Appa Sehun ft. Uncle EXO

Appa & Baba EXO- Compilation


Sehun grabbed his backpack and shot out of the SM building, eager to come home to his loving girlfriend and beautiful baby girl. He knew the others would be going out for dinner, but he didn't want to join them anyways. Everyday he waited until the second he could get out and return to his girlfriend's house, excited to help her in parenting their one year old girl. _____ constantly told him to go out and relax with his bandmates when he could, but he couldn't think of anything more important than being there for his new family.

He remembered when _______ announced the news of being pregnant. The tears streaming down her face, terrified of what Sehun's reaction would be. After all, he was only eighteen and she was only seventeen, and he had just officially become a part of EXO. ______ had always dreamed of becoming a mother, but she had not been expecting a child at that age, and neither had Sehun.

Yet when she told him, he felt himself crying too- in happiness. He couldn't think of anything better than to have a child with the girl he loved for four years, even if they were a bit too young for it. The pregnancy had been a struggle- consisting of Sehun rushing home as soon as he could from schedules and ______ crying and screaming almost everyday from the hormones raging inside of her. There were times he would cry and scream himself, there were times he would wish he had never become an idol and that he had more time to take care of his beloved girlfriend.

But there had never been a time where he regretted getting her pregnant. Not once had a thought of disappointment or annoyance about the baby crossed his mind. Every night he would dream of their perfect family. He would imagine himself bringing the baby to the park with _______, holding her tiny little hands as she fell asleep, supporting her as she learned how to walk, tearing up when she said her first words. He would imagine coloring with her at the kitchen table, dropping her off to school everyday, teaching her to write her own name. ______ would always be by his side, as well as his bandmates. He didn't care if he had to work extra hard both for SM and at home; he could do it if it was for his family.





"I'm home!" Sehun called, walking into the house and setting his backpack down. The first thing he saw was little Minhee charging towards him, as fast as her tiny legs could take her. A smile immediately crossed his thin lips as he scooped her up, holding her proudly in his arms. "Hi, baby," he greeted in his soft voice, looking down at her. "Did you miss me?"

"Yeah!!" she smiled up at him, her tongue slightly sticking out of . _____ always about how Minhee had inherited that habit from him, along with her shy smile and quiet voice. Sehun usually commented that the girl had inherited _____'s big eyes and small nose. He chuckled and kissed her forehead lightly. "Where's umma?"

"Hi, Sehunnie!" _____ came out of the living room, smiling at her boyfriend. "I was picking up Minhee's toys. She still needs to learn how to clean up," she shot a playful look at the one year old but laughed softly and came closer to give the man a soft peck on the lips. "How was practice?"

He smiled happily, setting the wiggling girl down who had no interest in her parents' conversation, following her along with _____ to the living room. "It was good. I think today was our best practice yet."

______ smiled, her eyes twinkling. "I showed Minhee the dance practice video for Growl. You should have seen her. She was trying to copy the moves and I had to hold her because I swear she was going to hurt herself."

Sehun laughed amused, looking over at his baby girl fondly. She was holding her treasured doll in one hand and looking through the pages of a picture book with wide eyes. Their daughter had always been a quiet and shy girl, but neither of them had a problem with it. Even as an infant, she barely cried at nights and could be easily satisfied with the attention she was given. "Don't worry, baby," he told her softly, smiling as she immediately looked up hearing her father's voice. "Appa will teach you those moves when you're a little older."

His phone suddenly went off, and he barely frowned taking it out of his pocket. He hoped it wasn't his manager with another schedule; he couldn't stand leaving the two at home alone in the mornings, let alone again at night.

"Who is it?" ______ asked, tilting her head curiously.

"It's a text from Luhan," he replied, unlocking his phone and reading it with curiosity.


Hey, Sehunnie! Me and the boys are coming over, ok? Ok! ^-^


"Mwoh!?" Sehun frowned, looking up at _____ biting his lip sheepishly. "Ah.. yeobo.. is it okay if the guys come over for a bit? Luhan kind of just invited himself..."

