Honeymoon 4: Sunkissed Skin and Blue China

Officially Married... Now What? [Sequel to Wedding Jitters]

23 February 2016

"Shoot shoot shoot! Goddamnit Chenchen you imbecile!" Chanyeol cursed and hit the back of Jongdae's head, making the shorter shout and drop his game console. He immediately jumped and attacked the taller one and they started rolling across Baekhyun's and Jasmine's home. They decided to bring their XBOX 360 into their house since they would be staying at their place for at least a week before the couple return. 

To prevent from anyone from breaking anything else, the boys have moved the coffee table, the crystals, the glasses and anything fragile into the couple's room. While the two boys were brawling at the floor, Kyungsoo was busy cooking dinner. After three days of having pizzas and other take out food, he had taken upon himself to cook for the boys who were living on ramen. 

"Children! Stop it!" Suho or Mother Suhoperior as they dubbed him now steps out from the guest bathroom, his hair wet and wearing his tank top and knee length checkered pants. He pointed the toothbrush he was holdiing with toothpaste at the two boys to stop arguing. "I would ground the both of you if you do not stop this ruckus!" he said glaring at the two of them who had stopped rolling all over the wooden flooring. Instead, the both of them were just nudging each other.

"We are 25!" they shouted in unison both of them agreeing on something. 

"More like 5 from all the arguing." Suho said, rubbing his head, his migraine coming back.

"BUT HE STARTED IT!" Jongdae said and pointed at the taller one. "HOI! It's because you can't shoot properly!" and they weer about to tackle each other to the ground again when Suho cut them off. "Enough before I confiscate COD and I would make you sit in the corner." he threatened making the two gulp and look down. The thing was, Suho's not really scary (in comparison to Jasmine anyway) and he looked adorable when he was.

But they knew better than to laugh at his face when he was trying his best not to get all of their asses kicked when Baekhyun and Jasmine returned. 

"Can everyone just shut up? I need to concentrate!" Kai shouted from the dining table with his laptop. Sehun was the only one out of the crazy household with the excuse that he needed to get out of the mad house. 

Instead, he ended up going out with Luhan, Yixing and Xiumin to cause utter chaos at Kris'. 

Everyone stopped arguing and turned to face the dark skinned boy with platinum blonde hair. He was leaning in so close to the screen that if he goes in any closer, he would be inside the screen itself. His finger was scratching his chin while the other finger was busy clicking the mouse and scrolling down. His eyes were glued to the bright screen and his eyebrows were knitted in deep concentration. 

The three men out of curiosity wanted to see what was he watching or doing. So they got up and when Suho was done brushing his teeth, he joined the two boys who were standing behind Kai. 

"Is that eBay?" Suho recognized the page immediately. 

"What are you doing on eBay?" Chanyeol questioned as he leaned in closely. 

"What do you think I am doing?" Kai snapped at the three boys making them flinched slightly. "I am trying to replace the broken china." he replied when the other boys looked as if they didn't have a clue. 

"Good luck with that." Jongdae said and patted his back before making his way to the kitchen. 

Chanyeol suddenly had an epiphany and wide smile spread across his lips and Suho knew that look anywhere. 

"You know that china is a one of a kind Han Dynasty piece?" Chanyeol said thoughtfully. 

"W-W-W-What?" Kai spluttered out, turning to face Chanyeol who had turned serious and slightly grave. 

Suho contemplated his options as to whether he should join Chanyeol in his plot of just putting Kai in absolute misery or be the good Samaritan that he was and tell Kai the truth. 

He decided to hell with responsibilities and to have some fun for a bit. 

"Yeah, I remembered Jasmine telling me that her aunt went to Shanghai to get it. It was apparently a present to the empress at the time." Suho lied smoothly and from the corner of his eye, Chanyeol was dumbfounded at how well Suho could lie and that he had jump on the 'Give Jongin a Run for His Money' bandwagon. 

'W-what?!" Kai had pale so much tha he looked as if he would faint any moment. He buried his head in his hands and shook his head. "I'm doomed, I'm doomed, I'm doomed!" 

"There, there." Suho said with upmost symphaty in his voice and Chanyeol was still shock at how well Suho was acting. "I am sure she wouldn't be too upset about it. I mean although her aunty's dead and that's the only that could remind Jasmine of her..." he was cut off when Kai started wailing like a dying whale. 

That Suho is one hell of a guilt tripper. Chanyeol thought. 

"I am a terrible person." Kai said and before Suho or Chanyeol could say anything else, Kai got up from his chair and ran into the guest bedroom and slammed the door. They heard the room door locked and they just stood there blinking at the now closed wooden door. 

Kyungsoo came out from the kitchen with Jasmine's pink apron with stripes on and looked at the two of them and Jongdae standing behind them with an apple in his hand. "What did we miss?' 

"Besides Suho lying like a pro," Chanyeol said and looking at Suho in disbelief. Suho scratched the back of his neck nervously and looked away from the other two boys who were sure they heard Chanyeol wrongly. "You didn't miss much." 


