
Holy War [Discontinued]

Five boys were watching the school from the top of school. Theses five boys were the feared and worshipped throughout the entire school since if you haven't figured are the TOP of the school. A brown haired boy approached their leader, Hyun Joong who was silent and didn't acknowledge the person who approached him, Jung Min. Another male close to them was Kyu Jong who was second in command to Hyun Joong. Kyu Jong nodded to his dongsaeng before going to Hyun Joong, "This is interesting isn't it Hyun Joong hyung." "The stories about a little runt joining U-KISS and the gangs in another school threatening us."

Hyun Joong held his laugh; "A runt doesn't change U-KISS strength, and as for the gangs. We can deal with them." Jung Min, "Hyung, but in order to do that we need to get all the gangs from this school to work together. And how are you going to do that?" Hyun Joon turned to Jung Min, "Who said we are bringing those good for nothing gangs?' "We can handle this ourselves." he turned away from Kyu Jong and Jung Min. But Hyun Joong turned back and walk to the other members of SS501; Young Saeng and Hyung Jun. 

Both of them weren't fighters. Hyun Joong found both of them almost dead if they didn't get treatment. Young Saeng was beaten up because he wasn't in any gang and was a prim target for gangs who wanted a little fun. And when Hyun Joong found Young Saeng, he was bleeding to death and Hyung Joong took him in and with Kyu Jong and Jung Min's help, Young Saeng recovered and when Hyun Joong asked him to stay with SS501 and Young Saeng agreed, and after that became the mother of the group.

Hyung Jun was a special case. He is the older brother of Kibum of U-KISS. But both brothers were different in personality; Hyung Jun was gentle and shy while Kibum was tough and hard headed. So while Kibum found a gang to hang around, Hyung Jun was left alone and was targeted like Young Saeng. Hyung Jun was harder to get back to "normal"; he used to freak out at the slightest touch from one of the other members who were trying to help him. Besides Young Saeng who got the closet since he had the motherly looks and that's what made Hyung Jun trust him the fastest. The others took a while but it got there.

Now Young Saeng was dating Hyung Joong and Hyung Jun is dating Jung Min, Yes Kyu Jong is alone but he doesn't mind because Kyu Jong worries about SS501 more then a relationship. Their success to TOP wasn't easy since two members don't fight but they did whatever was necessary to keep their gang members safe. Hyun Joong, Kyu Jong, and Jung Min had to fight the group MBLAQ 3 to 5. Both gangs came out with injuries; some that would stick for a long time coming. MBLAQ surrended since only Seungho their leader was the only member standing while the others were on the floor. And even Seungho knew he couldn't give up, but he gave up the title in order for his friends to survive.


Author Notes: Short SS501 introduction~ Sorry if it

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Please check out, I hope you'll like my story! <333 thanks a lot!!
Chapter 16: Hello my nasty!! I had no idea you write!!! So I have come to give support!!!

ara_kt #3
Chapter 15: I think the introduction is great! It gives more of a story for them. I can't wait for more to come!! \(^_^)/. I can't wait for the next update, FIGHTING!!!
Anjalie #4
Chapter 13: Please update soon
ara_kt #5
Chapter 13: Wow... AJ, just smooth. I like the chapter. It's gives some info on Alexander. It's really interesting and I can't wait for more. Fighting!!!!
diamante25 #6
Chapter 12: An Alexander and Dongho moment!! They're so cute together! I wonder what Alexander will say/do when Kevin confronts him later.
ara_kt #7
Chapter 12: Yay!! He woke up. I'm so happy and great Alexander and Dongho moment. I can't wait for the next update, fighting!!
Anjalie #8
Chapter 11: nice chapter
diamante25 #9
Chapter 11: I was crying when I found out Dongho left! Now when I listen to their songs without Dongho in them I feel sick to my stomach. He was my only bias, it's so hard to think of Kevin as the maknae now. I hope he decides to keep his twitter open so that we at least know if he's alright.
Karenkitty1092 #10
Chapter 11: Thanks for the update.This was a really good chapter.