Honeymoon 6: Pranks

Officially Married... Now What? [Sequel to Wedding Jitters]

26 February 2016

"What do you mean they don't have it?" Kai who was literally on his wits end was hollering at his cellphone. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo who were having lunch stopped eating and watched the younger one shouting at his mobile device. They could hear a string of curses from the young boy and Suho immediately covered Sehun's ears out of reflects since he was the youngest in the group. Sehun didn't seem to mind since he had his earphones on and he was concentrating on a drama on his laptop.  

"I am sorry, Jongin but the woman whom Yixing's mother knew doesn't live in the village anymore." Luhan explained as calm as he possibly could over the other end of the reciever. Luhan and Yixing made a short trip to their hometown over the weekend and while at first they weren't willing to buy the vase for Jongin, they caved in.

After 500 text messages from Jongin. 

The other problem was that Baekhyun and Jasmine were coming home at 4pm and it was now 2pm. 

By now, the little group of five have crowded into the living room and their eyes moved wherever Jongin moved. Jongin was pacing up and down, one hair pressing his phone to his ear while the other was scratching his scalp. They were more afraid that he would end up yanking his hair out if he wasn't careful. 

"Should I tell him that his hair is going to fall out if he isn't so careful?" Kyungsoo said softly to Suho which made him raise an eyebrow at him. "Unless you are asking for a death wish." 

"Yeah," Chanyeol said wiping his lips with his sleeve. "Especially when you are going into a very, very sensitive topic which is hair." he said pointing at the platinum blonde who was too absorbed into the conversation to even acknowledge the audience. Kyungsoo nodded meekly and buried his chin behind the pillow. He remembered the last time when Jongin went through a pre-mid life crisis and shuddered slightly at the thought. 

It was their last day in high school and Jongin was pretty estatic of dyeing his hair and doing funny, whacko things with his hair. He was also taking ideas from everyone and they were going through magazines (much to most of the boys dislike) on which hairstyle fits the best. All of them after school were sprawled on the living room floor while watching MTV and flipping through various hairstyle magazines. Jasmine was the only one that was complying to his needs but she too was getting tired with Jongin's diva attitude. 

"Well, if you are going to be so picky, primabaellerina," Jasmine said with a hint of sarcasm. "Why don't you just do whatever you want!" 

"Fine! I will!" 

And as luck would have it, Lil Jon came up on the screen shouting and headbanging at the screen. 

That was when Jongin had an epiphany: dreadlocks. 

He became really upset that no one in his group of friends liked his new look. He even tried pulling a Jamaican accent or gibberish from listening to one too many Sean Paul songs. It gotten so bad that he even pull a Captain Jack Sparrow on them, demanding rum everywhere he went. Jongin being Jongin was adamant and stubborn with his new look although everyone was telling him he looked like a hobo. He even started faking a Jamaican accent to get the ladies. 

"More like terrifying them." Sehun grimaced and Suho shook his head. 

That was till one day someone decided to tie his hair together into a big bow. 

None of them saw Jongin turned from someone so cool, calm and collected to the hulk in seconds. That was one memory none of them wanted to relive. Not only his dreadlocks had to be cut off but so were part of his volumous hair. The group had never seen Jongin so depressed and till this day, they never talked about the incident or about his hair. 

Although, they never knew which one of them did it but they thanked whoever did for they weren't sure how long they would be able to withstand Kai the Jamaican man. 

"You went to freaking China and you are meaning to tell me you couldn't find something similar to it?" his voice echoes in the apartment walls. 

"Sorry, Jongin-ah." Yixing said this time round. "We tried but apparently the one you wanted is a one of a kind vase." Jongin sighed and closed his eyes. He rubbed his temple before nodding, as if they could see him. 

"It's alright hyung. You tried." he said slightly dejected and ended the call. He stopped his pacing and sighed loudly. Suho was the first to leave the little group that were still eyeing Jongin, waiting for his next move. As soon as Suho placed his hand over Jongin's shoulder - albeit a bit awkward since Jongin is slightly taller than Suho - the platinum blonde boy broke down in tears. 

