Baba Lay

Appa & Baba EXO- Compilation

You straightened out your skirt, looking at your first grade class smiling softly. It was almost the end of the day, and the kids were currently coloring and laughing together in their seats. Your phone vibrated on your desk and you smiled, seeing it was Lay. 


You're bringing Xifan home, right?


Yup. We'll see you in half an hour :)


Awesome ^^ See you soon babe! xx


You smiled and looked up at Xifan, coloring at his desk. He resembled his father so much, it was almost scary. You loved his dimple the most; it was already adorable enough on Lay, so it was even cuter on his six year old son. 

You had met Lay, or Zhang Yixing, in the beginning of the school year, the same time you met all of the other children's parents. At the first open house, he had helped you clean up the messy classroom. Since then, he had been coming in frequently to volunteer in the classroom and help you out with whatever you needed. You discovered he was a single dad; he and his ex wife had divorced when Xifan was two. 

It wasn't long before the two of you ended up dating, much to Xifan's delight. The little boy loved you to death. He followed you around wherever you went and constantly told you stories with his crazy imagination. You loved him, too, and you couldn't be happier with the little family you now had. 

You had moved in with Lay only two months ago, and it was amazing so far. The three of you got along well, and it was efficient because you could take Xifan to school and back home if you weren't staying late.

The bell finally rang and you directed the students to the door, making sure they were all in a line before letting them out to their parents waiting outside. Xifan lingered back, as usual, waiting happily for you to finish talking to moms and dads about their children and the work they had done. 

When everyone had finally left, you walked back in the classroom and smiled ruffling Xifan's hair. "Ready to go home, kiddo?"

"Yes, noona!" He grinned happily, already holding his backpack around his shoulders. "I wanna see baba!"

"Baba wants to see you too!" You smiled, taking his tiny hand and walking out of the classroom. After closing the door and locking it behind you, you led him to your car in the staff parking lot. 


You walked into the cozy house you shared with Lay and his son, calling out.

"Lay~ we're home!"

Xifan tore off his backpack eagerly and dropped it on the floor, running inside and jumping up on his father who was cooking in the kitchen.

"Baba!! What are you making??"

Lay laughed in surprise, quickly holding on to his young son. He looked up and smiled charmingly at you as you walked into the kitchen, his eyes twinkling warmly before replying to the boy. 

"I'm making your snack. How does Omurice sound?"

"Yes please!!" Xifan nodded happily, wrapping his arms tighter around his father as he watched him cook.

"Were you a good boy today? Did you get into any trouble?" Lay asked, holding the child with one arm and cooking with the other. 

"No! I was good," he immediately answered seriously, looking at you to back him up.

Laughing fondly, you nodded as you took a seat at the kitchen counter.

"He was good today. And he even got a 100 on his math test."

Lay widened his eyes, looking at his son in half playful amazement. "Whoa!! Seriously?"

Xifan giggled and nodded happily and vigorously, holding his father's arms. "Yeah!! I'm so good at math, baba!"

"Wow, I'm so proud of you! I think we should go out for ice cream tonight to celebrate," Lay grinned, his eyes twinkling as he looked down at the five-year-old. 

"Okay!!" the boy cheered, pumping his fists. 

You laughed fondly as you watched the little scene between the father and son, smiling at your boyfriend when you made eye contact. You loved seeing him play with Xifan; he was such a good father and you loved that about him. 

"After your snack, we'll do your homework together, ne?" Lay told the little boy, cocking his head. "Let's give noona a break from teaching." 

"Okay~" Xifan nodded obediently, but his eyes were focused on the stove where his father was beginning to cook his meal. He loved to eat, and unlike most little kids, he loved trying new foods. 

"Hey, do you think baba can cook with you breathing down his neck?" Lay asked playfully, kissing his son's chubby cheek before setting him down. "Go find something to play and I'll call you when the food is ready."

The boy giggled and nodded, running off into the other room. Lay watched him go before looking at you and smiling, his adorable dimple making an appearance on the side of his lips.

"How was school today?" he asked in his soft, genuinely caring voice as he continued his cooking. 

"Good," you smiled, nodding. "All the kids were pretty good today. Oh! And you know Fei Yen, the girl who teaches one of the second grade classes? She got married a few months ago? She's pregnant!" 

Lay widened his eyes, almost forgetting about the Omurice. You giggled at his expression; you loved that he listened so intently and had such reactions to the things you told him, when most guys would simply give a head nod and smile. With Lay, he cared about every single situation he heard of as if he had been there himself and knew everyone involved.

