Finding the light~

Your Love Is Off The Chain
That night, Baekhyun went to his bed, feeling depressed after he stormed out of Junmyun's house.
He was distracted, mind full of thoughts but body all wasted. Besides, he had this terrible headache due to lack of sleep. He felt slightly guilty right after he left like that, his plan to tell Junmyun was totally ruined.
He would never guess that Junmyun will be back out of no where so it wasn't like he was ready for this situation.
The following days were hard for Baekhyun. He literally couldn't focus much on anything.
At the vocal class, he couldn't reach to any high note or even half of it. Not to mention his throat hurt so much for the past few days due to practicing and practicing over again so no matter who much he tried, it never came out well. He could see the disappointment look on the teacher's face.
Kyungsoo looked at him in surprise. Baekhyun was fast at learning the technics, what was wrong? He wondered if he should ask but seeing how tired Baekhyun looked like lately, he assumed maybe he was having some bad day and all so just he tried to practice the notes with him instead of asking.
Baekhyun couldn't remember the steps either as he was supposed to practice them, getting confused in the middle of doing some moves, earning looks from his trainer. After several mistakes, his trainer finally stopped him, letting him to have a break.
"Dammit!" He let out a sigh as the trainer left the room. He was obviously tired and lack of sleep was so getting into him. He then turned around to look at the large mirror as usual, trying to fix his hair which had covered his eyes. He took a deep breath.
He needed to talk to Junmyun because he couldn't ignore him forever but each time he wanted to try texting or calling Junmyun, he was half nervous and half afraid so in the end, he would stop whatever he was suppoed to do. 
He laid on the hard floor, hands folded under his head, facing the ceiling. "What do I do? I can't continue like this!"
He heard a cough. When he turned his head, he saw Yixing coming inside. The same friendly smile. He tried to smiled back.
"You don't seem in mood these days!" Yixing sat next to him, putting his bag in front of his legs. 
"It's nothing!" Baekhyun's voice cracked. Yixing noticed the look on Baekhyun's face.
"You know . . . If you need someone to talk with, you can count on me!"
"Thanks. You have already helped me a lot! I always bother you with steps." Yixing shook his head.
"I told you not to mention this again. Besides, it's me who wants to practice with you. So yeah!" 
"I think . . . I can't debut if I continue messing up like this!" Baekhyun sighed, depressed by the thought.
"What is it? Do you have any problem in learning things?"
"No! It's not that. I-  . . . Lately, I had an argue with my best friend over me being a trainee! We are not in speaking terms for awhile." He sighed.
"What did you guys argue over?"
"He is against me becoming a singer!"
"Ohh!" Yixing paused. "And his reasons for objecting?"
"He doesn't believe in me! No matter how much I tried to convince him! He thinks I'm wasting my time, my freedom, my privacy . . . " Baekhyun stopped, remembering Junmyun's words.
"I see . . . You have a very concerned friend! Maybe he is just that worried about you!"
"But he doesn't even try to understand me! He never acknowledged my talent either." Baekhyun pouted. "I have not talked to him after that argue!"
"Hey! Don't be sad. He would eventually accept what you have decided to do! In case, he is mature enough though!"
"Junmyunnie hyung have always been so caring and supportive through these years. I feel bad for lying and hiding this from him the whole time. I made him disappointed."
"I'm sure he will understand then. Just stop ignoring him. It will only make you hurt more. I can say you aren't focused these days." Yixing said in a concerned tone. 
For some reason, his tone was exactly like the way Junmyun would talk to him whenever he had any problem. Soft yet worried.
"Let's practice from the start! Let's show your friend what you have got!" Yixing suggested and Baekhyun nodded while grabbing Yixing's hand he had offered half way. They both smiled and started to practice.
Sehun came several minutes later, with some extra food that he bought with himself. They stopped practicing for awhile and ate together with Sehun while he was talking about his classmates who were making fun of him that he won't ever debut. He didn't seem to take them seriously but deep inside he was hurt and disappointed even if he didn't show much.
But once Sehun stopped talking, Yixing started to compliment him, saying that he has improved a lot since last year. Although there is no official statement but Yixing knew Sehun would debut sooner or later. Sehun wished so. He was under so much stress already. Three years weren't just short amount of time for someone to be a trainee.
The two of them continued practicing when Sehun left. Yixing tried to correct Baekhyun whenever there was a problem. Calmly and patiently.
