childish thinking…” I shook my head as I stirred my cup of coffee.

“But… let’s not think it that way… Could it be Eric-sshi was just building a reason to halt Hyesung from being motivated to get married?”

I grinned from ear to ear. This girl really…

“Ei… you this little girl…” I laughed as I walked back to the group discussion table, where the cody crew gathered at.

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Updated. Special thanks to my readers, subscribers, commenters & voters. Kamsahamida!


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rinonori #1
Chapter 8: Oh.. i just read your story. At first it looks normal pov from a normal girl outside shinhwa idolising lives. But step by step the emotion get involved... and that attracts me the most. I really really like your story. And also nicely written... smoothly flowing. Thanks a bunch for writing this. I subscribed :)
aora1234 #2
Chapter 8: Kyaaa... Keep it coming... Hyesung, please be good to Eric. He is just too lovable and precious. Jebal...^^
Chapter 8: Hiks hiks Eric-ah..my heart hurt for you..
Where I can find this perfect guy author-nim?
shinjaejong #4
Chapter 8: OMO...Hyesung get well soon...dont worry too much Eric will protect you...

Fighting Author-nim!!!
Chapter 8: Woah! Daebak authornim-sshi! ^^ I usually don't like stories where is someone who works with Shinhwa members and then talks about them in her POV but wow I have been a fool. :D Now I read two stories that are like that. Some random girls POV. :) FIGHTING!
P.S. I don't usually like that someone in Shinhwa falls for a girl, even tho that's really really normal and what they really would do in their real life. Minwoo obviously likes Mika. :)
shinjaejong #6
Chapter 7: Oh my! Why Hyesung you always get hurt...and my hear is hurting too>>>

Fighting Author-nim!!!
Aja aja...
aora1234 #7
Now I can sense Ricsyung's ahead... Look forward for more.
Chapter 7: OMG, that !!! I wanna kill her!!! Seriously, i wanna kill her... Even in the fic only, i wanna kill her... It'l be great if Eric can find that and then grab all of her money as well, giving paybacks of what she had done to Hyesung, living her penniless... Maybe get her into trial n lock her up for life... Sorry, this is just me spurting hate.. Anyway, i like the way you told the story from the third party, n i kinda hoping Minwoo will be together with this taiwanese girl... Hhahaa...
Chapter 7: omg! FINALLY FINISHED THIS STORY IN ONE GO! Waaah! Waiting for the next update!!!!! :O Stupid Hyesung ah! You should've listened to Eric.
KarliCM #10