-Chapter 9-

Here's the thing...

Eun Sun was frozen in place and didn’t know what to do. She was afraid. Her mind was racing and trying to act, but her body refused. It just stood there. The more she looked, the worse it got. He didn’t even say anything. He was just standing there staring back at her. He quickly grew impatient though as he took a step forward and grew a smirk on his face.


                “Eun Sun, you’ve gotten prettier since I last saw you.  You were just a little girl when we last met. I make it sound like I was way older than you, but hey, you know my soul has always made me more mature. You were 10 at the time right? That would have put me at 12.” The young man said as he reached out and brushed his fingertips across Eun Sun’s jawline. Her heart was beating so hard in fear that anyone who entered the area could hear it without supernatural hearing.


                “You know,” The man said as he looked into her eyes, “You’re lucky you had that crazy boy of yours. He seemed so weak and then he just changed into a beast. It was a good fight. We should go while we still have the chance. I can’t let you slip away this time. After all, now that you’ve really become a beauty, I should make you mine.” Eun Sun’s only choice was to walk with him if she wanted at least an hour left of her life. The man grabbed her hand and they had no chance to move before they were called out.


                “Eun Sun, why did you leave?” Eun Sun’s eyes opened wide and they turned to see that it was Woohyun. Woohyun noticed her expression was strange and the man she was with. He looked from Eun Sun to the man’s eyes.


                She’s got another one? Oh, this won’t do. I’m going to have to teach her a lesson before I get to killing her. This guy can probably go down with a few punches. I think he’s some idol so I can’t kill him, but that’s fine with me. I only want to get rid of Eun Sun.


                “Who are you?” Woohyun said as he contained his urge to growl. He had to still act as if he didn’t know what this guy wanted to do.


                “Forgive me, my name is Chen. My girlfriend has been leading you on I’m sure, but don’t worry, I’ll be sure to talk with her when we get home.”


                “Our manager wants to speak with her since she was a contest winner. I’ll be sure to take her home safely in the company car.”

                “Oh, well, I’m sure that as fun as being a winner is, you can just mail her whatever it is you need. Pictures can easily be done with Photoshop nowadays. I’m sure you guys are accustomed to using it.”


                “I’ll double check then since you make a safe point. One second.” Woohyun replied as he pulled out his phone and sent a text to Hoya and L.


                “I need you here! I can’t explain why, but it’s for Eun Sun’s safety so I need you to pretend to be managers.”  Woohyun sent the text and told Chen that they would be here shortly. Within a minute, Hoya and L came running out of the building and stood next to Woohyun. They had changed their clothes to sweats to appear more casual.


                “Oh, Woohyun, what’s the problem?” Hoya asked.


                “This is Chen  and he wants to take his girlfriend away, but I said we need her to finish our contest winner event.”


                “I told him that we need to really get going and can just send everything to you.” Chen said as he linked arms with Eun Sun. Chen couldn’t see that Eun Sun had closed her eyes tight and a tear rolled down her cheek.


                “I’m afraid that’s not going to work.” L said, giving Chen his cold stare. Woohyun knew that L had no way of knowing they were trying to save her life, but he seemed to understand the danger was high. Poor Eun Sun hadn’t cried on purpose, but it had probably helped the other two see what was going on. They were slowly becoming accustomed to their roles.


                “Well can we set up another date?”


                “I’m sure you understand that we write a very tight schedule. So, you’re more than welcome to set up plans with her a different day. For now, we need to take her.” Hoya said as he tried to appear more like the “good cop”.


                “I suppose there’s no getting out of this,” Chen said as he threw her forward and then looked at her with a smile as he said, “Bye, Beautiful! Oppa will come back another time okay?” Chen waved before turning his back to them and walking. Eun Sun suddenly broke into tears and ran into Woohyun’s chest. Woohyun was not sure what to do at first, but then he quickly embraced her tightly with his head on hers. He let her cry and thanked the other two members before those two had chosen to go back inside.


