Meeting Crazy People

Gray Coloured Life

The moment Jiyong finishes his work, he rush to his car hoping that his friends will be coming later than so that he can warn Chaerin on what’s going to happen. Jogging towards the elevator he presses the top floor. He does not anticipate the meeting that will happen later. His friends will definitely add on to the stress that was building up since Chaerin came. Knowing Seungri, the most mischievous one, will have something planned and that’s what he is scared for. The naïve Chaerin will just go with the flow and so does the others, leaving him to have open eyes for any disaster that’s going to ensue.

Opening the door he immediately went to the living room, finding Chaerin lying on the floor on her stomach while watching the TV.

“What are you doing, kitty?” He asks shaking his head.

“Oh you’re here,” She weakly said “I was bored and lying on the couch hurts my back, so I decided to just lye here.”

“Whatever, I need you to change into something more decent. “ Chaerin, who is already on her feet looks at him.


“Dara noona and some friends will come over and they want to meet you.” He sighs.

“Why would they want to meet me?”

“I have no idea.” He curses his cousin silently in his head for being a blubber mouth. “And if anyone asks you, tell them you’re my maid.”

“I’m not your maid! I will never be your maid.”

“Of course you’re not,” He said sarcastically. “It’s to cover up that you’re a cat.”

“They can’t even see my ears so it won’t be a problem.”

“Do you want to say that you’re my pet? Let’s bet on what will their reactions will be.”

“Oh yeah, that will be weird.”

“Now go change.” And with that Chaerin goes towards the bedroom to change with more presentable clothes. Jiyong can feel the storm coming.



Once Chaerin was settling wearing a simple sweater and leggings with a skirt on top, she was ready, although she can’t stop pacing around the room.

“What’s with you now?” Jiyong ask relax, sitting on the couch.

“What kind of people are they?”

Crazy people. He said in his mind.

“This will be the first time meeting a lot of people all at once. You said that they want to meet me. What if they don’t like me? Or they find me weird? Or stupid? Then they would hate me and you will decide to toss me away and I have to steal food from some vendor to survive. Then someone will catch me and give me to the slaughter house. I can’t go there! Do you even know what they do to cats like me?!” She panics.

“First of all, yes you’re weird, second who cares if they don’t like you? I don’t even want them to see you and they’re just people, it’s not like they’re going to eat you-“

“You don’t know that! Some people actually do eat cats.” She shuddered.

 “Third, where did you even get those crazy ideas from, the slaughter house? No one does that anymore.” His cousin’s imagination has rubbed in to Chaerin.

Then there was a knock in the door.

“I guess they’re here.” Jiyong said standing up to get the door.

“Wait! Don’t open it. It might be someone from the slaughter house trying to take me!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, kitty.”

Jiyong can now hear Seungri calling for him to open the door.

“W-well, do you think I look okay?” She asks trying to smooth her clothes.

“Yes, you look like you just got out of bed.” he didn’t bother hearing for her reply and went to open the door. The first thing that he sees is Seungri’s grinning face.

 “Hey hyung!” Jiyong can see the faces of his friends grinning at him as well.

“Hey.” He said cautiously.

“Aren’t you going to invite us in Jiyong?” Seunghyun, or TOP to his friends said. He was the oldest of his male friends and one of the weirdest people that he knows, couple with his girlfriend Bom who was beside him. The two of them made up the Alien Couple, courtesy of Dara.

“Yah Jiyongie! I’m really hungry right now so you better let us in.” Bom chimed irritated; this woman’s stomach was like an endless pit. It’s a wonder how she maintains her figure.

Jiyong let out a sigh and make way for his friends to enter.

“Oh, Jiyong oppa, I brought cake.” Minji, the youngest of them all said showing him a box of cake.

“Thanks, just put it on the fridge Minji-ah.” He said with a small smile. Minji was the baby of the group, after to Seungri (not).

“Minji-ah, let me get that for you.” Seungri said taking the box of cake from her and putting it from the fridge himself. He has been declaring his love for her since he met the girl and still, no results. He can’t pass helping his lady love, even though her brother finds him as a erted panda, which everyone agrees to, including Minji herself.

