Appa Yeollie

Appa & Baba EXO- Compilation
( ^^ Chanyeollie's baby picture~)
"Shhh, it's okay, baby," Chanyeol rocked one of his sons, humming softly trying to soothe the crying boy. ______ would be home soon and he didn't want her to have too much work on her hands- but with twin boys, it was hard to make that happen. 
Little Taehyun had been crying ever since he had woken up from his nap, but at least his brother, Minkyung, was sitting on the floor of the playroom calmly playing with his toys and babbling happily to himself. He had always been easier to please; he just needed to tug on Chanyeol's big ears for a few seconds and he would already be laughing like a maniac.
Taehyun, on the other hand, practically needed a tranquilizer to stop crying. 
Chanyeol frowned, rubbing his nine month old's back soothingly. He had changed his diaper and fed him, but the baby refused to stop bawling. Sighing, he sat down on the floor beside Minkyung and set Taehyun down beside his twin.
"Let's play cars!" Chanyeol said hopefully, taking a box of toy cars from the shelf and opening it. 
Taehyun barely paused his crying, looking at the giant container with interest while sniffing. Minkyung waved his hands happily, screaming excitedly. "Cars!! Cars!!"
Chanyeol grinned and handed both of them a car, smiling fondly at his boys. They were identical, but he could clearly tell them apart. Not only by their personalities, but he had noticed Minkyung's nose was the slightest bit tinier than Taehyun's. His ears were also a little bigger, just like his appa's.
Taehyun examined his car carefully, too distracted to continue crying. Chanyeol bit his lip in anticipation; if the baby didn't like the toy, the waterworks would return. 
To the father's relief, Taehyun screamed in delight and waved his car around as if it were an airplane. Chuckling, Chanyeol gently wiped the stray tears on the boy's cheeks before letting him continue incorrectly use his toy. However, after he saw Minkyung wheeling his own car back and forth, he got the idea and started doing the same.
"Appa!! Appa car!!" Minkyung suddenly screamed at his dad, laughing loudly. Chanyeol couldn't help but laugh, too. He obediently picked up a car from the box and started driving it around in circles, making revving noises. The boys watched and listened with fascination, their big eyes following the car's every movement. 
When Taehyun had had enough of watching his appa play with the car, he slammed his own car into Chanyeol's. 
"BAHHHH!" he let out a battle cry, laughing evilly. Chanyeol faked a shocked expression, holding his car up in the air and making it fly backwards in slow motion before crashing it into the carpet. 
"Ahhhh!!!" he yelled out, his face serious and horrified. Taehyun let out a victorious scream while Minkyung watched the violence with huge eyes.
They suddenly heard the front door open and the boys immediately charged at Chanyeol to grab his sleeves, hoisting themselves up to their feet as best as they could. However, when they let go and attempted to toddle towards the sound of their umma calling, they fell right back onto their bums within a few steps. Laughing, Chanyeol stood up and scooped his sons up in each arm before rushing over to the door, happy to greet his wife.
"Hi, yeobo!" he called, his grin stretching from ear to ear. His wife smiled back, her face immediately lighting up seeing her favorite boys. 
"Hi, Channie~" she smiled, coming over and giving her husband a peck on the lips. She then turned to her little boys who were screaming in delight, waving their hands trying to reach her.
"Umma!! UMMA!" Minkyung screamed, his eyes wrinkled in happiness. She laughed and took both of their hands with hers, letting them each grab her fingers and gave a kiss to their heads. 
"Hi, babies!" She cocked her head playfully. "Was appa a good boy?"
Chanyeol looked at her with a straight face. "I was a bit cranky after my nap," he admitted, nodding seriously, "but after they changed my diaper I felt a lot better."
______ laughed and he grinned again; he loved seeing his beautiful wife smiling, especially when he was the reason why. She ruffled the twins' fuzzy hair, smiling fondly. "Isn't appa silly?" 
"Siwwy appa!!" Taehyun screamed in agreement, giggling along with his umma. Minkyung simply laughed loudly, although he had no idea what he was laughing about.
"Okay, enough making fun of appa," Chanyeol laughed, bouncing the twins playfully before looking at ______. "Did you eat?"
She smiled and nodded, walking with him to the playroom where they usually all sat together during their free time. "De, I'm all set. Did you guys eat?"
Chanyeol set the kids down on the floor and sat with her on the couch, sighing in content wrapping his arm around her. "Uhhuh. I had the leftovers from yesterday and I fed them some baby food. Taehyun had some yogurt, too."
She smiled softly, leaning into him and watching her sons blab at each other loudly. They played together well; she could already tell they would get along nicely as they grew older. She giggled looking at the ears they had inherited from their father, whose ears she loved to play with just as much as they did. They were both adorable with wide eyes, cheeky grins, and chubby cheeks similar to Chanyeol's bandmate, their "uncle" Xiumin. They also had black tufts of hair similar to the hair ______ had seen in Chanyeol's baby pictures. Her husband and babies couldn't be anymore perfect in her eyes, and she loved them so much.
"What are you thinking about, yeobo?" he asked softly, tilting his head and bringing her in closer. She smiled and cuddled into him, watching their sons play.
"Mm, nothing. Just how much I love you guys. And how happy I am we had our babies." 
"Me too," he agreed in his low tone, kissing her cheek gently. "They're so handsome." He grinned cheekily, his serious face immediately disappearing. "Just like their appa."
She raised an eyebrow but laughed, rolling her eyes fondly. "Whatever you say..."
He frowned, sticking his lower lip out. "You don't think I'm handsome?"
"Aish, you're lying!"
"Nope. I'm not."
