Dull School turns upside down

The day I turned 16, my matoki bunnies turned alive.

"The pocket money...." Himchan glanced at Hyojin and Hyojin narrowed her eyes, placing more money on YOungjae's palm. Youngjae finally turned back to normal but sometimes Hyojin could feel the silence between them when they are together alone but they are slowly returning to before. As for the eventful last night, Daehyun she found was quite vulnerable and she promised to step out of her comfort zone. SInce then she had not avoided Daehyun and the two of them were going along well. Daehyun told Youngjae what happened and Youngjae was relieved .

"Can't Youngjae get the same amount of money as us?" Himchan frowned bitterly. Yongguk looked down at the little amount after the electrical bills and all the groceries not forgetting school fees. Daehyun made a hmph sound since he could only buy at most 1 slice of cheescake every week now. Hyojin shook her head at Himchan 's request and Zelo looked as if he did not care and was still having a arm wrestling session with Jongup, wincing in pain. JOngup looked up to Hyojin."Are we bringing bento today?"

"BEnto?" Daehyun asked excitedly.

Yongguk was confused.

Hyojin nodded,"To save money."

Daehyun's face dropped. "So... we having only salads?"

Youngjae clapped his hands,"Yup. SO we would be making our breakfast and bento at the same time."

Hyojin nodded and Himchan narrowed his eyes at the two people who made up and commented,"Now... You two are in sync."

Youngjae irritated Himchan greatly as he smiled cheekily , putting one arm across Hyojin's shoulders. Daehyun just scrambled off but caught by Jongup who asked innocently,"Hyung, where are you going?"

Hyojin dragged Daehyun by his ear and Youngjae bickered his way to the kitchen with Himchan. Yongguk grabbed the two kids and entered the small kitchen.

"I bought two chopping boards." 

"And...So?" Yongguk asked Hyojin and she pointed to the vegetables , fruits and some pieces of raw chicken meat.

Zelo and Yongguk offered to do these since they liked to have quicking cutting competition with each other. Apparently Yongguk won and Hyojin was afraid that their fingers would get cut and put Jongup as the duo's supervisor while tasking him to wash the cut fruits, vegetables. Himchan was going through the refrigerator and getting ready by washing the lunch boxes Hyojin bought. As for Youngjae, he was smartly going through the recipes and boiling water in the pot and preparing the water bottles needed for school.

Hyojin gave Daehyun the best job since she could see that he was trying to eat some cooked fish slices and sent him off to the living room and bedroom, instructing him to clean the bedroom, tidy the living room and pack the bags.

She was at her fixed station and cooking all the things. Be it frying or some grilling. Soon the bento were made...

"Yellow is Jokomato... " she muttered and passed it to Youngjae. Then she passed the white one to Daehyun who looked at it with such earnest eyes that she took it back in fear he ate it before school even starts. Himchan got his dark pink box and was satisfied. Yongguk was thanking and praising Hyojin while Zelo looked up and comforted the pouting Daehyun. As for jOngup, he was diligently cleaning the mess along with Yongguk.

"Now... ! Go to school!"

They boarded the buses and Hyojin sat infront of them while the six excited boys who only went to school the fourth time, talked about twitter and stuff, fascinated by these items.

Hyojin was sorry for unable to get them mobile phones. Smartphones in exact.

"Hey..." Andra spotted Hyojin in school and waved to her. Hyojin waved back and Youngjae silenlty smiled.  

It was not long that Hyojin had to get to classroom herself since there were girls surrounding Zelo and Jongup and asked them tons of questions. SHe wondered if the girls would get sick of the questioning.

The funny thing was that no confession took place.

BAekhyun was eagerly waiting for Hyojin and showing off his new Taeyeon photocard and Hyojin of course ignored him. Suho was kind-hearted enough to help Zelo and Jongup out of the crowd of girls. And the usual school turned up to be quite simple...


"We have a new student." the teacher said," I need the girls to keep quiet first."

The girls raised their eyebrows questioningly.

"Myungsoo. COme in." and there goes... Hyojin swore she saw this scene form Boys over flowers before. The cocky Jun-pyo walked his way in dashingly causing some excited squeals.

