Just Too Cute : Zelo

Two Moons, One Shot: A OneShot Request Shop


Klink! The metallic object sounded as it made contact with the flying item coming towards me. I watched it fly away into the distance.


“HOMERUN!” I heard someone shout in the background, as I lightly jogged from base to base.


I’ve never been much of a girly girl. Growing up in an all male house can do that to you. I’ve had to stand up to my older brothers and in doing so, I earned myself a tough reputation. People expect me to be this strong girl, some people don’t enough look at me as a girl. Not that I mind, I don’t mind at all. But sometimes, I wish someone would look past that.


Because of this expectation, I’m afraid to let people see the real me. Underneath it all, I’m not a girly girl, however, I have an unexplainable love of cute things, and I’m too afraid to let others know about it. I don’t just hide it from some people. I hide it from everyone. If my brothers found out, they would just make fun of me and never let me live it down. My dad might have a heart attack. He was worried about having a daughter, but a daughter like me is ok, I don’t stress him out like a lot of young girls these days would have. However, I sometimes wish someone would accept it.




The softball game ended shortly after. Of course my team won. I was that sporty girl, the girl who hung out with guys, who was one of the guys. And just like I would do after every game, I would go out with my guy friends and just stuff my face with food.


I went out with my best guy friends, Zelo and Jongup. Along with them came their hyungs, Youngjae, Daehyun, Himchan, and Yongguk. It was always fun and never dull with these guys. Zelo and I had been friends since we were little and Jongup was in the same class as me.


As we walked towards the nearest restaurant, I couldn’t help but glance at the pink, frilly shop as we past it. I bit my lip as my eyes darted towards it. There was an adorable, fluffy teddy bear, dressed like a princess sitting near a mini tea set. It was so adorable I wanted to cry out. However, I contained myself. I had to. All I could do was bite my lip and hold my tongue as we pasted, forcing myself to never look back.


Zelo looked at me as I bit down on my lip.


“Are you ok?” He asked.


“Huh?” I questioned. I freed my lip from my teeth only to feel the iron taste that could only come from drawing blood.


“Are you ok?” He stopped walking and took a step closer to me brushing my lip with his finger. “You’re lip is bleeding.”


“Oh!” I quickly checked with my thumb and saw the red liquid stain my skin. “I guess I’m so hungry I tried to eat my lip.” I laughed it off with a lie.


“Well, we better be getting you some food then!” He gave me a goofy grin before the taller boy patted my head with his hand, and tousled my already messy hair.


I chuckled at the touch and smiled. At that moment, with one look, Zelo and I knew what to do next. In a blink of an eye, we were racing down the street to see who would get to the restaurant first.


Of course, we got there at the same time, but being the young kids we are, we had to bicker who was the true winner. I wasn’t going to back down until he agreed I was the winner.


As we began to shout at each other, Jongup and the other older guys walked in.


“Haha!” I heard Yongguk’s deep voice chortle. “Quit squabbling like a married couple you two.” He looked at Zelo and I before shaking his head.


“Yongguk!” Himchan began to nag, “They’re too young to get married. Don’t encourage them.” He playful went along.


I blushed at the comments but said nothing. I could tell Zelo was blushing too, however, he argued back.


“HEY!” He shouted, “We’re not like a married couple. Who would want to marry her, let alone date her?” He pouted.


“Hey!” I shouted at him for the comment before, punching him in the arm.


“See what I mean?” Zelo pointed at me, with his finger in front of my face. I bit it.

“OW!” He whined. 


“Ok you two, get a room, because I wanna eat!” Daehyun pushed his way to a table, separating Zelo and I along the way.


“I WOULD NEVER…” Zelo and I both began at the same time as we pointed at one another creating the perfect mirror. After the motion we both paused and looked at one another.


“You were saying.” Youngjae chuckled as he followed after Daehyun.


I looked at Zelo for a bit and blinked a couple times before moving with a huff. “Who would like someone like you?” I stuck my tongue out him and found a place to sit.


“It’s because I’m too cute for you.” Zelo smirked as he found a place to sit and we began to eat. All the while, Zelo had no idea how true that statement was.




The next day came. And as usual, I got myself prepared for my next game, just before Zelo and Jongup would come to pick me up. I packed my different articles of clothing and a change of clothes for after the game. I packed my bat and mitt before looking around my bedroom.