She laughed and nodded. "Of course! You know I don't mind when they come over. And neither does Minhee."

Sehun laughed softly, but still rolled his eyes slightly at Luhan's bluntness. He didn't want his girlfriend stressing over having company, especially eleven rowdy boys. But she didn't seem to be upset, and he knew Minhee would definitely be happy. The girl loved her "uncles" and they loved her just as much. Even Kris, who always used to be a bit awkward around children, would now scoop her up with ease and spin her around the room lightly as if she were a superhero. Sehun sighed and texted his friend back.


"Fine.. -_- but not for too long!! Minhee needs to sleep soon!!"




 "EXO in the house!!!" Chanyeol burst in through the doors of the home, not bothering to knock. The others filed in after him, talking and laughing loudly. Minhee was the first to toddle over and greet them while ______ and Sehun followed behind, chuckling amused.

"There's my little princess!" Baekhyun grinned, scooping up the baby girl making her laugh loudly. Chen laughed and ruffled her fluffy black hair playfully. "Who did you miss more, Bacon or Chen?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Appa!!" she said instead, giggling and pointing at Sehun. The father laughed softly and proudly, nodding. "That's right, baby girl! Appa and umma are number one, right?"
"You didn't miss me at all, Minhee?!" Chen exclaimed, pouting jokingly. She giggled and touched his lips, looking thoughtful before finally nodding. "I miss you!" she exclaimed, rubbing Chen's cheeks with her tiny hands. _____ smiled fondly as Sehun wrapped an arm around her waist, watching the boys gush over their daughter. 
"Geez, sometimes you guys make me wish I had a kid," Kris commented, an affectionate smile crossing his lips as he watched the girl wave her arms and blab to the boys. "She seems so well behaved, too."
"She is," ______ replied proudly, smiling softly before talking jokingly, "I think she must get that from me, because she definitely couldn't have got it from Sehun."
Luhan laughed, coming over and patting her back playfully. "You got that right! Sehunnie never listens to anyone!"
"Yah! That is not true!" Sehun rolled his eyes, pulling his girlfriend away from Luhan protectively. "The only reason I don't listen to any of you is because you never say smart things!"
"Sehun oppa! Be nice!" ______ tapped the man's nose but laughed softly. She was used to the endless antics of EXO, and she couldn't be more happy with them. They were her second family, and even more importantly, Minhee loved them all. 
"Yeah, Sehun! Be nice!" Luhan grinned ruffling the younger's hair before returning to the boys gathered around Minhee. The young father rolled his eyes for the millionth time, rubbing his girlfriend's waist mumbling something about wanting them to leave already. She laughed and slid her own arm around his slender waist, sighing in content.
"Minhee! Where's Kyungsoo oppa?" Kai sat on the floor by the baby girl, cocking his head. The boys had been trying to get her to remember who was who; a very hard feat for a one year old girl. Sehun and ______ sat on the couch, watching with amusement.
Minhee blinked her big eyes and looked around at the eleven men. She finally pointed at Xiumin, smiling happily with her answer. The chubby faced boy pouted playfully. "Ani! I'm Minnie oppa, remember?" he chuckled softly at the nickname Minhee had given to him, due to the fact that she was unable to say Minseok. 
"Yah, you guys are going to confuse her!" Sehun called, patting his lap wanting his daughter to come back to him. She immediately got up on her little legs and toddled over, climbing into her father's lap with delight. "The only people she needs to know are her umma and appa!" He smiled proudly as he held his daughter on her lap, bouncing her gently. 
Chen rolled his eyes, chuckling. "Fine, but we expect her to be able to tell us apart by her second birthday, araso?!" He winked at Minhee, making her giggle and clap her hands. Sehun smiled, taking his daughter's small hands and continuing to clap them together lightly. 
