Daddy Luhan

Appa & Baba EXO- Compilation
"Mom! What is this thing?!"
"No, Kody, don't touch that!" you quickly took your six-year-old son's hand, pulling him away to a safe distance from the baggage carousel. 
Lu Jian, or Kody, as he went by in America (being his English name), was extremely impressed by all the events occurring in the airport. The last time he had flown to Korea, he had only been three-years-old and couldn't remember much.
You heard Luhan chuckle from behind you and you rolled your eyes fondly, nudging him gently before looking around concerned. 
"Where are Melanie and Aimee?" you asked, your eyebrows barely furrowing in worry as you scanned the crowded airport for your fourteen-year-old twin daughters. 
Luhan placed a hand on your shoulder gently. "Relax, baobei. We told them they could go ahead to the bathroom, remember? It's just right over there." 
You nodded remembering and took your phone out of your purse, checking to see if your eldest son, Lyon, had called. The twenty year old went to school in Korea for a foreign exchange program, and it was going to be your first time seeing him in months. You let Luhan focus on getting the suitcases you had checked in, with Kody helping him as much as he could. Melanie and Aimee soon returned from the bathroom, coming up by your sides. 
"Does ANYONE speak English here?" Melanie questioned, running a finger through her long, silky dark hair. She had dip dyed the ends a teal color, while Aimee's were a deep purple. 
"Believe it or not, Mel, the national language here is Korean." Aimee responded to her twin sister sassily, watching as her father and brother started bringing some bags over. 
You laughed softly as Melanie shot the other a death glare, then began to help Luhan load the carriages with the suitcases that were too big and heavy to be rolled. Your phone suddenly began to ring, and you took it out immediately smiling relieved that it was your son. 
"Hi, Lyon. Yeah, we just got here. You're still coming to dinner with us, right?" 
"Yeah, I'll be there," his low voice came in on the other end. "But hey, is it alright if I bring someone...?" 
You blinked in surprise. "Sure, but Dad's friends are going to be there too. Who are you bringing?"
You barely heard the inaudible mumble of a female name, but that was enough to make you smile widely. 
"What? What's her name? Is she your girlfriend?"
That got your entire family to pay attention; Luhan's mouth formed an O, Melanie and Aimee exchanged glances of shock that their weird older brother could possibly get a girlfriend, and Kody wrinkled his nose in disgust at the thought of dating. 
"No, Mom," you could practically see him rolling his eyes. "She's.. just a friend. For now, at least."
You laughed softly and looked at the others, shaking your head fondly.
"Alright, well I'll see you later tonight sweetie. 7 PM, don't be late!" 
You hung up and were almost instantly bombarded by questions.
"HOW does LYON get a girlfriend and I don't have a boyfriend?!" Melanie practically shrieked, crossing her arms. "He's such a freak!" 
Luhan laughed, holding the handle of the carriage. "You don't need a boyfriend right now, princess. You're only fourteen." 
You laughed softly to yourself, taking Kody's hand and walking out of the airport with your family while Melanie continued ranting about Lyon's possible relationship. Luhan glanced over at you, raising an eyebrow in pure amusement and clucking his tongue softly to himself. You smiled back at him, shrugging playfully as to say, "Are you really surprised?" 
"Gosh, I just can't get over how much they've grown!" Chanyeol practically gushed, staring at the three kids with a wide smile on his face. 
"That's what kids tend to do over time, Chanyeol oppa." Aimee replied bluntly, but her smile showed that she had missed her lovable "uncles" just as much. 
The group insisted on being called "hyung" and "oppa" by the kids, and you decided it was fitting. They still acted as young and spirited as ever, but with a slightly more mature edge as most of them were fathers too. 
"I think she gets her sassiness from you," Chanyeol's wife commented, smiling at you. 
You laughed as Luhan nodded in agreement, sighing fondly as you watched the kids at the end of the table talking and laughing. Chanyeol and his wife had twin boys, Taehyun and Minkyung, who were both currently entertaining Kody along with Jongin's two boys, Jaemin and Changho. Melanie and Aimee were talking to Jongin's daughter, Hwangmi, as well as Baekhyun's daughter, Sora. Unfortunately, Baekhyun's wife and son, Jinwoo, hadn't been able to make it- the boy had an important soccer game for his school, and his mother had agreed to take him. 
