◘ [1] Choices ◘

One Shot Collection
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My room is full of used tissue. If you’re in there, you're never going to say it's a room. My face is mess up. The tears roll in my face again. Am I not going to stop this drama? I want to but I just can't forget what happen. My life is a disaster. You want to know how disaster? This but fine, here's what happen...



I'm busy applying some light make up in my face when my friend arrived.
'Knock knock knock' 
The door burst open then Sunny dashed into my room.
"Guess what?" she excitedly asked after she jumped on my bed.
I'm finished with the makeup and placed it in my table. I stood up.
"What's the news?" 
"You remember the guy that I'm always telling you?" 
"Guy?" I asked, trying to remember.
"Aishhh...the guy that I met last month,"
"Ah... I remember so, what's the excitement all about?" 
"He's my boyfriend now!" she half shouted.
"Whoa...whoa...wait. Don't shout, my parents are still here," I hissed.
"Okay, what? You just met him last month right? Are you really into him?" I asked giving her 'the' face.
"Yeah but, that doesn't matter," Sunny pouted.
"Okay fine, I won't judge him anymore," I smiled.
"Thanks, you really are my best friend," 
"So, the summer is almost done. School is coming, let's go out and enjoy the sun girl," she said and went out my room.
"Yeah, yeah. I know that," 

Hi! I'm Kim Yoora. I'm in high school with my friend Sunny. I like to call her Yum. It's because she likes to eat all the time. It's a miracle she's not gaining weight or turning into a fat girl but...enough of bullying her. We are best friends.

"This ice cream is great!" Sunny said while her ice cream.
"Yeah, let's buy some bubble tea after this," I smiled.
"Aishh...you know I hate bubble tea but you always force to buy me," she said with a disgusted face.
"It's because I thought you’re going to like it if I'm always buying you," 
"You better not buy me then before I curse the one who made that bubble tea," Sunny rolled her eyes.
I just laughed and continued my ice cream.
"Hey!" I heard someone called from my back.
"Hey," Sunny half shouted and run towards my back.
I turned around and saw her hugging a tall, white, handsome and a totally stranger guy. 
"Yoora, come here," she called.
I walked towards them.
"Yoora, this is Sehun. Sehun, this is Yoora my best friend," 
"Hi!" I fake a smile.
"Nice meeting you," he smiled.
Gosh, he's cute too but still he's a stranger.
"Sehun is our senior in school," Sunny informed.
"Jinjja? I didn't notice him in school," I said.
"Me too, I discovered it yesterday," 
I just nodded.
"So, since Sehun is already here. How about we three go out together?" Sunny asked.
"What? Yum...no way. You know me. I don't want to ruin a couple’s moment. And besides it's damn awkward. I think you two should go for now. I'm just going home, watch action movies and everything. So, bye!" I said and run away from them. Not giving them the chance to speak and force me to join.

"I never like to go out with a couple." I mumbled while heading home.
When I got home, a friend of mine called.
"There will be a party in my house tonight. I want you to come. It's my birthday so, please come," Taeyeon said.
"I love too but..." 
"No buts or else... I'm going to hate you," Taeyeon said and hang up.
"Oh wow," I said and placed my phone in the table.
I met Taeyeon in a party and since then we've became friends. She's a graduating high school student but not in my school. 
"But wait, maybe we should go. I'll bring Sunny then," I smirked.
I grabbed my phone and dialled Sunny's number.

"Sunny, let's go to a party tonight,"
"Party? I love to but my mom gave me a list of household chores for tonight. I'm not going to make it. You should go..." 
"Yum, I got you something," I heard Sehun's voice.
"I'm sorry Yoora, I got to go," she said and hangs up.
"Fantastic," I rolled my eyes ang lied in my bed.
"Yum is busy with his boyfriend, my mom is busy with their work. They will go home late tonight. Wait...this means I'm free," A bright smile showed up in my face
"I'm free, I'm going to the party tonight," 
It's a pool party so I decided to wear shorts. 
The night came. I started to walked to Taeyeon's house. My house is just near to her house.

I'm standing in front of her gate and I was like...
"Whoa... Her house is full of...strangers," 

Should I back out now?

"Hey, I'm glad you make it," Taeyeon said while walking towards me.
"Ah...yeah," I forced to smile.
"Let's go," she said and dragged me inside.
The pool is at the back of her house.
"Where are your parents?" I asked, looking around.
"They are in California," 
"California? What are they doing there?" 
"I don't know, maybe you should ask them when they get back," she said and laughed.
"You crazy?" I exclaimed then laughed.

