❥ Is This Love?

KPOP One Shots Collection (Hiatus! Read ch 13 )

Request from byzeloxoxo ! Hope you like it !

Title: Is This Love? (omg is the title a bit cliche? )

Characters: Youngjae,Kim Hana (OC),Himchan

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters nor the plot .I only own the writings.

 Yoo Youngjae.The most cocky and cold guy you could ever meet.Being such a brilliant and good-looking guy,Youngjae has way too many fangirls at school.Usually,kingkas are bad guys,right? but in Youngjae's case he is one of those nerds who always reads his book no matter where he is.Except for the toilet.The Almighty Yoo Youngjae has never believed in love.Nope,not even once.He thinks that love is just a waste of time because you will be left sooner or later and girls only love him because of his looks.Not for who he truly is.

 "Annyeonghaseyo,Kim Hana imnida.I came from America and travelled here with my family a few days ago.Please treat me nicely.Nice meeting all of you." Hana bowed and smiled sweetly.Her prettiness made the whole class stunned.The teacher smiled and told Hana to sit at one of the available seats.There were only 2 seats left.1 beside a guy that looks freakin' bad and scary and another one was beside a nerd who was reading a book.Hana decided to sit at the nerd guy since she didn't want to get trouble by sitting with the bad guy.

 "Hello there.I'm Hana." she intoduced herself and took out her hand to shook it with his.The nerd which was Youngjae,looked up from his book and rolled his eyes in annoyance.Hana chuckled and took his left hand from his book and shook it with her right hand."Shaking hands doesn't hurt,right?" Hana said sarcastically.Youngjae sighed and continue reading his book."How come she doesn't even fangiriling when she gets to sit beside me?Maybe..not yet..wait,why did I'm so nice towards her? Doesn't I usually mean towards girls?  Why did my heart beating so fast? Am i....what?no ! .. fck..this girl is killing me!" Youngjae thought.

---- During Lunch ----

 Hana saw Youngjae sitting while reading a book behind a big shady tree with a guy beside him.The guy looked familiar too."Wait..why did there are girls behind the bushes..and..why did they are looking at Youngjae and his friend?" Hana said as she noticed the girls.She shrugged and went to the guys.

"Hey there.Can I join you guys?"





"W-what? No!"

"Oppa,bbuing-bbuing" *does aegyo*

 "Ugh fine !" Youngjae said and blushed.Hana chuckled and sat beside Youngjae."Ey ey..looks like someone is blushing!" the guy said earning a death glare from Youngjae.His nametag says,'Himchan'."By the way,what's your name,pretty?" he added."Hana,Kim Hana.By the way,you're in our class,right?" she intoduced and shook hands with Himchan."Pretty name.Suits well with your pretty face and yes,I'm your classmate and Youngjae's bestie." Himchan praised you making you blushed and thanked him."Euww..Himchan,stop flirting already !" Youngjae said but Himchan quickly replied him,"Why? Jealous much?" earning a smack on his head.

 "Anyway,since when did you start calling me 'oppa'?" Youngjae asked."Few minutes ago." Hana said eating her sandwich and Youngjae just rolled his eyes again.Later,Hana and Himchan were talking and laughing non-stop while Youngjae just read his books silently."Geez..why did I even let her here? Oh my god,Yoo Youngjae wtf is wrong with you?" . Youngjae thought.He couldn't focused on his book because Hana and Himchan being so close.*KRING* "Thanks God." he whispered. "Let's go Himchan." Youngjae said to Himchan who was exchanging numbers with Hana.After that,they all went to their classes.Before they leave,Youngjae told Hana to stand a bit far from her locker when opening it.Hana just walked away confused by his words.

  Hana wanted to open her locker to get her books for the next class but suddenly, *BAM!* a bucket full of water fell onto the ground making water were everywhere in front of her locker."... Youngjae is mine!.." Hana read a note at the bucket."Youngjae girlfriend?...or is it the fangirls that keep on watching us during lunch time?" Hana asked herself.Everyone at the hall looked at her.She shook her head,closed her locker and quickly went to her class.

 Himchan was looking around the class when suddenly he saw Hana stepped into the class."I have to go now,Youngjae-ah.Your girl had arrived." Himchan joked but Youngjae didn't notice it.When Hana was near him,Himchan winked at her making her blushed.Hana sat beside Youngjae as Himchan went to his own seat."Yah,that girl isn't that bad,right?" Youngjae said and touched Hana's hand."Huh?" Hana replied confusedly.Youngjae looked up from his book and found that he was touching Hana's hand instead of Himchan's."U-uh..s-sorry..w-where's Himchan?" he said quickly letting go her hand.Hana blushed and pointed at the laughing Himchan.Youngje oh-ed and continue to read his books.His heart was beating crazily at the simple touch same goes to Hana too.Both of them were awkward with each other that day.

