First kiss

Who to choose...
Your eyes were wide open because of what he just said and It took you 2 minutes to say a word. you didn't thought of that! 
"What did you just said ?"
"HaJae.... I love you"
"OMG... Sorry but I can't believe it"
"why ?"
"Because look at you ! You're a Ulzzang and look at me I'm just an ordinary girl and I'm not the most pretty..."You said.
"That's what I love of you and no you're the most pretty for me" He said.
"Awwwn Himchan Stawp !" and you started to blush.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"I'm sorry but I have to say no for the moment because I have feelings for someone..."
"I'm sorry Himchan but if you want to know... the first time we met I thought that you were HOT !"
"Oh well thank you! Himchan is getting red.
" will go..."
"Wait !" 
He took you by the arm and the waist firmly.This happened so fast that you haven't had the time to react and Himchan was running away. You were looking at him with your hand on your lips " 진짜?" you said out loud. Himchan just kissed you Languidly. While walking home you had this scene in your head that you keeps seeing again & again and you was still shocked. When you entered home your brother was with Daehyun but you didn't saw him because you're still shocked and you look at the ground.
"HaJae? what's happening?" asked your brother
"Long story..."you said.
"tell me"
"Himchan kissed me..."
For a few minutes it was silent. Daehyun became red. When you looked at your brother you saw Daehyun. Your face changed to shocked from surprised with the eyes wide open.
"Something's wrong Ha-Jae? asked your brother.
"Yes... Yes!"you said a little bit panicked.
JeHyung haven't had time to finish that you was already upstairs. While you were upstairs you decided to stalk them because you was worrying about Dae. How would he react? They started to talk.
"What do you want to do? homeworks or TV ?" asked JeHyung.
"JeHyung... it's not that I don't want to stay here but I don't feel good... so I will go home. is it okay?" said Daehyun. "Yes :)"
"See you tomorrow~" said Daehyun in same time to close the door.
Daehyun is gone home and Your brother is going upstairs to talk with you but you were too sad to move in your room that he saw you next to your door. He sit beside you.
"HaJae? are you okaie?" he asked.
"No oppa..." you said while a tear fall on your cheek.
"can you tell me why?"
"I don't want. I want to see jongup !"
"Okaie... Here take my phone."
"thank you my phone doesn't have baterry..."
"It's not a problem sister"
You called jongup but he didn't answered. it was Daehyun.
"HaJae? Ah I guess you want to talk to jongup?"
"Yes please"
"wait a second"
"Hello?" said jongup.
"Yes it's me." you said.
"What's wrong?"
"can you come sleep at my home?" your voice cracked.
"Sure!" he said.
"Thanks I really need you in the moment."
"I'll be there in a few minutes."
"See you later..."
You both hang up. Two others tears falled down.
"Oppa can you let me alone and tell jongup to come in my room when he'll be there."
"Yes sister." He said and he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
You go in your room and wait in your bed under the blanket. Someone knocked on your door Jongup entered and saw you. You get out of the blanket and go give him a hug while you were crying.
"Shhh.. Stop crying I don't want to see you like that... it break my heart." he said while he wipes your tears.
"Jongup I don't feel good"
"Oh! why?"
"too much things is happening to me !"
"What are you talking about?"
"Himchan kissed me today"
"Oh that's why he was happy when he got home." he said half lost.
"Yes but Jongup... This was my first kiss !"
"Yeah... I don't know what to think anymore..." you said.
"Let's sleep We'll see how you feel tomorrow."
"Thank you jongup of being here for me :)"
"I'll do everything for you" You closed the light and jongup is hugging you while both of you were trying to sleep.
You falled asleep in Jongup's arms.
Today is Friday the Last day of school before weekend.
"Did you sleep well?" asked jongup when he saw you waking up.
"Yes and you?"
"Yes :) do you feel better?" he asked.
"A little"
"Let's prepare ourselves for school."
You and jongup prepared for school and ate breakfast. After 20 minutes you were ready both of you started to walk to school and When you arrived at your locker Jongup asked you if everything was okaie and told you that he'll be at your locker for lunch time. You walked at your class and saw JunHong. Today you sat at the the desk beside him for the 2 first classes because you need to stay with someone plus you don't want to feel alone. You didn't talked a lot with him but you were still happy to see him.