If there is one thing that Baekhyun hated the most is when men stared at his wife. 

Jasmine wore her hair into a bun and she tied a sarong as a dress and wore her bikini underneath. Since they were going island hopping it was the most ideal way to dress up. Her husband wore a grey tank top and army khaki pants paired with japanese slippers and aviators. 

As soon as she made her appearance in the boat, all the men were looking at her. Some even did a double take when she came. Baekhyun immediately brought her closer to him and slung his arm around her shoulders when they took a seat. She snuggled closer to her husband, completely oblivious to the fact that there was an alterior motive to his actions. He even stole a kiss on her cheek, making her blush. From the corner of his eye, he could see the men that were gawking at her turn away, slightly dejected at the fact the green eyed lady was taken and in fact, married. 

"What was that about?" Jasmine asked him when he laced his hand with hers. He shrugged and gave her a small smile. "Can't I just be affectionate to my wife?" he asked innocently. 

She hummed at Baekhyun's random acts of affection but brushed it off when the tour guide started talking. They were going for about 5 islands, one of the islands called James Bond Island. According to the tour guide, they filmed one of the many James Bond movie there. 

They mostly passed by the smaller islands before reaching James Bond island where apparently underneath was supposedly the enemy's lair. Of course, it was fiction and everyone knew that. 

That is everyone besides Baekhyun. He was pretty upset and felt cheated that there wasn't actually an underground passage or some sort. 

"I didn't know it wasn't real." Baekhyun whispered to Jasmine who was half comforting her upset husband at the same time about to burst into laughter for his naivity. 

However, Baekhyun's spirits was lifted when Jasmine promised him ice cream when they get back. 

The following island was where they had lunch, an island known as Gypsy Island. It was a village that was built on stilts and inhabits 2000 people. For the couple, it was something new and the blue sea was breathtaking from the little village. They walked around the shops and besides buying ice cream for Baekhyun, they didn't get anything else. 

"You sure you don't want to have some?" Baekhyun asked his ice cream and sitting next to Jasmine at the table. They were at the restaurant where it with the others and waiting for their lunch to be served. Jasmine shook her head. "I don't want to spoil my appetite since it looks like there would be a lot of food." 

Unfortunately, the food wasn't as good as Baekhyun saw in pictures when he booked for the tour. It looked unappetizing and he immediately bought a packet of chips for his wife. Jasmine ate a few mouth fulls before she declared that she couldn't take another bite of the food laid before them. The other couple that was with them didn't seem to enjoy the food either and were clearly disappointed with it. 

"Even the packet of chips is better than this." Jasmine mumbled before stuffing her face with chips. 

"Slow down before you end up choking on this." Baekhyun said sneaking a chips and popping in into his mouth. 

They went canoeing next and that was pretty fun, well for Baekhyun anyway. Somehow, terrifying his wife to no end was fun for him. 

"Stop rocking the boat!" Jasmine half screamed half shouted at her husband who just grinned. Jasmine dropped her paddle on her lap and clutched to both sides of their canoe with both hands. Even though she had a life jacket strapped on and she could swim, she was still terrified that the canoe would turn over. 

"Weeeee." he said in a high pitched voice, swaying the boat from side to side. 

"Stop it, Baekhyun!" half turning to face her 5 year old husband. 

"Oh come on, Jazzy. It's fun!" he said leaning closer to her and pecked her shoulder. She immediately tried to push him back. 

"Don't come closer! You're making it unbalance!" Jasmine retorted. Baekhyun sighed and poked her sides with his finger, making her yelp and shook the canoe slightly, ripples forming in the blue water. 

"BAEKHYUN!" she shouted, her voice laced with anger and horror. Baekhyun just laughed and ruffled her hair before paddling the canoe around the island. 

When they finally returned to shore, Jasmine ran up and fell onto the sand. "Land!" she exclaimed and laid down on her back and closing her eyes. Baekhyun shook his head. If there was any constolation, they were still dry and the canoe didn't capsized. 

It was around 3pm or so when the tour guide told them that they could relax or go play at the sea if they wanted to. They had about 2 hours before they went back to Phuket island itself. While some of tourists played in the sea, Baekhyun and Jasmine decided to have some coconut water and stay in the shade for a while. 

"I think," Baekhyun looking at his arms. "I went 50 shades of brown." Jasmine rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coconut water. 

"I told you to put sunblock before leaving." Jasmine smirked at her husband and Baekhyun just folded his arms in annoyance. "I wanted you to put for me." he whined and she laughed. 

"You're such a baby." Jasmine said turning her attention to the waves crashing into the shore. She never saw such clear blue waters and white sandy beaches. The only time she saw something like that was when she was watching television or at a postcard. Seeing such a scene was stole her breath away. 

He huffed and pouted slightly. "I am not a baby." he whined. "I am a strong man." he said flexing his not so muscular arms. She snorted at this and almost choked on her coconut drink. 