This was the second time they ever saw Jongin cry and it wasn't a nice sight to behold. 

"Come here, baby." the older black haired boy cooed and hugged him while the group still remain in their spot. Jongin buried his head in Suho's shoulder, his whole body trembling as he cried on the shoulder. Suho patted his back awkwardly while giving a look to Chanyeol, Jongdae, Sehun and Kyungsoo to do something. 

"We will go get some ice cream." Kyungsoo said grabbing Sehun's wrist before he could begin to protest. 

"We will go find some movies to rent." the other two announced before walking out of the door. 






"Come on, you said-"

"I know what I said but-"

"Park Chanyeol are you going back on your word?!" 

"Yes, Kim Jongdae, I am." 

Jongdae huffed and folded his arms. "I curse you to 10000 years of insomnia." 

Park Chanyeol's eyes widen and nearly dropped the Star Wars DVD. "You didn't." 

The shorter one gave an impish grin as he gave a wide smile. "Yes, I did." 

The taller one narrowed his eyes till it became like slits and glared at the boy. He dropped the DVD into the metal basket before uttering another word. "I curse you to immortality and you will be Snape zoned for the rest of your life." 

"I have Carmen, so you can't curse me to ultimate friendzone for life if I have someone!" 

"I cursed you. Not Carmen. So, after Carmen, you are cursed to Snape zone." 

In their freshman year, the group had come up with various zones a girl or guy could get into when the opposite was not interested in them. Adding to friendzone, they added brozone, parentzone (where you call someone mother or father), petzone (thinking of someone as only as a cuddly pet) and the lowest of the low, Snape zone. 

There was a point where Baekhyun came up with Holocaust where the other levels of friendzones are towards quality. Holocaust is quantity and to a larger scale of friendzoning people. 

"You did not!" Jongdae half yelled at the giant and the tall young man gave a throaty laugh before walking away, ignoring Jongdae's pleas of wanting to get a Morphin Power Rangers Movie.


"I have a very bad feeling, jagiya." Jasmine said suddenly. They just landed in Icheon International Airport and the couple were waiting for their bags to come out form the carousel. She had her hair tied into a bun and her fringe pushed up by her pair of sunglasses. Baekhyun who was playing a game on his phone looked up from his game. "Hmm? What's wrong? Did you forget something?" 

His wife shook her head and patted his knee. "I just have a bad feeling about something." 

Jasmine has somewhat a sixth sense: ability to feel that something was not right. More often than not, her instincts are right. 

"If you didn't forget anything, what could it be?" her tanned husband asked. He wasn't as red as a lobster anymore but the tan was relatively obvious, especially where his sunglasses were covering his eyes and on the bridge of his nose. He was tempted to wear a paperbag over his head but Jasmine talked him out of it. He swore that the immigration officer was biting back his laughter when he saw his terrible tan lines. 

"Maybe I should check up on the boys." Jasmine said fishing for her phone from her jeans pocket. Baekhyun stopped her and held her hand but she frowned and eased her hand out of his grip. "Let me just check up on them, darling. I want to know they didn't burn our house in the mean time."

Baekhyun nodded, giving to his wife. He wouldn't be surprised that their apartment will be in shambles when they return. "Might as well give them a call. I can't afford another getaway." Baekhyun said and his wife grinned. 


"Yes, Jazzy. Everything is fine." Suho said while patting a sobbing Kai. 

"You sure? I don't know I feel that-"

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind." he cut her off. "Your house is in perfect order." 


"You are coming home in about half an hour and you can see for yourself that nothing is out of place in this house." Suho made a disgusted face when Jongin blew his nose loudly and was hiccuping from crying so much and pushed him away, not wanting to get him close to the elder one. Jongin pout and ran to another arm chair and sulk there like a little baby.

