chapter 3

One Kiss and You Become Mine. *Editing*

“Should we eat breakfast before class? We’ve some spare time left,” Kyungsoo pointed at the canteen behind his back, the source of the yelling and laughing students, a buzzing spot.

“Yeah, sure,” Baekhyun shrugged, feeling slightly hungry as he looked at the food others were eating.

Both of them walked in silence ‘til they joined the line of students who were staring at the food stalled out in front of them. As Baekhyun grabbed trays for them, Kyungsoo turned to look at the former.

“So...” He began. “How have you been?”

“Why are you asking me all of sudden?” Baekhyun handed him a tray, raising a brow at Kyungsoo’s question. “Hmm, okay, I guess. The jobs are a little tiring, nothing new, but I’m managing it. Other than that, everything’s fine,” Baekhyun replied absentmindedly, unable to choose between a sandwich or a slice of cake.

“Yah! Don’t even think about choosing that cake!” Kyungsoo scolded, slapping Baekhyun’s arm away from reaching for the cake. “And no, I didn’t mean how your life’s going, I meant how you’ve been after the kissing incident.”

Silence engulfed them, and Kyungsoo slapped himself mentally as soon as the words left his mouth.

Suddenly Baekhyun stopped eyeing the other food options, slowly raising his eyes to look at his friend, tears already threading to spill, “It’s gone! My first kiss is gone, I’m never going to be loved! It’s all gone now!”

Kyungsoo immediately patted the younger’s back, shushing him, “It’s okay, don’t cry, Baek,” but it seem to effect Baekhyun because he looked like he was going to cry any moment.

“Hey, you wanted to eat that cake right? I will make an exception, and let you have it for today, how about that?”

“Really? Can I have it?” Baekhyun asked, his frown turning into a smile in mere seconds, forgetting all about the kiss—again!

“Only if you stopped crying.”

“Who said I was crying? Kyung... Are seeing things” Baekhyun tsk-ed,  taking the slice happily before walking to an empty table. Kyungsoo shook his head, reaching for a salad plate before going after his hyper friend.

When both of them settled down in their seats, they started eating in a comfortable silence, ‘til—

“Hey, hey, they’re coming!”

“Waoh! Oppa!”

“Here, oppa, here! Look at your wife!”

“Here we go again,” Kyungsoo mumbled, looking at the crazy, screaming girls like it was the most normal thing to happen on a school morning. Confusion was written all over Baekhyun’s face, though. His gaze switched between Kyungsoo’s pissed off face and the overly happy girls who were bouncing up and down.

“What’s going on?” He quizzed.

“It’s just this daily thing, where the schools two charming princes will walk in, make all the girls scream , thinking that they’re the idols of the year. Why don’t you know about this?”

“I don’t know…” This was his third year in high school, but never had he noticed the so-called ‘charming princes’.

“Ugh, Baekhyun, please, you barely come to the first class in time, of course you know why you don’t know—“

“It’s because I sleep in very late...”

“And sleep during lunch breaks—“

“Because I don’t get much sleep at night...”

“Plus, you leave as quickly as possible when your last class ends.”

“Because I have to make it to work in time!”

“See? You never really know anything about what’s going on here.”

“Shut up and just tells me about the ‘princes’,” Baekhyun hissed, humping bites of his cake into his mouth.

“Basically, they own this entire school. Kai, prince number 1, his father is the principal, which means he can do anything without getting into trouble, not that they he makes any. And the other one is Chanyeol, prince number 2. His parents own half of Seoul and are filthy rich. Everyone says they are super-hot, and handsome, but actually, they’re not as good-looking as everyone says,” Kyungsoo explained.

“Oh, but why does everyone love them when they’re not even that cool?” Baekhyun asked, trying to look between the girls’ bodies to see them.

Kyungsoo didn’t answer, eyes focused on the princes walking in like they owned the place. Smirks were plastered onto their faces, throwing in winks and waves every now and then, earning squeals from every single girl that surrounded them. Kyungsoo scoffed, why would they act like fangirls around those jocks?

