❥ Introducing, My Prince Charming, Han Sanghyuk!

KPOP One Shots Collection (Hiatus! Read ch 13 )

Request from xiumin120801! Hope you like it !

Title: Introducing My Prince Charming, Han Sanghyuk!

Characters: Hyuk (VIXX), Seungyoung (you) & the rest of VIXX.

“Oppa, wake up ~”
“Wake up or we gonna get late!”
“Yah! Lazy pig! Wake up, now!”

You tried really hard to wake your boyfriend up but this Hyuk kid didn’t want to move even an inch from his comfortable bed. It had been 15 minutes since you woke him up. You’ve kicked his several times with the help of N but he still didn’t even bother to wake up. Thinking a way on how to wake him, you smirked and whispered to N, “Why don’t we make him jealous?” N giggled slowly and raised a thumbs-up. You put your arm around N’s shoulder and said out loud, “N oppa, seems like Hyuk oppa doesn’t want to wake up. Why don’t you send me off to school?” he replied, “Hmm..Okay then. Let me pick you up to later okay?” he added “We can go to the amusement park, buy candies, ride rides, buy stuffed do-“

N was mumbling about the plan but Hyuk cut him off by jumping out of his bed and headed towards the bathroom while yelling, “Alright I’m getting ready~ Youngie-ah please wait for me!” You and N giggled while high-fived each other. You and N went out from the room straight to the kitchen. At the kitchen, you saw Ravi cooking some pancakes and decided to help him, “Ravi oppa, can I help you?”  Ravi nodded and told you to brew the coffee for the others. You did just like what he told you to. After a few minutes, Hyuk came down. He went to you and back-hugged you, “Good morning, jagi.” He said kissing your temple. You chuckled and replied, “Good morning, oppa.” Hyuk smiled and went to the table and sat beside N.

You came towards the two and served the hot coffee followed by Ravi. Not so long after that, Ken, Leo and Hongbin joined you. Then, you and Hyuk excused yourselves to go to school. Hyuk took your hands and leaded you towards the school. During the way, He suddenly asked, “You won’t cheat on me for N hyung, right?” You stopped and looked at him, “What? Are you jealous? Pfft.” You laughed out loud at him making the boy blushed really hard. Noticing his pink cheeks, you pecked him on his cheeks and started to run away from him. “Yah! Stop teasing me, you meanie!” he shouted and chased after you. You guys started to chase each other until you arrived at school. “Oh! We’re here!” Hyuk told, panting from all the running. You chuckles between your pant. You linked arms with him and entered your school.

Since Hyuk is your senior, you guys were in different classes. Hyuk bade farewell to you and skipped to his class same goes to you. A few classes had passed and now it’s time for some break! “Seungyoung-ssi, do you want to join us?” one of your classmates asked you. You smiled at them and shook your head, “It’s okay, and I don’t want to eat though.” They gave you a concerned look and sat beside you.

“Why? Are you sick?”
“Ah aniyo~ I just don’t have appetite to.”
“ *sigh* Okay then. Take care ~”

With that, they leaved you alone in your class. The reason why you didn’t was not because you don’t have appetite to, but you were on your diet because you think you’ve became a little chubbier recently. You sighed heavily and put your head on your desk. Totally bored. Suddenly, a few footsteps were heard outside your class. You looked up and saw your senior, or boyfriend to be honest. He was standing up at the door frame and his hand was crossed at his chest. “Why don’t you eat?” Hyuk asked looking straight at your eyes.

Once again, you sighed. Hyuk came beside you and you head, “Jagiya, what’s wrong? Are you sick?” he questioned again. You shook your head and stated, “I don’t have appetite to.” He sighed and lifted your chin up. “Tell me the truth.” He said. You sighed heavily again and explained to him truthfully, “I’m.. I’m on my diet. Don’t you think that I’m a bit chubby?” A sad look appeared on your face. He caressed your cheeks with his thumb and comforted you, “Jagi~ you didn’t look chubby at all. You’re still my pretty slim girlfriend.”

Nothing can cheer you up, except some praising from Hyuk. “Hyukkie oppa, gomawo.” You thanked him while kissing his cheek. You had forget about your diet thingy and agreed to eat. He smiled and took your hands “Shall we go now, princess?” you chuckles a bit, cheeks tinted pink. “Yep, my prince charming.” You replied. Then, both of you went to the café to grab something to eat.

Yaay! Another req is up! Idk if this is crappy or not b'cuz I didn't proofread it yet but I hope you enjoy reading it ^^ ! Do comment, subscribe or Upvote of u like the story we made ! ^^ <33 Goodbye lovelies, I need to do another requst now ! :3


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Chapter 13: You are Malaysian?! OMG! Me too!! :D
And woah. You got 5A?! Congratulations~ *throws confetti to you* It's my turn to sit on the exam next year. Urghh... I'm nervous... T^T
Chapter 1: requested ^^
xiumin120801 #3
Chapter 10: YIPPIIEEE!! i love it sooooooooooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :3 thank you~~~~ :D
Chapter 11: so cute,i like it ^^
Chapter 9: FYI ,I really enjoyed it and yes,it was steamy for me ^^ .Thank upu so much for this!! I really really love it!,no lie!.Jungkook is the epitome of y to me and you brought that out in the story :) <3 And oh!! I didn't know we shared the same name!! <3
requested. thankyou in advance! o u o < 3
Chapter 2: requested ^^
Chapter 8: Omgg I really love it so far <3 Heehee,mad jungkook is so hot :p Thank you!! Will def wait for part 2! Fighting!
Chapter 7: I love it so much! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ <3 It's so sweet! ^^
xiumin120801 #10
requested hihihi :3