At first glance, it looked like a normal bedroom, but I knew all its secrets. Hidden in the closet, under the bed, and other places were my prized possessions. I walked to my bed and stuck my hand under my pillow, pulling out small, stuffed, light blue bunny. It was my lucky charm and gave me confidence whenever I was afraid or nervous. And like I would do before Zelo and Jongup showed up, I held it in my arms and hugged it. I smiled at its cuteness. I giggled at its expression, though it was no different from the day before. Oh, how I wanted to squeal, but again I held it in. I couldn’t let my father hear me.


Seconds later there was a loud knock on the door. I jumped off my bed and shoveled the stuffed bunny away from shock. I was caught off guard and didn’t expect them to be here so soon.


Outside my room, I could hear my father greeting Zelo.


“Hello, Zelo!” I heard the deep voice of my father speak. “Where’s Jongup?”


“Hello Mr. Kim. Jongup wasn’t feeling well today, so he stayed home. Is Soo Ri in her room?” I heard Zelo explain.


“Yes, she is. She should be already, go ahead and get her.” My father gave him permission.


A few seconds later, I heard Zelo’s feet thump across the hall and inch closer to my room before the door burst open.


“SOO RI!” He shouted.


I had fallen over from the shock. I wasn’t prepared for Zelo to enter so quickly. And luckily for me, there was nothing I needed to hide.


“HEY!” I shouted with anger, “Shouldn’t you knock first? Where are your manners? This is a girl’s room.” I pouted.


Zelo laughed awkwardly before rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “Haha… Sorry, I forgot.”


I frowned.


“Anyways, it’s ok cause I didn’t see anything.” He smiled at me. “Come on! Let’s go.” He walked up to me and grabbed my wrist to pull me out of my room. However, he stopped abruptly as something caught his eye.


“What’s this?” He asked as he dropped my wrist. He leaned towards my bed close to my pillow and pulled out my lucky charm.


“That’ mine!” I shrieked as I tried to grab it back from him. Zelo quickly raised it above his head to a point I could never reach no matter how hard I tried or jumped. “Give it back!” I cried.


Zelo just smirked, “Is this a stuffed animal?” He examined it in the air. “It is! Soo Ri likes stuff animals.” He exclaimed.


“Stop it!” I cried again.


“Haha,” He laughed, “I really thought you didn’t have a single female bone in your body. But this,” He waved the stuffed bunny, “This is really something.”


I frowned and began to tear up. “SHUT UP!” I yelled at him, “I know I’m not a girly girl. I know no one thinks of me as a girl. But give that back it’s important to me!” I began to feel the tears spill over.


Zelo looked at me for a moment before his hands fell to his side. “Soo Ri?” He questioned.


“Shut up and give it back!” I cried.


Zelo opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when no words came out. He slowly handed me the doll before pressing his lips together. “I’m sorry. Are you ok?” He asked softly.


I looked away.


“Soo Ri?” He called my name. “There’s no need to be childish.”


“You’re one to talk!” I stuck my tongue out at him.


He lightly laughed. “You’re right. But I’m not the one hiding the fact that I like stuffed animals still.”


I looked away still upset.


“Soo Ri!” His hand touched my face. I looked away more. “Look at me!”


“NO!” I shouted. I whacked his hand away dramatically.


“That hurt!” He whined, grabbing my wrist.


It made me look at him. I glared at him as he stared with dark eyes back at me.


“I’m sorry, ok?” He tried to convince me.


“No!” I tried to struggle out of his grip only to fall back unto my bed with him on top of me.


I looked up at him for a few moments and he looked back at me. I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.


“You know?” Zelo began to speak as he continued to look down at me. “In this position, you actually do look like a girl.” He smirked.


My eyes widen at the comment. “GET OFF OF ME!” I tried to push him off of me, however, he just pushed me back down.


“Soo Ri… I…. You know…” He struggled with his words as he looked down at me. He looked at me with such serious eyes I couldn’t look away, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move. “Soo Ri…” He said my name again before giving up on whatever he was trying to say and leaned in closer.


Seconds later, I felt something warm and soft caressing my lips. My eyes opened wide as I realized what happened. I struggle for a moment processing what I should do next. But Zelo just held me there and as I grew comfortable, my eyes slowly began to close and I felt myself lean into him, returning the kiss.


It didn’t last much longer. Zelo pulled away quickly and made as much space as he possibly could between us.


“Soo Ri… I didn’t mean to…” He tired to get his words out again. “What I mean is…. I didn’t mean to.”


I sat up on my bed and touched my lips with my fingertips.  “It’s… It’s ok, Zelo.” I tried to comfort him.


