Honeymoon 2: Surprise!

Officially Married... Now What? [Sequel to Wedding Jitters]

23 February 2016

"I feel absolutely ridiculous." Jasmine announced, gripping onto her husband's hand. She wore a white flowy dress and a pair of brown flip flops. She was reluctant to wear it at first since they weren't exactly going to the beach but to the airport first. However with much insistance on Baekhyun's part she - although still reluctant - wore the outfit. She knew they were going to an island from the way he was dressed, in khakis and a black tank top but she wasn't sure where. She knew it was overseas since he asked her to bring her passport too. 

When she thought she was actually done with her husband's plan to embarrass her even further, he decided to blind fold her on their way to the airport. 

"No, Byun Baekhyun. No." she warned him while hiding behind the kitchen counter. 

"Shh! It's 2am! We don't want to wake the neighbours now do we?" Baekhyun reasoned, holding the blue cloth in one hand while making his way to the other side of the counter. 

She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at the young man with chestnut coloured hair. "Weren't you the one who booked our flight at 4.55am? And honestly the blindfold. Jagiya, people will stare!" she insisted. 

"No, they won't." Baekhyun insisted. "Besides, they would be staring at your dashing husband." he wiggled his eyebrows at her and she groaned at how conceited he could be.

"You don't, jagiya." he assured her while rubbing her arm. Which was true. They were at the airport at 3am and there is hardly anyone in Icheon International Airport at that hour besides the ground staff. 

"I could honestly feel them staring at me." Jasmine countered looking around but all she could see was the cloth that was covering her eyes. He chuckled and affectionately ruffled her hair. "You sound like a maniac." 

"I feel like a maniac too." she mumbled. 

"Once we are there, I will remove it alright? Promise." he told her. 

"That will be...?" her voice trailed off for him to continue. 

He glanced at his watch before speaking again, contemplating to whether to sugar coat it or to tell her the truth. 

"Another 3 hours." deciding on the truth. 

Jasmine nearly flipped at that. She gave a frustrated sigh and shook her head. There was a lot of things she wanted to say but she bit her lip. The jet black haired girl knew the man next to her has put in lots of effort into surprising her and she didn't want to be the one that spoil it. Besides, it is only three hours so she knew they weren't going to Hawaii or the Maldives. 

"You owe me." she said, resigning from shouting at him. Baekhyun let out a sigh of relief, a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Baekhyun held her shoulders and gave her a kiss fully on the lips. "Thank you for going with this." He leaned down and whispered into her ear. "You can punish me all you want in the hotel room later, alright?" he teased.

Jasmine shook her head but couldn't wipe the smile from her face. Leave it to her husband for saying something like that. 

"Fine." she whispered back, a smile on her lips. "No desserts for you." 

She could feel his glare on her head and his jaw dropping. "Oh come on!" 

"Remove this damn blindfold and I will reconsider." she argued. 

"No." he said stubbornly and in what Jasmine calls his 'cute' voice. 

"Then, no desserts throughout our honeymoon." she said making him pout slightly like a kicked puppy. 


"Can you tell me now?" 




"I already know we are in Phuket. Can't you take this off?" she asked about to yank the stupid cloth off but her husband held her hands firmly. 


"Oh come on!" she complained. "Your plan had already backfired." she pointed out. 

Baekhyun sighed. She was right of course. His plan would've succeeded if the captain didn't make the annoucement that they were going to land in Phuket International Airport.

But, Baekhyun being Baekhyun, he had a pretty large ego and he didn't want to accept the fact that his surprise backfired on him. So, he kept the blindfold on till they reached the hotel which was up north of the large island. 

"It has not." he said. "You still don't know where we're staying." making her harrumphed. 

"I bet the taxi driver is giving you suspicious looks. He is probably thinking that you're some kind of pimp or a trafficker." she grumbled and notioned her head to where the driver was sitting. Baekhyun laughed and looped his arm around her waist. 

"Yes, because a pimp is going to bring you to a very beautiful hotel for your honeymoon isn't it?" he said kissing her cheek when she fell silent realizing how irrelevant that argument was. 

"Point taken." Jasmine said finally. "But I am not going to forgive you for embarrasing me since 2 in the morning today." 

He hummed at this statement and kissed her forehead. "You will forgive me when you see the hotel we are staying in for the next few days." 

Before Jasmine could argue back, the taxi came to a stop. "We're here." Baekhyun said excitedly and the bellboy opened the taxi door. Baekhyun held her hand and escorted her out of the taxi. 

"Careful." he said quietly, putting his other hand over her head to prevent her from hurting herself. She mimicked her husband's actions and went out of the taxi. She felt once again eyes on her because of that ridiculous blindfold. "Baby, can you please remove this?" she asked feeling like a lunatic. "I feel very uncomfortable." 