"Jagiya! I know when you're lying to me!"
"Well I guess you don't know me that well, then..."
He continued pouting and immediately turned to his sons while ______ giggled to herself. She loved playing around with him; she was just as much of a jokester as he was.
"Boys! Do you think appa is handsome?" he asked slowly and clearly, talking loudly to get their attention. They immediately turned their heads but looked at him blankly, blinking their wide eyes in confusion. He repeated his question with confidence, making it a bit shorter. "Is appa handsome??"
"Appa!!" Taehyun exclaimed helpfully, laughing happily and clapping his hands. Minkyung was still confused, so he turned back to his toys and began playing again. ______ laughed as Chanyeol turned back to her, looking defensive.
"Taehyun agreed with me!"
"Mwoh?! All he said was 'appa'! That's not agreeing with you!"
"Anniyo, did you hear the way he said it? It was in an agreeing tone!"
She raised an eyebrow amused, shaking her head fondly before sliding down onto the floor and sitting by her babies. They immediately hollered in delight and crawled closer to her, shoving their toys in her face wanting her to see how amazing they were. She pretended to look fascinated, gently taking the stuffed dog Taehyun ed towards her.
"What animal is this, Taehyunnie?"
"DOG!!" he screamed proudly, waving his hands back and forth in excitement. She smiled at her smart son, nodding. "Very good, baby!" She handed the toy back and he hugged it tightly to his chest squealing with delight. 
Chanyeol laughed and slid down to sit next to her, looking at Minkyung. "And what are you playing with, little man?" he asked, grinning at the baby with amusement.
Minkyung immediately turned to him and held up a fan with Chanyeol's face on it; a gift the idol had gotten from an Exotic. Chanyeol laughed softly and pointed at himself on the fan. "Who is that, baby?"
Minkyung looked at Chanyeol's face before yelling, "Lulu!!" Chanyeol widened his eyes in shock.
"Mwoh?! Anniyo, baby, that's appa!!"
"Aish, I don't even look like Luhan!"
_______ laughed loudly watching Chanyeol flinch in surprise, wrapping her arms around her husband's chest. 
"Ah, you can't blame him. That picture is back from when you debuted. Your hair looks completely different now and he's just confused."
He pouted, wrapping one arm around her while Minkyung curiously held on to the fingers of his free hand, forgetting about his fan. "I know," he said, nodding, "but I want my babies to recognize me!"
"Taehyunnie! Minnie! Who's this?!" ______ asked eagerly, squeezing her husband playfully. They blinked before giggling, Taehyun pointing at Chanyeol.
"Appa!!" they screamed in unison, making both Chanyeol and _____ smile affectionately. He laughed and scooped up the two kids in his lap, growling playfully.
"That's right, and you better not forget it!"
Minkyung squealed and laughed, grabbing Chanyeol's shirt and getting himself up on his legs again but kept holding on for balance. He was now almost at eye level with his appa, who laughed softly and leaned in to kiss his forehead. "Wow," he cooed amazed, "look at my big boy standing! You're going to be taller than me one day!"
Minkyung looked at him with wide eyes, still clenching his shirt tightly to keep himself up. ______ laughed, leaning her head against her husband's shoulder. "Aish, he'd be the height of the Statue of Liberty in that case." 
Chanyeol chuckled and Minkyung finally plopped himself back down in the man's lap, tired of standing. Meanwhile, Taehyun crawled over to his umma and started doing the same to her to hoist himself up. He gripped onto her shirt so tightly, she was almost convinced he would tear the fabric off. But she smiled fondly and looked at her son, raising an eyebrow. "Are you copying your brother, baby?"
Taehyun blinked at his mother before slowly letting go, keeping himself up on his own. The three watched as he slowly toddled away, his legs trembling and his arms waving slightly, instinctively helping him keep his balance. She giggled at how cute he was; the twins had taken their first steps only a few days ago, but they still hadn't quite mastered walking just yet. Both were determined, though, and it was the most adorable thing she had ever seen. 
He finally plopped down on his bum and blinked several times in confusion. "Oh god, please don't cry," Chanyeol mumbled, knowing how sensitive his Taehyunnie was. But thankfully, the baby boy simply crawled back to his parents and settled himself on ______'s lap in content. She laughed and removed her arms from Chanyeol, wrapping them around Taehyun instead. Chanyeol grinned in relief that the baby did not burst into tears and held Minkyung with one hand, but wrapped his other arm around his beloved wife, leaning over to kiss her head.
"Our babies are the best, aren't they?"
She giggled softly and turned her head to kiss his lips quickly, nodding. "De~ I love them, so much. And you, my biggest baby of all~"
He rolled his eyes but continued grinning like an idiot; he couldn't help it, his wife always had this effect on him. He kissed her lips again, talking in his low and deep voice.
"Saranghaeyo, baby."
She smiled softly murmuring back. "Nado saranghae, Yeollie~"
"SANANGAE!" Taehyun screamed, attempting to join in. ______ and Chanyeol laughed, hugging their sons close. 
"We love you guys, too," he whispered, sneaking a glance at you and smiling widely. 
You smiled back, your heart melting. How you loved your sweet husband and adorable children, even though they were all little (and not so little) rascals. They were all yours and they were all you needed. 
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Expect an update soon~!


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Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Awww Suho is a cute over protective father.
Chapter 9: kekeke... it's cute!!!
jesyra #4
Chapter 9: Aww this is adorable. I missed this~
Chapter 9: hahah poor suho XD but yay, cant wait for more updates ^^
Chapter 4: aww, Jongin is so sweet! :)
Chapter 6: hehehe... Tao lol....