Stay/Go 3: Decisions, Decisions

Officially Married... Now What? [Sequel to Wedding Jitters]

2nd August 2016

"Where is that bastard who conned my baby girl?" Baekhyun growled when Chanyeol opened the door. Jasmine wasn't sure whether to laugh or hit him at that point but she was disappointed with Suho as well. How could he do that? She wanted to go to Cambridge as badly as he does but to lie to her face to say that was really low of him. 

Chanyeol pointed at the living/dining area where Suho and Kyungsoo were on the couch, the latter trying to comfort a sulky Suho. It was so strange since it was always Joonma that will be the one who will comfort people. The young man with big eyes patted his back and gave a little squeeze on the shoulder, making the older one to look up at the couple who just came in. 

Suho sat up straighter but avoided the Byuns' gaze. He knew he was in trouble as he looked down on his clapsed hands on his lap. Baekhyun and Jasmine were about to say something when Jongdae- of course- yelled at Suho. 


"HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO US JOONMAMA?" Sehun attacked and if the other boys didn't hold Sehun back, he would have probably lunged at Suho. 

"Boys." Jasmine shot a glare at them and they fell silent but their lips were pressed into a thin line. Jongin grabbed them by the shoulders, signalling them to the kitchen. Together with Chanyeol, they left the living area and went to the kitchen. 

"Well, care to explain?" Baekhyun asked, making his way to the opposite couch, sitting down. Kyungsoo stared awkwardly at them before excusing himself to the kitchen with the other boys. 

The three of them sat in silence, Suho looking at his hands on his lap. He was ashamed for doing something so ridiculous as that. He thought Cheong-Sa will never say no. He thought they were at the same wavelength.

They did say, "Never say never." 

"I thought she would be happy for me. I thought she will come with me." he said not looking at the couple before him. Jasmine sighed and leaned forward, her head resting on her hands as she rested her elbows on her lap. 

"You know, I think she is just angry that you accepted the offer without consulting her." she pointed out. "I am actually disappointed with you." 

Suho felt like a small kid again when Jasmine said that. His mother used to tell him that when he did something wrong and he hung his head. "But you want to go, don't you? That's why I did it." Suho said, his bottom lip jutting out a bit. 

"Of course I want to go, Joon-mama. But the thing is, I am married now. I have responsiblities as well." she pointed out, rolling her eyes. "It is my dream to go to England but I can't just agree to the offer without talking to Baek about it. As independent as you and Cheong-Sa are, you will still need to tell her that and not drop a bombshell about it. When you are with someone, you need to make a decision as a couple and not solo." 

Baekhyun looked at his wife with such awe at her words. He felt proud as she continued to reason with Suho. He always knew his wife was smart and very mature but seeing her to actually be mature at the person he always thought was the mature one in the group of boys was something different. He wasn't sure how he is going to feel about her leaving. 

His phone buzzed and he grabbed the phone from his jeans pocket: 

TheGiant: Kitchen. Now. 

THEBaekhyun: Is there food? 

TheGiant: Seriously? -_-

THEBaekhyun: Hold on. 

"Baby, I am going into the kitchen for a bit alright?" Baekhyun said and Jasmine just nodded her head, turning her attention towards Suho again. "Don't steal my chocolate cake." 

"Well, for tricking my wife, your cake is the price." Baekhyun replied and went off before Suho could even stop him. 

The brown haired boy walked towards the kitchen and found all of them crowding in a semi-circle, whispering and talking in hush tones. It felt like dejavu as he watched them. He wondered was this some kind of intervention like they did before with Jongdae a few years prior. 

"Hey, so Suho says he has some chocolate cake in the fridge." Baekhyun said with a smile on his face. Immediately, Jongin and Jongdae scrambled to open the fridge when Kyungsoo blocked the fridge, arms spread wide. It was quite hilarious since Kyungsoo was shorter and his arms aren't long enough to cover the entire double door fridge. "We are hungry!" Jongdae whined, trying to pry his arms away from the grey fridge. 