He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Nope." punctuating the 'p' as he said it. Jasmine decided it was pointless to argue with a boy who was being stubborn and determined to make his surprise work. 

But she couldn't help but trying. 

The hotel staffs greeted her in Thai and she just nodded back in response (not like she could see them anyway) but she decided to be polite. She could feel the heat of the morning sun on her skin, the birds chirping and she could hear water trickling down from probably a fountain or water feature. She would have to go around the hotel grounds when Baekhyun decides on giving her sight back. 

"Can I please have my sight back?" she pleaded into his ears as he guided across the cobblestone path. 

"Soon, my love. Patience." he told her and kissed the side of her head. She just groaned in response. She was patient all morning and if he was testing her patience even further. They walked in silence and she sat there quietly when he got the keycards from the reception. She wanted to pull down the blindfold (a few times in fact when she thought her husband wasn't looking) but he held her hands firmly in place while he smoothly checked in at the reception.

What irked her the most were the receptionists. She didn't have to understand Thai that they were stealiing glances at Baekhyun and talking on how dashing he was. 

One of them even had to flirt in front of him at her presence! The nerve...

"Oh, are you here on a business trip?" one of the Thai girls asked, nicknaming her Nosy 1 in her head, speaking in an accented English.  

Wow, she sure is stupid... Flriting in the presence of his newly wedded wife. She thought. 

"No, it's our honeymoon." Jasmine cut in before Baekhyun could even respond. Her mother was English so she had a good background in speaking the language, as good as her Korean. "We are married." she said flashing the emerald stoned ring and her wedding band that was adorned with tiny diamond solitaires. 

She could tell Nosy 1 didn't like this very much but she couldn't care. Jasmine was not the kind that get jealous easily nor the kind that gets possesive easily either. However, this was her man that said Thai girl was flriting with. 

Before either of them could say anything (or rip their head off), Baekhyun squeezed her hand, getting her attention. "Baby, the room is ready. Let's go." he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the back of her hand gently, sending her shivers down her spine. If it was one thing Baekhyun was good at was to calm her nerves and even little gestures like this were enough to make her stomach do flip flops. 

He helped her up from her seat and he slowly escorted her to the room. She bit her lip as Baekhyun chatted with the bellboy who was carrying their luggage as well as leading the way to their room. 

"We are almost there, jagiya." he told her, and she could tell from the tone of his voice that he was excited like a kid who had gotten his Christmas present early. He swung their clasped hands and hummed a happy tune, making her laugh a little. 

They stopped when the bellboy took the key card and opened the door. He pushed the door and placed the baggage inside before stepping out again. "Mr. and Mrs. Byun, this is your villa. I hope you enjoy your stay here." the bell boy said, smiling at the lovely couple. While Baekhyun said his thanks to the bellboy giving him a tip too, only one thing was on Jasmine's mind. 


"Baekhyun... Where -" Baekhyun let go off her hand and went behind her. He dropped his hands on her shoulder and slowly guided her into their villa, their 'home' for the next few days. "Almost there, Jazzy." he said softly into her ear. Baekhyun stopped when they entered inside the villa and closed the door with his foot. 

"Ready?" he asked, his fingers ready to pull the knot of the blindfold. She nodded, preparing herself for the surprise. 

He untied the knot quickly and removed the blindfold form her eyes, finally and Jasmine opened her eyes for the first time since the time they left. 

Jasmine brought her hands to and her eyes were as wide as saucers as she tried to take in the view. She breathed out a 'wow' and she just stood there frozen and in awe at the whole thing. 

Where she stood on her right was a king size bed with covered in red rose petals all over the crisp white sheets. The bed curtains were tied up to the four wooden bed posts and she moved her hand along the smooth wood. She was in awe as her eyes travelled to the view from the bed. The curtains were drawn and the glass doors were open to reveal a pool.

Their own private swimming pool in their very own villa. 

She giddily walked to the few steps and looked outside, the sun beating down on her skin as she did so. Outside where she overlooked the crystal blue waters, were bedchairs and a beach umbrella opened for them to enjoy and basked under the glorious sun. She turned to her right to see there was an outdoor bathtub, also with rose petals in them and a rain shower overhead and behind was where the sink was, the bathroom. 

She pulled back and turned to face her husband. She tried opening to come up with something, to say anything but her voice failed her. The fact that she was still standing was considered an achievement.

If Baekhyun thought that his surprise plan failed, well, he was mistaken because she was beyond surprised for words.

"Say something." Baekhyun said getting worried that his chatter box of a wife was keeping quiet for a very long time. "I wasn't sure where to go for our honeymoon and I thought why not the beach because I know how much you loved the sun and well, I came upon this by chance and-" Baekhyun stopped his rambling when his wife enveloped into a big hug. 

