Honeymoon 3: Of Elephants and Lady Boys

Officially Married... Now What? [Sequel to Wedding Jitters]

23 February 2016

They didn't do much for the rest of the day besides lounging around in their room and taking an evening stroll around the hotel grounds. Jasmine was captivated by the intense beauty of the whole area: the amount of greenery and the peaceful ambience that came along with it. They were further away from the beach which Jasmine didn't really mind. She rather spend the entire day at the hotel and their private pool than to the beach. Besides, they were already going island hopping a few days from now. 

Around dinner time, they decided to go across the road to the Turtle Village: a little quaint (and slightly upmarket, Jasmine realizes) eatery and shopping area at the north part of the island. They thought of just grabbing some snacks and some drinks to have while watching TV.

Till Baekhyun stopped in front of a restaurant named Swensens. 

"Jazzy!" Baekhyun was in the verge of going on his knees and begging.

"Baek, behave yourself. You're 25!" Jasmine said exasperatedly. They were a few feet away from the said restaurant and she knew her husband wanted ice cream.

"It's such a warm day." he sing songed, batting his long lashes at her, his hands clasped together like in prayer. 

"No." she said and jabbed his arm. "Come on, I want to go look at that shop with the pretty clothings." Before he could retaliate, she dragged him away from said dessert parlour and entered the bag shop. 

Any other human being - including a child for that matter - would've stopped bugging if the older said no. But, this was Byun Baekhyun King of Stubborness Extraordinaire. 

She walked around the shop picking up flowy tops to sarongs to flower hair clips.

Baekhyun was sulking and lugging behind her, their hands still clasped together though. She was talking animatedly about how her mother would love those clips and those tops and how Penny would want something too. Then, she stopped and wondered what to get her father and Baekhyun just kept quiet since he was deep in thought on how to get ice cream.

He calls this Operation Get Wife to Say Yes to Ice Cream or GWTSYTIC. 

He looked around the shop and quietly slipped his hand away from his wife when he saw something that caught his eye. He did a half smile and the wheels in his head began to turn, a plan formulating in his mind.

There was no way she could say no to this. He thought chuckling evilly in his mind. 

Jasmine was too engrossed at the clips and the Thai silk pillow cases that she didn't realize Baekhyun left and came back with something behind his back.

"Baby, what do you think of these colour for our house? We need new pillow cases and I thought... What are you holding behind your back?" she frowned at her husband who was grinning from ear to ear. 

He bit his lip and behind him he took out the weapon of choice he calls it to make Jasmine say yes to him. 

He saw her eyes widen, her pupils dilate at the sight of said object and he did a mental fist pump in his head when he saw she caught the bait. 

She squealed like how she did when they were children when she found something adorable and cute. She used to squish his cheeks when they were younger since he was round like a big fluffy bear. Now, she just jabs his cheeks or flicks his nose because he had lost all his baby fat. She once told him that he should put on weight so that she could squish him to death, much to his grimace. 

The reason she actually screamed in delight was that Baekhyun picked out a red elephant that was made out of Thai silk from the shelf. 

"It's so cute!" she squealed and began poking its trunk. Her husband was laughing at his wife's character: from responsible housewife to a kid in a matter of seconds. 

"Guess who is a cutie patootie?" she cooed at the elephant toy as if it was alive and Baekhyun was shaking his head. "Yes you are." Jasmine couldn't stop poking it. It was a very bad habit of hers to poke at things when she found it cute. 

When they were in high school, she used to do that to Oh Sehun just because he was the maknae. 

"Oh my God Sehun you are so cute I could just die!!" 17 year old Jasmine ran and poke his cheeks. Behind her back, Kyungsoo whispered to Baekhyun. "She used to do that to me when I first became friends with her." 

"You're not the only one." Baekhyun whispered back while watching Jasmine continuously poke Sehun who was trying to fight back the poking monster that was Jasmine Hwang. 

"Baekiieee can we get this?" she asked him. Jasmine was bouncing in her spot while showing the cute elephant at her husband. 

He began to tap his chin, pretending to think. "Please, please, please?' she pleaded still bouncing in her little spot and hiding her face behind the small elephant toy. "Do it for Colonel Haithi." 

Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh at the horrible name. Jasmine was never good at giving good and appropriate names to stuff toy animals. She even named his teddy bear Clifford and his pet dog Alfred - although said dog was a female - because it looked old and wise. 

