Daddy Baekhyun

Appa & Baba EXO- Compilation

Oh my God baby Baek is too cute~! xx


“Umma!” Your four year old son Jinwoo shouted from the backseat of the car which almost made you jump 5 feet into the air. You surely thought that the chilren’s movie playing on the fold down screens in the car would keep him quiet and not wake up his two year old sister Sora who was asleep in the carseat beside him while clutching a white stuffed rabbit. It was obvious how much he inherited from his father. Once you pulled up to a red light, you turned around and put a finger to your lips with a smile telling your rambunctious son to keep his voice down. He widened his eyes and put a finger to his plump lips as well.

“What is it Jin?” You asked in a whispering tone.

“Umma, when will we see appa?” He asked innocently before eating another cracker from the plastic bag you gave him.

“Soon baby boy we’re almost at the venue. It’ll be another 5 minutes okay?” You responded with a smile before brushing some of his fluffy dark brown hair from his eyes that were shaped exactly like his father’s. He was practically a mini version of him.

Their father was no other than EXO's main vocalist Byun Baekhyun.

Your son and daughter haven’t seen their dad perform onstage in almost 6 months, but then SM decided to have them release their fourth studio album and embark on another comeback and tour of Asia this year. You would miss him coming home every night to you and the kids, but this was his dream. This was EXO’s dream to tour again after all staying as a group for many years, and you couldn’t be any more proud of him.

“Okay umma. Wait umma will there be fire? I like fire it’s like wooossshh!!” Your son called out excitedly as he threw his arms up into the air pretending there was fire in his hands.

You smiled as the light turned green and you stepped on the gas pedal gently while still talking to Jinwoo. “I think so! We have to be careful because fire is hot.”

“Will uncle Chanyeol touch the fire?? Uncle Chanyeol told me he can; he says they all have powers even appa! It’ll like like woooooshh brrrr gaaaaaah!” Jinwoo practically shouted as he threw out his arms out like a bird and swung side to side with his “fiery arms” and you were afraid his outburst would make him hit Sora on accident.  

You couldn’t help but laugh at your son and how excited he got over EXO’s superpowers, easily believing they were real. But you always played along. “He might, but he doesn’t want to scare fans with his power remember?”

“Ahhhh yeah! It’s secret!” Jinwoo said while shushing himself to make sure nobody else heard, not even Sora. “I can’t wait to see appa and uncle EXO umma please hurry.”

You looked at your son from the rearview mirror. “We’ll be there soon Jin, watch the movie okay?”

He happily nodded in understanding and went back to watching the movie while Sora started to stir awake. You couldn’t help but hold back a chuckle when he called the other 10 members that. It was too cute. And the others would be so happy to see your children again even though it’s only been a week when you visited the studio during rehearsals. Hopefully Minseok’s wife Soojin will be there as well with their daughter Naeun who is almost the same age as Sora. At least it would give Sora a friend while in a sea of men. That’s been your life for the last 7 years while being together with Baekhyun. At first it was awkward, he came into your father’s restaurant while you were working as a waitress and took his order. You were a fan of EXO, but not obsessive like others were. You knew of their popularity as well as his recent breakup with his idol girlfriend Taeyeon a few months prior after dating for almost a year. He was gorgeous and hilarious when cracking jokes to friends, but you had to stay professional while trying not to panic. It was going well until you spilled a glass of water on his shirt and tried to wipe it away with a napkin. He made a joke to you about “going on a date” before touching him like that. He made you blush, write down your phone number, and he asked you to be his wife after a year of dating. And now here you were after 7 years of marriage with two beautiful children and a much more exciting life in regards to media, paparazzi, oh and the fact that your husband is a K-pop idol. No big deal.

“Ummm… Umma?” A sleepy voice called out of your daughter who mostly resembled you except for having Baekhyun’s ears. She took more after you personality wise, more calm and reserved instead of excitable like her brother. She rubbed her eyes sleepily as she looked around the car wondering where you were. Her eyes then fell on the crackers her brother were eating and pouted cutely.

“Yes Sora?” You asked as you turned down a street and hitting traffic heading into the venue, but you had your VIP parking pass.

“Cwackers jebal~.”

Her aegyo was too adorable to resist and the way she would mispronounce words was hilarious. You seemed to forget that she did inherit something from Baekhyun as you quickly fished out a small bag of crackers for her to eat with one arm and handed it to her and she quickly grabbed some with her baby hands and chewed. His appetite.


EXO’s opening concert in Seoul was a huge success. You could still feel your ears ringing from the screaming fans, loud music, and hearing your husband’s angelic voice while singing their new songs while Jinwoo and Sora danced and sang along with all of their tiny might while wearing protective headphones while in the VIP section. Of course the fireworks gave the kids a fright. Jinwoo hid behind your legs for about 2 seconds until screaming how awesome it was and Sora wailed in your arms as you comforted her for the rest of the song. Now that the concert had ended after about 2 hours, it was time to head backstage to visit your husband and “uncle EXO”.

