-Chapter 11-

Here's the thing...




                Being an idol sometimes had its perks and he knew on this night every year was when they all the Christmas lights. From Hongdae to Myeong-Dong, all the shops and squares all lit them up. He glanced casually at his watch and saw that they still had ten minutes left to spare.


                “Woohyun, are you okay? Is something going on?” Eun Sun asked curiously and Woohyun smiled at her and reassured her that nothing was wrong. He had her sitting in the perfect spot too, which was right on the bench in front of the fountain. It gave the best perspective to the horizon line. The last time he was here was with s and he loved them like family, but being here with a girl, that was a different feeling.


                Eun Sun casually glanced around, having no idea what was going on. Woohyun couldn’t help but grin at her observing everything. She really didn’t seem to know about the lights and that was in his favor. Then he noticed her switch her fix to her phone in her free hand, her thumb casually gliding the screen. She suddenly seemed different from before and asked if she could go make a phone call. As much as he wanted her to not leave and let the sound of minds flood in, he knew he had no right to keep her. Free will was a right to any human who wanted it, so he trusted that she’d be coming back and said it was alright. Eun Sun thanked him and she walked off down one of the market trails.


                Woohyun let out a soft sigh as he looked around and the voices began to flood in. To avoid it, he shifted his gaze to the ground and silently asked himself if she would come back in time. The whole purpose was for the lights. If she was gone too long she’d probably not even notice them, and then the surprise would have to be something else.


                Only a few minutes had passed and Woohyun felt a smaller sized hand move into his pocket and lace hands with him again. Woohyun smiled to himself and locked in on the owner, Eun Sun. When he looked at her though, she seemed to have been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy along with her eyes still watering. The tears started to fall again and Woohyun freed his hands to wipe them. Woohyun was waiting in anticipation for the lights, but he also had a desire to find out what had made her so sad.


                “Eun Sun, did something bad happen?” Woohyun looked at her for an answer and she shook her head no silently.


                “If you want to tell me, you can in a few seconds.  Just wait for that long and something to make you feel a little better will happen okay?” This time Eun Sun nodded and stared off into the horizon just as the lights all came on. Her eyes widened in shock for a second, but then she smiled and small tears started falling again.


                “Eun Sun, I didn’t know this was a bad memory for you. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean t-”


                “It’s okay, Woohyun. I’m crying this time because I’m happy. This is really nice for you to do for me. Thank you for bringing me here to see it.” Eun Sun replied as she embraced him in a hug and her warm breath unintentionally brushed over his collarbone region.


                “Y-You’re welcome.”


                “I’m sorry for leaving earlier. I missed a friend and wanted to call them, but they are apparently too busy to pick up. Which I knew, but usually they always try to answer even if just to say they’ll call me later…” Eun Sun trailed off and Woohyun did his best to be empathetic and gave a light squeeze to their hands that were linked together. He gestured for them to get up and the two started walking along the closest market street to them.


 It was while they were walking that he realized his ability never came around while he was connected to her. He had known that earlier when she had walked away, but it was only now just settling in. As he looked around, he realized that not only could he not read her mind no matter what he did, but when they were connected, he couldn’t read anyone. It was still a mystery as to why this was happening, and she also seemed unaware of it. That was fine with him though because he was happy with what they were doing. He could worry about that later. Right now, he wanted to spend time with her. It was fine even if it was just walking together like this in the night that distorted his identity to everyone else.


The pair passed a shop with gloves and Woohyun led Eun Sun inside. He had his reason for deciding to buy a scarf and shroud the bottom half of his face besides to keep warm. Then he also bought a pair of couple gloves before they exited the store. He gently took Eun Sun’s hands and swapped the glove she had for one of her two and put the other one on her unprotected hand. Connected by a small string were his gloves, which he put on himself.


“You realize you bought couple gloves right, Woohyun?”


“These were the best looking ones in there and the best quality. Plus, they were cheaper.” Woohyun countered.


“Now that I look at them, they are a pretty good looking set of gloves…”


“See? I can have a good fashion sense too, you know.”


“Alright, alright, I believe you.” Eun Sun said with a smile spreading on her face. Woohyun smiled back and they continued walking.


After about two hours, Woohyun looked at the clock and realized that it was midnight. He decided to make sure that Eun Sun would get home quickly before sleeping enough for her day tomorrow. Not to mention that he had a fairly big schedule tomorrow and if he didn’t sleep enough then the stylists, particularly the make-up ones, would notice dark circles under his eyes. They’d start a big game of figuring out where he had been and who he had been with.


The two arrived at the door but it was Eun Sun who paused there. He could tell that she wasn’t quite ready to leave. He didn’t want to be rude, but he really wanted her to go in and sleep. If not, the morning would be hard to get up to.


“Thank you for everything today.”


“You’re welcome. I’m just glad you’re okay.”


“Woohyun, you have a schedule early tomorrow right? You didn’t have to stay out so late if you knew that.” Eun Sun said as she took of her pair of gloves while Woohyun followed in suit, and then took the sets into her pocket.


“I wanted to be with you so it was worth it.” He replied with a small smile.


“Make sure you go back to the dorm safely.”


“Of course, you know I will.” Woohyun waved goodbye and Eun Sun shyly avoided eye contact but waved back to him before he left. She then went inside her apartment and headed for a long deserved rest. It was while trying to sleep she realized it was already the weekend which meant she had the next day off to do anything she wanted to do.





The next morning, Eun Sun looked around on the internet and found that Jong Suk was shooting a CF that morning in a street she knew fairly well. She took no time to get dressed in a comfy sweater, skinny jeans, sneakers, and a long coat with a beanie. If he didn’t have time then she was at least going to try and see him because despite their fights, he was someone she loved. At least, Eun Sun loved him like family, but loving him romantically? She wasn’t sure of it herself.