Well, it could've been worse. The poor elephant could've been named after King Henry VIII.

She pouted at him when Baekhyun finally controlled his very loud laughter. When he nodded, she squealed and kissed him fully on the mouth, whispering a thank you and an I love you and he is the best husband ever. 

"On one condition though." Baekhyun said.

"What's that?" linking arms with him when they exited the store, her Colonel Haithi in the paper bag. 

He gave a smile and pointed at the direction of the ice cream parlour. Jasmine stared at the red neon lights that illuminated the word and back at Baekhyun. Then, her eyes moved towards the paper bag and she let out an exasparated sigh. She had fallen for Baekhyun's trap. 

"You sly bastard." Her eyes still close, her brows furrowed to the middle. He chuckled and hugged her loosely around her waist. 

"And you brought an innocent elephant for your sly tactics." she mumbled into his chest and he hugged her tighter, kissing the top of her head.  "Now I feel sad and depressed." she sighed dramatically.

"And what a better way," pulling away from her so that their gaze would meet. "To cure that sadness with a sundae." he winked at her and kissed her fully on the lips before she could argue back. 

"Thank you baby, I love you and you're the best wife ever!" he repeated her exact words before pecking her one last time on the lips and dragging her to the ice cream parlour, practically skipping his way there.


24 February 2016

Having slept so much the day before, Jasmine was awake by 4am the next day. She untangled her arms and legs that were over Baekhyun's sleeping body as softly as she could. She stretched her arms and pushed her hair back. It was still pretty dark outside so she decided to go for an early morning swim. Careful not to wake her husband up, she got up slowly and she shivered slightly when her dainty feet met the cold marble floor. 

Her feet padded quickly into the bathroom and opened her luggage. She took out her orange and white polka dot bikini top and matching bikink shorts. She shimmered out of her baggy t-shirt and pajama pants and changed into the swim suit. She took her scrunchy and was about to tie her hair into a bun when she let out an inward groan. 

Her neck was covered in a few pink spots courtesy of her husband. 

She slowly turned to her side and saw that he even bit her on her shoulder as well as her stomach, living trails of love bites every part of her body. She knew he was pretty much a biter when it came to but the amount of love bites on her body made her feel as if she had measles. 

Thank God that He created mankind to invent the glorious make up product called BB cream. 

Ignoring the red marks all over her skin that were like chicken pox spots, she walked out of the en suite bathroom to their room again. Baekhyun was sleeping soundly, a slight snore coming from him as he shuffled closer to her pillow, hugging the bolster tightly to his chest. She smiled at the sight before opening the latch of the glass panels. 

A cool breeze greeted her making her shiver slightly. The swimming pool was lit and she put her right foot forward to test the water. She shivered slightly at the coldness but when she fully submerged her foot in, it wasn't so bad. Trying to keep the noise to a bear minimum, she entered the pool slowly till her whole body was submerged up to her neck. She turned around and took in the sight of her villa from the pool. The only source of light came from the dim bedside table and from the bathroom. 

She sighed in utter content before looking up at the night sky. It was a full moon and her gaze was transfixed at the sight of the numerous stars twinkling at her that night. 

She never knew how lucky she was to have married someone like Byun Baekhyun. He absolutely spoils her like a Queen. 

Taking a deep breath, she went underwater, her face becoming numb slightly from the contact of the cool water. 

She swam for a good half hour or so, letting her mind relax and not think much about her hectic life back in Seoul and just enjoy the solitude and tranquility. She was too engrossed in her thoughts that didn't realize her husband woke up and stood at the steps in his swim trunks. When she came up for air, Baekhyun decided to make himself known. 

"Do you know how incredibly y you look when you do that?" Baekhyun asked making her turn to his direction. Jasmine could feel a blush creeping her cheeks from his compliment and also from his half form. 

She had seen his body countless times but she just couldn't help but stare at him. He has gone from being a plump kid with 'bamboo hands' as her mother called it to skinny to a man with abs and slightly muscular arms. He was not too bulky thankfully or else she would looked like she was next to King Kong with excessive muscles and had went through a shaving accident. 

"Like what you see?" his voice snapped her eyes back to his face, a smug look on his face. She rolled her eyes and splashed water at him but due to the distance, the water didn't even come close to him. 

