

•Eun Ji•

He pulled me by my wrist and walked away quickly. I allowed my muscles to relax, and took in a deep breath. Seung Ho didn't seem to notice my discomfort but only continued walking down the empty hallway.

I found my eyes staring down at our interlocked hands. I forced myself to look away as he came to a sudden stop, releasing my hand.

It was my first time being this close to him and I couldn't help but stare.

He was deliriously handsome. His deep dark eyes bore a cold expression. His lips plump and full. His black hair was smooth, with flowing locks framing his face. He would have been the perfect person to put on a postcard but there was something about him. The mere fact that he looked almost satanic with his devilish smirk eliminated him.

"Eun Ji," He called out. I quickly looked up at him, the sense of fear immediately taking over. I placed my hands by my side and took a step back. I took a glance around my surrounding, trying to figure out where I was. All around me was nothing but beige colored walls and a black door. There were no decorative items or furniture. Just plain walls and a door.

"You're in an empty office on the ninth floor," he said nonchalantly, as if dragging me to an empty office was okay. I looked down at the floor, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"Wh-why did you bring me here?" I questioned, afraid to look up at him.

"Because I want to know why you were crying."

I felt his eyes watching me as I put my weight on one leg, trying to figure out how to tell him. It sent an uncomfortable shiver down my spine, feeling his cold gaze follow me.

"Well, Ms. Jo called me stupid...and people were laughing at me," I quickly said, feeling the tears fall down.

"Eun Ji, it's okay. Don't listen to them,"

I felt his hand on my shoulder and I flinched from the contact. My eyes flickered to his in surprise, like a frightened animal. His fingers felt warm and marred as they moved down to my back. He pulled me closer, his eyes never leaving mine. I lost track of the next few seconds that passed by, but I knew we were moving, our bodies pressing together, arms wrapping and fingers clutching onto each other before our lips touched. Something in my head told me to stop, but my vulnerability held me back.

His hands were upon my cheeks, his palms cold and rough, but his lips felt gentle, and almost fearful. I felt his hands move, sliding to my shoulders, gently.

It took me a moment to realize what I was doing. I shoved him back and turned around, mortified and disgusted by my action and the fact that I actually kissed him.

"Seung Ho,I a-am so s-s-sorry," I uttered, walking to the other end of the room. I touched my cheek, which burned with raging fire from the intense kiss. How could I allow myself to fall prey for a person I hardly knew anything about?

I looked up and saw him standing there with a slight smirk.

"I like you, Eun Ji."

"Um...I have to go," I excused myself and practically ran out of the room.

Through out the day, I did not see Seung Ho. When the day ended, I packed my things and walked down the hall. As I turned a corner, I found Seung Ho kissing a female, who by no doubt, looked like a e. The female let out a low moan as Seung Ho pressed their body together. Seung Ho opened his eyes and stared at me, coldness emitting through them. I flickered my eyes away and turned around to walk. I walked down the hall with hot tears streaming down my face and I couldn't seem to stop them and my breath seemed to have stuck in my throat.

How could he like me, but yet go around off some other girl's lips. I walked my sorry behind all the way out of the building and to the parking lot. I let out a sigh of relief as I walked across the parking lot. Thank goodness, tomorrow is Saturday and it was my day off. I wiped at my eyes ferociously, urging the tears to stop flowing. When I got to the bus stop, the bus was already there, and when I boarded luckily there were only three occupants. I pulled my bag up and walked to the back where I took my seat. An ache stirred within me as I watched a young couple stroll by in  the dark terrain of the bus window.

Flashbacks of the kiss came flooding in. I had to forget. I would forget. Tonight would mark a new beginning, a life untouched by sadness or the familiar loneliness that refused to let go. The tortured voice inside my head screamed until I trembled. If  running hard could erase the memory, then I would have done it. The bus rolled to a stop, and the bus opened its doors.

I wouldn't allow the memory to haunt me. My heart would be numb to Seung Ho, and my ears deafened to his tempting words. I refused to be the pathetic person  who easily fell.

I got up and got off the bus. The November breeze ran through me as I walked down the path, leading to the apartment complex we lived in. When I got there, I let myself in and walked down the hall of the first floor. I walked down the cold sterile hall, turning left. When I got to our door, I let myself in and took off my shoes.

"Hello," I greeted. No response.

I walked to my room, where I changed out of my work clothes and walked to my private bathroom. After a long shower, I changed into clean clothes.  I walked down the hall to Jae Rim's room, where I found her nestled cozily in her bed. I moved on and went to Tae Woo's bedroom.

"Hello," I whispered. I went to his bed, where I found him with his blanket pulled up to his chin.

"Tae Woo" I called out in a sing-song voice. I knew for a fact that he was not asleep.

"I'm tired" he said, his back facing me.

"Then why are you talking?"

"I'm talking in my sleep" He turned around and grinned.

"Sure you are."

He turned around and stared at me with startling brown eyes, before burst into a fit of laughter. I chuckled, tickling his stomach. I stopped and waited for him to calm down.

"How was your day?"

"It was fine. A new boy named Oh Min Soo moved to my class," I watched as my little brother rambled on about his day. That brought a smile to my face, seeing him so happy. I gave him a hug and a kiss before exiting his room.

"Thank you for making me smile, Tae Woo" With a laugh, I nodded my head and closed his door.

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AnaisNin1 #1
Chapter 1: Interesting.