"Wow, that's great! She and her husband must be so happy. I remember meeting him at that birthday party we went to for one of the teachers.... what was her name? Ah.... Lei?" 

You laughed softly at Lay's eagerness and nodded, smiling a bit touched that he remembered such minor details. You weren't the most sensitive of girlfriends or anything, but having a boyfriend who could remember practically everything you told him was definitely a bonus. 

"Yes, it was her birthday party. But yeah, Fei Yen and her husband are really excited. She's hoping for a girl." 

Lay smiled fondly, finishing up his son's meal and turning off the stove. 

"I would like a girl one day," he sighed almost wistfully, looking thoughtful. "Little baby girls are so precious. Well, baby boys are, too, but just imagine having a sweet little girl around the house?"

You smiled and stood up, coming over to him and pressing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Maybe it could happen one day." 

He grinned goofily as he looked down at you, his expression full of love and happiness. You laughed softly as you poked his dimple lightly, tempted to kiss him again. However, he was the one to kiss you first as he leaned in and pressed his soft lips against yours, holding your waist lightly. 

"I hope so," he murmured softly once he pulled away, looking down into your eyes and practically making you melt. 

"What if they're twins?" you murmured playfully, squeezing your boyfriend's hands. 

He barely widened his eyes at the thought, but grinned widely.

"The more the merrier!" he gave you his adorable smile, cocking his head. 

"That's what you're saying now," you laughed softly, "but wait until you've just finished putting one to sleep and the other bursts out into tears!" 

He smiled and wrapped an arm around you tightly.

"As long as I have you helping me out, I have nothing to worry about." 


You sighed in content as you watched Xifan running around happily on the grass, having finished his ice cream. You and Lay were sitting at a table outside, watching the boy playing with other little kids nearby and talking and laughing together. His arm was around you and your empty cups of ice cream sat on the table in front of you, both of you too lazy to throw them out at the moment. 

"Did he finish all of his homework?" you asked, tilting your head resting it on your boyfriend's shoulder. 

"Mhm," Lay smiled, rubbing your arm up and down. "He's doing so well in school, hm? Thank god he has such a good teacher...." 

You laughed softly, smiling as Lay ran his fingers through your hair and leaning closer to him. 

"He's naturally smart," you murmured, holding his hand and playing with his fingers. "Like his baba."  

"And his future mama.....?" 

You blinked in surprise as Lay suddenly pulled away from you, getting down on one knee. He slowly pulled out a tiny box from his jacket pocket, brushing his hair out of his eyes with his slender fingers before looking up at you and opening the box, revealing a beautifully simple ring. 

You didn't even notice Xifan walking over, a bright smile on his face.

"Will you marry us, noona??" he asked, grinning cutely as he looked up at you. 

You bit on your lip and smiled happily, immediately nodding holding back your tears of joy.

"Yes. Absolutely. Oh my god....."

Xifan giggled and carefully took the ring as you held out your hand, slowly sliding it on your finger just as Lay had told him to a few hours earlier. He held your hand and leaned forward, kissing it like a true gentleman before laughing happily and stepping back, a beam lighting up his whole face. Lay smiled and kissed his son's cheek before standing up with you, holding your hands. 

"I love you." 

He leaned in and gave you a sweet, simple kiss, squeezing your hands gently. You were practically laughing from giddiness as the two of you kissed, finally pulling away and looking up at him with happiness.

"I love you too, Yixing," you smiled and looked down at Xifan. "And I love you too, baby."

"I love you, noona~! And I love you baba!" Xifan beamed and Lay laughed, scooping him up and bouncing him playfully. 

The three of you went home together as a happy family, filled with smiles and laughter. You put Xifan to bed and got into bed with Lay, sharing sweet, passionate kisses and small talks. 

All three of you drifted off to sleep with soft smiles, ready for the next chapter of your lives. 







A/N: Hey guys, it's Rhea~ (silvermonkeyfish) ^^ So Leah's amazing writing finally inspired me to get working on this, I hope you like it! Look forward to more updates from both of us and thanks for subscribing!

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Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Awww Suho is a cute over protective father.
Chapter 9: kekeke... it's cute!!!
jesyra #4
Chapter 9: Aww this is adorable. I missed this~
Chapter 9: hahah poor suho XD but yay, cant wait for more updates ^^
Chapter 4: aww, Jongin is so sweet! :)
Chapter 6: hehehe... Tao lol....