He gave her one last look before diving into the pool. She knew better than to stay in her spot and she swam like her life depended on it. 

Unfortunately, he was much faster and when she came up for air, her hand on the wall of the pool, he looped his arm around her bare waist. She squeaked when he kissed the nape of her neck. She turned around fully so that she could kiss him properly on the mouth. He smiled in the kiss when she straddled his hips and her hands in his already messy and wet hair. His tongue slipped into , fighting for dominance, into the kiss. She his lips and pulled onto his bottom lip, making him growl in response. 

When they finally came up for air, they were breathing hard and they rested their forehead on each other. 



"Do you think we can-"


"You don't know what I was about to say!" 

"I don't have to know because I could feel it." Jasmine said laughing, making her husband blush and he cleared his throat due to the embarrassment. 

"Then, shall we take this back to the bedroom?" he suggested, grinding his hips against hers, making her groan in response. He knew from how dark her eyes has gotten, it was a yes. 


"Goddamnit, baby!" Jasmine shouted from the bathroom. It was already 6am and dawn was approaching. She wore her undergarments and she was looking at herself in the full length mirror. She had to hold onto the counter top because her legs were wobbling slightly from their little ministrations by the pool and well in the bathtub.

When they finally stopped shagging like rabbits, they managed to get themselves clean and now here she was, her hair still damped from her shower and in her lingerie. She groaned at the sight of another love bite blossoming on her collarbone. She has a total of probably 4 on her neck, 2 on her collar bone, 2 more on her hips and she doesn't even want to know where else there would be. She was trying to cover up as much as she could with her BB cream. 

"You screamed, my love?" he said cheekily, making his appearance in his khakis only. Then he looked at her body. "Wow. What's with all the red marks?" 

She narrowed her eyes at him as if he didn't know. "You did this." she said, her hand on her hips. He scratched the back of his neck at the awkward situation. He saw there were some on her back but he knew it's not wise to point that out unless he was asking for a death wish. He even realized there was one on her left . 

God, he needs to control himself when he was making love to his wife. 

"I look like I had a serious allergic reaction!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. 

He gulped and looked down. "I am sorry baby. I will make it up to you. I will do anything just say the word." he said guiltily. He was really sorry and she just sighed, resting both her hands lamely on her side. 

"No ." she said finally making him gulp and immediately went out on a retaliation. 

"But baby, it's !!!!" he pointed out as if saying that just solves everything, his arms flailing all over. 

"If you want , you need to control your biting cause the last thing I want to do is go home looking like I fell into poison ivy." she countered and folded her arms. She raised both eyebrows at him waiting for him to answer and he just bit his lip in thought.

, no , , no . 

Happy wife, angry wife... 

In a couple of strides, he reached his wife and kissed her lips as an apology. "I am sorry baby. I will try not to bite you." 

She was defiant at first till he started giving her the puppy dog look and her heart clenched. She wanted to hit him and kiss him for being so adorable. 

"I hate you, you know that?" she said tiredly, relaxing in his hold and closed her eyes. She sighed in content and breathe in his strawberry scented body and hugged him tighter around his waist.

He chuckled, making his whole body shake. "But you adore me more, hmm?" When he didn't receive a response, he was worried that she was giving him the silent treatment.

Instead, he finds his wife asleep in his arms as they stood there.


"Oh my freaking God this is amazing. Baek, you have to try this." Jasmine said shoving a fruit into his mouth before he could even start talking. He chewed and tried to swallow the big piece of jackfruit she just stuffed into his mouth as she happily skipped her way around Patong. He was sure if he wasn't married to his wife, he was sure that she was trying to kill him with that yellow fruit.

But, it did taste remarkable. 

"Oh, oh! We need to get something for the boys! Maybe we should get more elephants." she said thoughtfully, putting in another jackfruit into . 

Ever since he bought for her that elephant toy which she still adamantly called him Colonely Haithi, she decides to give everyone elephants. She even thought of buying a elephant printed Thai silk pillow case for their home but he told her gently no. 

They walked store after store and soon, they were carrying plastic bags filled with little elephant toys. If they didn't know better, they would think that she was actually selling them with the different colours she had in her bag. 

"I feel like I've been replaced by an elephant." Baekhyun complained as she grinned like a little girl, skipping giddily with her presents. 