"He is an exchange student." the teacher commented,"And... For your information... he would be goign back to his art school in two weeks'time."

She smiled at the teacher's remark. The teacher was trying to ask the girls to get a grip on themselves and do not waste time on beautfiul things that don't last long.

She could not be bothered though since she was using her calculator, calculating the expenses.

"urm... Where do you want to sit?" the teacher asked. Myungsoo looked around and spotted the only girl who was not looking at him. And he smiled.

"There." he pointed to Baekhyun's seat. Baekhyun was startled and Hyojin was too busy to notice.

Baekhyun packed his items and shifted beside Suho while Myungsoo coolly walked over and placed his items at his seat. Hyojin was still not looking up. SOme girls could not help but to acknowledge Hyojin as the really don't-care-anything girl. They shrugged. Maybe her brothers are themselves too beautiful to even surprise the little sister to gape at guys.

"Pass me a pen?" Hyojin said without looking up and Myungsoo chuckled, passing a ballpoint pen to her. Hyojin muttered a 'thanks'.

Myungsoo frowned. She wrote the money spent on her notebook and finally looked uop and turned beside and passed the pen back with a a surprised expression.

Myungsoo's eyes also widen...

"Hey! You are Hyojin!" Hyojin was startled. How did he know her name?

"I am Kim Myungsoo. Remember the nerd? "

Hyojin tilted her head to one side... and frowned, shaking her head. Myungsoo was clearly not giving up ,"Hey Hyojin! Kim Myungsoo. Year 9 's class Top student."

Hyojin had her jaws dropped."You are L?"

Myungsoo smiled,"Oh really. Yes. And by the way, is Sehun still in the same school as you?"

Myungsoo frowned. Of course he knew Hyojin's crush... Since they were the best friends ever since Hyojin left Andra being heartbroken and sad at the same time. Hyojin rubbed her eyes,"When have you turned so handsome?"

"Long story... "Myungsoo said rolling his eyes.

"Say it!" Hyojin said, slightly rasing her voice to Baekhyun's surprise.

Myungsoo smiled,"Maybe treat me to dinner?"

Hyojin shook her head," I am saving  money."

"Oh. Then let's go to your house today for ice-cream. I would buy the ice-cream."Myungsoo asked earnestly and Hyojin smiled as an agreement.

Then there goes the girls more surprised. When had the Hyojin who was anti social knew so many hotties?

Zelo texted Youngjae..."Hey. Hyung... Kim Myungsoo came."

Youngjae texted back,"Zelo. L? The guy... that I was made based on?"

Zelo texted back,"Yup,he is coming to our house for ice-cream today."

Oh well. Many may not know that while Andra was the top popular girl in school , Hyojin was famous for her grades and was also the school flower too.

And that Kim Myungsoo transformed... because of Hyojin.

Myungsoo is clearly my bias! Hahah. I still love B.A.P. Sehun would most likely still appear but not as a threat anymore.  And I am clearly torturing Daejae a bit here... However. Myungsoo would continue to appear and cute jealousy would explode^^. 

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Claudine_NG #1
Chapter 8: Gahd... *cries for Myungsoo* Ouch... Please update soon! Wonder how Youngjae will react to that.
Hi! Do you need a co-author for your story? :) I can help with the beta reading and editing^^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 7: Aigoo! Youngjae was based on Myungsoo. Wonder how they'd interact with each other. I have a stron feeling that Myungsoo likes Hyojin. :)

Update soon!
Chapter 7: yaay ! My other bias is here !!
babyz_iloveBAP #5
Chapter 6: yeah^^ its going really well, keep it up!
babyz_iloveBAP #6
Chapter 5: update soon update soon^^~~
give u energyyyy
babyz_iloveBAP #7
Chapter 4: cool cool cool! i love how its going^_^
ur really good~ update soon
Claudine_NG #8
Chapter 3: Please update tomorrow again! ^_^
Claudine_NG #9
Chapter 2: I like this story so much! I hope you update!
babyz_iloveBAP #10
Chapter 1: i already love it ^^ update soon plsss~~ thankyou