Sehun's daughter, Minhee, was the older of the children- which was surprising, because Sehun was the one of the youngest of the boys. The eighteen-year-old was currently playing with Kris' children, Meili and Minzhe, as well as Yixing's child, Xifan. She looked exactly like her mother, who was extremely pretty in your opinion. You weren't surprised that Sehun had found such an attractive wife for himself. 
"Goodness, I feel so behind," Tao commented as he watched the children. "Am I supposed to be having kids too? I'm so busy with my acting, I don't think I would have the time!"
"Besides, you need a girlfriend first," Sehun teased, taking a sip of his wine.
"Hey, hey, I've been dating here and there!" Tao replied defensively, making you laugh at their unchanged antics.
"_________, where's your oldest?" Yixing's wife asked you curiously. "Is he not coming tonight?"
"Ah, he should be here soon," you smiled. "He's bringing a date, actually. We're meeting her for the first time." 
"Minhee had a date the other night," Sehun sighed. "I don't like seeing her grow up so fast." 
You smiled fondly and continued chatting with the group, answering their questions about how living in America was and how the kids seemed to like it. Luhan would occasionally hold your hand, the twinkle in his eyes more prominent than ever as he laughed at Chanyeol's jokes or Baekhyun's straightforwardness. You loved seeing him so happy to see his best friends; you knew it had been a big sacrifice for him for the both of you to move to the US, but you were so grateful that he was willing to do it for your job. 
It wasn't long before Lyon walked in, holding the hand of a pretty, slender girl beside him. She had slightly wavy dark hair and very delicate features; you could see Melanie and Aimee gaping from the corner of your eye. 
"Hey everyone," he smiled somewhat shyly, waving to the crowd. "This is Seulgi." 
"Hey, Lyon!!" Chanyeol greeted loudly, standing up. He nodded to Seulgi in greeting as well. "And hello to you too! Come sit!" 
You smiled and got up, hugging your son along with Luhan before turning to greet Seulgi. She seemed a little shy, but she was very nice and well mannered. You could tell Luhan already approved of her by the little smile he gave you. 
"Lyon comes over for dinner a lot," Jongin's wife commented, smiling fondly. "I'm glad that he has us around here when his parents are so far away." 
"Yeah, noona makes really good food," Lyon nodded, grinning slightly at you. "But I missed your food the most." 
The rest of the night went by smoothly with lots of stories and laughter. By the end of the night, it had been decided that Melanie and Aimee would sleepover Jongin's house because they had become so close to Hwangmi. Chanyeol invited Kody to sleepover with his twins, along with Xifan and Minzhe. And with Lyon going back to his dorm, that meant you and Luhan were finally going to get some alone time for once. 
"Bye, everyone!" you waved, and smiled fondly at your children. "Kody, don't give Chanyeol hyung too much trouble, understood? And.. yah! Lu Mei and Lu Fen! You be good too!"
Melanie and Aimee immediately made a face at the sound of their Chinese names, knowing you meant business when you brought those out. Nodding their heads dutifully and saying their goodbyes, they all left together. You gave Lyon another hug and smiled at Seulgi, telling them you would see them another time during the week before finally leaving the restaurant with Luhan. 
"Wow. That was just like the old times, huh?" Luhan chuckled softly. "With the addition of children."
You smiled as your husband wrapped an arm around your waist, leading you to the car. 
"Ne.. it was really nice. I missed all of them so much. And goodness, their kids are so big now."
"So are ours," Luhan murmured, opening the car door for you before getting into the driver's side. "Lyon's the oldest of the bunch. And look at him, he's got a girlfriend now." 
"They aren't dating. Yet." You smiled playfully as you corrected him. 
He let out a soft laugh as he began to drive, heading back to the hotel. 
You let out a sigh of content as you felt your husband's arm wrap around you in the soft, spacious hotel bed. He kissed your head before leaning in and pecking your lips, a soft smile gracing his own.
"We should get some sleep now, baobei. It's been a long day." 
You nodded in agreement, cuddling into his warm body and resting your hand on his bare chest in comfort. 
"I love you, ________." 
You smiled softly, looking up at him and giving him a soft kiss.
"I love you, Luhan." 
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Expect an update soon~!


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Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Awww Suho is a cute over protective father.
Chapter 9: kekeke... it's cute!!!
jesyra #4
Chapter 9: Aww this is adorable. I missed this~
Chapter 9: hahah poor suho XD but yay, cant wait for more updates ^^
Chapter 4: aww, Jongin is so sweet! :)
Chapter 6: hehehe... Tao lol....