                “It’s okay, Eun Sun. I’m here…I won’t let anything happen to you.” Woohyun whispered into her ear as Eun Sun’s hands grasped his shirt with force. Woohyun couldn’t see what was going on, but he felt that it was okay. She had come to him for comfort and that’s what he was going to give to her. He had not known her as long as Jong Suk, but her trust in him gave him comfort.


                Woohyun continued to use comforting words until Eun Sun had finally stopped crying. When she stopped, he still held her and gently the back of her head. It grew silent and he felt the need to try and cheer her back up.


                “Since you’re an Inspirit, does this mean I’m allowed to say on interviews that I saved my girlfriend and should be called Prince Woohyun?” Eun Sun looked up and only slapped him on the chest lightly with a small smile on her face. He took her smile as a sign he could continue.


                “I heard that you have a princess and prince relationship with the other members, but what about me? Can I have one? Oh, I know…how about you can be my abusive princess and I’m the angel prince? I mean, you did hit me pretty hard.”


                “…You’re the Fate Prince. Ever since we met, you keep trying to be a part of my world and I let you. I let you because I’m just as curious about you.” Eun Sun mumbled and though she thought it was incoherent, Woohyun heard every word. He had always felt something because of that word, fate. As long as they were a part of fate, he could take his time to figure out why she couldn’t be read. Maybe he could even discover why getting hit had given him this ability.


                “I believe that a man is only companioned by his love in fate, so that makes you the Fate Princess.”


                “My fate isn’t worth burdening you with…” Eun Sun whispered quietly.


                “Hey, look at me,” Woohyun responded, putting his hands on her cheeks to guide her head and eyes to him, “You are a wonderful lady. Clearly all of Infinite sees that in you so you need to not put yourself down like that okay? If any guy tells you harsh words, you come to me and I’ll set them straight. You’re hardworking, kind, funny, smart, loyal to your friends, and...”




                “A-And you make coffee really well!” Woohyun stuttered, causing Eun Sun to smile again. Woohyun nervously rubbed his head with his left hand and the two hadn’t noticed they were wrapped around each other until Sunggyu came out.


                “Are you two okay? I heard something was going on…” Sunggyu asked as he looked between them. Eun Sun freed herself from Woohyun and nodded quietly.


                “Yeah, there was someone trying to take her away for bad reasons, but we got him to leave.”


                “Why don’t you go inside? I can take the Princess home.”


                “It’s fine, Hyung, I can do it. Older men get colds easier.” Woohyun countered and Eun Sun hid her smile behind her hand. She always loved this time of banter but didn’t want Sunggyu to see her laughing and feel embarrassed about himself.


                “Yah! You think I’ll go easy on you for being a hero? You better watch your mouth! I’m going to give all your ramen to Dongwoo if you keep this up.”


                “Hyung, you can do that! That’s mine!” Woohyun whined.


                “So what? Now, quit being rude and take her home already. I’m going to kill you if she gets a cold because of your childish arguing…kids these days.” Sunggyu said with the last portion in a mumble. Woohyun smirked and turned to see that Eun Sun was still smiling. He glanced at her hands and noticed her occasionally rubbing them together or a slight twitch of . He didn’t need his ability to know that she was getting cold so he took her hands into his hand let his hot breath cascade over them.


                “W-What are you doing?”


“Your hands were cold so I’m heating them up for you. That’s my duty as the Fate Prince. I have to look after my special Princess.”


                “It’s fine…you don’t have to.” Eun Sun said quietly. Woohyun responded by taking his hand in hers and putting their hands in his coat pocket. She started to protest because they were in public, but he used his other hand to place sunglasses he had been keeping in the other pocket. Eun Sun tried again to take her hand out because it seemed too much like a couple thing, but he pleaded with his eyes and laced their fingers while still in his pocket. Eun Sun decided she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it and let herself be led that way till they reached her home.


