Daddy Suho

Appa & Baba EXO- Compilation

Teenage predebut Suho because this story is full of them! Hahaha


The doorbell rang loud through the house, making you jump in surprise. It was about 8:30 pm and usually the house was winding down, but not tonight. 

"Oh he's here!" You stated excitedly as you brushed of your jeans while getting off the couch to answer.

Your husband Suho on the other hand wasn't as excited as you. He sighed heavily on his chair as he finished reading an article of the local newspaper. Tonight his oldest daughter Eunji was going out on a date with a boy from her grade. He cringed at the thought. You and Suho have been married for about 20 years, meeting many years ago while he was still part of the popular boy group EXO and you were full swing into your modeling career. Eventually you two married and started a family after he returned home from military service. Your eldest son Junseok was 18 years old and currently not living at home, but living in the dorms as a trainee for his father's prior company SM Entertainment. He began singing at a young age and you both knew he was talented and handsome just like his father, so he decided to follow in his footsteps to become a K-pop idol. And recently it was announced that he may debut next year under a brand new 7 member boy group, making the two of you beam with pride. Now he was all alone at home surrounded by women. Half the time Suho had to go buy feminine pads and tampons. Or comforting his daughters who would cry over the fact the boy they liked had a girlfriend already. This was something Junseok could help him with. He acted like a third parent to his little sisters, always asking about them whenever he had free time to call. When he found out about the date he flipped out, asking tons of questions and wanting to follow them around. He missed his son. But he was following his dream, and he couldn't have asked for anything more. 

Meanwhile your two daughters Eunji and Eunbi, 16 and 13 respectively, were busy living their lives as high school and middle school students. You and Suho tried your best to give your children as normal of a childhood as possible. It's been hard raising children in the spotlight, Suho being a member of one of the most popular groups in the last two decades and your modeling career. You remember the time Eunji found pictures of a half- photoshoot you did when you were 26 and just dating Suho. She was only six years old. Yeah, try explaining that. Of course the appeal of the idol life always came to your kids, but you instilled work ethic and a positive attitude on life to them. Time seemed to fly by. Instead of having three small children running around the house playing, one was training, one going on a date, and another wanting to wear makeup. It was too much for Suho sometimes. He missed his babies.

"Mom! I'm almost ready get the door!" Eunji called out as she ran across the top of the stairs clipping her shoulder length black hair half up. "Eunbi get out of my room!"

"I want to help unnie! Hey!" Your youngest daughter responded followed by the slam of a door. Eunji could definitely have an attitude around her sister. "Oppa! Eunji pushed me!"

Suho groaned as he finally decided to stand up, adjusting his reading glasses while looking up the stairs. "Leave your sister alone for now sweetie, she's getting ready." He answered calmly.

Suddenly the front door opened and Suho turned immediately. Time to see who this "crush" happened to be.

"Oh you must be Eunji's friend!" You said with a wide smile, the teenage boy bowing nervously at you.

"Hello I'm Cho Minjoo. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Kim." He spoke nervously as he held out a small gift to you. It was a small box of chocolates wrapped up nicely with a white bow. You noticed another box of chocolates in his jacket pocket with a red bow, most likely for Eunji. 

"Nice to meet you Minjoo. Please come in."

He nervously followed you into your house, walking through the foyer into the large living room where you and your husband were sitting. When you saw Suho you rolled your eyes and tried to hold back a laugh. He sometimes tries way too hard to look intimidating. But you don't blame him, this was his oldest daughter going on her first date. 

"Hello sir I'm Cho Minjoo." He stated while holding out a hand to Suho. He took the young man's hand and shook it, making sure he understood his intentions with a firm grip.

You mess with my daughter, you die.

"Nice to meet you."

The room fell into an awkward silence for a few moments until you finally clasped your hands together. "Well Minjoo welcome! You can have a seat if you like, Eunji should be down soon. Do you want anything to drink?"