 A few months had passed.Youngjae,Himchan and Hana became good friends.At first,Youngjae didn't admit his feeling but sooner,he finally realized that he had fallen to Hana.Same goes to Hana,she admit it that she love Youngjae but she was too scared that if she tells him,she'd get rejected because the way Youngjae treat her before and now,were all cold and she even thought that Youngjae didn't even care about her.

 "Tomorrow is the St. Valentine's Day,should I tell her?" Youngjae said to himself.He was lying on his bed,thinking about his current feelings towards Hana.He wanted to tell her but he also scared that he might get rejected because Hana looked very friendly with Himchan.He scared that Hana like Himchan more than him.And the next day aka The Valentine's Day,he had the courage to confess to Hana.That evening,he called Hana and told her to meet him around 5 o'clock at their usual park.Hana hung up the phone and both of them quickly got ready for the meeting.

 Youngjae had told Himchan about his conferssion thing and Himchan agreed to help him by decorating the park with balloons and roses.Youngjae took his car keys and drove to Hana's house to pick her up.Then,they both went to the park.During the way ,Younjae heartbeat beating fast like crazy and he always stuttered when speaking to Hana.Hana confused with Youngjae's weird behaviour.Usually,if Hana asked him anything he would answer it with just a word.So,she decided to ask him,"Youngjae,why did you seems so nervous?" .Youngjae gulped his saliva and shook his head.Hana furrowed her eyebrows and sighed,"I know you were lying,so,tell me.".

  "I .. um..uh..I.." Youngjae stuttered "Oh look! We had arrived.Let's go." Hana sighed again and went out from the car.Youngjae quickly put the couple ring that he had bought last night into his pocket.He went out from his car and took Hana's hand.Hana looked confusedly at Youngjae but he just looked at the sky and walk hand-in-hand with Hana to the park.Hana wanted to ask him but she just kept shut.After a while,they finally arrived at the beautifully decorated park.Youngjae let go of Hana's hand and took out the ring.

 He kneeled and called Hana who was looking around.Hana looked at her back and saw the kneeling Youngjae with a diamond ring in a box."I-I actually had a c-crush on y-you for a long time already.I love you so much and.. c-could you be my girlfriend?" Youngjae confessed while taking Hana's hand.Hana's cheek tinted pink,her heart beat thousand times faster and she could explode at any time."So..?" Youngjae asked.Hana smiled and nodded slightly.He put in the ring's into Hana's finger and kissed it.Youngjae stood up and hugged her."I love you,Hana.Thank you for changing me." He said kissing her head.

 "Chukahae (is that how you spell it?) ~!" suddenly,Himchan came out from nowhere and tried to hug Hana."Are you stalking us?" Youngjae said grabbing Hana away from from Himchan."And she's mine." he continued while smiling sweetly at Hana.Hana couldn't resist it any more so,she just pecked Youngjae lips and quickly ran away.Himchan just made an annoying face watching the couple chasing each other."How I wish I have one." he said with a loud sigh.


 OMG I'm sorry for being inactive and posting this soooooo late.It's like 2 months already,right? OMG OMG OMG... to byzeloxoxo...I'm really really sorry for posting your request late.. it just that I got alot like alot alot of activites these months.And I just came back from a school trip ! :D omg you know what's the best thing is? I'm sitting beside my crush in the train !! x) Haha..okay back to the topic.. -,- .. So,please forgive me.. *make puppy-eyes*..as an apology..I'll post a few one-shot tonight although it already 11.32 p.m  here in Malaysia.. //sigh//..anyway..have you guys heard about EXO's new fandom? EXOCYTOSISES? ugh.. really? I prefer exotics more.. and...I wonder how Sehun will pronounce it..



cr: iamAYAN17

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Chapter 13: You are Malaysian?! OMG! Me too!! :D
And woah. You got 5A?! Congratulations~ *throws confetti to you* It's my turn to sit on the exam next year. Urghh... I'm nervous... T^T
Chapter 1: requested ^^
xiumin120801 #3
Chapter 10: YIPPIIEEE!! i love it sooooooooooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :3 thank you~~~~ :D
Chapter 11: so cute,i like it ^^
Chapter 9: FYI ,I really enjoyed it and yes,it was steamy for me ^^ .Thank upu so much for this!! I really really love it!,no lie!.Jungkook is the epitome of y to me and you brought that out in the story :) <3 And oh!! I didn't know we shared the same name!! <3
requested. thankyou in advance! o u o < 3
Chapter 2: requested ^^
Chapter 8: Omgg I really love it so far <3 Heehee,mad jungkook is so hot :p Thank you!! Will def wait for part 2! Fighting!
Chapter 7: I love it so much! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ <3 It's so sweet! ^^
xiumin120801 #10
requested hihihi :3