Get Use To It : Baekhyun

Two Moons, One Shot: A OneShot Request Shop

‘Great’ I thought with venom as I walked towards the grounds of my new school. I pulled at my tie that was around my neck. It was too stuffy just like everything else around here. I glared at anyone who looked at me. I need to set up my dominance the minute I got here or people would take me lightly, and that was one thing I wasn’t.


In my old school, I ruled the halls. Everyone knew my word was law. I had the brains to out think anyone, the power to crush those who stood in my way, and the gang who swore their complete loyalty. I needed nothing else. But here I started a new. And I knew from the first day, everyone needed to know my name.


I walked into the school casually, not minding that with my relaxed nature, I would end up late. I strolled into the room, as the teacher announced the curriculum for the day.


“Oh!” She exaggerated as I walked in. “You must be Baekhyun. Did you get lost?” She referred to my lateness.


“No. I didn’t get lost.” I explained.


She simply smiled at me before looking around at the class. “Alright class, before we start our day, I’d like to introduce you to our new Student, Byun Baekhyun. Now is there anyone interested in helping him around?”


She looked around the classroom. I knew I had to do something. I glared at the class, drifting from eye to eye making sure that no one got the idea to come near me. It seemed to scare off most of the class, besides the few that made no eye contact what so ever.


“Alright, I guess no one wants to show Baekhyun around.” The teacher stated.


I smiled to myself, ‘At least I don’t have to deal with these annoying kids.’


“Since no one wants to volunteer,” The teacher continued, “I’ll choose for you.”


My smile fell as I saw her glance around the room. “Mhmmm…” She hummed to herself, bringing a finger to her lips, “Who should I pick?” She asked. Everyone in the class quickly darted their eyes, hoping that if they didn’t make contact she wouldn’t choose them.


As she scanned the room her eyes fell prey on a young girl, doodling in her notebook. “Hediko!” She addressed.


The girl’s head shot up. Her eyes on full alert. “Yes?” She asked the teacher.


“Did you know class is about to start?” She asked the girl.


“Of course, I was just preparing my notes.” She was lying, I could tell.


“Then you wouldn’t mind sharing your notes with Baekhyun would you?” The teacher asked.


The girl looked around the room trying to figure out who the teacher was talking about. Her friend next to her pointed at me from under her desk. She glanced at me. “I guess not.” She frowned.


“Perfect!” The teacher cheered, “Hediko, you’ll show Baekhyun around and help him catch up with the school system for the next month. Be friendly you two.” She smiled and clapped her hands before turning back to the board.


“W-W-wait!” The girl cried, “I only agreed to share my notes.”


The teacher chuckled, “It’s alright. Just help him around the school, it’s only for a month. Introduce him to some of your friends. It’s tough being the new student.” Hediko frowned but couldn’t argue. “Oh!” She looked at me again, “Take a seat where ever is free.” I did as I was told and found a seat in the back and continued to glare at the other students for the rest of the class. No one would dare to bother me now.


When class was let out, I stood up quickly pushing my way out of the room quickly. Everyone moved aside not wanting to feel my wrath. As I walked into the hall, I calmed my pace. I placed my hands in my pockets and strolled around with my head held high. I knew I was getting looks. How could the girl’s not fall for my charms and the boys would soon know of my strength.


As I continued to walk, I couldn’t help but notice a presence near me. I looked to my side and saw the girl from before.


“Look!” She started, “I made plans with my friends. So can I just show you to the library or cafeteria and be done with this today. It’s a real problem for me.”


I stared at her in disbelief. She had no right to talk to me that way. At this right, with her by my side, no one would fear me. “I don’t need you. Do whatever you want.” I brushed her away.


She frowned, “I wish I could, but if the teacher sees I didn’t do what was asked of me, I’ll be in trouble. So don’t make things difficult for me.” She ordered.


I stopped and looked at her, “I don’t think you realize who I am little girl.”


“Little girl?” She repeated, “What are you five coming up with an insult like that? Seriously though I have plans.”


I smirked at her, “Why don’t you just take me with you? I’m such I’m far more interesting than your plans.”


She sighed, “Fine whatever.” She rolled her eyes and walked towards the back of the school.


When we got there, a group of people hung around a small wooden table eating their lunch and chatting.