The bell rang. It was lunch time. You saw Jongup at your locker and you smiled at him.
"You seems like feel very better now"
"Yes. Absolutly :)" you said.
"Well That's nice ! Let's go eat"
"Yes! I'm Hungry!" you said.
You eat together and finish in same. Today the menu was fish and bibimbap.
"What do you want to do now?" you asked.
"What about dancing?"
"Sure but where?"
"Come with me there's a practice room here for B.A.P but don't tell anyone." he said.
"okaie but we only have 50 minutes...So hurry up!"
"it's enough :)" he said.
Both of you walked secretly at the dancing room and When you arrived the door was locked and someone was practicing.
"Jongup who is it?"
"wait Idk can you go hide behind this wall for a minute?" he asked.
"sure do it fast." you said.
Jongup took his keys and open the door. JunHong was practicing that's why it was locked and Jongup knew it.
"Zelo?" he whispered.
"Yes Hyung ?"
"I want to practice with HaJae"
"What ?!?!"
"Yes hurry up if you don't want that she know you secret!"
"Yes Hyung!"
"And go to the right by the Exit door because I told her to hide herself behind the wall on the left." said jongup. "Thanks Hyung !"
"No problem Zelo"
JunHong took his things and walked away and Jongup told you that you can come he closed the door after you entered.
"Who was it?"
"Ah it was YoungJae" he lied.
"Ah I don't know him"
"well you'll see him tomorrow."
"Let's dance we have 45min :)" said Jongup.
You and Jongup danced for 40 minutes. He taught you new moves but some were difficult. You both go at your lockers, take your things and go in class. Class time was so long. It's was so boring that you decided to text Jongup. 
On the phone :
"Hello~ it's boring in class and you?"
"Hey~ HaJae!'s boring here too!"
"Do you want to skip last class?" you asked.
"Sure where do you want to go?"
"do you want to go shopping?"
"Oh the bell will ring see you later~" 
You're walking to your locker and you see jongup. He's always the one who's ready first. You took your things and started to walk to the mall. Suddenly, you bump into someone.
"Aiishh why again? it won't stop or what?" you said.
"It's okay don't worry" said YongGuk while laughing.
"OMG Hyung what are you doing here?"asked jongup.
"Well I'm asking you the same thing" said YongGuk.
"Well HaJae don't feel good and i will take her home."
"ok you're a good friend Uppie" he said.
"Yeah I know Hyung" said jongup.
"ByeBye YongGuk Oppa !" you said.
"Bye Ha-Jae! and take some rest !"
YongGuk is gone and Both of you is going out of the school and start to walk to the mall.
"Omg by chance he don't know where we go for real." said jongup.
"Why?" you asked.
"Because he would punish me if I skip as I told you last time when we skiped."
"Oh! True~" you said. 
You arrived at the mall after 20 minutes and One things of good is that the fans didn't came at jongup for signatures or pictures.
"where do you want to go first?" he asked.
"why don't we go at an accessories store?" you said.
"Sure lets go!"
Jongup bought you a friend bracelet and he has one too to symbolise your friendship. It was late. Jongup took you home and He took his things to go at the dorm because yesterday he slept at your house.
"See you tomorrow" you said.
"Here's the adress of the dorm for tomorrow."
"Ah! Thank you >.<"
"Prepare yourself to be very pretty okaie?"
"Yes ! Jongup~"
"See you tomorrow :)" he said.
Jongup start to walk and you close the door. Suddenly you felt like the door didn't wanted to close. When you looked down... You saw a foot so you opened the door to see who could it be.. 
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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 10: ................... *mouth agape*
why stop, author-nim?? you should continue it!!
anyway, zelo's secret will be revealed!!!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it!!
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 9: waaoww
who's that boy???
update soon ^.^
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 8: who is that?
uhh, i wanna know moreeeee
can u update soon??
Chapter 5: THIS IS IT!!!
finally, it has come!!!
so what will happen? can't waittttttt