His gaze then moved to one prince in particular, Kai. Every time, every ing time he saw that guy his heart beat would suddenly accelerate, like he’d just finished running a marathon. He hated that feeling, that feeling of something fluttering in his stomach, something fluffy and sweet. It made him woozy.

He knew it, deep, deep inside his heart, that he had already fallen for Kai, but no, he would never admit his feelings for the latter. Why? Simply because the chances for them to date were close to zero, and falling over and over again for the younger would only hurt him. Why couldn’t he just love someone who was able to return the love?

When Baekhyun was finally able to seize the chance to see the ‘princes’, he froze.

Next to the tan male—Kai—, whose body was incredibly y and hot, there was a tall boy—much, much taller than him—with big shiny eyes, short, black hair that made his face glow even more than it would with any other hair color, and plump, rosy lips.

Baekhyun’s eyes followed the tall male, never leaving his face. The pair strutted closer to the table they were seated at, and Baekhyun thought his heart stopped for a second when a tongue darted out to moisturize those luscious lips.

Is it him? Could it really be him? This feels too surreal, are we starring in a drama or something?

“Baekhyun? Baekhyun? Yah! Baekhyun! Do you hear me?” Kyungsoo waved his hands frantically in front of said boy’s face, desperately trying to get his attention, but to no avail. Baekhyun’s mind was already elsewhere.

He watched as the giant made his way through the canteen, coming closer and closer, until he got to Baekhyun’s table. Chanyeol almost passed by, however, Baekhyun jumped right in front of the former, halting him effectively. He looked at Baekhyun in pure confusion.

“Uh, can I help you?” Chanyeol asked, rising an eyebrow at the stranger. He was hungry and classes were about to start.

“Oh my God! It’s the same voice!” Baekhyun gaped, voice a little too loud, resulting into half of the students curiously to look their way.

“Baekhyun, what are you doing?” Kyungsoo whispered as he joined Baekhyun’s side, trying to get the latter to sit down again.

“Soo, look! He’s the guy!” Baekhyun said excitedly, clutching his hands in front of his chest as he eyed the male with sparkly eyes.

“What guy?” Kyungsoo and Kai asked simultaneously, causing their gazes to meet before both of them look away hurriedly, a blush coloring their cheeks bright red.

Did Kai just blush? No way, I must be imagining things, Kyungsoo thought to himself, touching his feverishly hot cheeks with his hands.

Chanyeol, however, was too occupied trying to remember if he knew the guy, but nothing popped up. He was sure this was their first encounter.

“Who are you?” He asked, cocking his head as he stared at the grinning boy in front of him.

“I’m Byun Baekhyun, your soon-to-be-boyfriend,” Said boy replied, biting his lip to refrain himself from smiling even more.


 “I made a promise to myself to stay with whoever takes my first kiss. And it just so happened to be you.”

What?!” The other three, including some other students who had been following the conversation, shouted. The sound of someone, probably one of his fans, falling to the ground, followed by hushed whispers, filled the silence that followed.




I finally found my other half. – Baekhyun

Is this guy crazy or what? What kiss? – Chanyeol

So the one who kissed Baekhyun is Chanyeol? But why did he kiss him? – Kyungsoo

Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m standing right in front of Kyungsoo! – Kai



so... THEY FINALLY MET!!!! let the story begin!~

what do you think??

oh and i add kaisoo yay!!

please leave a comment ♥

and thank you all! i love you

edited 26 – 03 – 16

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Chapter 24: This is sooo good omooo cx
Chapter 8: One word: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU BAEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK (shoot that's two oops)
Chapter 3: Ahahahahahahaah Kai lol u adorable child istg this fix need more upvotes and subbies!!! Its so good!!!!
Chapter 23: This was perfect
Chapter 3: Kaisoo are soo cute
The 11th time I'm reading this astonishing story... It's just dazzling to see how Chanyeol and Baekhyun's love for each other grew each chapter how they overcome fate's way of testing their relationship and by the end of the day, they would still love each other no matter how much they differ from one another. Thank you authornim for having me to read this exquisite story of yours!!!! Keep up the splendid work!<3