She just giggled. "Are you jealous of Colonel Haithi, darling?" batting her long eye lashes at him and he just rolled his eyes. 

"Unless Colonel Haithi can pleasure you, I am the least bit jealous." Baekhyun answered her, folding his arms. She just stuck out her tongue at that answer but went back and grabbed his hand, swinging it. "I love you." she said and kissed his cheek. 

They were walking past clubs and people shoving brochures about ping pong shows and lady boy shows but they politely declined. Though, they did wonder what did they mean by 'lady boy.'

Their curiousity got the better of them when they saw a group of 'ladies' or so they thought dressed in skimpy clothing and parading around in high heels. Jasmine thought these ladies who were taller than her in heels were beautiful and she felt a little inferior at the thought that these lady boys are much prettier than an average girl.

But that soon changed when they pulled Baekhyun and they asked her to take a photo of them with her husband. Baekhyun was pretty much mortified when he found out that they were once upon a time men and they were now stunning women. She was about to snap a photo when one of the ladies grabbed his hand and made him place his hand on her .

That did it for Jasmine and she tried to stifle a laugh when she saw how plae he had gotten from the contact. 

"Oh, your husband is so handsome!" the one in red told her once she snapped the photo and Baekhyun ran behind his wife. 

"He is! I wish I could find a man like that." the other one told her and threw a wink at Baekhyun which made him shudder behind her. 

Baekhyun looked as if he had saw a ghost and he remained tight lip till he they waited for their cab. 

"Are you alright, jagi?" Jasmine asked touching his forehead. 

"I feel... Violated." Baekhyun said, his voice trembling slightly. 

"Why?" Jasmine asked. 

"One of them squeezed my ." Baekhyun answered meekly which made Jasmine burst into laughter. "And what's worse was that they were guys!" 

"I feel so sorry for you." Jasmine said in between laughing and hiccuping. She patted his back as he shuddered at the memory. 

Even though they waited for only 10 minutes, Baekhyun felt like an eternity since he was getting wolf whistled as well as winks and 'call me' gestures from more lady boys. 

"We are never, ever coming back to Patong. Ever." he emphasized as soon as they entered the cab and went back to their hotel. Jasmine shook her head and giggled at her silly husband. 

Who knew Baekhyun was afraid of a bunch of lady boys. 



A/N: Hello my darlings! :D So another update (because I am procrastinating in my packing).

So, as you know, I went for MTV World Stage and ohmyfreakinggawd. EXO live was freaking amazing. I was literally so starstrucked throughout the whole performance. Suho speaking English when he intro'd himself and Baekhyun, my love affair was perfect as usual. Luhan speaking mandarin to the crowd was so freaking cute I can't even and just everyone.

And Tao our Kungfu AB style panda... the cameraman simply adored him. He kept appearing in the big screen. And Lay was the last to leave when they went off stage. I just... they are a bunch of cuties. Hot men and cutie patooties! :D 

But the one who stole the show was Far East Movement. They had so much stage presence and I am still high from the music. It was amazing. Standing and screaming in the rain to see EXO and Far East Movement was all freaking worth it <3

Though, I was kinda disappointed that they didn't sing MAMA but they did sing 365 and I thought that was cute <3 

Anyway, yeah. So do leave a comment, subscribe and upvote on what you guys think of this chapter :D 

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omg omg 100 subs?! You guys are amazing! big hugs to all you lovely people xx I will update this soon! A lot has been going on lately :p


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Chapter 11: Awwwww poor Suho and Cheongsa ;u;
Chapter 9: they'll be separated? NOOOO :'(

oh btw, new reader here^^ i read the prequel of this and knowing that it has a sequel, i quickly clicked it and read it right away XD
pidawidys #3
kyaaaaa i really love your story >,< update soon, author-nim~ ^^
Blackbra #4
Chapter 9: Update soon~
jesstephi #5
Chapter 9: OMG NOOOO JASMINE DONT LEAVE HIM!!! He will be devastated :(
Thanks for updating and please take care of yourself ^_^
Cant wait for the next chapter!
I'm so so so glad you updated. I miss this story so much :)
Chapter 9: Oof trouble in paradise hehe.
I'm glad Baek apologized, but it is a bit selfish of Jasmine (even though of course she should go)
LoLaNitta #8
Chapter 9: I miss this so much! Thank you for updating