Minjoo shook his head before gently taking a seat on the couch. "No thank you Mrs. Kim thank you though."

You nodded your head before taking a seat near him on the couch, Suho going back and sitting down on his chair. 

"So Minjoo what grade are you in?" You asked trying to make conversation.

"I'm in year 12."

He was a year older than Eunji, and that definitely made Suho and you nervous hearing that. "And how do you know Eunji?" You asked after taking a sip of your tea. 

Minjoo fiddled his fingers nervously in his seat, but kept his composure. "She's my lab partner in our honors chemistry class. My sister is also friends with her."

"Oh that's great! It's a good night to go out too, the rain stopped yesterday." You said with a cheery voice, until you saw Suho staring him down like fresh prey. You understood though. You could feel a pang of sadness at the realization that your children were growing up. 

"What're your grades like?" Suho suddenly chirped up, you then giving him a look to tone down the attitude.

"Oh I'm in the top 50 of the class, I plan on going straight to college after I graduate." Minjoo explained without a skip of a beat, impressing both you and your husband. What a shock.

"Majoring in what?" Suho pressed on.

"I'm actually interested in bioengineering sir."

Suho's eyebrows went up in surprise, this kid was definitely not joking when it came to his grades. And he was handsome as well. So far so good.

"That's great, we need more people like that in our country." Suho responded as you nodded in agreement. He was a good kid. You didn't even realize you let out a heavy breath of relief as he explained himself more to the two of you. Before anyone could continue the conversation, the sound of the creaking stairs told you that you weren't alone. The three of you turned around, Minjoo standing up with a big smile as he saw your daughter. She was wearing dark skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with a floral printed shawl over with ankle boots. Her hair was half up and she had just a touch of mascara and pink lipstick. It was easy to see that she inherited your good looks. Suho gulped seeing his daughter dressed up for a night out with a boy from her class, but she looked happy. The two of them greeted each other nervously as Minjoo gave her a quick side hug. Probably because Suho still had a bit of a scowl on his face. You elbowed his arm quickly, making him snap out of it as you giggled softly. Your youngest daughter Eunbi was sitting on the top of the stairs, watching her older sister with a boy intently trying not to give away her location. She always loved to spy and was curious about everything. Like the time she walked in on you in Suho in the bed. Again, that was fun trying to explain to a 3 year old.  

"Okay you two have fun tonight. Are you still going to the movies?" You asked as you adjusted Eunji's top, much to her dislike. She furrowed her eyebrows at you and ended up pulling her shirt down again. 

"Yeah mom we're going to a movie then maybe getting boba after." Eunji explained as her and her date started walking towards the front door. 

"Okay sweetie be home by 11 please." You responded following them to the door.

"And drive safe." Suho barked out behind you, pointing at Minjoo. Eunji gave her dad a look to calm down while Minjoo grabbed his keys from his pocket nervously. 

"Yes sir I will!"

"Alright Eunji give mom and dad a hug." You said as you pulled her into a big hug, making her shut her eyes in embarrassment. You two were acting like she was going to the bus on her first day of elementary school. She wanted to die. 

"Bye mom. Bye dad." She stated before giving her dad a quick hug, trying to pull away but Suho still got a kiss on her head. 

"Bye Eunji, have fun and be safe please."

"Geez dad relax I'm just going to a movie." Eunji laughed slightly as she checked for texts on her phone.

"I know. But I'm your dad, it's my job to worry."

You patted your daughter on the shoulder as she brisked past the two of you, letting Minjoo follow behind her. 

"Nice meeting you Minjoo." You said with a bright smile, waving at the two of them leaving the house. 

"Nice meeting you both Mr. and Mrs. Kim, have a good night." Minjoo answered back politely, the two of you nodding in response to his manners. Eunji waved one last time before shutting the door behind them. The house was silent, except for the footsteps of your youngest child running down the stairs through the foyer. Eunbi stood beside Suho, leaning up against his hip while staring at the door. Her 13 year old mind was blown away. She thought boys had cooties up until 5th grade. And there was her sister going out with a boy without her parents.