Baekhyun was thankful by the fact that he has got to met someone like Yixing who was willing to take his time guiding him with the moves.
Once the practice finished, they both went to locker room already in sweat. When Baekhyun reached to his locker, he uttered a big "Not again!" which earned attention from Yixing.
"What's wrong?" Yixing asked. Baekhyun showed him the note while leaning back on the locker's side, sighing.
Don't be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone!
"Hmmm .... " Yixing looked at the note again. He blinked slightly, smelling the paper.
"Hey, the smell is like  . . . I haven't noticed this before . . . It's something special!"
"Yeah! I noticed that all of the notes have the same smell. Definitely sent by one person."
"Have you got any idea who could it be yet?" Yixing asked, carefully.
"Not really. I told you. I don't know who could it be . . . There is no name nor any sign that I could even guess." Yixing nodded slowly.
"So what are you going to do? Reporting to someone here?"
"Huh? Hmm .... I don't think it's that much of big deal! I'm just curious to know who is the one behind this!" Baekhyun looked at the note again.
"Hey . . . I really should go . . . Bus!" Yixing smilled brightly.
"Ok. Thanks for today. See you!" Baekhyun waved goodbye and soon he was all alone in the locker room.
He read the note again. "Maybe someone . . . whom I know . . . is doing this!" Baekhyun pushed the thought to the back of his head as he saw Jongin coming inside. He turned around to face his own locker, silently changing.
Jongin gave him a look while putting a clean shirt on. He has been seeing Baekhyun for awhile now but both had no formal greeting with each other so he thought it's a good chance to do so. He stepped forward and approached Baekhyun calmly. 
"You are Baekhyun, right?" Jongin said as he folded his arms, giving Baekhyun a look from head to toe.
"Yes! I'm Byun Baekhyun!" Baekhyun bowed his head slightly.
"I see . . . Kim jongin!" He offered a hand to Baekhyun.
"Yeah! I have heard a lot about you!" Baekhyun shook hands with him, showing a shy smile.
"Oh really?" Jongin looked straight into Baekhyun's eyes.
"Sure! Yixing  and Sehun have said good things about you!"
"Uh-huh!" Jongin let out a laugh suddenly. "They are friends whom I know for three years now!" Baekhyun nodded.
"Umm . . . The other day, I heard about you from Kyungsoo! Are you guys going to be a due?" 
Baekhyun opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Earlier he received a long speech from his vocal trainer saying he should prove himself else he might not have any chance.
"I'm . . . I'm trying my best." He coughed a little, looking at the locker.
'I see . . . Keep on the good job! Sorry, I should get ready so . . . ummm see you around?" Baekhyun nodded, smiling. Joingin gave him one last look before leaving the locker room. 
Several days later, Baekhyun was walking towards the hall at SM building. His vocal class had ended so he was free till his next class. On his way, he was putting his earphones when he bumped into someone. Looking straight t see who was the person, he saw a familiar face!
"What- what are you doing here, Hyung?" Baekhyun said as soon as he took off his earphones, surprised.
"I came here to talk with you! Are you . . . free . . . now?" Junmyun rubbed his neck, looking nervous.
"There is . . .  a coffe shop on the way! Shall we go there?" Baekhyun offered.
"Great! Let's go there then." Baekhyun nodded, guiding Junmyun out while putting his hoodie on. Junmyun himself was wearing a cap with a hoodie on and black sweatpants. 
They tried to pass a horde of fangirls who were "standby" near SM building like every other day, trying to ignore the curious looks. Some took pictures, some tried to ask Baekhyun questions but he ignored them as much as possible.
They entered the coffe shop which was a street way from SM building, almost empty. 
Baekhyun seemed nervous but he tried to hide it by smiling once they both sat down. Junmyun's face wasn't revealed much specially his eyes that were hardly noticable.
"You have your fans already!" Junmyun said suddenly, laughing.
"Not really! There are always around. Even the first day I came, there was already a crowd of them." Junmyun nodded slightly, shifting on his chair.
"How is everything there?" 
"Fine I guess?! Just practicing and practicing. Improving my vocals and other stuff." Baekhyun paused. "Umm ... You wanted to talk to me?" He looked at Junmyun.
"Yeah! I . . . decided to stop this cold treatment since it's useless anyway!" Baekhyun nodded, sighing.
"Took you awhile! I thought you don't wanna talk to me anymore!"
