
Who to choose...
The next day you wake up to go school and when you were ready to go jongup wasn't there this morning. Where could he be ? Anyways you decided to go school with your brother. When you arrived at your locker someone was waiting for you. 
"Sorry for this morning. It's because of my hyungs, they wanted that I go school with them."
"It's okay :) btw who are they?" you asked.
"it's Himchan and YongGuk"
"if you want, at lunch I'll present you them." he said.
"Sure! now it's time to go in class."
"Yeah! see you at lunch!~"
You go to class and time was very slow today because you can't wait to see them. You remembered what jongup told you yesterday. You turn your head to look at JunHong a few second after he was looking at you and you took a paper and wrote something on it.
JunHong read the paper : Come See me after class^^ 
He did a sign with his head to tell you Yes and 10 minutes later the bell ring. JunHong is coming at you. 
"You wanted to tell me something?" he asked.
"Yes. Would you like to eat lunch with me tomorrow?"
"Sure" he said.
"Okaie then see you later!"
You're going to your other class but something is strange. You look around. No one.
"JunHong Stop following me! "
"No it's not JunHong." someone said.
"then who is it? and where are you?"
"I'm here!" the person stop hiding and you saw him.
"Daehyun!" you run to him and give him a huge hug.
"Woah! be careful HaJae. I almost falled."
"Hey I'm happy to see you okaie!" you said.
"Okaie. Me too."
"But I have to go in class now :( we don't have a lot of time to talk."
"it's okaie. I just wanted to see you smile." he said with his satoori.
"Awwwn! i love your accent."
"hahaha! now go in class."
You're going to class and when you entered and sit at your place you said Hi to JunHong and he said Hi too. You felt that the time was more fast now because you almost forgot about jongup and his hyungs. The bell rang and you need to hurry up and go if you want to spend more time with Himchan and YongGuk but before you will go eat lunch with jongup. When you arrived at your locker jongup was there.
"Hi" you said.
"Hey hurry up let's go eat if you want to spend a lot of time with them."
You both hurry and go eat the lunch and when you finished, you stared to walk in the school with jongup and you finally meet them in the middle of the school.You were so excited.
"Hi." said Himchan & YongGuk.
"Hey Hyungs! I wanted to do the presentation. This is my new friend HaJae. HaJae this is YongGuk the leader and Himchan the visual of the group.
"Hi YongGuk." You shook his hand to be polite.
"Hi HaJae. Nice to meet you ! " said YongGuk.
It was the turn of Himchan. When you saw him yesterday, you didn't really saw his face but today you saw it. You were thinking that he's especially Hot. You went to shake his hand... and he didn't shook it. He gave you a hug.
"Nice to meet you HaJae." He whispered in your ear.
"Nice to meet you too Himchan." you were surprised.
You just realise that Himchan gave you a hug and the others too was surprised because Himchan don't give hug to everyone only for a special reason. You didn't know that so for you it was weird but after a few minutes you were okaie with that but still wonder why he did that.
"okaie... so let's continue the presentation." said YongGuk.
"oh yeah! I'll start. I'm a Ulzzang in this school. My sister is Soora, the English teacher and I'm 19 years old." said Himchan.
"Now I guess it's my turn. I'm 18 years old. I'm the leader of B.A.P and I love the sister of Himchan but I don't know if she love me." said YongGuk.
"Ha-Jae ? you want to present you too?" said jongup.
"Sure. I'm 16 years old. I have a brother and I live with my aunt because my parents have problems." 
While you were talking, Soora was walking by here and YongGuk saw her.
"Sorry to go first but I want to talk with Soora" said YongGuk.
"Well goodbye! see you next time." you said.
"Oh and you don't mind if I go too.. I have something to do before to go class." said jongup.
"I think I'll stay with Himchan then :) " you said.
"yes yes yes. I will stay with her :) " said Himchan.
" okaie then see you after school HaJae! "said jongup.
"See you~" you said. 
it's been a few minutes that it was silent. You thought that Himchan was shy, so you asked something.
"Why did you hugged me earlier?" you asked.
"Oh... umm... well..."
"Because it was a little strange"
"ummm.. I can't tell you. ask jongup or yongguk." he said.
"Okaie... I will go in class. see you next time." you said.
"see you soon ! " 
you're walking to go at your locker and suddenly you saw an object fly. if you haven't stopped this thing would had hit you. Your eyes were wide open and you swallowed your saliva.
"omg I'm sorry! so sorry! are you hurt ?"
"haha no but this surprised me."you said.
"are you a new student here?"
"yes" you said.
"Ah that's why I don't recognize you."
"Who are you?"you asked.
"It's not important. I'll tell you if we see each other another time."
"and why did you throw this?" you asked again.
"Ah~ long story"
"well okaie I will go" 
While you walk to go at your locker you bumped again into someone !
"OMG ! Really? it's my third time that I do this! " you said.
"Ah~ well it's okaie :) Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." you said.
"well I will go if you don't mind."
"Sure" you said.
"Maybe we'll meet again ! " 
You continue to walk and you wonder who is this smart boy with glasses ? and also who is the other one that throw something ? who are they? 
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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 10: ................... *mouth agape*
why stop, author-nim?? you should continue it!!
anyway, zelo's secret will be revealed!!!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it!!
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 9: waaoww
who's that boy???
update soon ^.^
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 8: who is that?
uhh, i wanna know moreeeee
can u update soon??
Chapter 5: THIS IS IT!!!
finally, it has come!!!
so what will happen? can't waittttttt