The Change



Chanyeol stepped out from his office, then his phone began to ring.

“Saeyoon?” He blinked as he recognized the voice from the other end.

“I just saw Junhee, Park Chanyeol, are you trying to play?”


“You two are not really together, huh?”

Chanyeol froze.

“Saeyoon, what are you~”

“Don’t try to lie, I just saw her.”

“She was with this other guy, he looked familiar to me.”

“Where are you?”



Junhee eyed the huge tub of fries and a large sized pizza in front of her. She was seated beside Sehun in their booth.

“Comfort food?” She asked.

“They help me think. Eat up, Kim.”

Junhee nodded along and picked up a pizza slice. She pretended to chew then she glanced at her friend.

She was worried for him, even though Sehun never or well, rarely shows any emotion, she could feel that something was bothering him. Sehun rarely breaks down under stress, but earlier he did.

Maybe she was wrong about pushing him back to Eunmi.

Junhee mentally slapped herself.

Maybe I should be protecting him from her?

But Eunmi still loves him, wouldn’t I be put in a bad position then?

Junhee munched on the crust while her brows furrowed.

Then Sehun looked at her, he made a face.

“Ya. Come here.” He picked up a napkin, Junhee blinked at him. Sehun chuckled and leaned over to wipe the grease from her lips.

“Ew, just ew, Kim.” He mused. Junhee rolled her eyes at him.


Chanyeol froze, he was passing through the stores, when he saw the two.

He felt something in him burn. He didn’t like the feeling but he knew it too well.

Then he watched as Sehun leaned over to wipe something on Junhee’s lips.

“Oh, you found them.” Saeyoon walked to him.

Chanyeol didn’t bother to glance at the other girl, he stepped in the restaurant.

“Oh, oppa!” Junhee looked surprised when she saw the tall male walked in front of their table.

Sehun glanced at the other male warily, but to Chanyeol his glance looked territorial.

“Junhee-ah.” Chanyeol looked at her.

“Uhmm, I~” Junhee got cut off when Chanyeol grabbed her wrist and began to pull her up from her seat.

“Oppa what are you~” Junhee felt Sehun reach for her other wrist.

Some of the diners turned and stared at them. Even Saeyoon looked flabbergasted from outside.

“You’re being rude, we were eating.” Sehun stated, he was still sitting, but his gaze on Chanyeol was arctic.

“Sehun, it’s okay. But oppa, what are you doing?” Junhee asked, still aware that her wrists were still not in her possession.

“Junhee, I…” Chanyeol trailed off, what was he doing?

“Let go of her.” Sehun said plainly. Junhee frowned.

“I need to talk to her.” Chanyeol replied.

“Sit down, Kim.” Sehun said. Junhee blinked.

“Guys…Sehun-ah, let go. It’s okay. He just wants to talk.”

“I said sit down, Kim Junhee.”

“Who are you to control her like that?” Chanyeol questioned. Sehun stood up.

“Who are you to pull her out from her meal?” Sehun looked at him straightly.

Junhee flinched, she knew that tone well.

“Ya, calm down. Oppa, can we talk later? I’ll just finish eating.” She said, then she turned to Sehun, he gently let go of her wrist.

Chanyeol didn’t.

“Oppa, please.” Junhee frowned, then she saw Saeyoon standing by the doors.

“Oh.” She balked. Chanyeol studied her face.

“You can’t cheat on me, Hee. You can’t.”

Sehun’s eyes widened and he looked at the two.

“Oppa, I~”

Chanyeol pulled her towards him and he planted his lips on hers.

Junhee froze, then Chanyeol let go of her. He smiled.

Sehun eyed his friend.

“Junhee, you~”

“Oppa, hi!” Eunmi walked up to them.

“Sehun, this is~”

“Let’s go.” Chanyeol chirped before taking her hand, Sehun stepped forward and yanked Junhee back, she ended up colliding with his chest.

“You are not taking her.” He almost hissed.

Eunmi’s eyes widened.


“She’s my friend and she’s not going anywhere with you.”



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Chapter 47: hahaha NVR visited this story after my last read....many many moons ago..
14 streak #2
Chapter 47: Can't believe I almost forgot about this!!
Chapter 47: Season for re-reading
Chapter 47: Aww how can you not swoon on this types of stories
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 47: Wow read this in one sitting
love your stories authornim!
Chapter 24: Ooohh Sehunnie~ :">
Chapter 37: Poor chanyeol!!! He’s such a angellll
Chapter 24: Wow both are so territorial!!
Chapter 9: So who’s back?
Chapter 47: This is not your time yet chanyeollie, hahaha! Sehun is so adorableee! Awww, such a spoiler.