"You idiot, I love it!" she said sniffing slightly and giving him a sloppy kiss on his cheek, making him squeaked in response from the contact. "I was just so-"

"Surprised?" he questioned, a grin replacing his little worrisome face. Jasmine couldn't help but rolled her eyes at this. She pulled away slightly but her arms were still looped around his neck. 

"Yes, I  was very, very surprised." Jasmine said giving him a peck on his plump, red lips. "This almost made up for thoroughly embarrasing me earlier." she said, her fingers twirling with a strand of his hair.

He grinned sheepishly and his bottom lip. "Almost?" he asked seductively. She swatted his chest in a playful manner. "No, I want to sleep first!" she laughed at the thought of her husband wanting to get some y time with her. 

God, was this all he could think about ever since they got married? 

She pulled away when her husband grabbed her by the waist and threw her unceremoniously on the bed. She squealed when her back land on the bed, a few of the rose petals scattered away, some getting stuck on her hair. He climbed over her and planted a wet kiss on her lips, while his hands removed the stray petal away from her hair. 

"Sleep later." he said with lust filled eyes as he locked gaze with her green ones.

"Aren't you even tired?" she asked him, stifling a yawn and making her eyes water slightly. 

"Nope not even-" but a yawn escaped his lips making her roar in laughter. "I take that as a yes." Jasmine said tapping the tip of his nose, making him wrinkle in slight annoyance.

Was it even possible to feel and sleepy at the same time anyway? Then again, this was Byun Baekhyun and he wasn't exactly the definition of normal to begin with. 

"Come on, we have the whole day to do whatever we want and right now, I would like to sleep." the black haired woman said to her slightly disappointed husband. "You're tired too baby, come on." she said propping herself up on her elbows so that their faces were inches away from each other. He sighed and nodded, slightly crestfallen. "Pig but fine, because I am tired too." he pouted at her. 

Jasmine smiled triumphantly and began collecting the rose petals and placed them neatly on the wooden bedside table. She crawled into the covers and rested her head against the pillow, sighging in contentment. Baekhyun slowly joined her and naturally wrapped his arm around her torso and rest his head on the crook of her neck, breathing in her sweet vanilla scent. 

"Goodnight, Baekhyun." she said sleepily, her eyes drooping. 

"Goodnight, Jazzy." he responded with an equally sleepy tone. 

She smiled in contentment and played with his baby soft hair. As she was about to drift off to dreamland, he spoke again. 



"Can we have after nap time?" 

She groaned and mentally face palmed herself. 

"Goodnight!" she said turning away from him and he gave a light chuckle, telling her he was just joking... sort of. 


It was about noon when they finally woke up from their slumber and they would've continued sleeping if their stomachs didn't make monster like growls. They were even too lazy to get up since the bed was so comfortable, they decided on room service instead. 

He did a stretch and lazily draped his arm over her shoulder and she resting her head on his shoulder, taking in the view from their bed. 

"So, Mr. Byun." she began. 

"Yes, Mrs. Byun?" he replied, although albeit corny. 

"What is our itenary for our trip?"

"Well..." he began, tapping on his chin cutely in thought. "Today we are just going to relax and tomorrow, we are going to Patong to shop and what not and the next day we are going island hopping. Then, the next few days we are just going to relax." 

"Wow." she said impressed with the itenary. "We have a full week ahead of us don't we?" 

"Mmhmm. That is why today we are just going to relax in the comfort of our room and swim for a bit. I know how tired and lazy you can be." he said pinching her nose cutely and she swatted his hand away.

"Oi. If anything, you're the lazy one." she pointed out and he gave her an impish grin. 

"If I remember clearly, I wanted to ravish your body but you were the one being all tired." he said resulting to poking her cheek and again, pushing his hand away. 

"And so were you! You yawned right at my face that I could smell the coffee you drank a few hours ago on the plane." she said making his cheeks burn. 

"At least I smell like coffee and not like fish or something." Baekhyun argued back making her snort. 

"If you did, I would have stuffed my whole mint box into your mouth." 


They didn't realize they were starving until room service came in with their pineapple fried rice and green chicken curry rice. They were done with their meals, their plates spotless from any food in 20minutes flat. By the end of it, Baekhyun and Jasmine were stuffed and could barely move. 

"I overate." Jasmine announced. 

"I feel like like I am about to explode." 

"We should swim to burn this off later." 

"In the mean time..." he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Goddamnit you bastard!" she said, hitting his arm countlessly making him laugh and telling her to stop.

