The Tale of 6 bunnies

The day I turned 16, my matoki bunnies turned alive.

I blinked. I gulped.

"You are them? I mean the bunnies?" I asked, rolling my eyes. Seriously?! They think I am crazy enough to fall for this?

They nodded in unison. I sighed.

"NO! They are toys! You kidding me?" I said, raising my voice, trying to tell them to stop all these crap. I looked at them, silently hoped I had not raise my voice when they blinked their innocent eyes. They sighed,"Why don't you think is possible?"

"Well, what do you think? Think how would I feel when you said the matoki BUNNIES SOME DEAD TOY THAT BECAME ALIVE? Stop this prank please, where are my toys?" I asked, slightly giving up as they stubbornly shook their heads.

Himchan said,"It is possible!"

I shook my head.

Where are my matoki rabbits? I glared at the 6 men that appeared in front of me. "I am them!" the six answered in unison.  WHAT?! Don't expect me to believe in magical stories! I grabbed the nearest by the collar.
"Where are they?" the only masked guy looked at Yongguk.
"Open your letter in the pink box." Yongguk said. He looked the oldest.
"Why?" I questioned them.
"Doctor Lee's code is the  letter ."he answered. My dad? The scientist that died years ago? I grabbed my box and Yongguk traced out the first letter of every word.
A long code. 
"Remember the necklance your dad gave you?" Himchanr spoke. Voice equally low.
I nodded. It was on my neck. I read the code out to the necklance. Then it turned colour from a plain white pendant to words forming on it.
I understood what my dad said. The manual he held dearly to in his life. I opened my safe and opened it. It was locked and the code was the same. 
And it read....
My dear daughter, 
I was a useless father unable to give you my all. But now... I invented what I could for you. Ever since you mum passes away, I found nothing that pleasant me to invent. Not evn whne the Presidne told me to invent the new weaponry... Nothing.
All I wanted was a stable life. Yet knockings on the door every day crazy. So I decided to finish this invention and leave this world. I am sorry for leaving you behind.
Remember the 6 bunnies? I gave them to you on the day I left?
I love you so much. 
I wanted to give you the best man I could find. But everytime I asked you what kind of man you liked,you gave me different answers.
I was not sure what to do since then. The 6 bunnies would turn into men you like. They would listen to you. They are registered ad considered as humans and I secretly inserted them into the government's data. No one would know that they are not human.
I want to join your mum to the paradise. You have to live to find the guy you like to the paradise. Believe me. You love them. You are my best daughter.Nothing beats it. DOn't let anyone know. The 6 are registered as orphans I raised overseas . Help them adapt to life. 
Dad will always love you...
Lee Soo Man
*Double blink*
"I believe in you all now." I said monotonously after quite a while.They grinned, shoving me the cake they brought into the house.
I looked at the box of cake,"You all want to eat it?"
"You might."Yongguk said, smiling. I did not get what he meant. I stared at him curiously, settling it down on the table, before proceeding to the kitchen for a knife and plates.
I bent down as I reached for the small cabinet with only 7 plates. I sighed. I had to wash all 7 plates later. As soundless as possible, I started cursing under my breath,"6 boys? This sounds more like babysitting. Haiz.. Appa is always so weird! Haiz. "
I stood up and reached into the box where my cultery are placed.
"Kidding me? I hope I am dreaming, "I muttered and looked into the box.
"This is too crazy..." I mumbled again.  Then someone puffed air into my ear. My hair almost stands up in shock. I turned to see a smiling Youngjae whispering,"You are not dreaming. Happy birthday!"
Then he took the items from my hand and went away. I stood frozen. He heard all? No...No...No...Why did I felt my heart turn warm and even palpitating at a good speed? I felt my face redden in embarassment and I bit my lips. But it feels good to hear someone saying Happy Birthday to me first time in the 6 years. Taking in a deep breath, I calmed myself and went out. They would not hurt me , right?

"Happy birthday!" All cried out as they cheekily smiled.

The masked one who had not tell me his name tried lighting up the candles. I took over as I saw how clumsy he was with them.

"Your name?" I asked and he just looked straight into my eyes. His stare was so fixed and without fear that I looked away.m"Is okay if you don't want to tell me."