______ laughed softly watching, leaning over to kiss her baby's soft cheek. "She will, oppa," she nodded to Chen confidently, smiling. "She's a smart girl."
"Again, something she inherited from you and not Sehun," Kai joked, smiling as he slid his hands into his pockets. Sehun shot him a half playful dirty look before returning his gaze to his daughter, still playing with her hands. 
"Well then, I suppose we should get going," Chanyeol looked at the time on his phone before looking at Minhee. "Thank you for playing with us, Minhee!" 
The girl looked up and smiled happily. ______ nudged her lightly. "What do you say, baby?"
Their daughter looked thoughtful before finally smiling shyly. "You'we welcome," she spoke softly, her baby voice sounding cuter than ever. The guys laughed affectionately before gathering their things, heading for the door.
"Bye, _____! Thanks for having us! See you tomorrow, Sehun!"
The young couple accompanied the boys to the door, smiling, waving and holding each of Minhee's hands together. When they finally left, Sehun turned to his girlfriend and kissed her softly. 
"Mm, now let's get this little princess to sleep and get to bed ourselves."
______ smiled kissing him back and nodded. "Sounds good to me, Sehunnie."
______ cuddled closer to her loving boyfriend, snuggled deep under the blankets. Minhee was fast asleep in her crib in the nursery and the two could finally have some alone time, even if they would be falling asleep soon.
"I forgot to ask you," Sehun suddenly said softly, "how is school coming along?"
______ had started taking online classes ever since Minhee had been born, deciding that it was the best option to be able to take care of their child while Sehun was working. He knew how stressful it could be for her; being a student and a mother was hard work. Sehun admired her greatly for it, though. 
"It's good," she smiled, looking up at him. "I'm getting a lot more work done these days with Minhee being easier to manage. I'm so glad she's not naughty or cranky all the time."
"I'm so proud of you, ______," he said quietly, his eyes gazing down into hers. "You are so dedicated. Even I'm not as hardworking as you are, and I have schedules to go to every single day," he chuckled softly, her hair. 
She bit her lip in happiness, her heart swelling. It meant a lot to her when her boyfriend said these things to her, considering how talented he was and how far he had gotten at such a young age. 
"Thank you, Sehun oppa," she whispered, smiling. "But don't say that about yourself. You're the reason Minhee has a nice home and nice toys and even food. If you didn't have a job, what would the two of us do?"
"It's us. We would have figured something out," he smiled, his eyes twinkling slightly. "We're just perfect for each other, and that's why Minhee will always be perfect, too." He sighed happily. "I am so glad we had her, ______. She's the best thing that has ever happened to us."
"I agree," she nodded, smile remaining on her lips. She leaned up and kissed her boyfriend's soft lips. He kissed her back, wrapping his muscular arms tighter around he waist and pulling her in closer. He was already missing her; he knew he would have to leave her warm embrace in the morning, it was the most painful part of his day. 
But he had learned to appreciate and savor the time he had with his beautiful girlfriend and precious daughter. His thin lips pressed against ______'s forehead lovingly, his eyes noticing her own slowly beginning to close due to exhaustion. 
"I really love you so much, Sehun oppa," she suddenly mumbled, making him smile once more. He rubbed her back gently, replying in his soft, gentle voice.
"I love you so much, too. Never forget that, okay?"
"Goodnight, baby. Sleep tight. Dream of me tonight..." 
A/N: Okay I am sorry this was way too boring >.< I promise I'll make the next one more interesting! Comment who you want next and I will pick the name that comes up the most!
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Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Awww Suho is a cute over protective father.
Chapter 9: kekeke... it's cute!!!
jesyra #4
Chapter 9: Aww this is adorable. I missed this~
Chapter 9: hahah poor suho XD but yay, cant wait for more updates ^^
Chapter 4: aww, Jongin is so sweet! :)
Chapter 6: hehehe... Tao lol....