Jongin Appa

Appa & Baba EXO- Compilation

( Baby Kai is so cute~ ^^)

"Appa~" the little boy whined, tugging on his father's arm. Jongin looked down to see his son standing there, sippy cup in one hand and Jongin's sleeve in the other.
"What is it, kiddo?" the father asked as he scooped the child up, tilting his head curiously. His wife was at a parent teacher conference for their eldest daughter, Hwangmi, so he was left at home with their three children.
"I finished it," little Jaemin complained, ing his sippy cup in his father's face. 
Jongin laughed softly, taking it carefully from the little boy. "I can't give you anymore, JaeJae. That was your second one!" He bounced the boy in his arms playfully. "Why don't you go see what Hwangmi is doing?"
"She's playing with dolls!" Jaemin made a disgusted face, his nose crinkling. He was the "manly man" of the family, always criticizing girly things and looking for anything he could destroy and crush with his tiny hands. He had been that way since he was a baby.
"Okay, then," Jongin chuckled, setting the sippy cup down and looking around the playroom thoughtfully. "Why don't we play with your trains?"
"Yeah!! Trains! SMASH!" Jaemin cheered, looking ecstatic. 
The phone suddenly rang, and Jongin sighed setting his son down. 
"You go set up the tracks and everything, okay? Let me just answer the phone first."
The happy child scrambled to the box of railroad tracks and toy trains, using all his strength to pull it towards the center of the room before opening the lid and pulling as many things out as he could. 'Looks like I'll have a lot to clean up after,' Jongin thought to himself, rolling his eyes fondly as he went over to answer the phone.
"Is this Kim Jongin?" the male voice on the other line sounded urgent, making the father immediately stiffen.
"Yes. Who is this?"
"This is Dr. Choi Jungmin from the Asan Medical Center in Seoul. Your wife, Kim _______, is here in critical condition. She just got into a car accident. Is it possible for you to come over here, sir?"
Jongin was frozen. Everything in his body failed to move besides his frantically beating heart. He finally regained his breath, feeling his face heat up in anxiety and his palms sweating profusely. 
"I.. I.. Y-yes, I'll be there as soon as I can!!" he looked around desperately, running a hand through his hair. "She'll make it, right, doctor?" He barked into the phone, not meaning to sound so rough, but he was beyond terrified.
"I believe she will be okay, but for now, she's unconscious. She has an injury to her head and a few cuts and bruises, but we can heal those with no problem. Just please get over here as soon as you can, sir. She might wake up tonight, itself."
Jongin took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. He could feel his eyes stinging, desperately wanting to tear up, but he stopped himself. He couldn't look weak in front of his children. 
"I'll be there as soon as I can, doctor. Thank you." He hung up but dialed another number, putting the phone to his ear praying that Joonmyun would answer.
"Why are we going to Uncle Joonie's house, Appa?" Hwangmi asked, looking at the distressed driver in confusion.
Jongin took a deep breath, looking at his three children through the rearview mirror. Eight year old Hwangmi, four year old Jaemin, and two year old Changho were wide awake and looking at their father with big eyes. Changho had just been woken up from a nap, but Jongin swore even he could sense something was wrong.
"Your umma got hurt," Jongin worded lightly, forcing his voice to sound steady. "She's with some doctors right now, and I need to go see her, okay?"
"Is she going to die?!" Hwangmi burst out, her eyes wide with terror. She had always been the drama queen of the family. Jongin quickly shook his head, his own eyes widening. Luckily, Changho and Jaemin did not have a full understanding on what death was, anyways.
"No, Hwangmi! She is not going to die," he told her firmly but not scoldingly, briefly looking at her through the mirror. "She's just hurt. Appa is going to take care of her."
"I wanna!" Changho whined, looking upset. Jongin barely smiled for the first time since he received the call.
"You will when Umma comes home, okay baby?" he said softly, pulling up into Joonmyun's driveway. Most of the members of EXO had gotten their own places due to the dorm being so cramped, but a few stayed in the dorm as well. Joonmyun's house was the biggest, but he was also the wealthiest member. 
Jongin hurriedly got the kids out of the car and up to the front door where the kind leader was already waiting.
"Go," he shooed Jongin off, taking Changho from the worried man's arms and leading the other two inside. "They'll be fine. Call as soon as you can, okay?"
Jongin weakly nodded and rushed back to his car, speeding off to the hospital in a frenzy.
"I'm here for Kim ______," Jongin breathed to the nurse at the front desk, his chest barely heaving from running inside. She gave him directions and he quickly made his way to the elevator, barely caring about the other people around him. Once he got to the floor, he ran down the hallway until he got to her room.
Pushing the door open, he walked in and immediately rushed straight to the bedside. The doctor was already standing there, and smiled weakly but kindly at Jongin. "I'm glad you made it, sir.."