Suho shook his head, ignoring what the 25 year old girl was telling him. "Darling, as much as I want to talk to you, I have to go now. I will see you in a few." Before she could reply, he turn off the phone and threw it on the empty seat next to him. He shook his head and tutted. Jongin blew his nose again, his nose red and holding onto a crumpled tissue. 

"What am I going to do? She is going to kill me!" 

"Jongin, she won't kill you."

"How would you know that? She is scary when she is mad." 

"Just tell her the truth, Jongin-"

"Are you mad?! That is like a point of no return!" he wailed and rock back and forth. He continued before Suho could even talk. "Oh no, I brought dishonour on her family."


"On her family, on her husband, her cow and her-"

"Kim Jongin! Get a grip on yourself!" Suho yelled at the younger and shook his shoulders. "She will be very forgiving. She won't make a big fuss over a vase." 


"Don't make me hit you, Jongin." he threatened. "Go and grab an ice cream or something and stuff your face with it and please look more presentable. You look like a hobo." he ordered and Jongin sobered up immediately and nodded. 




"Do I need to call our insurance for the damage they've caused?"

Jasmine slapped his chest while fighting back a laugh. Baekhyun gave a sheepish smile and wink at her. "It's a serious question." he answered while holding her hand.

His wife shook her head. "Well, no."

"Oh God. We can't even recover from insurance? Is it that bad?"


"I'm kidding, jagiya." he kissed her on the top of her head. "So, was I right that you've nothing to worry about?" The ebony haired girl nodded her head. "Yes, you were right." Although, she still had a nagging feeling something is bound to happen once she reach home. 




"Hello?" Jasmine opened the door and took a peek inside the house, expecting something to pop out of no where. 

"Jazzy!" Chanyeol enveloped her into a hug, spinning her around as he hugged her tightly. She screamed as she tried to hold onto the tall boy. She felt the whole room was spinning when her feet finally touched the floor but was taken away by Jongdae and Kyungsoo who hugged her and telling how much they miss her. 

"I miss you guys too." she said ruffling their hairs. 

Sehun and Suho were the only civilized ones who hugged her normally without screaming and spinning her till no end. And also because Baekhyun wasn't please that the boys were stealing his wife from him. 

"Oh, stop being such an overprotective bum." Chanyeol said flicking his forehead. "You are married to her and you spent like almost a week with her."

"Yeah!" Sehun chimed, hugging her and resting his chin on her head. "We hardly spend time with her ever since you got married." 

"We have our needs too." Jongdae said but he stopped. "That didn't come out right." 

"What he is trying to say is!" Suho came to the rescue when Baekhyun's eyebrow raise at Jongdae. "You get to spend your entire life with her so give us time to hang out with your wife too." When Jasmine pulled away from the last boy she hugged, she realized that there was one more boy missing. 

"Guys, where is Jongin?" glancing over their shoulders to look for the platinum blonde tanned boy. 

The whole room fell silent for a while and she stood back for a while and Baekhyun wrapped his arm on her shoulders. All of them avoided their gaze and looked at the floor, although none of them were at fault, her gaze told them otherwise. 

"Boys, what did you do?" she asked her voice not loud but commanding. 

"We didn't do anything!" Kyungsoo's voice came out shrilly making Jasmine wince slightly.

"So, where is he?" Jasmine demanded. It was very unlike Jongin to not be around when they returned. He was very attached to the both of them because he said that he reminds her of his sisters. His sisters are married and are in different parts of the globe so the closest, physical attention he can get of a sister is her. 

Chanyeol was the one who pointed her to the door. "He has been there for the past half hour." he said meekly. 

Jasmine immediately pushed her way through the barricade that the boys formed and knocked on the door. She heard a few huffs and a strained hoarse voice telling whoever it is to go away. 

"Kai, it's me." she said through the wooden door. "Please let me in." 

"No." Jongin answered although muffled. 

"Come on." she pleaded, jingling the door knob. Jasmine sighed and turned around to Baekhyun and mouthed to him to get the spare key. 