“It’s been a while hyung!” Daesung, said giving him a high five, after giving Seungri the stink eye. He is Minji’s older brother and together both of them are called the Smiling Angels.

“Been a while Dae.” He replies.

“Ji, where’s Chaerinnie?” Dara ask.

“In the living room.” And with that Dara left them to look for the star of the night.

“Hey man, been a while.” Yongbae or Taeyang to his friends, Jiyong’s bestfriend greeted him with a brotherly hug. Dara actually met Youngbae though him after she complained about him not spending time with his favorite (annoying) cousin. It just so happen that he was at home hanging out with Yongbae when she stormed in and the two instantly click. “I heard about the mystery woman, Ji.”

Jiyong only rolled his eyes, “She’s just my maid.”

“Of course, she’s just your maid.” Yongbae said with a smirk forming on his lips as he walks with him to where everybody.

What they saw was Chaerin being surrounded by their friends, looking overwhelmed with the questions being thrown to her.

“What’s your name?”

 “Where are you from?”

“How did you meet Jiyong?”

“You’re so pretty unnie!”

“Do you like corn?”

“Did you already did it with hyung?” With the last question, Seungri got a slap on the head from Seunghyun and everyone glared at him.

“Hey, hey! Ask one question at a time! And Seungrat, stop with your erted questions.” Dara said making everyone shut up. “You guys didn’t even introduce yourselves yet!”

“I’m Bom!”

“I’m Minji, it’s nice to meet you unnie!”

“I’m Seunghyun.”

“I’m Daesung, Minji’s brother.”

“I’m the gentleman, Seungri.”

“Like she would believe you Ri, one look at you and one can say that you’re not. Anyways, I’m Yongbae.”

All Chaerin can do is nod her head as they introduce their selves.

“I-I’m Chaerin.” And she bowed. And the questions start hitting her again. She feels like she’s in another dimension, listening to these people asking her things that she doesn’t know.

“Hey! I said one question at a time, you’re scaring my wifey!” Dara yelled. Chaerin only look at her with a brow raised, wifey?

“Okay fine, stop yelling you mountain rabbit.” Bom said and turn to face Chaerin. “So Chaerin, how did you meet Jiyong?” And everyone’s eyes were on her.

All of them got curious once Dara told them about a girl living with the famous G-dragon. As his closes friends, they know that Jiyong is not one who opens up to just anyone, with his cold grumpy attitude, it’s hard to befriend him. He is also not one to let someone to get inside his place. Heck, he rarely let’s them inside, aside Yongbae, for the fear that they will mess up his house, he is one clean freak.

“Uhh,” Everyone leaned in to hear her answer. “He… he saved my cat from getting killed in a slaughter house.”

Jiyong mentally face palmed himself. The slaughter house, again?

“Omo! How’s your cat now?” Bom ask worryingly.

“She’s fine, I set her free.” Chaerin replies.

“You set her free? What if she got caught again?” Seunghyun asks next.

“I told her not to get caught. Don’t worry she’s a small cat.” Chaerin said in a hurry, fabricating the story.

They ‘ohh-ed’ and seems to buy her little story.

“How did you come living with Jiyong oppa, unnie?” Minji asks looking at Jiyong and back to Chaerin.

Everyone mentally thanked their maknae for voicing out the most important question that they have for tonight.

Jiyong can see the panic in Chaerin’s eyes. I guess she’s not a good liar, he said mentally.

“She needed a job to send money to her family and I hired her to be my maid.” He answers for her.

“But Ji hyung you never needed a maid, knowing you, you’re a clean freak.” Daesung said.

“Well, there’s a first in everything. Anyways, let’s stop with the questions don’t you all want to eat?”

And with that everybody went to the dining table leaving the owner and the pet. Chaerin let out a relief sigh after everyone was out of sight.

“You’re a bad liar, kitty. A slaughter house, really?”

“Well I can’t think of something!” She said in a harsh whisper.

“You’re really stupid.” Said Jiyong and decides to follow his friends.

“You’re face is stupid.” She said in a low voice before walking pass him to join the others.



Dinner was quite eventful, with remarks thrown here and there, the never ending questions about her relationship with Jiyong and other mundane stuff.