Jongin looked down at his wife, breathless not only from running but his anxiety. He slowly took her hand and stared at the giant piece of gauze taped to her forehead, which was probably the head injury the doctor had told him about. His eyes scanned her upper body that was above the blanket; he wasn't sure what was under the robe, but her arms only had minor cuts that would definitely heal quickly, to his relief.
"She's still unconscious, as you can see, but luckily, her head injury isn't very serious. She'll be fine once she wakes up, besides maybe a little traumatized along with a slight headache. But no memory loss or any brain damage."
Jongin exhaled in relief, looking up at the doctor gratefully. "Thank you," he nodded, keeping his wife's hand in his own. "Do you have any idea when she might wake up?"
The doctor sighed softly. "It's hard to tell... but don't worry. It won't be longer than one day at the most, and even one day is pushing it. She'll probably be up in a few hours, but that's just an estimate."
Jongin nodded again and slowly sat down in the chair beside the bed. "Is it okay if I stay with her? Until.. until she wakes up?"
The older man looked down at his clipboard before looking back at the husband, nodding. "That's fine, we allow overnight visits. A nurse will be coming in every few hours or so to check in, though."
"Okay. Thank you so much, doctor," Jongin stood up again quickly to bow respectfully to the man, waiting until he left to sit back down and look at his beautiful wife. "I am never letting you go out by yourself again," he whispered, his face already looking tired from everything that had happened that night. He knew she couldn't respond, but talking to her made him feel a little better. He was about to say more when he realized that he should call Joonmyun and tell him what was going on.
He stood up, dialing the number on his phone and putting it to his ear.
"Hey, Jongin! We've been waiting for your call. Is everything alright?? Is she okay?"
"APPA!! I WANNA TALK TO UMMA!" Jaemin's scream sounded in the background, and Jongin barely chuckled as he heard Joonmyun quietly hush and comfort the little boy.
"Everything's okay," Jongin assured the man, sighing to himself. "She's unconscious right now, but the doc says she should wake up by tomorrow. I was planning on staying overnight, so do you think you could take care of the kids?"
"Of course," Joonmyun obliged, sounding relieved. "They can sleep here. But hey, they want to talk to you."
"Oh oka-"
"HI APPA!!" Jaemin's voice boomed, and soon a chorus of hi's came from Hwangmi and Changho. Jongin chuckled softly, assuming the man had put the phone on speaker.
"Hi, babies! Yah, Changho! Tell Uncle Joonie that it's almost your bedtime!"
"I know, I know!" Joonmyun called in the background. "I just wanted to wait a little bit in case you called."
"Appa!! Is umma okay?!" Hwangmi's childish voice sounded. Jongin smiled fondly, looking down at _______ before replying, "De, baby. Umma will be okay. She's a tough cookie, just like you three. Did you know Appa is so proud of all of you?"
"Waeyo?" Jaemin asked, sounding truly confused.
"Because you were all very brave when I told you that Umma got hurt. Remember? Not even Changho cried!"
"I DON'T CRY!" the two year old screamed in defiance, making Jongin immediately flinch (and he was sure Joonmyun did, too).
"Can we talk to her, Appa?" Hwangmi asked, her voice filled with hope. Jongin barely smiled sadly, wishing he could comply to his daughter.
"She's sleeping, Mimi. She'll probably only wake up once you guys are already in bed. But I'm sure you'll see her tomorrow, araso?"
"Yes, Appa!" the girl answered obediently, although he could sense a bit of disappointment in her small voice. Jongin his wife's fingers gently.
"Now it's time for you three to get ready for bed. Don't give Uncle Joonmyun too much trouble, okay?"
"Okay, Appa!!" Changho screamed from somewhere in the background; Jongin had no idea what he was up to, but he knew Joonmyun could handle it.
"Where are my kisses?" he asked, tilting his head and smiling softly.
"Mmmmwah!!" Hwangmi 'kissed' her father through the telephone, followed by an even longer one from Jaemin and a short, distracted sounding one from little Changho, who had probably found something else to amuse him. 
"Mmmwah. Goodnight, my babies. I'll see you tomorrow. Appa loves you!"
"We love you too, Appa!" Hwangmi replied happily before Changho screamed in excitement, "I WUV YOU!"
Laughing softly, Jongin said a quick thank you and goodnight to Joonmyun before hanging up, returning his gaze to his wife. 
"Aish, our babies are something else, aren't they?" he murmured lovingly, her hair before leaning in to kiss her forehead tenderly. 
A/N: Sorry for the delay! I hope you guys liked it! Which member should be next? :)
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Expect an update soon~!


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Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Awww Suho is a cute over protective father.
Chapter 9: kekeke... it's cute!!!
jesyra #4
Chapter 9: Aww this is adorable. I missed this~
Chapter 9: hahah poor suho XD but yay, cant wait for more updates ^^
Chapter 4: aww, Jongin is so sweet! :)
Chapter 6: hehehe... Tao lol....