chapter 18

One Kiss and You Become Mine. *Editing*

After the ice-cream date, Baekhyun decide to go home since his mother would come to pick him up soon.

“Call me as soon as you're settled down there” chanyeol said whining, back-hugging his boyfriend.

Already reaching Baekhyun's small room, chanyeol refuses to leave, going to miss Baekhyun as his excuse.

“I will just meet you tomorrow at school, so don’t be late.” Baekhyun smile opening the door.

“I won’t.” Chanyeol grined, kissing the shorter boy one last time, “bye bye! Try not to miss me too much.”

“that goes to you too, see you.” Baekhyun grined back and watched as his boyfriend start to walk away.

A sigh left Baekhyun's lips as he was looking around in his room deciding what he should take with him, since there is nothing much it won’t be that hard.

He took a small suitcase putting his clothes which weren’t that much; a few shirts and pants along with his underwear’s, he also put his school books and a few random things in two other boxes.

“I guess that’s it!” he sits on the bed looking around.

Although it may seem small place for many people but it’s  very special for Baekhyun, since he spent most of his life in it, it was his home, and he can’t imagine calling another place his 'home'.

He stands up reaching under the pillow, taking an envelope with money in it, “I should pay the rent for this month." he thought.

He then remembers his work, he didn’t ask for a day off. Yet he was absent, so he took his phone and call both of his bosses telling them that  he won’t be able to attend work today for certain issues, and since he rarely asks for a day off they forgave him.

After the calls he went to the house owner , paying the rent with all the money he had saved , also to bid his farewell.

He could feel the tears forming in the corner of his eyes, he is surly going to miss the old lady, she was so nice and kind to him, giving him some food when he passed by her and greeting him, she would even give him time to pay if he didn’t have the full amount of money yet.

She was the closet mother figure to him.

When he finally went back to his room he looked around making sure that he took everything he needed.

Soon after, there was a knock on the door, and he know who is it.

With a heavy heart,  he opened the door to find his mother standing there with a smile, he could see nervousness in her eyes.

“are you ready?” she asked only receiving a nod from Baekhyun.

he grabbed his small suitcase with one hand and held one of the boxes, while his mother offered to hold the other one. “did you take everything? Make sure to not forget anything.” She said.

“yeah, it’s not like I have much to start with.” He said walking out the door, she smiled sadly at him before following him. She found him standing next to the car, waiting, she unlocked the doors and opened the door of the back seats and put the boxes there, he then went back to his room again taking the last box closing the door behind him giving the key to the owner.


The air in the car was heavy, there is no sound except the sound of the car motor. Baekhyun could feel the cold sweat forming on forehead, he is going to meet the man who married his mother after she left him, and their son. It hit him so hard that he was thinking to jump out of the car and walk back to his small room, where there is him and only him.

He looked at his mother next to him which had her eyes focused on the road, before looking back at the window again, he notice that the house was a little far from his old house.

“they are a nice people, don’t worry.” His mother smile sensing his nervousness.

Baekhyun having nothing to say just looked out of the window again.


“We are here!”  sora said stopping the car.

He looked at the big house in front his eyes an amazement.

“Come on.” She speaks again when baekhyun didn’t reply at her.



I was sitting on my bed reading a manga when the house door open and my mother voice was heard, along with my father's.

“She is here…” I said standing up patting my hair a little before looking at the full size mirror.

Today I would finally meet my stepbrother, I only knew about him a week ago, my mother told me about him.

I knew before that my father was not the first husband but I didn’t know that she had a son, he is 11 years older than me , but it’s okay, I’m just happy that I have an older brother.

After one final look at the mirror, I open the door and ran down the stairs to find my mother and father and black haired and very pale skinned boy.

“Sehun, I was going to call you, meet your older brother, baekhyun.” She said pointing at the boy.

“baekhyunnie hyung!” I yell hugging him.

“H-hello, Sehun.” He said and I giggle “my older brother is so handsome!” I yelled again and I saw his cheeks turning red.

“stop it dear, you make him uncomfortable.” My dad mumbles and try to break the hug.

“No! I want baekhyunnie hyung!” I yelled hugging him tighter.

“It’s okay” Baekhyun said.

“Call me dad, and welcome to the family.” My dad smile at him before leaving to his TV again, I swear that man is news addicted.


It all happened to fast, one moment baekhyun was walking to the house in awe, it was big and the inside was even more amazing than the outside.

He was looking around when a man in his mid-forties walked to the shorter boy.

“hello there, I finally got to meet the famous byun baekhyun?” the man said and his mother just walked with one of the boxes in the right time to introduce them to each other.

“Baekhyun, this my husband.” She said putting the box down.

“H-hello sir.” Baekhyun bow not knowing how to act around a stepfather, heck he didn’t even know how to act around his mother.

“Just act comfortably around here, okay?” the man smiled again.

Then out of nowhere a small boy walked to them, his hair was blond and he had this blank look on his face, but he still manage to look cute.

When his mother said that he was his little brother he didn’t know how to act, he just stood there staring at the boy who till now didn’t show any kind of face expression, then all of sudden the boy smile hugging the freezing baekhyun calling him ‘baekhyunnie hyung’ and what not, and baekhyun decide that the boy is cute.

After the welcoming, his mother showed him his room which was next to Sehun's room and told him to rest while she prepare dinner.

He walked to his room, deciding to empty the boxes, he put his clothes in the dresser, while the other thing where he think it’s good place for it.

When he was done he laid on the bed, it was comfortable, not like his old bed.

He took his phone dealing his boyfriend's number.

“hey.” The other line answered, making baekhyun smile.

“hey.” He said back.