“So Chaerin-ah, did you and hyung…?” Seungri starts, the table becomes silent before they yelled and glared at Seungri for his questions.

“Oppa, could you please stop with those questions, can’t you see everyone is trying to eat here?” Minji said rubbing her temples.

“Yah, panda! You’re taking away my appetite.” Seunghyun said putting his chopsticks down and giving the young man another slap in the head.

“What? I know everyone of you is dying to know. Besides I’ll spare you the effort of asking. So Chaerin-ah, did you and hyung?” And again everyone’s attention was on her, beside Jiyong who was cradling his head on his hands, he can see the disaster coming.

“Me and Jiyong what?” she asks with furrow brows.

“You know, did it already?”

“Did what?” She asks a gain hesitantly. She seriously doesn’t know what he’s asking.

“You know, ?”

With that Chaerin was trying to know what the word means. Oh, oh! He was talking about that?! Before she went back to being a cat, her grandpa and grandma taught her about relationships and they told her about this. They said that should be done after marriage and with the person you love. They warned her that it is forbidden to have before marriage. You might think that having a 12 year old Chaerin knowing this was weird, given by her young age, but her previous owners decided that it’s just right to tell her about this stuff so she can be prepared and knowledgeable about the adult world so she won’t make a mistake. Also, it will come in handy if she grows up not beside them; at least she knows some information so she won’t be taken advantage of.

 After realizing his words, Chaerin can feel her blood rushing to her cheeks.

“You crazy ert!” And she grabs the first thing her hand lays on, which happens to be a chicken drumstick and throws it across the table to his face.

“Ah! My eye!” Seungri exclaim holding his left eye.

“That’s the last piece!” Daesung said stretching his hand to the chicken drumstick that was lying on the ground.

“That’s what you get for being insensitive.” Yongbae said as everyone aside Jiyong and Chaerin who were thinking how weird the conversation is, tries to hold their laugh.

“What? I know you were all drying to know the answer too!” Seungri replies still holding eye.

“I know! But can you at least wait until we finish eating?!” Dara said next, glaring at the poor boy. She just admits that everyone was anxious to know.

“I win, Ri.” Said Seunghyun.

“Wait. What are you talking about?” Dara asks.

“We had a bet, and I win. Thanks Ji, you just helped me earn easy money. Remember you will give me half of your next pay check.” Seunghyun said pointing at Seungri who only pouted.

“You people are unbelievable.” Jiyong finally said shaking his head.

“It looks like everyone lost their appetite. Let’s watch a movie!” Minji suggest trying to end the weird atmosphere in the table.

“Wait, I’m not done yet! Pass me the rice.” Bom chimed. Chaerin can only wonder on how she can still eat after the conversation that just flew by.


Once all of them are settled, Daesung puts on the movie, The Ring, and went back to his place sitting beside Seungri on the carpet while leaning on the couch where Jiyong, Chaerin and a Minji sat leaning her head on Chaerin’s shoulder and hugging her arm. The maknae seems to really like her and Chaerin does in return due to the cake that she brought which Chaerin was begging Jiyong to buy for her. On the two love sits were the Alien Couple and the Darayang Couple. Last but not the least is a bowl of popcorn on the center table.

Half way through the movie, almost everyone shuffled and huddled together.

“Yah, who picked this movie?” Dara ask shielding her eyes with her hands while Yongbae’s arms are wrap around her.

“Daesung oppa did.” Minji said trying to hide behind Chaerin’s shoulder.

“Way to go hyung.” Seungri said peeking behind the throw pillow that he uses as a cover.

“Remember that I will blame you Dae if I don’t sleep tonight.” Bom said hiding in Seunghyun’s chest.

“You have Seunghyun hyung to help you with that noona.” Said a not scared Daesung.

“Yah!” Seunghyun said glaring at Daesung.

“Everybody, be quiet. Some of us are trying to watch.” Yongbae said.

It would seem that only Yongbae, Jiyong Daesung and surprisingly Chaerin were the ones watching the movie with wide eyes. When the movie finishes everyone decides to bid them goodnight and go home.

“Goodnight guys! It’s nice to meet you Chaerin-ah.” Bom said followed by Seunghyun.