"He told me to guard the fridge!" Kyungsoo said, narrowing his big eyes at them. "What are you? The Guardian of the Fridge?" Sehun asked raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Yes, from the likes of you people." he said looking at each and everyone of them. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and easily pulled Kyungsoo to the side and opened the fridge nonchalantly. The 'guardian of the fridge' was trying to fight his way back but a crowd formed and prevented Kyungsoo from getting anywhere near the fridge. 

"This is my kitchen!" Kyungsoo complained. "This isn't even your house!" Jongin and Sehun countered and Kyungsoo kept quiet after that. 

The giant successfully brought out a chocolate cake and placed it on the counter. He rummaged through the drawers before he found a knife and started slicing the cake. Kyungsoo's face paled and Baekhyun pat his back. "He will kill me." 

"It's just cake, Kyungsoo. Lighten up." Baekhyun said matter of factly while Jongdae sneakily tried to swipe some chocolate icing from the cake, making Chanyeol swat his hand. "YAH!" retracting his hand to his chest.

"SHHH!" Jongin immediately clasped Jongdae's mouth shut. "Can you be quiet?" he asked, talking in hush tones as well. Jongin peeped over Baekhyun's shoulder to make sure Jasmine was still pre-occupied with Suho. Clearly, they must be so deep in their conversation that they do not know the chaos that was going on in the kitchen. 

"Lunch is served." Chanyeol said, stepping away from the cut slices of cake. Immediately, the hungry boys grabbed a slice and munched on the chocolatey goodness, savouring every single bite. 

Even Kyungsoo who was adamant of defending the cake caved in and took a bite. 

"Tch, hypocrite." Jongin muttered before taking another bite and earning a glare from Kyungsoo. "Don't make me kick you where the sun don't shine." 

"Guys, why did you actually called me here for?" Baekhyun interrupted the two of them, suddenly remembering that he wasn't there on his own free will. "Oh, right." Sehun said, swallowing the piece of cake. "We are trying to stop them from leaving Korea." 

"And how exactly are we going to do that?" Baekhyun asked, an eyebrow raised. Of course he wouldn't want his wife to leave either but how are they going execute that plan is going to be tricky. 

"We... Haven't exactly came to that part of the plan yet." Jongin said. 

"No Sherlock." Baekhyun answered sarcastically. 

"We should ask Cheong-Sa to persuade Suho." Chanyeol said. 

"How? They have broken up and as much of her name says 'angel' she isn't exactly an angel when it comes to her temper." Sehun pointed out and the rest agreed. They remembered one evening when Suho accidentally burnt her dress when he was ironing. Let's just say they didn't want to relive that moment. 

"Maybe we get Jasmine a puppy. Like a toy poodle." Jongdae suggested.  

"We do not exactly have a big apartment space, mind you." Baekhyun told. 

"Oh, oh! Maybe you should just delete the email." jongin said. 

"Do you want me to get killed?" Baekhyun asked. 

"Maybe?" Jongin said and Baekhyun was about to stab him with his spoon when Chanyeol grabbed his right wrist. 

"Can you both stop it? God, how can Suho even stand you both." Kyungsoo asked massaging his temple with his fingers. 

"Says the one who wanted to kick someone's behind earlier." Jongdae reminded and Kyungsoo swear that he could kill them at this point. 

"Guilt trip them?" Chanyeol suggested, cutting the tension between them .

"How?" Sehun asked. 

"Give them a long list of how hopeless we will be without them and all that." 

"That sounds stupid." Jongdae said. "We aren't exactly hopeless without them."

The other boys (except Kyungsoo) turned to look at Jongdae. "What? We aren't exactly hopeless! We know how to cook ramen."  

"This idea sounds much better than you suggesting a puppy." Chanyeol said sticking out his tongue and Jongdae rolled his eyes. 

"Guys, can we just get through this without arguing?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"Maybe we should just pretend that we are going with their plan of studying abroad." Sehun said thoughtfully. 