“So, how is it? Was she good to you? Is her husband a typical step-father? How about your brother, did he bother you? Should I take you away from there? You know you can live with me and my parents, I don’t mind.” Baekhyun just laughed after he listened to his boyfriend's ranting.

“Everything is okay, don’t worry. My mother was good, and my step father was nice, I guess. My brother who is called Sehun by the way is cute, I like him.”

“Good, I was so worried.”

Baekhyun just smiled again, never in his life someone cared about him this much, it bring happiness to his heart.

After a while of talking chanyeol asked “what about your jobs?”

“I think I will quiet them for now, if I want to focus on the audition or Kyungsoo will kill me.”

“Yeah, it’s next month, don’t worry you will pass I am sure of it.”


“What are you doing now?” chanyeol asked and they started talking for a while before hanging up.

A few moments later there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” baekhyun said expecting to be his mother, but to his surprise it was Sehun.

Baekhyun smiled at the boy telling to go in after the young kid asked for permission. when he first heard his mother said he have got a younger brother, he hate him even before he could get to know him, he thought that it was unfair for him to lose both his parents while his mother took care of another boy, but after he saw Sehun he couldn't hate him, the boy was sweet and cute, and didn’t do anything. It’s not his fault, he was just a kid.

“What is it Sehun?” baekhyun asked the little boy.

“ When My mum said my brother is coming, I was so excited! I always wished to have an older brother.” Sehun said showing a toothless smile since the two fronts teethes are missing.

“Really? That is great, Am I okay to you?”

“Of course! I like you.” Sehun said smiling.

“I like you too” baekhyun said missing with the light brown locks of the young boy.

He wasn’t sure how he feel about the little boy yet, but he was just so sweet baekhyun couldn’t make him sad.

Another knock was heard and his mother walked in the room.

“Sehun! What are you doing here? Didn’t I tell not to bother baekhyun?” she scolded the boy who was now pouting.

“But I just want to talk to my big brother.” He said looking at baekhyun with a puppy eyes.

“Uhh- right, he asked me if he can come first.” Baekhyun said.

“Okay, dinner is ready. Go wash your hands and wake your father up, he fell asleep again while watching the news.” She said and Sehun nodded running out to his father's place.

“Just because I agree to come here it didn’t mean I'll forget anything.” Baekhyun erased his smile when the little boy runs out of the room to wake his father up.

“I know, I really regret doing that, but you should know, I have never stopped loving you, ever.” She said.

Baekhyun just stayed silent, he didn’t know what to do or say.

“Dinner is ready, it's served in the kitchen.” She said, she wanted to walk to him, hugging him, or kissing his cheeks but she knows it’s still too early for that.

Baekhyun nodded his head watching her walk her way out of the room.

Maybe fate finally decides to let him off the hock.

He has an amazing boyfriend, he got his mother back, he even have a cute little brother.


Chanyeol ended the call with baekhyun and sat on the bed staring at nothing until his room door was open.

“Hey baby, what are you thinking about?” his mother asked sitting next to him on the bed.

Chanyeol smiled at his mother but soon his smile become smaller when he remember that his parents didn’t know that he is dating a guy.

“What’s wrong?” she asked again when her son didn’t talk.

“Mum, I have to tell you and dad something important.” He said looking nervous.

“what is it?” she asked, she never saw her son nervous, although they didn’t stay with him that much before but she knew everything about him, even his playboy side, which is weird enough she didn’t saw it since they came back.

“I will tell you after dinner.” He smiled at her.


The food was served and the family of three eats in silent till his mother talked “so, you said you want to tell us something.”

Chanyeol put the spoon down, taking a deep breath, "it’s now or never" he thought.

He loves baekhyun, and he's never going to give up on him, but he also wants the approval of his parents.

He opened his mouth but nothing come out, his hands start to become sweaty and he was very nervous.

“Well?” his father spook.

“I’m dating a guy…”   chanyeol released the bomb waited their reply.

It was a funny sight but he held himself from laughing.

Both of his parents’ mouths were wide opened, looking at him in disbelief.

“you are what?” his mother was the first to speak.

“Yeah, it’s a few weeks now, I’m sorry but I love him.” He looked at his father waiting for a reply from him.

“You got to be kidding right?” his father finally said “it can’t be true, my son is not gay.” He said more to himself.

Chanyeol heart beat faster, his father doesn’t like it.

“You can’t, of course you can’t.” his mother then said.

“I’m sorry, but I have nothing else to say."

“No! You can’t date him…” his father said again, chanyeol was going to refuse in till his father talk again. “Unless…”


oh no!! Do I smell a drama soon? humm... 

to tell you thr truth I didn't like this chapter, it felt like umm.. I don't know something off.. but I will make sure the next update would be great...

so baekhyun drama is over what about chanyeol? 

the poll I put last chapter gone I don't know why, so I'm going to re-put it here.

and sorry for taking long to update, If you read my blogs you can know why, If you don't well because there is a war in my country.

what do you think chanyeol father want? 

don't forget to leave you thoughts in the comments box!! It make me happy :D




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Chapter 24: This is sooo good omooo cx
Chapter 8: One word: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU BAEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK (shoot that's two oops)
Chapter 3: Ahahahahahahaah Kai lol u adorable child istg this fix need more upvotes and subbies!!! Its so good!!!!
Chapter 23: This was perfect
Chapter 3: Kaisoo are soo cute
The 11th time I'm reading this astonishing story... It's just dazzling to see how Chanyeol and Baekhyun's love for each other grew each chapter how they overcome fate's way of testing their relationship and by the end of the day, they would still love each other no matter how much they differ from one another. Thank you authornim for having me to read this exquisite story of yours!!!! Keep up the splendid work!<3