When she was satisified and his arm slightly sore from all the beatings, they fell into comfortable silence once more as he lazily drew circles on her shoulder while watching The Terminator on TV. 

"I wonder how the kids are doing at home." Jasmine wondered, thinking of her boys. "Do you think they have ruined our house?" 

Baekhyun snorted. "They better not. I can't believe you even allow them to take care of our house. These are the very same boys who have saw you a few days ago, if you did not remember." 

Jasmine felt her face grew hot at the memory and she was mortified at the memory. "I don't understand what possessed them to even 'break in' into our suite. Don't they know what newlyweds do on their wedding night?" 

Baekhyun shrugged. "They must have thought that we were too tired to do it."

"Well, I was till you woke me up." Jasmine said looking up at him with narrow eyes accusing him.

Again, he snorted at that statement. "Hey, I was tired by the 2nd round when we were doing it on the couch but you were all hyped up and wanted round three on the kitchen top." 

"Can you not go into detail?" she grimaced slightly at what they were doing on the counter top. She was pretty sure the hotel management would have to disinfect the entire suite at that rate. 

"What?" he batted his eyelash innocently. "It's not like I said that you went down on-"

"And stop. God just stop." she said covering her ears while he smirked at her little antics. He gave her a kiss on her temple. 

Silence engulfed them till he broke it. 

"But honestly, couldn't you ask your mother to take care of our house?" 

She shook her head. "Mum is in England to visit my grandmother and dad went on a business trip. The best bet would be the boys." 

"Who honestly would be playing detective now at our home." Baekhyun said grudginly. He still couldn't find it in his heart to forgive the boys who saw his wife's form. 

"They wouldn't." Jasmine said reassuringly, taking her hand in his. "They would have to face my wrath if they did." 

Baekhyun grinned. "True." 

"And after your yelling episode, I think they wouldn't." she said patting his hand. "I hope." she said quieter this time because knowing her boys, they are a bunch of unpredictable bunch. 


"Oh God. She is going to kill you." Kyungsoo said, his eyes looked as if they were about to fall off his sockets if he opened them any wider. 

"I heard a crash... What was... Oh..." Suho said looking at the broken pieces of blue china on the floor of the Byun's household. "Jasmine is going to kill you." looking at the perpetrator. 

"She wouldn't. She..."

"It's a present from her aunty from China, you moron. How did it even break?" Jongdae asked pinching the birdge of his nose. 

"I was just tossing this at Sehun." he held up the green frisbee. 

'Why in the world were you even tossing a frisbee in the house?" Chanyeol snapped at Jongin.

"I'm sorry!" Jongin said, scared as he clutched the frisbee tightly to his chest. Suho smacked him on the head on how careless the younger one could be. 

"Yah!!" he shouted, rubbing the sore spot on his head, pouting. "I said I was sorry!" 

The other boys sighed at how stupid Jongin could be. "You better clean this up and better hope and pray that when Jasmine comes back she would not realize that her blue china is missing and broken."

"If she does, then..." Sehun trailed off when Jongin gave him a dead glare but Chanyeol continued. "You better hope that you are able to celebrate Father's Day. Jasmine is the Hulk when she is angry." 

And that was enough to make Kai gulp in fear. 



A/N: ASDFGHJKL 27 subbies on the first chapter alone? Wow you guys really :D thank you to all those who commented on the first chapter. I am sorry if it is kinda short. 

And so sorry for posting the 2nd one late. I have been busy getting stuff for my trip back to the UK. Really bittersweet to pack up and leave again to be honest :/ 

On another note, I am seeing EXO tomorrow for World Stage! I am beyond excited!! :D :D :D 

Till then, I hope you guys love this chapter and do comment, subscribe (if you've not already) and upvote ^^ till then xx

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omg omg 100 subs?! You guys are amazing! big hugs to all you lovely people xx I will update this soon! A lot has been going on lately :p


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Chapter 11: Awwwww poor Suho and Cheongsa ;u;
Chapter 9: they'll be separated? NOOOO :'(

oh btw, new reader here^^ i read the prequel of this and knowing that it has a sequel, i quickly clicked it and read it right away XD
pidawidys #3
kyaaaaa i really love your story >,< update soon, author-nim~ ^^
Blackbra #4
Chapter 9: Update soon~
jesstephi #5
Chapter 9: OMG NOOOO JASMINE DONT LEAVE HIM!!! He will be devastated :(
Thanks for updating and please take care of yourself ^_^
Cant wait for the next chapter!
I'm so so so glad you updated. I miss this story so much :)
Chapter 9: Oof trouble in paradise hehe.
I'm glad Baek apologized, but it is a bit selfish of Jasmine (even though of course she should go)
LoLaNitta #8
Chapter 9: I miss this so much! Thank you for updating