◘ [2] I'll Be There ◘

One Shot Collection
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All I can see in his eyes is pain. Tears are starting to form in it.  "Yuri, come back to me", Kai begged and rested his head on my shoulder "I'm tired Kai, how can I trust you again?" I asked. Kai looked at me in the eyes and placed his hands in my shoulder. "Give me your heart Yuri", tears rolled in Kai's cheeks Then suddenly my heart beats faster. I really wanted to wiped those tears Kai but... "I don't know my feelings for you now Kai, I don't know if I still love you", I said truthfully My mind says, I have to give Kai another chance but my heart says I have to go to Luhan.  "I can make you fall in love with me again", Kai placed his hand in my cheek "Give me another chance, that promises I've said to you. I'll never broke it again", Kai continued I just can't resist those eyes Kai, how can you confused me like this. "I want your answer now Yuri", Kai said with his soft voice   Luhan oppa!     Luhan's POV:    I'm on my way to the park when I saw an ice cream and decided to buy one for Yuri. I'm tightly holding the small box in my left hand. While the other hold the ice cream. I wore a wide smile in my face while searching for Yuri in the park. The smile in my face faded when I saw Kai and Yuri. I hide behind the tree and watched them, I'm quite near them so I can hear their conversation. "Gave me another chance Yuri", Kai begged Yuri took few minutes before she answered. "Ok", Yuri answered I dropped the ice cream, I looked at the box in my hand and opened it. Tears fell in it. Kai hugged Yuri and...Yuri hugged him back. I wiped my tears and forced to smile. "Yuri paboya, you disappoint me again", I mumbled and started walking away from them, away from Yuri, away from my one and only princess. 'Good bye Yuri, keep smiling'     Yuri's POV:    "You sure that guy will come? We've been waiting for almost 2 hours", Kai complained but in a soft and calm voice I gave him a smile. "You can go, you still have work right?"  "I won't leave you alone here", Kai said "Ani, I'm going to be fine. Go", I said and lightly pushed Kai "You sure?" Kai asked I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile "Ara, take care", Kai wove his hand and walked away I waited for another 3 hours, but then there's no Luhan oppa show up. I'm worried since Luhan oppa never broke a  promise to me. I hurriedly ran home and looked for Luhan. "Luhan oppa", I shouted as I entered the house No one answered "Luhan oppa", I shouted again "What's the matter? Why are you breathing so heavyly?" umma asked, sitting in the couch "Umma, have you seen Luhan oppa?" I asked "Deh, he's really in a hurry. He went back to the province, he didn't tell me why because he's really in a panic that I forgot to ask", umma explained and read back  the newspaper Went back to province? Why? I hurriedly ran to his room. Hoping that umma lied to me and Luhan oppa is in his room. And when I open his door he would hug and smiled at me. I'm standing in front of his door, my hand is shaking as I turned the door knob. I opened the door and an abandoned room flashed to my face. Tears escaped from my eyes and this time they didn't betray me because I'm the one who ordered them.  How can Luhan oppa leave me?  I slowly walked to his bed and sat. I noticed a paper beside me and a small box beside it. I opened the letter and read it.       Dear Yuri,    I'm sorry for leaving suddenly. I have to since you already found where your heart really belong, and it's to Kai. That day when I confess to you, I thought you'll love me back but I'm wrong. You disappoint me when you cried in front of me. While we were dating I know you're thinking of Kai. And you've disappoint me again Yuri. You're with me but you've called me Kai, and again you've disappoint me again. I told you to wait for me in the park, I'm really excited to give you my gift. It's something you really wanted since we're in the province. But you hugged Kai back and for the last time, you have disappoint me Yuri. You broke my heart. And I'm sorry to disappoint you because I'm not happy now but I'll try to smile again for you. But even if you always disappoint me I still love you Yuri. Even if you hurt me everyday, I still love you. And I'm sorry for that, I know you're crying right now. Stop crying, just remember that...I'll always be by your side cause I love you. We're going to be fine, we are.    Luhan Love For Eternity     The paper is really wet, it is filled with tears full of regrets. I put the paper in my lap and reached
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Chapter 2: nice!!!! love it!!!
Chapter 2: Omg. Nice poem!
Chapter 8: Love the 3rd story.... Can you make a sequel for that???
hanjiwon_kpop #4
Chapter 1: Thanks for subscribing, I'll update soon. I'm making new one shot story :). Your gonna love it, I hope.. :) ... ty .