◘ Why Him? ◘

One Shot Collection
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Waeyo? I always question myself, why do I react like that when I see them together? Holding each others hand, smiling with each other and acting like couples. I hate myself, why do I like him in the first place? Yeah his charming, smart and everything but I hate him. I want to hit my head, paboya. Yeah, you're right I hate him because I like him. The worst thing is I think she likes my best friend. I want to forget my feelings for him so I always tell myself that I must be 10 steps away from him but since my friend and I always stick together, that 10 steps away from him will never happen. This story started when a guy transferred in our school. "Annyeonghaseyo, Luhan imnida", the guy bowed and smiled. He have a very sweet smile and an angelic face. He also look smart. "Best, his cute right? I like him, I mean I admire him", you said still looking at the guy who named Luhan. You are expecting an answer or reply from your best friend beside you, Both of you are sharing in one table, but she didn't answer. You looked at her, she was reading a book, she placed it on her lap so the teacher can't notice it. You put your hand on her cheek, she looked at you and smiled. You traveled your fingers to her ears. " Got it", you pulled the earphones. She already knew you'd do that because you always do that to her. "You're always not listening to me", you pouted. "Mianhae, what do you want?" Krystal asked in a hurry tone. "That guy there in front, his Luhan, Chinese, an exchange student. "His cute right?" your eyes sparkled as you said that words and expected her to said the same. "Yeah, maybe", Krystal said after he looked at Luhan", lack of interest. "Aishhh... this girl, I know you like him too, right?" You nudge her. "Ofcourse...no, why would I like him? His not my type and you know that", Krystal rolled her eyes and put back her earphones and continue reading. "Ok fine but I think I'll like him", you said while smiling, looking at Luhan. "Choose your chair now", songsaengnim said. OMG...There's an extra chair beside Suho, behind us. Luhan bowed and started walking towards us. "Annyeonghaseyo", Suho greeted. " Annyeonghaseyo, Luhan", Luhan smiled and offered his hand to Suho. "Suho", Suho shakes hand with Luhan and smiled. "Hi, I'm -------", you gave him a smile. "Hi, Luhan", he smiled back and sat. "And this is my friend, Krystal. She's busy right now", You pointed Krystal. "Ahhh... It's nice meeting you guys", Luhan said. "For those who remember, what's our lesson about yesterday?", songsaengnim asked, getting all our attention. "Talk to you later", you said with a smile and looked back in the front. 


"Goodbye class, don't forget your assignment, arasseo?" songsaengnim said as she take all her things in the table. "Deh", we replied in unison then Songsaengnim went out the room. You immediately looked back. "Luhan oppa, want to join us?" you asked. "Neh? Join what?" Luhan raised his brow. Suho laughed in Luhan's reaction. "It's lunch time, the three of us eat together , you want to join us?" Suho explained. "Ahhh...sure, I still don't know this place so expect me to stick with you guys, mianhae", Luhan scratched the back of his neck and gave us a shy smile. "Let's go then", you excitedly said and stood up. Luhan and Suho also stood up. Luhan and Suho also stood up. "Uhmm... What about your friend, Krystal right?" Luhan pointed Krystal, still reading. You snatched the book from Krystal and hide it in your back. Krystals stared at you with 'what the' face. You pulled the earphones next and covered his mouth before she burst out. "Let's go to the canteen, It's lunch time but don't you worry I'll bring the book", you immediately said and gave her a smile. She rolled her eyes and get your hand off . "Fine, let's go", she said as she stood up and started walking. "She's always like that but don't think she's bad, she's just in a bad mood", you smiled at Luhan and Suho before catching up with Krystal. The canteen was so crowded, the line was longer than you thought. "Let's play paper, scissor, stick and stone. The two who lose will fall in he line and ordered the food then the winner will look for the table and wait there", Suho suggested. "Yeah, let's do that then", you agreed."Ok",Luhan and Krystal said in unison, their eyes met and the eyes contact started. You decided to break it when your stomach started calling for food. "Let's start", you grabbed Krystal's hand. "Paper, scissor, stick and stone".

YOu vs. Krystal = You won

Luhan vs. Suho = Luhan won

"Yepey", you jumped happily. "I let you win in purpose because I know you're hungry and you can't stand it any longer", Krystal smiled. "Liar", you smiled back. "Then, let's go find a table", Luhan said. "We'll just look for you when we're done ordering the food", Suho said and fall in line. "Take care of my book", Krystal glared at you before following Suho. "Let's start looking there", Luhan pointed the table in the last row. The only available table isi n the front row. You don't want to sit there but you don't have any choice. The sitting position is like this:

Luhan          Suho


You            Krystal

"What's that book about?" Luhan asked. "About best friend, a story how two girls became best friend. I gave this book to her yesterday as a birthday gift", you smiled. "Ahhh...But...", Luhan was cut off by you. " But don't greet her, she don't like it when someone greet her in advance or belated", you warned him. "Jinjja?" Luhan was amazed. "Neh, but why did you ask?". "Just curious, for how many years the two of you are...bestfriend?" Luhan asked. "Yeah, best friend. Uhmm...It's been since 2nd grade, we always stick together then", you gave Luhan a smile. "So, you know everything about her?" Luhan asked again. "Yeah, wait... let me ask you too. You already questioned too much. Uhmmm... do you have a girlfriend? or someone special?" You asked, feeling shy with your stupid question. Luhan slightly smiled,"I don't have any girlfriend, special one? Uhmmm...no one, for now", he playfully smiled. "Ahhh..." your heart slightly lose beat, wheeew... "Uhmmm... you're Chinese right? But why are you so good in talking Korean?". "It's because, I studied a lot about Korean language when I was still in China", he explained. "Ahhh..." you strolled your eyes around, thinking of a question. His nicer and cool as I thought, he looked at me like I already reached my melting point, his my dream...

Your thoughts was disturbed when Suho and Krystal arrived, they placed the plates in the table. "You two looked serious while talking, what are you talking about?" Suho sat beside Luhan. "Nothing, Krystal, you have music class today right?" you changed the topic. "Yeah, I want to skip", Krystal pouted. That's the only club Krystal joined without you, her mom forced her to join that club,she convinced to join too but you don't have enough money for the training fee. You're not as rich as her. "Don't skip", Luhan said. We looked at him with 'what?' face. "I mean, I also joined that club and the three of you

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Chapter 2: nice!!!! love it!!!
Chapter 2: Omg. Nice poem!
Chapter 8: Love the 3rd story.... Can you make a sequel for that???
hanjiwon_kpop #4
Chapter 1: Thanks for subscribing, I'll update soon. I'm making new one shot story :). Your gonna love it, I hope.. :) ... ty .