Eclipse | J.Tune Camp New Girl Group | From 'Unforgiving Shock' | Disbanded December 22, 2015



J.Tune Camp ♦ 


ABOUT Eclipse [ ♦ ] Eclipse is the newly formed girl group from J.Tune Camp. These five girls went through the trials of the survival show 'Unforgiving Shock'. And now will be preparing to officially debut in the K-Pop world. 


AUTHOR'S NOTE [ ♦ ] Here are the final girls who made it to debut after 'Unforgiving Shock'!



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MinRin04 #1
Chapter 34: It's sad to see them disband :(
blaqlady #2
Chapter 33: can you put more interactions between eclipse with mblaq and madtown??
MinRin04 #3
Chapter 33: Let's hope that Faith and Sun will talk again soon !
Chapter 32: Lets see how it ends
MinRin04 #5
Chapter 32: It's good to know that Eclipse won't disband !
Chapter 30: Uuh a chapter x2
MinRin04 #7
Chapter 31: I hope the girls will solved their problems !!
Chapter 28: Congrats to kyungie~~ and can you write other than articles?? It's getting frustrating..
MinRin04 #9
Chapter 29: Happy birthday Kyeonghee :D
MinRin04 #10
Chapter 28: Hope to see the girls back soon :D