넷 (Fourth)

Heart Over Mind
넷 - Serving You, The Jerk.

The 7 boys stared at her like she had grown two heads. Hayoung cleared her throats and they began to pretend to see and do something else.
"Are you Hayoung?" suddenly Sungyeol speak.
Hayoung looked at him weirdly.
"Who is he? Why he knows my name?" Hayoung thought.
"It can't be.. he didn't know about my status right? RIGHT?? Oh my god I'm doomed if he know!" Hayoung thought panickly.
But nevertheless, she nods. Sungyeol brightened and smiled widely. Infinite looked at him weirdly.
"Yah, what's wrong with you? Do you know that girl?" Hoya nudged Sungyeol.
Sungyeol just shrugged. "I met her on the lift the other day"
Hayoung sighed in relief because he didn't know her status. Myungsoo eyed Hayoung's move.
"What's wrong with this girl? She just looked so nervous back then and she's sighing in relief this second." he thought.
Hayoung looked at Myungsoo in the corner of her eyes. She felt the hard stare from him. Hayoung scrunched her face a little but quickly smiled again.
"So what can I serve you sir?" Hayoung bowed politely.
Maybe over than 30 minutes already passed and Infinite just talked to themselves. Hayoung just stood there, however her mind wondering somewhere else.
"I really want to visit him today.." she thought sadly.
Silently Myungsoo drifted off from the conversation and looked at her. s is too busy with each other to even notice Myungsoo staring at her.
"Something is awefully odd about this girl.." he thought.
"Wait. Why did I even bothered? She's not my responsibilites. We're not even an acquintance" He thought and shook his head a few times.
Hayoung suddenly brightened.
"Uh, I'm sorry, can I go now?" Hayoung politely asked.
Myungsoo looked at her weirdly. Sunggyu looked up.
"Of cou-"
"No you can't. Stay." Myungsoo ordered sternly.
Sunggyu widened his eyes at his visual member.
"Myungsoo! You can't do that!" Sunggyu scolded.
"Why?" Myungsoo looked at Sunggyu blankly.
"Because.. she has the rights, right?" Sunggyu looked at his other member.
The other members nodded, except Myungsoo.
"But it's your duty right?" he turned to Hayoung, raising his eyebrows.
Hayoung restrain herself from slapping this guy over his face and nodded.
"Yes, I'm sorry" Hayoung bowed.
"This jerk" Hayoung secretly glared at Myungsoo.
For the next 30 minutes or more, Infinite already left for their schedule. Hayoung breathe out happily.
"Finally, the jerk is gone" Hayoung said happily and stretched her arms.
"Hayoung-ah, you're free after this?" Hime popped out from the door.
"Oh? Maybe. I'm thinking to visit my house for a while today" Hayoung smiled.
"Really? That's good! They must be really miss you" Hime smiled.
Hayoung nodded, she walked out from the room.
"And maybe there's something your parents arrange with you again?" Hime teased.
Hayoung shot Hime a look.
"I hope they're not today" Hayoung said.
"Hey, they just didn't want you to be forever single" Hime laughed.
"I hope that jerk be forever single despite his idol image" Hayoung smirked.
"Yeah, whatever" Hayoung laughed.
Hayoung is walking through the familiar street. The street towards her home. She missed her home. She didn't go home for almost a month.
"Oh, Hayoung gongju*!" A boy greeted Hayoung.
Hayoung looked to the voice and smiled widely.
"Waah Jeremy is a big boy now~" Hayoung cooed as she hugged a boy.
"Yah, stop teasing me!" he pouted.
"Haha, you're just go back from Canada?" Hayoung patted his head.
"Yup! I asked to your mother but she said noona isn't home" he said.
"Hehe, I'm working right now~" Hayoung grinned.
"In noona's father company??" Jeremy looked at her wide eyes.
Hayoung shook her head, "it's a secret." Hayoung winked.
"Noona mean" Jeremy pouted.
Hayoung laughed and waved at Jeremy before walked to her house.
She rang her house's bell.
"Wait a minute.." a gentle voice heard.
Hayoung smiled. The door opened, opening a woman which is none other than Hayoung's mother.
"Hayoung-ah!" her mother said happily and hugged her.
Author's Note :
Hi there~ Sorry for a late update, like seriously. I'm spazzing over ChanYoung, sorry >< It's nice to see that people still supports me. Thank you for commenting, subscribing and also for the up vote ^^ bye~
*gongju = princess
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Iminthezone #1
sourjongie #2
Chapter 16: please make a sequel;;;;
i_love_hayoung #3
Chapter 16: please update
Chapter 16: Sehun story is really heartbroking :( i cried :'(
Chapter 16: /creys/..it ended already?
Chapter 14: Happy birthday to our Yookyung too! ^^
hayzelcouple #7
Chapter 10: ........Okay sehun is dead. He took my heart with him ;____; Whatthehellamitalkingabout. Anyway I got goosebumps ~_~ <///3
Chapter 9: So it'll be HaHun or MyungYoung? ._.
Chapter 9: Hope sehun will wake up soon ;__;
Update soon auther-nim!!! =]]
hayzelcouple #10
Chapter 7: I've heard many people said that for 2 years of myself being a Pink Panda especially Hayzelnut. Apparently, citizens mostly liked the visuals, such as Naeun and Eunji. We gotta admit both of them has most fans since they're more...active. Hayoung on the other hand, has kinda a lot of antis, the reason I heard most is because she's said to look older than her actual age, WHICH IS UNBELIEVABLE. I mean how can that be a reason to dislike or even hate someone? I just can't believe it. She deserves to be loved, though. AND SHE, IS, BEAUTIFUL. MY FREAKING ULTIMATE GIRL BIAS.