“Hurry umma I want to see appa!” Jinwoo called out as he sped down the hallway while you tried your best to bow and greet all of the crew members with a smile while keeping an eye on your son. Sora was right beside you holding your hand while her pink and white light up shoes sparkled with every step she took.

“Jinwoo don’t run!” You called out to him as he finally made it down the hallway and waited for you patiently. “Aish your brother is so active Sora.”

She responded with a giggle as she let go of your hand and ran up to Jinwoo and tackled him in a hug, the infectious laughter of children filling up the hallway. After rounding up the kids, you made it to the backstage room Baekhyun told you to go. It was a black French door with the EXO symbol on it with a security guard standing in the front while you could barely hear the buzz of 11 excited and most likely sweaty members of EXO having an after party. The security guard recognized you and the kids right away as he let you enter to a giant backstage room full of the EXO member’s, their family, as  well as the other EXO wives. Four of the EXO members were currently married while the others were either dating or still single and enjoying the bachelor life, mostly the maknae’s who were still in their late twenties all turned towards you and had beaming smiles on their faces while still covered in sweat.

“____! Hey!” The sea of EXO shouted at you which made Jinwoo smile and wave excitedly while Sora the shy one buried her face into your neck while still holding her rabbit. You looked around the room until your eyes fell on a familiar face as he weaved through the crowd and you couldn’t help but smile when he did.

“APPA! OPPA!” Your two kids screamed out as Sora’s shyness disappeared instantly as you gently put her down and ran into her father’s waiting arms along with Jinwoo who was wrapped around his leg. The entire room let out a collective “Awww” together and you couldn’t help but to feel such a surge of pride and motherly love for your children who were very lucky to have Baekhyun as a father. Baekhyun laughed as he knelt down and hugged his son and ruffled his hair which made Jinwoo pout and fix it. Sora held out her slightly chubby arms while still holding her rabbit and Baekhyun picked her up with ease, gently bouncing her in his arms before kissing her forehead.

“Hey kiddos did you all have fun?” Baekhyun asked the kids and you as you walked next to him and fixed Sora’s ponytail that was partially tucked in her shirt.

“Yeah it was awesome appa! Look umma bought this fan with your face on it!” Jinwoo exclaimed happily as he held up the fan proudly, which made Baekhyun fake a surprised face. You blushed slightly as Baekhyun slightly winked at you making sure nobody else saw. No matter what anyone else said, you always thought you were the #1 Baekhyun fan even before the two of you met on that fateful day in the restaurant.

“Oh wow are you sure it's me Jinwoo? I think I'm more handsome than this guy.” Baekhyun said holding the fan and began fanning his son which made him giggle before protesting that it was him for sure. Sora curiously grabbed the fan and held it to her face, looking both at the picture on the fan and her dad holding her. Even though she was young she was smart for her age and she excitedly squealed out as she pushed it up against Baekhyun’s cheek.

“Oppa!” Sora squealed as she kept pressing it to his face, making you laugh and taking it out of her hands and back into your purse.

“Well I guess it is me then, isn’t that right baby girl?” Baekhyun cooed as he kissed his daughter on the cheek.

“See I told you!” Jinwoo said as uncle Chanyeol knelt down behind him and covered his eyes, making Jinwoo laugh and turn his head around. “Uncle Chanyeol!”

“Hey Jinwoo!” Chanyeol grinned widely as he engulfed him in a warm hug then scooped him up in the air and put him over his shoulder. Jinwoo screamed out excitedly as everyone in the room laughed including the rest of uncle EXO who came by to greet you and the kids.

Baekhyun gave his friend a glare while you rested your head on his shoulder and he leaned up against you. “Yah don’t make fun of my son.”

“Oh relax Baek just having some fun with my nephew.” Chanyeol chuckled as Jinwoo noticed Luhan’s 4 year old son Wei-Shan across the room along with Minseok’s 3 year old son Hyukjae were playing with their Transformers action figures that Sehun bought for them for Christmas a couple months ago. Chanyeol finally put down Jinwoo who walked up to you and Baekhyun with a wide smile on his face and uncle Kai couldn’t help but fluff his hair while walking by.

“Appa, umma, is it okay if I play Transformers with Hyukjae and Wei-Shan?” He asked politely.

You looked over the crowd and saw the two boys playing wildly as they made their robots pretend fight and scream when they crashed into the carpet. Even though Jinwoo was a ball of energy and a bit of a spitfire when he wanted to be, he was a very well-mannered and polite boy who got along with all the children. Some of the children in the neighborhood could be so impolite and not very good with sharing, but Jinwoo always tried his best to make friends and usually succeeded. You were thankful of that.

