Chapter 20

One Kiss and You Become Mine. *Editing*


It’s been a week since chanyeol parents knew about his boyfriend, since then and they have been nagging him to bring him over to meet him, so in the end he decide to invite him in the weekend which made his parents happy.

It’s also been a week since baekhyun huge change in his life but he could manage it, it wasn’t that bad after all, his brother was a real cutie who adore baekhyun and has took him as his role model while his step father was nice to him, they didn’t talk a lot and whenever they alone there would be an awkward atmosphere around them but he didn’t do anything that could hurt the boy so far.

His mother was also nice and she did everything she could to show baekhyun that indeed she felt sorry and was trying to fix her mistake.

Baekhyun start to act more with her since he felt bad watching her do her best to satisfy him.

  The addition was near and kyungsoo and baekhyun practice very hard and a new thing Baekhyun discover which is; he loves to sing. A lot.

Maybe because in the past he didn’t have much time to sing or to have fun anyway, but now he didn’t mind singing in front anyone really, or that what he thought.

“Come in Baek! You said you don’t mind!” kyungsoo said pulling baekhyun to the stage.

“I though it’s okay at first but now I’m afraid.” Baekhyun said nervously looking at the students who attend the music club.

After hours of practice alone in one of the empty classes after school every day, Kyungsoo convinces Baekhyun preform in the music club which was a part of the practice too, since kyungsoo know that baekhyun never really sing in front of anyone but him, it was to break his shyness and for him to relies that he do has a nice voice.

“You don’t have to! I will be here, you will be fine” kyungsoo said again to encourage him.

“What if I did something wrong? What if they didn’t like my voice?” baekhyun said worry showing in his tone.

“Stop it with the ‘what if’s’ you won’t do anything wrong and you have an amazing voice, now go.” Kyungsoo said one last time before pushing the older to the stage.

The student before Baekhyun finishes singing and walked out the stage leaving it empty for Baekhyun to walk in.

The music club is kyungsoo favorite club, he attend it three time a week, he learned how to control his voice and how to use higher notes also he learned how to play the piano in it, in the end of the class the stage would be open for the students to perform.

Some of them would sing and the other would play music and the other would do both, there also a few who rap.

The audience are from the club and out, the club allow the students who are not from the club to preform too that why baekhyun was now standing on the stage.

He looked around at the people who looked at him interested since they never saw him before.

He closes his eyes talking a deep breath calming him down and that when the music starts playing the soft melody.

He waited his part and soon enough he start singing, when the words start to come out his mouth all his worries and fear disappear his focus now on the song.

He looked at the students watching him in awe feeling confident all of a sudden; his eyes meet Kyungsoo which made him smile to his friend making the younger do the same.

The song ended and soon he was off the stage.

“That was amazing!” kyungsoo yell hugging his friend.

“Thanks” Baekhyun said the shyness coming back.

“That was great! I’m sure you are going to make it to the team.” Kai said showing up behind kyungsoo.

“Oh, you are here” Baekhyun said sending a teasing look to Kyungsoo, making him blush in return.

They talked a little in till kai excused himself since it’s time for his team practice.

“Tell me everything!” baekhyun grin.

“Everything?” kyungsoo said confused.

“How did he ask you out? When was your first date? Did you kiss yet? Come on! I want detail” Baekhyun asked non-stop.


Kyungsoo watched him amuse a small smile in his lips, his friend finally act normally since his mother show up, and he is thankful to a certain giant.

“Slow down pal.” Kyungsoo laughed. “Let’s go somewhere to talk; we have a lot to catch up”


The two friends arrive at the ice-cream shop near the school and baekhyun couldn’t help but to remember what happen there.

Both of them order and set near the window

“Talk!” baekhyun said before digging in his ice-cream.

“Okay, okay relax” Kyungsoo said taking a spoonful of his ice-cream.

“It’s not an exciting story, we went to a lot of dates and in the end we confess and he told me he like me way before and I told him the same. The end” kyungsoo said ending his small story.

“End? What end? That’s not it!” baekhyun said not looking convinced.

“There is more?” kyungsoo asked confused.