"He was soooo handsome!" Eunbi cried out as she gripped onto her dad's shirt, making him cringe. "Daddy, when can I go on a date like Eunji?"

"When you're married." Suho stated flatly, causing you to stifle a laugh. What a drama queen. 

Eunbi gave a sour look to her dad, looking up at him with her wide eyes. She definitely inherited her dad’s eyes but your nose and face shape. The two of you made some adorable kids. "But dad you have to date before! That's what my friends at school told me, and that people kiss on dates too."

Suho was ready to pop a blood vessel. Just the thought of any of his daughters kissing a boy made him want to throw up. And Eunbi was definitely too young to be thinking about that. She needed to focus on her school, friends, and violin lessons.

"Okay Eunbi it's running late, time to wash up for bed." You explained as the three of you walked back into the living room, Suho ruffling her hair lovingly before heading to the kitchen for a bottle of soju. 

Eunbi started to whine a bit. "But mom I want to wait for Eunji to come home!"

"She can tell you in the morning." You explained calmly as you rubbed her back. "Dad and I will be up to kiss you goodnight."

Eunbi finally gave in as she started heading up the stairs to take a shower and get dressed for bed, giving you and Suho about 10 minutes of alone time. You walked into the kitchen to find Suho sitting at the table on his phone. You walked by behind him quietly, snaking your arms over his body. Suho hummed at your touch, turning his head to the side to see your face. 

"Doing alright babe?" You asked quietly before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. He tasted like soju, and you could easily get drunk from his kisses. 

Suho sighed deeply as he broke the kiss, rubbing your arms with his rough hands. "They're all grown up aren't they?"

You chuckled softly. "You act like Eunji's getting married. It's only a date, she's still young."

"I know _____."

"Minjoo is a nice boy, I'm sure they'll have fun tonight."

"I'll slash his tires if he brings her home a minute late." Suho practically growled out, making you laugh at his nonsense and playfully slap his arm. He laughed obviously not meaning a word of it. He trusted him with his daughter. But it’s still hard for him to accept. You walked around the chair and straddled his lap, making his eyes widen. The two of you tried to stay intimate over the years. But even after all that time since the two of you met in your 20's, nothing's changed. Three children later you loved your husband more than ever, successfully raising a boy and two girls. They were all smart, strong, kind, and responsible children as they always have been. Suho has always will be a perfect father. And you were blessed to have him in your life until death do you part.

"I love you Kim Junmyeon." You whispered to him, your hand gently resting against his cheek. He closed his eyes and grinned ear to ear hearing those sweet words from your mouth. 

"I love you too Kim ______."

"Now let's see. Our eldest son is a trainee, Eunji won't be home for two hours, and Eunbi is going to bed soon. Any ideas?" You teased as you massaged his chest through his shirt, making him groan at the sensation.

"Oh I've got a couple ideas for you babe."

"Can't wait."

The two of you began to kiss passionately at the kitchen table, ready to take this upstairs after kissing Eunbi goodnight. But about three minutes later, Eunbi shouted out loud from upstairs swearing on her life she saw a ghost. That interrupted your make out session, much to Suho’s disappointment as the two of you went upstairs to go “ghost hunting”. Just another typical night at the Kim household.


Hi everyone this is Leah (missgalaxyhyung), hope you all enjoyed the update with my bias Suho and your teenage children! Keep checking back here for any new daddy EXO stories in the near future xx

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Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Awww Suho is a cute over protective father.
Chapter 9: kekeke... it's cute!!!
jesyra #4
Chapter 9: Aww this is adorable. I missed this~
Chapter 9: hahah poor suho XD but yay, cant wait for more updates ^^
Chapter 4: aww, Jongin is so sweet! :)
Chapter 6: hehehe... Tao lol....