“Okay, but play nicely okay?” Baekhyun agreed and Jinwoo excitedly nodded his head and hugged your legs tight before sprinting off to his friends. Their faces beamed excitedly as the three boys hugged and laughed, and Jinwoo picked up a robot and began to play. “Sora where’s your friend?”

He meant Minseok’s daughter Naeun, who Sora spotted a couple feet away playing next to her mom Soojin with a baby doll and pointed. “Naeunnie…”

You and Baekhyun chuckled at her baby voice as he walked over and gently put her down on her feet, the two girls smiled and Sora plopped down next to her as they played with their dolls and other various toys Soojin brought. Soojin looked over at you and smiled, waving as you greeted her back silently thanking her for watching your daughter so you and Baekhyun could be alone. The room was fairly loud with the sound of laughter, Chanyeol’s deep laugh after pranking Tao which made him scream, the boys joining in on the fun to tackle him, and Suho’s pregnant wife Eunji laughing gently as her and Suho sat together on the couch. The smiling faces of your two children made your heart swell as Baekhyun moved behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

“We made some perfect kids didn’t we _____?” He whispered in your ear as you turned to face him with a smile, pecking his plump lips gently.

“Yes we did. I’m so thankful for them, they’re just perfect.” You responded as the two of you scanned the room, surrounded by your children and the people you loved as your own family.

“Let’s make another one then.” Baekhyun cooed in your ear and wiggled his eyebrows jokingly. You laughed gently and swatted his arm.

“You’re so greasy Baekhyun.”

His grip around your waist got more handsy, but you did your best to keep his hormones in check around everyone. A man in his 30’s still had the stamina and excitement like he did in his early 20’s when you first met. Not that you cared or anything. “I can’t help it you’re so gorgeous. I want to keep making gorgeous babies with you, my wife.”

“I’ll think about it, my husband.” You spoke to his face before the two of you kissed again, letting your lips linger for a few seconds before separating. He gently brushed a piece of hair behind your ear as the two of you smiled at each other.

“Did you enjoy the concert too?” He asked as you rested your arms on his shoulders, gently running your fingers through his dark brown hair at the nape of his neck.

You nodded with a smile as the images of the concert flooded your mind, even after all these years EXO could still put on an exciting show. Seeing your husband dancing and singing onstage made you fall in love all over again, hell even the hip s still made you scream out excitedly. “Of course babe you did amazing.”

Baekhyun hummed happily as you wriggled around and faced him, still wrapped up in his embrace. “I’m glad. I’ve been working hard this last month and I felt awful being gone all the time from you and the kids. And we’ll be leaving in a few days for Busan.”

You sighed but you completely understood the situation. Being married to an idol was a challenge especially with schedules and tours, but you kept yourself busy with the kids and working part time through an online store. Even though this life was much more complicated than before the two of you met, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Your husband. Your children. Your family. That was the most important.

“I understand honey.” You responded as you kept running fingers through his hair.

“I’m sorry _____, I feel like I miss so much while I’m away from the children.” Baekhyun spoke softly, almost in a guilty tone.

“Baekhyun look at me.” You ordered and he immediately met your gaze. “Don’t be sorry for doing your job. You’ve done a great job as an idol, but also as a father. We love you so much and are so proud of you. I’ve been with you for 7 years, this is nothing new to me but I absolutely loved every minute of it. And I love you.”

“I love you too. More than anything.”

Baekhyun’s smile slowly returned as you saw his eyes glistening with joyful tears, but he didn’t let them escape. The two of you embraced for what felt like years and each gave each other another deep kiss until the sound of Tao clearing his throat interrupted the two of you. Seeing the predicament he was in made the two of you laugh as you snuggled into Baekhyun’s chest barely catching the scent of sweat and his cologne, one of his strong arms around your waist still as he grinned widely. Tao was completely pinned to the floor lying on his stomach with Jinwoo, Wei-Shan, and Hyukjae all sitting on his back laughing happily and letting their Transformers action figures walking all over him. He propped his head up with one hand as he gave the two of you a smirk.

“Before you two keep face, can you and the other hyung’s get your sons off my back?”


Hi everyone this is Leah (missgalaxyhyung) here! So I hope you all enjoyed my installment of the Appa and Baba series featuring Baekhyun as a daddy! Did you all enjoy it?? I hope this is alright obviously most of you know what my real specialty is hahaha xD 

More updates to come from both Rhea and I, so stay tuned! 

~ Leah

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Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Awww Suho is a cute over protective father.
Chapter 9: kekeke... it's cute!!!
jesyra #4
Chapter 9: Aww this is adorable. I missed this~
Chapter 9: hahah poor suho XD but yay, cant wait for more updates ^^
Chapter 4: aww, Jongin is so sweet! :)
Chapter 6: hehehe... Tao lol....