"Jongin, come on." she tried again while her husband went to get the key. "I got you a souvenir." she bribed but still no answer. She closed her eyes and without turning around she asked. 

"Which one of you hurt Jongin?" 

"We didn't do anything!" All of them shouted in unison and out of absolute betrayal, startling the young lady, Jasmine was slightly annoyed that the boys weren't telling the truth. "You guys better tell me what you did to him or I will kick your sorry-"

Then, the door knob turned which stopped Jasmine's tyrade. Jasmine turned around to face a puffy eyed and red nose boy. His neatly combed hair was pointing in all direction. 

Basically, he looked like hell. 

"They didn't do anything to me." Jongin said quietly, not meeting her gaze. Jasmine cupped his chin and searched his eyes but he avoided her. "Then, what's wrong?" she asked. 

The room went eerily quiet as they waited for Jongin to say something, to say anything. 

The platinum blonde boy took in a shaky breath and closed his eyes. The group behind the two of them held their breath as they waited. "There's something I want to tell you but promise me you won't get mad at me." 

Jasmine was now confused. "How could I be mad at you if I don't even know what is wrong?" she asked softly. 

"The thing is... Well, it was a mistake really." he scratched his head. 


"Well, you see... I-"

"You guys should seriously lock your door." Everyone turned around to see Luhan and Yixing standing at the doorframe and carrying a certain blue vase. 

"Yeah, the crime rate is increasing, don't you know?" Luhan said, raising an eyebrow at them grinning as he held the vase. Jasmine and Baekhyun stared at the vase for a long time before they both realized it's the vase that Jasmine's aunty gave as a wedding present. 

Jongin looked as if he saw a ghost when the pair held the vase. He wanted to thank every deity out there for answering his prayers. 

And also, wanting to kill the pair for tricking him. 

"Why are you having our vase?" Jasmine questioned the pair that came over nevertheless. The two of them waltz in nonchalantly and placed it on the counter where it's originally situated. Luhan and Yixing already prepared their little white lie. "Xiumin has a sculpting class about chinas and stuff so he wanted to borrow the vase. He said sorry he didn't ask you earlier and he meant to return it to you but he is busy with the project itself. So, here we are." Luhan lied smoothly that the boys never knew he could act so natural before. 

"Oh." Baekhyun said, completely loss in thought. There was something wrong with the way they were acting. The last time he talked to Xiumin, he said he was done with his pottery assignments. 

"Well, we will just leave it here." Yixing said bringing them back to reality. 

"Yup! We will be off now!" Luhan said ever so brightly and Baekhyun swore that those two were up to something. They were about to leave the apartment when Baekhyun stopped them. 

"Both of you hold it." Baekhyun said. The two froze and turned to look at Baekhyun, fear in their faces. "The lot of you, living room now." he ordered, his index finger pointing at the couch. Everyone gulped and they slowly dragged their feet to the living room. 

They realized that they were done for and they may not make it out alive. 


'You did WHAT?!" 

Jongin burst into tears as soon as his bum touched the sofa and spilled everything about he was throwing his frisbee and he knocked over the said vase and it broke into a million pieces.

The couple stared at him as he told his tale, their face showed no or minimal expression. The rest sat there sullen and sad as they listened, sitting completely still.

"I am sorry! I know it's a gift from your aunty and I didn't mean to break it! It was an accident! Please don't hate me!" Jongin wailed and hugged Jasmine around her waist.

The newlyweds exchanged glances as they deliberate the outcome of this. 

Everyone in that room held their breath as they waited for the verdict of the offence committed by Kim Jongin. It was worse than any drama they have watched and it was so nerve wrecking and it was killing them.

What they didn't expect was the couple burst into laughter.

"Oh my God."

"I thought you committed murder the way you guys acted so shady!" Jasmine said in between her laughs. The couple huddled each other as they tried to catch their breath.

"I am... Very confused." Suho said.

"Me too." Chanyeol said. "And usually I catch on pretty quickly."

When the couple finally caught their breath, Jasmine began to explain, tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. "Honestly guys, we hated that vase." 