"Taeyeon, happy birthday," a guy greeted.
"Thanks, oh by the way. This is my friend Yoora. Yoora this is Mark," 
"Hi Yoora," 
"Uhmmm... Mark, can you accompany Yoora for a while? I'll go check the other visitors," Taeyeon said and walked away.
"What? Taeyeon," I called but she's talking to the others.
"Aishh..." I mumbled.
"Hey, it's okay. I promise you’re going to enjoy this night," Mark said with a smile.
"Let's go dance?" 

We hit the dance floor. I like dancing and Sunny would always tell me that I have the skill but... I don't like to perform in front of the crowd.
After we danced we sat in the pool's side.
"This is fun," I said.
"I told you. Wait I'm going to make it more fun. Wait here," 
After a few minutes Mark went back with two glasses and a bottle of...wine?
He sat beside me and gave me the glass.
"Wait...I'm still in high school and my parents..." 
He cut me off.
"Did you see your parents here? Come on, they'll never know and besides it's only a wine. Taste it," Mark said with a smile.
Maybe he's right. I'm going to have fun tonight.
"Okay, I'll drink," 
"That's my girl," 
I smiled and drank the wine.
Mark gave me more and more and more until...
"I'm a bit dizzy," I complained.
"Really? You want to go home now?"
"Uhmm...Maybe I should," 
"Okay, let's go," Mark help me stood up.
"Taeyeon!" Mark called.
"What happen?" she asked.
"She's drunk, I'll send her home," 
"No...I'll send her home," Taeyeon insisted.
"I'll do it, this is your party. Stay here and enjoy," 
"Mark is right Taeyeon, I'm alright," I said.
"You sure?" 
"Yeah, my house is just near here," 
"Well go now," he said
"Okay bye, take care of her," 

I can just barely walk. I'm thankful I met Mark.
We are on our way to my house.
"Your drunk," 
"R-really?" I asked.
"I t-thought it's just a w-wine, right?" 
"I lied," Mark laughed.
"You do?" I asked.
"But that d-doesn't matter. I en-njoyed the night," I smiled.
"That's great but...you want to enjoy the night more?" Mark asked and stopped walking to face me. 
"Sure, but..." I didn't finish my sentence when Mark placed his arms around my body.
"How about doing this?" he smirked and kissed me.
My eyes widen. 
What is this? I want to stop him but I'm out of power, I just wanted to get home and sleep. 
I tried to push him away but he just tightens the grip more.
He stopped kissing my lips and looked at me.
"You're enjoying this?" he asked.
"No, just send me home now!"
"Whoa, wait lady. I serve you the whole night. You should pay me back right?" 
"What? I didn't force you to stay with me. Just back off!" I half shouted.
Mark just laughed.
"I love stubborn girls like you," Mark smirked and kissed me again.
I pushed him but it didn't work. I bit his lips which make him groaned in pain.
He let go of me and I took that as a chance to run but the effect of the alcohol prevent me from doing it. It's like the ground is turning round, I'm dizzy.
"You little..." Mark grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.
Why do this place don't have any people around? 
"You should behave," Mark smirked and kissed my neck.
"No...Stop it. Help!" I keep on shouting.
Tears skip my eyes.
This is my punishment. 
"Help!" my shout is getting weaker.
"Hey, you should let her go," I heard a familiar voice.
"Mind your own business," 
"She's my business,"


Sehun walked towards us.
"What? You want me to break your bones?"
"No, I'll break yours," Sehun said and threw a punch on Mark's face.
Mark fell on the ground.
Sehun didn't give him a chance to punch back or stand up, he showered him with punches.
Mark is totally down.
"Are you okay?" Sehun asked.
Tears skip my eyes when I realized what just happen.
A guy was trying to me and Sehun saved me. I thought it just happen in the movies.
"I'll send you home," Sehun offered.
"Thanks but no thanks. You think my parents won't kill me if they saw me like this?" I asked, wiping my tears.
"So, you plan on staying here?" 
"No... I-I, can I sleep in your house?" 
"Please, I'll explain to your parents," 
"What? No, no...They’ll never allow you,"
"But please...please," 
Sehun stared at me for a few seconds before talking again.
"Fine but don't tell Sunny about this,"
"Yeah, I won't. Thanks,"

Sehun and I sneaked outside their house. He opened his room's window silently. I went in then he followed. 
"Okay, uhmmm... I'm going to sleep in the floor, you take the bed," Sehun said.
I sat in his bed while he get a blanket and a pillow. 
"Thanks for everything, I'll never forget this. I owe you," I

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Chapter 2: nice!!!! love it!!!
Chapter 2: Omg. Nice poem!
Chapter 8: Love the 3rd story.... Can you make a sequel for that???
hanjiwon_kpop #4
Chapter 1: Thanks for subscribing, I'll update soon. I'm making new one shot story :). Your gonna love it, I hope.. :) ... ty .