xix. Fluffy Coats and Snowball Fights

BaekYeol Drabble Collection (On Hiatus)

"Baekhyun-ah," Chanyeol whispers into his ear, wrapping his arms around Baekhyun's shoulders from behind. "Let's go on a date."

"Where to?" Baekhyun replies casually as he plays with his phone. "And when?"

"Tonight," The taller male says immediately. "We'll go out, and just have fun. What do you say?"

The vocalist turns around to look at him then, concern, disbelief and slight anger on his face.

"It's snowing, and it's cold," He whines, pouting. "I don't want to."

"Baekhyunnie," Chanyeol says sweetly, bending down and kissing him. "I promise I will keep you warm, and safe. We have time today! We barely have any time these days!"

Baekhyun still doesn't relent as he crosses his arms, but turns away from Chanyeol. Releasing the other's shoulders, Chanyeol turns him until they're facing each other, his eyes sparkling mischievously, and lovingly.

"Baekhyunnie," He repeats, kissing the back of Baekhyun's hand. "If you allow me to take you out, I promise you that everything will be okay. I promise I will keep you warm, dry, and clean. I promise-"

Baekhyun shushes him by placing two fingers to his lips.

"Fine!" He says, his cheeks tinged slightly red. "Let's go…"


It's snowing outside, a light dusting of white on the ground, and more falling steadily out of the sky. Chanyeol pulls the hood of his coat down a little more and notices Baekhyun do the same. The taller male wraps an arm securely around the other's shoulders, protectively pulling him a little closer.

"Yeol," Baekhyun's voice is low. "Can we go to a café or something? It's so… so cold…"

They have been outside for about half an hour, just having reached the city, and Chanyeol was more than ready to go inside as well. He nods urgently, and leads him towards a café that he's just noticed to his right. After sitting down, Baekhyun orders hot chocolate and Chanyeol does the same. And for a little bit, they just relax, getting warm again, while Chanyeol watches the other take small sips.

"Did you even have a plan for tonight?" Baekhyun asks, taking another sip. "Or was it just: convince Baekhyun to go out, and then wing it?"

"I…" Chanyeol smiles sheepishly before taking a huge gulp of his drink, and immediately regrets it. "Ow, ow, ow! Hot, hot!"

Baekhyun bursts out laughing as Chanyeol sticks his tongue out and attempts to cool it.

"Oh my god, Chanyeol," Baekhyun manages to say, as he continues to laugh. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" Chanyeol says, although he’s not sure if Baekhyun understood him, because it came out sounding more like: zu wai thlook sokay?

"No, you really don't," The smaller male says, still smiling, but he had stopped laughing. "Let me get you some water."

Chanyeol just nods, because his tongue is still burning, and speaking seems like a bad idea. A glass of cold water is placed in front of him after a couple of minutes and Chanyeol gulps it down gratefully, the cold water soothing his tongue.

"So, no plan, huh?" Baekhyun teases, smirking.

"Nope, none at all," Chanyeol replies with a slight shake of his head. "I just want to spend time with you, Baek…"

"And I love spending time with you," Baekhyun says softly, laying a hand gently over Chanyeol's. "I just wish you picked a less… cold day."

"Me too," Chanyeol frowns a little before downing the rest of his hot chocolate, before slamming his cup down with a little more strength than necessary. "But let's make the best of it, okay?"

"Yeah, you're right," Baekhyun smiles, finishing off his drink as well. "So where to? Oh wait, you don't have a plan."

The vocalist childishly sticks his tongue out at him before running out of the café, and into the snow.

"Hey!" Chanyeol reacts a little too late, before chasing after the other.

Baekhyun begins to run, but then he slips on some ice and falls rather clumsily on to his . And now it's Chanyeol's turn to laugh, although not for nearly as long.

"Aww, are you okay, Baekhyunnie?" Chanyeol asks as he extends a hand towards him. "Here, let me help you up."

Baekhyun grabs his hand, but instead of getting back up, he pulls Chanyeol down too, causing him to fall face first into the snow.

"Baek!" Chanyeol exclaims after pulling his face out of the snow, a mock stunned and angry expression on his face. "What was that for?"

"For laughing at me," Baekhyun replies in between giggles. "And because I can."

Chanyeol stood up and dusted himself off before grabbing a handful of snow and throwing it at Baekhyun, effectively stopping his laughter.

"Oh," Baekhyun gasps, wiping snow off his face, a wide smirk on his face. "You did not jus-!"

And Chanyeol throws another snowball, catching Baekhyun off guard once again. The vocalist's face says it all as he finally gets to his feet, and grabs some snow of his own. An all out war begins as they childishly throw snow back and forth at each other, seeing who can hit the other more. If anyone had passed by, they may have actually thought they were just children. Eventually, when they are tired and out of breath, they are lying in the snow next to each other, and just laughing, laughing until they are both no longer able to produce a sound.

"It's… so… cold…" Baekhyun gasps. He's shivering as he unsteadily gets to his feet. "I think… I think we should… go back…"

Chanyeol can't agree more as he also struggles to get up, and then he wraps his arms around Baekhyun, in an attempt to keep them both warm. Their coats are soaked through as they slowly make their way back to their dorms, both rather desperate to get out of the cold.

When the cold becomes too much, they both start running, their coats and boots are shed the moment they enter. They take a moment to change into dry, clean clothes before getting into their own beds. Pretty soon, though, Baekhyun is crawling into Chanyeol's bed again, looking for warmth. The taller male doesn't even hesitate before putting his arms around Baekhyun protectively.

"See," He whispers, his breath tickling the other's neck. "I told you I would keep you warm."

"You did," Baekhyun says, smiling. "Thank you, Chanyeol-ah…"


I actually like this one, it's cute, i think ^_^; I hope you guys liked it! So um, I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this month, is anyone else participating? If so, feel free to comment or PM me, and you're all free to PM me anytime, not just for this. =3

Thank you to all the people that subscribed and commented! It means a lot to me ^_^

Um, after the next one... I might start posting them once a week instead of once every 4 days, would you guys mind? So, until... Wednesday. ^_^

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I apologise for the lack of updates, but I have lost motivation to keep writing, so I'm putting this on hiatus. Thank you for your support so far.


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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: Arrrrggg... soooo fluffy 🥰
memelindaa #2
Chapter 56: This is so good.
Omg i love this please update this again huhu TT
How I love BaekYeol~
baekyeol_love #4
Chapter 32: Im beyond happy if u could write a drabble or chapters (it's better) baekyeol fanfic based on movie mr & mrs smith. Thank you very very very very much!
hyenapark #5
Chapter 55: THIS IS SO CUTE !
Jiminssi-Tae #6
Chapter 54: This sentence, "For his dream, he gave up his freedom", does make me ponder deep, Author-nim.
It's inspiring, isn't it?
Chapter 54: Omg chanyeol is baekhyun's freedom omg omg
yodabaek #9
Chapter 53: i can imagine baek doing that lol
Chapter 53: lol i am totally doing this to my friend