He shook his head, a melodious voice came out behind his mask,"Daehyun."

I nodded.Daehyun.

"Birthday girl should not light her own candles!" HImchan grabbed ht elighter form my hands and the candles too. I wa surprised at how swift he was and he winked to me which resulted me to glare.

Unexpectedly, he lit them up really fast. I blinked. They looked really humane but even the human characteristics are somewhat different. How real could they be? I blinked as my gaze was fixed on Himchan. ALl have flaws like human. My dad is a genius, I smiled.

"Hyojin." Jongup smiled,"According the government data, we just returned from overseas.And now we have nowhere to stay."

I nodded, knwoing what he wanted to request next. 

"Can we sleep here?" he asked.

"Do you need to sleep?" I asked, all nodded.

"Okay." I merely answered but there was an uproar.

"I would be the one sleeping next to her today!" Himchan raised his hand but Yongguk glared at him,"Nooo! No!"

Youngjae laughed, patting my shoulders,"Me sleep with you."

Surprisngly, Zelo stood up and pulled youngjae's hand away from me. Daehyun was quiet and looked at what happened along with Jongup with an innocent face amusingly watching all these.

But my next words made them froze.

"I would be sleeping alone on the bed."

They all just pouted well except Daehyun which I could not see his bottom half of his face,

"Off the lights!" Jongup rushed as Himchan commanded. Then the next few moments totally melted me even though they irritated me with a bit of their noise. The HAppy Birthday which is low at times and high at times and even with rappings inside made my lips curved up so unknowingly. Before I knew it, I could feel my eyes watering.

"Good night." all said. I felt like their kindergarten teacher all of a sudden as they hit the cold bare floor with sofa cushions on their heads. 

"Wait!" I said, searching into the old wooden drawer,"There is a blanket in case... you might be cold."

They all smiled,"We do feel the temperature!"

I nodded.Climbing onto the bed, I off the light switch which was beside me.

But I could not sleep.

After tossing and turning in my bed, I climbed out, trying not to wake them.

I almost stepped on Daehyun and luckily I did not. 

Out of curiosity, I bent down and wanted to get a good look at his whole face. I was a bit terrified. So I hestitated.

"Shush." I heard Youngjae 's voice. Youngjae who slept beside Daehyun slightly stirred and sat up,"I help you."

He knew I wanted to take off the mask and with a slight smirk on his face, his hand reached for one sid eof the mask. I watched in fear then he tugged it down slowly and gently.

I smiled when we suceeded and Youngjae was practically laughing soundlessly.

Daehyun... was handsome . I mean all are handsome but he was dashign in his own way. I smiled at Youngjae and Youngjae froze.

Why did he freeze?

"Can I sleep in the bed with you as a reward?" he asked out of a sudden. I thought for a while and nodded.

"YEs." he made a soft remark and we crept to the bed silently then someone grabbed Youngjae's leg which made youngjae surprise in a second.

It was HImchan.

"Yah. Don't do anything weird." Himchan was on the floor, propping up with one arm, Eyes half-closed, he said,"I am serious."

He muttered before slipping back into the blanket. Youngjae scowled.

Well, unexpectedly ,  that night, I slept well.



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Claudine_NG #1
Chapter 8: Gahd... *cries for Myungsoo* Ouch... Please update soon! Wonder how Youngjae will react to that.
Hi! Do you need a co-author for your story? :) I can help with the beta reading and editing^^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 7: Aigoo! Youngjae was based on Myungsoo. Wonder how they'd interact with each other. I have a stron feeling that Myungsoo likes Hyojin. :)

Update soon!
Chapter 7: yaay ! My other bias is here !!
babyz_iloveBAP #5
Chapter 6: yeah^^ its going really well, keep it up!
babyz_iloveBAP #6
Chapter 5: update soon update soon^^~~
give u energyyyy
babyz_iloveBAP #7
Chapter 4: cool cool cool! i love how its going^_^
ur really good~ update soon
Claudine_NG #8
Chapter 3: Please update tomorrow again! ^_^
Claudine_NG #9
Chapter 2: I like this story so much! I hope you update!
babyz_iloveBAP #10
Chapter 1: i already love it ^^ update soon plsss~~ thankyou