Chapter 2

Her Small Boy; His Little Girl

“Our clerk will contact you to let you know if you have obtained this post. Thank you for spending so much time designing your portfolio as well as your resume.” The 4 supposedly board members thanked IU after she finished her last sentence. They had already completed the interview, and ended it with the test of how much of a linguist IU was. She could speak 5 different languages --- Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese and French. That alone guaranteed her a spot so she felt really relieved since she was opting for the international post where she gets to fly from places to places for free.


“Thank you once again.” She gave a 90 degree bow and left.


Once she was at the main doors of Daesoo Company, she took out her Galaxy S4 and pressed speed dial 1, which was obviously Jiyeon. She couldn’t wait to tell her the good news she had. Even though it wasn’t confirmed if she got the post or not, she was really confident about this.


“Yes, IU?” Jiyeon supported the phone by tilting her head toward her right shoulder and securing the phone between her head and her shoulder.




“WHAT?! Are you serious?! Daesoo is like, the BEST place to work at. And, what’s best is the boss is Korean, like us! That also explains why the name of the place is Daesoo.”


“Cool, cool. Who’s the boss anyway?”


“Kim Myungsoo, this really hot guy. I’ve seen news about him. He’s only 24, and he’s the boss of people ages ranged from 21-65.”


After receiving a little more information about the boss from her friend, they hung up. IU was looked through her Twitter when she yelped the second time that day. She fell straight on her bum, colliding with a different guy this time.


“Oh my, I’m sorry miss.”


Like a gentleman, he extended his hand, offering her some help to get up. Seeing that she was pretty annoyed, he thought he had done something wrong. He looked away, shy and embarrassed after getting a closer look at her face and realizing how much of a beauty she was.


“Oh, it’s okay,” the look of annoyance disappeared from her beautiful face. “Earlier I bumped into some stuck up rich kid, and trust me, I’m more than happy that the person I just bumped into is someone as gentlemanly as you.”


That sentence alone made the young man turn a fine shade of pink.


“Um, if you are okay… I’ll take my leave.”


“Wait! I might be working here soon, so we probably will bump into each other often. What’s your name?” he stopped in his tracks and turned back, his heart rapidly pumping in his chest. She was asking for his name!


“Min Hyuk, Lee Min Hyuk.”


“I see. I’m IU. Are you Korean? Your name is definitely not an English one.”


“Yes. You have a really unique name.”


“I’m Korean too. Well, see you around then!”


The two bowed and went their separate ways. Min Hyuk felt a strange yet nice feeling overwhelm him, while IU just treated what happened moments ago as a mere collision with a soon-to-be colleague.


“You have a meeting with the board members to discuss the admission of new employees afterwards at 3 pm.”


A big wooden table was parked in the middle of the 24 square feet room. The whole place was designed emitting a vintage feel mixed with the 1960s. Album covers and photos of the Beatles were hung everywhere on the wall, vintage wallpaper, a classy chandelier, and in the middle of it all, the name plate made of gold that was placed on the desk proved the richness of the owner of the company. “KIM MYUNG SOO, boss” was engraved on the piece of gold and the sound of typing resounded through the room.


“Okay, I will be there.”


The deep, husky voice that melted women’s hearts escaped from his lips. Myungsoo sat in his comfy black leather chair, staring at his computer screen and dismissing his secretary without even exchanging any eye contact with her.


That’s how he was, cold.


He stacked the pile of documents and checked his watch. 2:45. The perfect time to head out for the meeting. He walked into the meeting room and upon his arrival; all board members stood up and greeted him in unison. Settling himself in his big leather chair, the other members followed suit and sat down after him.


The meeting commenced, and every member voiced their opinion on the people who have opted for the various vacant positions.


Myungsoo looked through the resumes and one caught his eye. Not only how colourful and well-designed the resume was attracted his attention, but the photo of the candidate was the one that made him stare at the resume for 10 minutes, none of which was said in the past 10 minutes went into his ears. He zoned out, staring at the face of the young girl, wondering why it was so familiar.


“Eureka!” Myungsoo jumped out from his seat, interrupting one of the board members who was currently sharing his opinion.


“My apologies,” Myungsoo gave a bow, embarrassed at his sudden outburst.


Back to the main point, he remembered that this girl was the country bumpkin who collided with him this morning and is also the one who put a damper on his day.


“This girl. What position is she opting for?” he held out the resume of IU and raised it up, flashing it to all the board members so one of them could answer his question.


“An international researcher.” One of them voiced out.


Myungsoo nodded his head calmly, while smirking inwardly. To be an international researcher for his company is a difficult job since the need to room with a person of the opposite gender might be required.


And, it also meant to be waking up at 4 am in the morning to write reports to email to boss to keep the company updated on the situation over at the various countries where franchises of Daesoo exists.


“Contact her ASAP. She has got the post she wants.”


And that would marked the endless nights she would have to experience.


“Oh you poor thing.”

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Chapter 8: poor jieun :( hope minhyuk always be her side in this condition :(
update soon~
Chapter 8: I feel there is deceit.
uhmm, let's see what's next.
Update soon pls.
familywinnerx #3
Chapter 8: Ermmm, I'm very curious right now. How can Jiyeon and L.joe are married couple?
jungfaehyun #4
Chapter 8: They cheated iu??? They love each other??? Can't wait for the next chapter update asap !
Chapter 7: oh my, Jiyeon is married with ByungHun...What's happened...
can't wait for next chap..
Update soon please...
inspiritKMSL #6
Chapter 7: Nice chapter author-nim..;)
Update soon..:)
Riansweetie #7
i want L.Ji T.T
Chapter 5: hahahahahahaha
Chapter 5: Hahaha the challenge of both of them was felling strong. Kekeke update soon
Chapter 5: Wohooo, sounds like the real war is begin now. Kekeke update a.s.a.p :D