The 7 boys in the room shouted. "WHAT!?"

"We went searching high and low for this ridiculous thing only to realize you guys hate it?" Luhan exclaimed. 

"I worried my off that I would get murdered only to realize that I did the right thing?" Jongin, too, screamed at the realization. 

Baekhyun smiled and hugged his wife. "We hated that vase with a passion. We tried hiding it in the storeroom but it couldn't fit, we put it in the guestroom but it was taking up so much space. Basically, we were trying to get rid of it." he explained the group. 

"But why do you hate it so much?" Jongdae asked. 

"Yeah, I mean what's wrong with it?" 

"Simple." the girl with green eyes said. "It's a present from this aunty that I really, really dislike." 

Baekhyun shuddered. "She reminds me of Professor Umbridge." 

"God, she looks like one too." Jasmine said as she thought about it. "She wears too much pink and smell of cats." 

"Guys!" Yixing snapped his fingers at the couple who seemed to zone out again. "So you're meaning to tell me, that you guys wanted to get rid of the vase for the longest time?" 

"Yeah." they said together. "Sorry guys for the trouble of searching for this." 

Yixing shook his head. "It's alright."

"Besides, it's free." The red head named Luhan said making Jongin's eyes widen. "But you told Sehun that it cost a fortune!" The group of 5 broke into giggles which made Jongin bury his face in his hands. "I was played, wasn't I?" 

Ignoring Jongin, Chanyeol continued. "Yeah, Yixing took one of his mother's vase from her house and smuggled it back home." 

The brown haired boy with a dimple on his cheek smile. "Does that mean I can take it back?" 

"Please do!" the couple said in unison and Yixing chuckled. 

"You know, there is one good thing that came out of it today." Sehun said, giving an impish grin. 

"What's that?"

"We know that Jongin is overly dramatic when he does something horrible." Suho said, his smile growing wider as Jongin groaned. 

The next few hours, the group began telling how Jongin was being an overdramatic princess after he broke the vase and the couple somehow were both symphatetic yet not at the platinum blonde haired boy. 

They also realized that while they missed their honeymoon and their vacation, they realized that they missed home and these group of lunatics more. 





First of all, wow 58 subscribers and 6 upvotes! You guys <3 I love you so much you've no idea. I am sorry for not updating because I am dying from work overload and exams are coming. Gah. i will update this in december during christmas break and after my exam. 

Secondly, I am sorry if this chapter is crappy and meh. I had a bad day and I needed to write something light hearted to boost up my mood. I am sorry if it isn't up to your liking :/ 

Thirdly, this is the end of the honeymoon edition. The next few chapters, I have not thought of the plot yet. It's either drabbles or something that follows the honeymoon series. If you have any ideas, please leave your thoughts in the comment :)

Lastly, please leave your comments and subscribe and upvote if you guys enjoy this story <3 I do very much appreciate your criticism and what you think of the chapter :) 


Till then my loves xx 

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omg omg 100 subs?! You guys are amazing! big hugs to all you lovely people xx I will update this soon! A lot has been going on lately :p


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Chapter 11: Awwwww poor Suho and Cheongsa ;u;
Chapter 9: they'll be separated? NOOOO :'(

oh btw, new reader here^^ i read the prequel of this and knowing that it has a sequel, i quickly clicked it and read it right away XD
pidawidys #3
kyaaaaa i really love your story >,< update soon, author-nim~ ^^
Blackbra #4
Chapter 9: Update soon~
jesstephi #5
Chapter 9: OMG NOOOO JASMINE DONT LEAVE HIM!!! He will be devastated :(
Thanks for updating and please take care of yourself ^_^
Cant wait for the next chapter!
I'm so so so glad you updated. I miss this story so much :)
Chapter 9: Oof trouble in paradise hehe.
I'm glad Baek apologized, but it is a bit selfish of Jasmine (even though of course she should go)
LoLaNitta #8
Chapter 9: I miss this so much! Thank you for updating