“But I didn’t mean to…” He tried to explain again.


“I understand. You didn’t see me as a girl. And for a moment I seemed like a girl. It’s natural for a boy your age.” I tried to comfort him, while trying not to make myself feel to bad.


“N-n-no! That’s not what I meant. I mean.” We were both confused. “What I mean is…” He paused a moment. I gestured for him to continue. “I LIKE YOU!” He shouted. He quickly covered his mouth with his hands after his confession.


I couldn’t help but giggle at him. “Well, You never guess what?” I looked at him.


“What?” He asked shyly.


“I like you, too. You’re just too cute not to like.”


Thank You, YYS_SILVER, For requesting!!! I hope you enjoyed it! If it's not want you wanted I can always try and write it again for you :D 


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I would like to request one ^^

Username: MyHeaven
Member(s): Lay, OC and Kris (no OTP)
Person: 1st, from "my" point of view.
Theme/Genre: Romance(?), slight angst
OC name: Song Hana
Scenario: When OC meets her ex, Lay after a couple of years. She has a new boyfriend, Kris, but Lay still wants her back (dam dam DAAAAM)
Extras: I would love if you listened to Boys of Summer by Don Henley and use it as an inspiration(you don't have to)
Also I don't care about who she choses, make it a surprise. ^^
Chapter 6: Just read it^^
It is soooooooo cute.
Not what I've expected but you managed to make me smile giddly..
Thank you author-nim
mangasanji12 #3
i really like your reaaly like your sto-o-ries!!!!!!!!
Hello! i finally got a free time :)
Finally requesting :)

Username: Kpoplover_suah

Member(s): Luhan - Exo-M

Person: Author's choice

Theme/Genre: Gangs, Romance and dark

If OC, Character Name: Sukyung (shes an ulzzang)

Scenario: Sukyung is in a gang and Luhan is too. One day Luhan was wounded and Sukyung saw her and she treated him and they hanged out secretly and little by little love bloomed :)

Extra: Lol thankyou in advance ^^
I request again!!! ^^

Username: crazedpandalover

Person: First Person

Member: Luhan

Theme: angst/romance

OC: Min Hee

Scenario: When Luhan comes back to see Min Hee after a tour for Exo. Min Hee was hanging out with one of her guy friends when he comes into her apartment. He thinks that she was cheating and they start to argue, then he hits her making her get super angry which then he realized what he did as he's being pushed out of the apartment. He then does whatever he can to apologize until he finds out he's too late.
mangasanji12 #6
can I request another one???

Members: Kris (EXO-M)
Person: First Person
theme: romance, again pwease +.+
OC: Moë
scenario: Kris is the leader of the basketball club in his school. He's always being tough and hardly opens up to people. but when he falls in love with a transfer student who speaks dutch, he tries everything to tell her how much he loves her. The bullied girl ends up as his only girlfriend while he was a total player before she came to his school. She's becoming rather popular and get's close to another guy called Mathias, Kris gets jaleous as he's thinking that they have something...
Username: YYS_SILVER
Members: Zelo (BAP)
Person: First Person
OC: Soo Ri
Scenario: Soo ri likes cute things and Zelo also but her ego is too high which she will not admit it. Even her liking of cute things, she managed to hide it and keep it a secret. But, one day, she was caught by Zelo himself when her nose was bleeding while she was looking at cute things at a shop.
Extra : A naughty Zelo traps An Egoistic girl :D
Chapter 5: I'm dead...I'm thorry... so flipping adorbs oh my god... I love this... great work!!! ^^
mangasanji12 #9

Members: Kris (EXO-M), Joon (MBLAQ), GD (BIGBANG), Lu Han (EXO-M) and Sehun (EXO-K)

Person: 3rd person

Theme: boyxboy please~ n.n

Scenario: Luhan and Sehun of the school St. Lucas are going on a trip to Japan with their class. Since a long time ago Lu Han and Sehun are a couple, but when they meet Kris on the trip, a handsome, older man with a good job, Sehun falls in love with him. He and Kris do alot of fun things togheter and are being total badasses. Luhan doesn't know what to do anymore and desperate to get Sehun back, he asks his 2 best friends, Joon and GD to help him out. They get a nice plan and work it out....

Umm... hihi I don't know if you will accept my extra characters, but i hope you do!
I aactually don't care who wins Sehun in the end... it would me nice if it's a surprise
And, I know it's selfish, but I would like to request not to make Kris a total 'bad' guy -staring with pleading eyes-
thank youuuuu!!