                Once by the door, Eun Sun offered to let Woohyun inside for a cup of coffee. He gladly accepted and decided to wait on the couch despite his temptations to explore. As she made the coffee, she occasionally looked at him, noticing that his head was rested on his hand. Walking over with the cup, she noticed that he had fallen asleep. She tried calling out his name softly, tapping him, and poking. No matter what she did, he wouldn’t wake up. She could ask L to take him back, but that would be going out of his way to drop off at the dorms. Woohyun suddenly stirred, causing Eun Sun to jump.


                “Eun Sun, why can’t I read you? I can read everyone else…but why not you?” Eun Sun thought he had woken up, but saw his eyes were still closed. His statement did make her curious though. He wasn’t able to read her? What did that mean? Maybe he was trained in reading body language. It wasn’t uncommon since had a vague instinct for it herself, but then shouldn’t he be able to read her as well? As far as she was aware, she never put barriers against him.


                Eun Sun let the thought go from her mind and placed a blanket over the exhausted idol. He smiled and snuggled further into the couch. It was after she turned and started walking away that she heard him mumble about how one of the members needed to stop smelling like her and for Dongwoo to not grab his while they were at the amusement park together.


                Inside her own room, Eun Sun decided if he managed to wake up before it was the late evening, she’d make sure he’d go back home. For her, she could now work on some homework and let the events from earlier be free from her mind. She didn’t want to think about it and she definitely didn’t want Jong Suk to hear about it.


                While in her own bed, she heard her door open and heard footsteps until it was replaced by a weight on the bed. A hand gently placed itself on her shoulder and she looked up from the laptop in her lap to see L facing her.


                “Eun Sun, I’m sorry for intruding, but the door was unlocked and the members wanted me to take Woohyun back.”


                “Are you sure you want to? That’s a long way to take a sleeping person.”


                “I’ve got a car so it’s fine. Just rest well and I’ll be back soon if you need me.” Eun Sun nodded and L gently closed the door of her room. She could hear Woohyun groaning as he was being moved from his new comfortable spot on the couch, then there was silence. Though she knew that she was safe, somehow the familiar silence she always had made her feel uncomfortable. She couldn’t help but think about what would have happened if she protested when L had wanted to take Woohyun away.


Hi everyone! Are you having a good break so far? (if you're not in school) I decided to make another update and stir some drama a little. For those who have been sticking with this story, I really appreciate you! Even if you don't leave comments, I can at least hope that you're reading my work and that in itself is all I need to be happy. I hope you guys enjoyed this update!

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I have a little time finally before I have to go MIA for student teaching. Does anyone want me to update? Let me know (~'x')~


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Chapter 12: aww cute Ellen. Woohyun is so cute in this. It almost makes me like him. lol JK I like him, but I want to punch the idiot sometimes lol out of love lol
Update Ellen. I miss your story
Chapter 10: Aww they are so cute together
Wow this story is really cool! Update soon!!!
aegyo101 #5
It keeps not subscribing me DX
But anywhooooo
YAY! I'm getting to into this story eonnie. UGH! Eottokke???? T.T
Chapter 7: I am curious about her scar

Dongwoo you cute, cheesy fool. I love you my little angel.
Sunggyu kkyaaa I love him to
Myungsoo is a real derp in reality and Woohyun. That idiot is a charmer.
Chapter 6: I did not get to finish my comment well...
I like this chapter
DONGWOOO kya. I love it when he calls Gyu Gyuzizi
I have a bad feeling the Woo and Jongsuk are going to get violent
Chapter 6: I thought something was going to happen when he pulled off her shirt leaving only her cami. OMG I write to many erted things I really need to stop.
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 6: I didn't like jongsuk here but I love namtree here
Chapter 5: I don't like jong suk that much. He seems so clingy

woohyun wow
you should not be mad at infinite they did nothing