"How are we going to do that?" Jongin asked, slightly intrigued by the maknae's idea.

"Like we will just say that we agree to it but we will make their celebration or farewell dinner a really, really sad one. It will be so sad that they will not want to leave." Sehun said, looking at everyone who were taking his idea into consideration. 

"That... Doesn't sound like a bad idea." Baekhyun said, tapping the spoon on his lips. 

"Should we ask the other boys to get into it?" 

"Of course and we need to make sure Cheong-Sa is in the right state of mind to reason with." 

"First of all, we need Suho and Cheong-Sa to actually make up." Glancing over to where Jasmine and Suho were sitting, they were still talking but their expressions were unreadable. 

"As much as I agree with this whole plan," Kyungsoo began. "will they actually take it kindly if they find out that we have destroyed their opportunity to go of to England?" 

"I am sorry but why is he even here if he is going to be negative?" Jongdae asked, being a diva that he is.

"He does have a point though. We need to make sure that the plan is absolutely full proof." Chanyeol pointed his spoon at Kyungsoo thoughtfully.

"I can ask Carmen about it." Jongdae said. "She is really good in making plans." he continued dreamily and making the boys snicker slightly. 

"Here we go, Jongdae being a lost love sick puppy again." Chanyeol said, ruffling his hair. 

"Seriously, when are you going to propose to her?" Jongin asked nudging him and Jongdae clicked his tongue. 

"You guys seriously, can we stick to the plot instead of derailing?" Kyungsoo asked irritated. 

"Geez, we need to make sure Suho stays here." 

"Yeah. I think I would die if Kyungsoo nags us any longer." 

"Please, I will send you to the very pits of hell if I am stuck with you people any longer." 

The whole room fell silent and they weren't sure whether Kyungsoo was going through his 'time of the month' or being absolutely serious. No one can tell with his big doe eyes and his 'I mean business' voice. 

"Right, so..." Chanyeol cleared his throat. "We need to start this plan soon." 


3rd August 2016

"No, I am fine." If you consider eating four tubs of chocolate ice cream in the span of 2 days fine. 

"He is an idiot." But, he's my idiot. 

"I know." You don't. 

"You don't deserve him." But, I do.

Before Cheong-Sa could continue talking with her sister, the doorbell rang. "I will call you back. I think the pizza is here." She placed the phone back on its dock and her feet padded on the floor as she quickly walked towards the front door. She pulled her cardigan tighter around her body and unlocked her door. The dancer opened the door about to greet the pizza delivery man but instead, she was greeted by Suho. 

Suho with a nice bouquet of roses: 50 roses to be exact.

Cheong-Sa felt elated and she would've melted at his feet right there and then but she had to remind herself that she broken up with him and she was still mad at him. 

"Go away, Suho." she said, her voice cold. "I have nothing to say to you." she was about to slam the door on his face when he grabbed the door, preventing it from slamming in his face. The girl wanted to use her entire body weight to close the door, huffing and puffing as she tried but gave up when Suho just pushed the door a little more so he was able to squeeze in. 

She glared at him, blew her bangs in annoyance and crossed her arms. "I told you I have nothing to say to you and just leave." 

"But I have a few things to say to you, Cheong-Sa." he said, putting the flowers on the table. 

"You have a minute." she told him. "One."

He took a deep breath. "Two."

Suho closed his eyes and the girl rolled her eyes. "Three, four, fi-"

"I am sorry for not talking to you about it first before I made the decision. I was being selfish and I didn't take your views into account. I assumed because we are together that you will be happy and that you will follow me to England. I am so, so, sorry that I made this decision without talking to you first." he took a few steps foward, giving her his best puppy dog look. 

"I don't want us to fight and it kills me right now that we are fighting over a mistake I made. I was being selfish and you have every right to hate me right now but, I can't bear not being with you and not having you by my side, Cheong-Sa. You are more than just my girlfriend. You are the one person that reminds me to be grounded and I guess, with the offer and the scholarship, I had forgotten that." 