Arriving at the CF shooting, Eun Sun noticed there was a large crowd. It seemed that they were just now taking a short break. Jong Suk seemed to be acting polite, but also disinterested in the fans screaming for his attention. Eun Sun managed to get somewhere in the middle and watched as his eyes glazed over before landing on her. They had known each other long enough that communicating through body language was as fluent as talking.


“Eun Sun, you’re here?”


“I tried to call you but you were busy yesterday…”


“I know, and I saw that you called and wanted to call, but it was too late by the time I got done with everything.”  Jong Suk’s lip was slightly pouted for emphasis.


“I still don’t have an answer, but I just wanted to let you know that I forgive you, Jong Suk. I know that it’s not always easy for us to communicate how we feel after what happened let alone with Neil in the mix.”


“You’re not the one who should be apologizing…I’m the one who should have really tried to tell you how I felt when I was sure of it. I think they’re about to call me so I need to go. Can I come over tomorrow night?”


“Sure.”  Jong Suk acted as if he were smiling at everyone else and not her before moving back to where he was instructed to go. Eun Sun slowly walked away and decided that she would spend some time at the library and catchup on reading. On her way to the library however, she overheard a younger group of girls having a conversation.


“Are you going to Mnet Countdown to see Infinite?”


“Uh, duh, of course I am! Who wouldn’t go? My precious L Oppa is going to be there. I have to see his face or he won’t have the chance to fall for me!”


“The same for me and Sunggyu! Oh god, they’re just so hot!” The girls then walked off and Eun Sun decided that she should give it a try and go. She had been so caught up with everything that she hadn’t even realized that they were having a comeback for a new song. According to her phone, there was room for her to request a spot and still head over and wait for a few hours before it started. Eun Sun didn’t hesitate to do so and waited for the proper time.


After waiting patiently, it was time to finally go. Most of the crowd had left to get refreshments while waiting so she managed to get a spot in the partial front. Infinite’s group chose a “first come, first serve” for this comeback. It was definitely crowded as expected, but it was nothing she wouldn’t be able to handle when they started.


Many of the groups were good and had solid performances. She even considered buying a few of the songs sometime later or even the album when she fully checked out the group in detail. It seemed like forever, but it was finally time for Infinite. Their group was screaming wildly as the members all appeared on stage. L must have had some super power because it took him no less than 30 seconds to find her and wave at her. The other members followed his line of sight and soon they were all looking at her. They gave a look of excitement before they quickly moved to their positions. The song chimed in and the crowd erupted in cheers.


As Infinite was moving around, Eun Sun noticed that Woohyun looked at her at every moment he could. His interest didn’t bother her except for the fact of his look under the surface. To others they saw the concept for the dance, but underneath it she saw rapid flashes of pain and relief. Eun Sun worried that he had hurt himself somehow and needed some medical attention.


The group finished the last dance move, headed backstage, and the MCs came on the stage to talk for a bit. Eun Sun took the opportunity to try and check on Woohyun.


Eun Sun: Woohyun, did you hurt yourself on stage?


Woohyun: No, I’m fine. I mean, I’m a little tired, but that’s it.


Eun Sun: Okay, I just wanted to make sure.


So it wasn’t an injury then and that was good. Eun Sun still wondered about what she had seen though. Nobody is perfect at reading people, but she was almost always right. Eun Sun was pretty sure about what she saw in Woohyun, so it was strange that he had not been in pain. Or if he were actually in pain, there was a reason that he denied it and reported to only be tired. Not wanting to hurt her head over it, Eun Sun deiced to forget about it and focus on the rest of the present time.


As she was with the crowd to say goodbye to the idols, they all were friendly and Infinite was the most energetic as they passed by her. Eun Sun watched Woohyun closely, and smiled as she waved of Infinite as the other fans were doing. She would have to talk to him about what she saw at a different time. Her current mission was to go home and watch a new drama she realized she had missed. After all, it wasn’t a day she had to work, so she may as well enjoy it while she could.


Yay! Here's an update for everyone! Are you guys enjoying it so far? I hope so! My schedule is getting busy so it may take some time to make some updates but I'll work my hardest to make sure they keep coming out! As always, thank you for taking time to read this and for subscribing to it! Stay classy :D



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I have a little time finally before I have to go MIA for student teaching. Does anyone want me to update? Let me know (~'x')~


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Chapter 12: aww cute Ellen. Woohyun is so cute in this. It almost makes me like him. lol JK I like him, but I want to punch the idiot sometimes lol out of love lol
Update Ellen. I miss your story
Chapter 10: Aww they are so cute together
Wow this story is really cool! Update soon!!!
aegyo101 #5
It keeps not subscribing me DX
But anywhooooo
YAY! I'm getting to into this story eonnie. UGH! Eottokke???? T.T
Chapter 7: I am curious about her scar

Dongwoo you cute, cheesy fool. I love you my little angel.
Sunggyu kkyaaa I love him to
Myungsoo is a real derp in reality and Woohyun. That idiot is a charmer.
Chapter 6: I did not get to finish my comment well...
I like this chapter
DONGWOOO kya. I love it when he calls Gyu Gyuzizi
I have a bad feeling the Woo and Jongsuk are going to get violent
Chapter 6: I thought something was going to happen when he pulled off her shirt leaving only her cami. OMG I write to many erted things I really need to stop.
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 6: I didn't like jongsuk here but I love namtree here
Chapter 5: I don't like jong suk that much. He seems so clingy

woohyun wow
you should not be mad at infinite they did nothing