"Alright! I was mostly mad because I got surprised once I heard this from Auntie!"
"Okay! You have the right to be mad! I know I should have said way earlier but really . . . You were busy taking care of Auntie, the least I could do was to not bring any unnecessary thing that makes you more worried!"
"You are a part of my family, Baekhyun!" Baekhyun cringed by the words, swallowing.
"I know!" Baekhyun said in a lower tone, looking at the table. 
"Silly! Are we good now?" Junmyun said, a smile appearing on his face. Baekhyun looked up. "Of course!" He smiled. Junmyun even laughed, feeling relieved.
They ordered bubble tea and Baekhyun started to talk about how he got accepted, his daily activities, people he met and more. Junmyun could only smile, sometimes throwing jokes and sarcastic remarks! Baekhyun laughed at everything Junmyun was saying although some were lame anyway.
After they said goodbye, Baekhyun felt much better compare to days ago. He wasn't sad anymore and all of his worries seem to disappear. He found Kyungsoo on his way so the two started to have a conversation before the next class starts.
He and Kyungsoo were asked to meet a manager at the practice room that evening.
The two looked at each other already nervous, following the manager in silence . They entered a room, head facing the floor. Questions popping up on their mind as they were waiting to hear what the manager has to say.
"Do Kyungsoo and Byun Baekhyun!" The manager spoke up. The two looked up, wondering what the manager wanted to say.
"After checking your results earlier today . . . It was finally decided that you two are going to debut in two months."
"Excuse me!?" Kyungsoo asked, half shocked with his eyes wide open.
"You two are going to debut soon." The manager smiled, repeating the same thing.
"Oh. My. God!" Baekhyun said, face shocked as he looked at the manager and then Kyungsoo.
"You are going to join the debut team, practicing for two months. I already gathered dance team since we need three back-up dancers as well."
"May I ask who are the three back-up dancers?" Baekhyun asked suddenly but then held his mouth in embarrassment.
"Of course. You guys will be spending your time practicing with them from now on." The manager then looked through his papers, checking something.
Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo with this I-don't-believe-what-I'm hearing look. He smiled after he saw Kyungsoo smiling widely.
"Umm, so the final line-up  . . . Jongin, Sehun . . . and . . . Yixing!" The manager nodded as he looked at them.
"Wow! They finally made it!" Kyungsoo said, happily. Baekhyun couldn't hide his smile, feeling so happy for the three of them, specially Yixing and Sehun. Their hard-working was finally acknowleged. 
"You guys can now join them in another practice room, If you need anything to ask just tell me." They both nodded. "Ok now, I must go and report. See you later."
"Manager-nim thank you!" Kyungsoo said almost immediately. Baekhyun nodded as well, bowing.
The two of them screamed as soon as the Manager left the place, dancing around like a crazy kid who has lost his mind. Kyungsoo hugged Baekhyun slightly. "I'm so happy to debut with you!" He said in delight.
Baekhyun blushed, face becoming alittle red. "Same here! I'm so happy today. Let's join them now!" Kyungsoo nodded non-stop, together they walked towards the other dance practice room.
And Baekhyun couldn't wait to see Junmyun that night, telling him the good news!
[A/N] Hello ^^ Chapter three is up. :) Well, this is just the beginning . . . Soon, Baekhyun will debut and things become even more complicated while he tries to find out the owner of mysterious notes and other things  . . . Ok, I'll stop here. *^-^* Will be updating the next chapter as soon as possible . . .
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Chapter 14: Thumbs up !! Author niim ;) gosh.. this is really amaziing. I really like the plot ^^,
jackie_06 #3
Chapter 14: Waaah!! this is awesome!! I have to say that if Krisho have the best fluffy fics, Subaek have the best angsty fics. Pls. write more Subaek, Subaek deserves a lot of love!! ♥
ruined_rain #4
Chapter 14: surprise . hahahhahahaha

why is baekhyun topping???? meh.

good story author-nim.
ruined_rain #5
Chapter 13: O.M.G.

Chapter 12: Happy Ending! Happy Ending! Happy Ending!! XD Update please
ruined_rain #7
Chapter 12: OMG, IDK what to do...
this is very exciting...
ruined_rain #8
Chapter 11: What just happened?
baekki3424 #9
Chapter 10: Is that Kyungsoo who gave all the letters? O.o I'm curious~
Chapter 9: Omo.... SuChen love.....