Cheong-Sa's shoulders drooped and her fingers fiddled with the loose thread from her cardigan. Suho sighed and took her hands and she didn't bother fighting him off. "I love you, Cheong-Sa. Please, don't leave me." he begged, his eyes were glassy and moist from tears. The dancer sighed and felt tears welling up in her own eyes too. 

"It doesn't change the fact that you're leaving for England next month." she told him, thankfully her voice hasn't cracked yet. 

"Do you want me to go to England, darling?" he asked, his hands travelling up to the side of her face, his thumb brushing her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned in to his touch. 

"I need you here too. I am going through my final year and while I am your rock, you are mine too. I need my support system and my cheerleader. At the same time," Cheong-Sa sighed.

"It's an opportunity-"

"Lifetime, I get it." she didn't snap but she looked so tired from arguing. "Look, it looks like you already made up your mind, Suho. If you want to go, you can go. I don't want years down the road for you to blame me for stopping you from achieving your dreams." she said quietly and Suho felt a stab to the heart. How can she think that way? He will never blame her. 

"Jagiya, listen to me. I will never blame you. I don't want to leave you either because I know how much stress final year is getting to you and it is terribly selfish of me to leave you when you need me most."

"But you're still going to England. You already accepted the offer." she pointed out, her eyes accusing. Suho nodded and the girl turned away from him, pulling away from his grip. "Even if I want you not to go, you will still go. You are still going to leave me." 

"I know." he said and they fell into silence. "I love you Cheong-Sa. I am doing this for the both of us. For our future together." 

Cheong-Sa turned away from Suho and opened the door once more. Suho looked at her with a shock expression while she stared back at him, her lips forming a thin line. "As much as I love you, Suho, I don't anymore. I can't be with someone who doesn't respect my views as a person."


"Please leave and do not come back here again." 

Dejected, he nodded and walked out of the house. When Suho finally left the house, Cheong-Sa felt hollow but she didn't cry, no. She was way too strong for that.

She was about to go to her room and call her sister when her eyes caught sight of the bouquet that Suho left behind. Cheong-Sa felt conflicted with what she did earlier but she knew that she couldn't go on like this with Suho. Makign up her mind, She took the bouquet of roses that was left on the table and  dumped it in the waste paper bin, deciding that she didn't want to have anything to do with Suho anymore. 



A/N: Guess who is back? :D :D 

Oh my God Hi everyone! I am sorry for the hiatus! I am free from exams (for good) and therefore I have ample time to update my stories. I am sorry if the chapter isn't great. I am still trying to get back into the writing mojo (being away for 2 months does this to you). 

So, thank you to all you new subscribers and those who left comments on this story and on wedding jitters. Really you guys are amazing <3 I never gotten so much good reviews on a story and so many subscribers and upvotes as well! Thank you once again :D 

Anyway, I hope this chapter is up to your liking and so without further ado, subscribe, comment and upvote if you've not already! Till then xx 

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omg omg 100 subs?! You guys are amazing! big hugs to all you lovely people xx I will update this soon! A lot has been going on lately :p


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Chapter 11: Awwwww poor Suho and Cheongsa ;u;
Chapter 9: they'll be separated? NOOOO :'(

oh btw, new reader here^^ i read the prequel of this and knowing that it has a sequel, i quickly clicked it and read it right away XD
pidawidys #3
kyaaaaa i really love your story >,< update soon, author-nim~ ^^
Blackbra #4
Chapter 9: Update soon~
jesstephi #5
Chapter 9: OMG NOOOO JASMINE DONT LEAVE HIM!!! He will be devastated :(
Thanks for updating and please take care of yourself ^_^
Cant wait for the next chapter!
I'm so so so glad you updated. I miss this story so much :)
Chapter 9: Oof trouble in paradise hehe.
I'm glad Baek apologized, but it is a bit selfish of Jasmine (even though of course she should go)
LoLaNitta #8
Chapter 9: I miss this so much! Thank you for updating