"Right, I am sure." she said eyeing her not so buff husband. "Mr. Universe." she teased and poke his cheeks. Baekhyun caught her hand and placed it to his lips. 

"If I were a baby-"

"Which you are." she pointed out making him narrow his eyes at her. 

"Which I am not." he corrected, his breath tickling the tips of her fingers. "I wouldn't be able to be with you."

"Oh?" she raised her eyebrows at him. 

"Because you would be considered a e." he smirked at her and Jasmine just groaned at him. "What nonsense." she pinched his nose and he laughed a nasally pitch and she ended up laughing too. 

When they finally got out of their laughing fit, Jasmine turned her attention to Baekhyun. "You know, you are still a baby." she said. "Although you are a day older than me." The reason why he chose that emerald stone as her engagement ring in the first place was because they both were born on the month of May and their birthstone is the emerald stone. 

"Fine, fine." he said dismissively and closed his eyes, tired of arguing with his wife. He was about to drift of to sleep when he felt a weight on the chair he was lying down on. He was greeted with a soft pair of lips on his pink ones and he sighed in contentment when Jasmine pushed his bangs away from his forehead. 

"But, you are my big baby." she said and gave him another kiss on the lips before letting her husband sleep. 


"Wow, I am so tired." Baekhyun dragged his feet to the bed and fell face forward on the cold white sheets. Jasmine shook him. "You're so dirty and sweaty! Go bathe!" she said loudly, making Baekhyun flinched slightly. 

"No. I am too tired." he said into his sheets, pressing his burnt face onto the cold, fresh sheets. Jasmine sighed in frustration and tickled his side. If there was one thing she knows about Baekhyun is that he is very ticklish. He immediately turned to his side and screamed when Jasmine began to tickle him mercilessly. 

"S-St-Stop!!!' trying to pry her small hands off his abdomen but she just grinned wickedly. "Stop!!" he yelled out of breath and laughing uncontrollably. 

"Not until you get up and take a bath!" she said her hands slipping under his shirt and continued the tickle attack, making him to roll on his sides to get her away from him. Knowing that she was unstoppable, he pulled her arms towards him. She yelped before falling on him and Baekhyun flashed a devilish grin before tickling her.

In the end, the both of them fell asleep with Baekhyun's hands around her waist and his head on her chest while Jasmine's legs were around his torso and her head resting on top his head, neither of them winning the tickle fight and none of them went to take a shower.


24 Februrary 2016

"Kai, you're being ridiculous."

"Yeah, open up already!" 

"No, leave me alone to die in peace!" 

"Why the melodramatics? It's just a vase!" 

"Suho said it belonged to her late aunty!" 

"And Chanyeol and I just told you that we were joking!" 

"What happened now?" 

They were too busy trying to reason with Kai who had locked himself in the room since the night before that they didn't realize Sehun entered the house. He blinked a few times to see all 5 boys huddled at the door frame, their ear pressed to every inch of the wooden door. They jumped slightly when they heard a familiar emotionless voice coming from the maknae. 

"Kai locked himself in the room." Kyungsoo sighed in exhaustion. 


"Of the vase." 

"Oh." Sehun answered as if that was expected. "He could always ask Luhan and Lay to get it for him. They are leaving for China tomorrow." Without waiting for a response from anyone, he walked away from the little group of boys to the kitchen. 

Immediately, a whole knew ruckus was made. 

"Kai! You heard that? You could be saved!!!" 




A/N: Hello from Dubai! So sorry for updating late since I am flying back to the UK this week. Right now I am lounging in my uncle's place while waiting for my cousins to come back from their school. 

Although I just got up a few hours ago, I feel like falling back asleep o.O 

But yeah, sorry if the chapter is meh. :/ Nevertheless, do leave a comment and let me know wht you think :D 

By the way, most of the scenes are from my trip to Phuket recently (including the part where Baekhyun's hand was on the lady boy's ... She did that to me and I felt so awkward hahaha) 

So yeah till then! xx

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omg omg 100 subs?! You guys are amazing! big hugs to all you lovely people xx I will update this soon! A lot has been going on lately :p


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Chapter 11: Awwwww poor Suho and Cheongsa ;u;
Chapter 9: they'll be separated? NOOOO :'(

oh btw, new reader here^^ i read the prequel of this and knowing that it has a sequel, i quickly clicked it and read it right away XD
pidawidys #3
kyaaaaa i really love your story >,< update soon, author-nim~ ^^
Blackbra #4
Chapter 9: Update soon~
jesstephi #5
Chapter 9: OMG NOOOO JASMINE DONT LEAVE HIM!!! He will be devastated :(
Thanks for updating and please take care of yourself ^_^
Cant wait for the next chapter!
I'm so so so glad you updated. I miss this story so much :)
Chapter 9: Oof trouble in paradise hehe.
I'm glad Baek apologized, but it is a bit selfish of Jasmine (even though of course she should go)
LoLaNitta #8
Chapter 9: I miss this so much! Thank you for updating