Chapter 8

A New Girl Group to TS?

Park Young Song’s P.O.V.


    Today before getting ready for practice I called Zelo Oppa.

“So today is now Daehyun Oppa and Sae Ra Unnies turn to fall for each other” I said.

“Yep, but I have a plan this time, okay?” Zelo Oppa said.

“Okay, but it better be good and it must work. Also if we finsh it early we can get Youngjae Oppa and Minyoung Unnie together”, I said.

“Sure, First Sae Ra Noona likes to cook and is good at it?” he asked.

“Yeah the best” I said.

“Great, and Daehyun Hyung loves to eat and loves cheesecake the most, can she make that?” he asked.

“Yeah, she loves to make cheesecakes and they are so amazing”, I said.

    So Zelo Oppa told me the plan and it was okay. I walked out of my room realizing that Unnies already left for practice. I ran all the way to the practice room and when I got there everyone was practicing already. “Yah Youngsongie, you’re here we thought you weren’t going to come”, said Sae Ra Unnie. “Wae?”, I said. “Because of Zelo, you still hate him don’t you?”, Sae Ra Unnie whispered to me. I nearly forgot that I had to hate him. “Yes I do hate him, but I don’t want to cause trouble for you all”, I whispered back.

“Anyway Unnie after practice can you make me cheesecake and meet me in the park I have something important to give you”, I told her. “Okay”, she said. I went to Zelo Oppa and started practicing and again we had a few fake fights here and there. Before practice was over I saw Oppas and Unnies staring talking to each other without me and Zelo Oppa. I tried to figure out what they were talking about but they were far away and whispered very quietly.

Kim Hana’s P.O.V.

    I called everyone over expect Young Song and Zelo, because I wanted to talk about them. “Do you think that it is a little weird that those two are out almost exactly the same time”, I said. “Unnie it could just be a coincidence”, said Youngna. “Yeah look how much they fight everyday and the big gap between them, why would they start seeing each other”, said Minyoung. I was about to answer then Young Song appeared, “Whatcha talking about?”, she asked.

“Nothing, we were just saying that-um”, I said then Yong Guk Oppa saved me, “We were just talking about the debut and it was just 3-2 days away and I was just about to say that after your debut we all should celebrate”, Yong Guk Oppa said.

Park Young Song’s P.O.V.

    I knew they were talking about me and Zelo Oppa. So, I walked up to them and I realized it was Leader Unnie who was suspicious of us. “Sae Ra Unnie remember to make a cheesecake and meet me in the park, I really need to give you something and don’t tell anyone else”, I begged with ageyo. “Okay, don’t worry”, she said.

When Unnies left I walked up the Daehyun Oppa and asked, “Oppa guess what, I have a surprise to give you, please meet me in the park but don’t tell anyone”, I said. “Okay but it better be food”, he said. “There is food”, I said. Then he looked 200 times happier.

After everyone left, I walked up to Zelo Oppa and dragged him to the park. “Hurry up Oppa, this was your plan to we have to hurry”, I said. “Okay fine”, he said and surprised me by carrying me in a princess style hold. “Yah what are you doing”, I yelled at him. “I am getting us there faster, and we are here now, happy”, he said smirking. “Very, now put me down”, I said. “No”, he said. “Yes, I said. “No”. “Yes”. “No”. “Yes”. “Yes”, he said. “No”, I said. and he started laughing and said, “Oh if you say so I will never put you down”. “But, you tricked me”, I said pouting and looked around I saw Unnie and Oppa starting to walk in the park.

I jumped out of Oppa’s arms and ran to the bench Unnie was going to sit and left a note saying ‘Hi Unnie and Oppa I hope you two enjoy your presents. EACH OTHER!!! I know you both like eachother so confess. from you beloved evil maknae Park Young Song. P.S. Unnie save me a slice of cheesecake’. I ran back to Zelo Oppa telling him to climb up the tree next to the bench. “Hurry they are coming”, I said starting to climb the tree. I saw that Sae Ra Unnie and Daehyun Oppa was talking and when he saw the cheesecake he asked for some. I saw that Unnie was about to look up at the tree so I pushed Zelo Oppa back and when Unnie saw me I waved at her. Daehyun Oppa saw her looking at the tree and said, “What are you looking at” with his mouth full of cheesecake looking at the tree where me and Zelo Oppa was. “Nothing, it was just a bird”, Unnie said.

“Oh, Okay but where is Young Song she said to me to meet her here, because she has a surprise for me”, Daehyun Oppa said. “ Me too”, Unnie said, “Look a note”. she read the note out loud and after she read it she was turning red from embarrassment. “Um-y-you like Oppa?” Unnie asked. “Um- yes, do you like me?”,  Daehyun Oppa asked. “Yes, but how did Young Song know”, Unnie asked. “I don’t know”, Daehyun Oppa said.

After they finished the cheesecake(while leaving me a piece) they left. I tried to get down the tree without falling but we all know that will never happen. So, I fell but then Zelo Oppa grabbed my arm and pulled me up but with too much strength so we fell down the tree. “Yah, why didn’t you just let me fall?” I asked. “Because you are my girl now”, Zelo Oppa said and pinched my cheek. I turned bright red and I remembered the cheesecake. “Oppa want some cheesecake?” I asked. “Sure!” he said happily. “Then you are not getting any”, I said taking the slice of cheesecake and ran away. eventually Oppa got me and I gave him half of it.


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Chapter 9: It's ok I'll still be reading your story through out the school year cuz my is starting soon aish where did my SUMMER GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: Update plz
Chapter 7: Ahhh who is next in maknaes' love list!!!! Haha
Chapter 6: Haha cheesy Zelo update soon plz
LauraLo #5
Chapter 5: hahaha i love it !!! :DDD
Chapter 4: hahahahaha i love it~ XD omg this will be a fun ride of a story~ XD MAKNAES UNITED~ YEAH~
Chapter 1: Haha love when untie are messing with the maknaes anyways update soon plz