“Thanks for having us here hyung.” Daesung said waiting for his sister who was saying goodbye to Chaerin.

“Goodnight unnie! I hope that we could hang out more.” Minji said and hug Chaerin, which she returns and pats her head.

“Oh Jiyongie, I’ll steal Chaerinnie for Saturday.” Dara said as she got ready to leave with Yongbae.

“What do you mean?” Jiyong raise a brow at her.

“Well, I want to hang out with her and the girls seem to like her too so it’s going to be a girl’s day out!”

“She can’t, she needs to do her job.”

His cousin scuffs. “Oh please, who would believe you with that maid job? We know you Ji, so whatever your reason is keeping her I know and hope that it’s good.” She said in a voice that Jiyong and Yongbae can hear.

“Sorry Ji, I have to take her side this time. The maid thing doesn’t really go through, you need a better lie than that.” His best friend said.

“Fine, whatever take her.”

And as they were saying goodbyes, Seungri sneak to talk to Chaerin.

“Chaerin-ah, could you do me a favour?” He whispers.

“And why would I do that?” Chaerin asks narrowing her eyes at him. Meeting him for the first time tells her instincts not to trust him.

“Please~ I really need help and you’re the only one who can do this.” Seungri plead.

“I’ll hear you out but it doesn’t mean that I’ll do it.”

“Okay, this is how it goes….” And with that he whispers to Chaerin his request. After hearing his request she can’t help but feel like it’s not right.

“Are you sure that it’s ok to do that?”

“Yeah, absolutely, it won’t hurt to do it. Let’s just say that it’ll act as a good luck charm.”

“Are you sure?”


“Oi rat! we’ll leave you if you don’t hurry!” Seunghyun called.

“Wait for me hyung!” Seungri called back, and then turns to Chaerin. “Anyways, could you please, please~ do that for me? It would be a great help.” And with that he dashed to the door to meet the others, leaving a confused Chaerin.



“What did Seungri told you?”Jiyong asks, reading a magazine leaning on the head board.

“I have no idea.” Chaerin replies lying beside him. For the past two nights they sleep beside each other due to the other room in Jiyong’s place is his mini design studio. “Do wishes come true?”

“Not always.” He replies without taking his eyes from what he is reading.

“Say, if someone you know needs help, would you help them?”

“And why would you want to know?”

“Nothing, just answer the question.”

“It depends.”

“It depends? On what?”

“If I’m close to that person and the situation.”

“Well, what if their request is really easy, but for some reason there’s this voice inside your head that tells you that it won’t be easy for you. What will you do?”

“Listen to that voice. What’s with the questions? Did Seungri tell you something weird?”

“No. And just so you know, I like Minji more than you cause she brought cake for me.” Chaerin took one of his hands and place it on her ears, a way of telling him to scratch behind her ears, which Jiyong didn’t protest; it has been a habit between them. I guess that I don’t have to do what he said, since it’s really weird and awkward in the first place, she thinks to herself about the panda’s request.

“Good night.” Chaerin said snuggling to her pillow.

“Good night, kitty.”

Now he was certain that Seungri told Chaerin something. The questions act as clues to what Seungri ask her to do, and knowing him it will definitely be something outrageous.

You’re a dead panda once I find about what it is.








AN: Seungri's request will be reveal on later on the next chapter

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Continue pleaseeeee huhuhuhu
Chapter 9: Please continue authornimmm T^T don't left it hanging hul~
Chapter 9: Hai, can you please update this story..? Pleaseeeee
>.< rereading this again..i can't help it's so interesting! Please i want moreeee..
I hope you will continue this fic...
I re-read it countless time... I love it so much! T-T
Chapter 9: I'm hoping that somehow, the author will update this fic. (TT^TT)
Chapter 9: Omgggg please Updateeeeee and tht carrot plushie so cute hahaha
I'm still wait for this ._. Update soon please!!!!
AnnOneKnight #8
Chapter 9: Update soon pleasee!!
cipluk #9
Chapter 9: i loooooooooooovvvveeeeeee thus chapter and i have fun too read this one , really !!
Chapter 9: aaaahh i love this story please finish this story /on my knees/