“Didn’t you guys kissed?” baekhyun grin at his blushing friend.

“So you did! Tell me tell me!!!”

“Yah! Stop it! What about you and chanyeol ha?” kyungsoo said this time laughing at his friend reaction.

Baekhyun looked everywhere avoiding the younger taking a spoon of his melted ice-cream.

“What? You are shy now? I didn’t see you blushing asking me…” kyungsoo smirk happy that he was able to shut his hyper friend up.

“Eat you ice-cream before it melts.” Baekhyun speak.

“Yeah fine you shy baby!” kyungsoo tease eating his treat.


Baekhyun sit on his bed bored and out of his mind, after the ice-cream date both him and kyungsoo decide to headed home only to find his mother working on her laptop in her room and his step-father went to work and Sehun doing his homework in his room, he found out that his little brother is a genius, latterly, one time baekhyun found him reading a since magazine he himself had a hard time understanding it, and he was the second in his school, right after Kyungsoo.

Back to now, he was alone not knowing what to do, his homework already done, he wasn’t used to sit and doing nothing since in the past he hardly found time to school, but know after he quit his jobs he have nothing to do.

He was glad that now he can focus in his school rather then warring about the house rent and the food and so on.

A phone call interrupt his thoughts, he answer it.

“Baby~” Chanyeol whine on the other line.

“What’s up?” Baekhyun chuckle.

“Want to go on a date?”

“Hum, sure since it’s been a while since we went to one.”

“Great! I will come to get you in two hours, bye bye~”

“Okay, bye.”


Baekhyun sit on one of the chair in the kitchen waiting for his boyfriend so they could go on their date.

He was thinking of everything happen, it was so fast.

One day he was this lonely boy who don’t has a home nor family not even a food to eat every day, heck the breakfast was something so luxury for him; but then he met Chanyeol and everything turn more perfectly turning his grayly world into a colorful one, now he has everything he even wished for.

He became a normal boy, not completely but still, he now has a family, he got his mother back. And even has a cute younger brother, but most importantly he has his first love, his boyfriend park Chanyeol.

He was  deep in his thoughts he didn’t even notice the tears that fall of his eyes; he didn’t notice the door knocking, and his little step-brother opening the door.

“Why are you crying?” Baekhyun left his head looking at his tall boyfriend.

“When did you arrive?” he asked confused.

“Just now, again, why are you crying?” Chanyeol asked again moving closer to the older.

“Huh?” Baekhyun asked lifting his hand to his cheek feeling the witness there. “You are right, why I am crying?” he asked more to himself.

“Did something happen?” Chanyeol asked whipping the tears off his boyfriend face.

“No” Baekhyun closed his eyes leaning to Chanyeol hand.

“Then what are these tears for?” Chanyeol asked moving his face closer kissing the shorter softly.

“Those are my happy tears” he answered smiling returning the kiss.

How life is would be if he didn’t kiss Chanyeol in the dark allay that night?



Yup, I'm sitll alive...

I feel so sorry for the long wait, how long? 3-4 months?? again sorry ._.

but my life was a huge mass of a mess and I need to clear things out.

first there was this war in my country then I travel to my family where I stayed there for 2 months then went back to uni right away and chany my studies to Physiotherapist..

which by the way what do you know about it? is it good to study it? 

I think this chanpter is pointless but I wanted to so badly, next one is their fluffy date !!! where should they go? I am thinking  ^^

so what do you think?? please comment :P it makes me happy :) 

ps. it's not edit :( sorry for any mistakes 

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Chapter 24: This is sooo good omooo cx
Chapter 8: One word: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU BAEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK (shoot that's two oops)
Chapter 3: Ahahahahahahaah Kai lol u adorable child istg this fix need more upvotes and subbies!!! Its so good!!!!
Chapter 23: This was perfect
Chapter 3: Kaisoo are soo cute
The 11th time I'm reading this astonishing story... It's just dazzling to see how Chanyeol and Baekhyun's love for each other grew each chapter how they overcome fate's way of testing their relationship and by the end of the day, they would still love each other no matter how much they differ from one another. Thank you authornim for having me to read this exquisite story of yours!!!! Keep up the splendid work!<3