“Hey guys!” Hediko greeted.


“Hey!” They greeted more enthusiastically, “Who’s your new friend?” They joked as the pointed at me.


“He’s just some new kid I have to babysit.” She sat down and pulled out her lunch.


“Babysit?” I hovered behind her, “Is that what you call it?”


“Well, apparently you’re too stupid to be by yourself so I don’t know what else to call it.” She replied.


I felt the heat rise in my checks. I cracked my knuckles behind her, thinking of crushing her skull.


“Only bullies who are too stupid to overcome their insecurities use violence.” She stated calmly unafraid of my actions. One of her male friends laughed.


I glared at him, he quickly shut up. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not like that.” I moved my face closer to hers.


“Go away,” She pushed my face with her hands, “Your breath smells.”


I grabbed her hand roughly and pulled her out of her seat, “Don’t touch me like that again. Or else.” I warned her.


She wasn’t afraid, but she realized that she might have, for a moment, gone to far. “Fine!” She huffed pulling out of my grip and taking a seat again.


It was quiet for a while. No one spoke. Everyone seemed to be afraid of what I might to if I was pushed to much. The only one who didn’t seem to care was Hediko.



The week proceed the same way. I was able to make most of the school fear me, but Hediko stuck to my side glue and constantly deflated my ego at any chance she got. There were times, when she would actually make other people believe I wasn’t as scary as I looked. When that happened, we would bicker and argue more. It was so annoying. Having her by my side was more like a thorn than anything else. She was constantly poking at me, as if she thought I was that stereotypical bully. It was more annoying to have her near me, but I needed her there, at least until the month was up and we both knew it.


As the last week came into view. I did something, in Hediko’s terms that was unforgivable. When she went to go get her lunch, I sat with her friends where they would normally eat lunch. I sat quietly glaring as they continued their talking. I guess after 3 weeks they just got use to my presence. As they talked, I couldn’t help but over hear them.


“Hediko can be so stupid sometimes.” One of her girl friends stated.


“I know. Like today, she wasn’t even paying attention in class and when the teacher asked her a question she answered ’24.’” She paused a moment, “We were in English class.”


The group laughed. “She can’t even tell when a guy likes her. Poor Daejung has been trying to get her attention since middle school.” One of the girls referred to one of the guys in the group. He could only blush.


“Maybe she just pretends not to notice. Maybe she already friendzoned him.” I stated in a dull tone.


“I don’t think you have a right to talk about her. You don’t even know her.” One of the girls shot at me.


“And I don’t think you have a right to call her a friend, talking about her behind her back like that.” I insulted.


“You have no right to talk. You’re just a bully.” Daejung spoke up.


“And your just a coward. You can’t even stand up to your friends who talk poorly about the girl you like. Do you even like her or is it just convenient?” I questioned with a harsh stare.


“You don’t know anything.” He stated.


“I know how to be more of a man than you. If I like a girl I would confess. If someone talks poorly about my friend behind their back I’d shut them up. But what do you do? Cower? Pretend not to hear? Agree for the sack of keeping friends? You’re worse than I’ll ever be.” I ended my speech.


“I’m a coward?” Daejung spoke again, “Says the bully who has no friends.” He smirked. “Maybe you’re too afraid to make friends or maybe you don’t even have a heart.”


I don’t remember what happened next. All I remember was a fight broke out. I was covered in blood, but it wasn’t mine. Daejung crumbled to the ground and moments later Hediko returned screaming and yelling. She was pushing and kicking me off her so called friend. She blamed me for everything and said I was the worst. It hurt, but I was more annoyed that she didn’t even bother to hear my side of the story. Soon there was nothing left to do but leave. And so I did.




The last week pasted with an eerie quietness. When Hediko did speak to me, her words where harsher than normal. It wasn’t her playful comment that would deflate my ego, they sounded hateful. She couldn’t wait for this to end. However, I wasn’t sure how I felt. I was still angry at her. I stood up for her and this is how she treats me. But at the same time, every comment she made, made me feel guilty, it made me feel like I might have actually done something wrong. But I didn’t, I did what her friends and what the boy who calls her 'his crush' should have done. That’s what a real friend would do, what my old friends would do. But maybe she didn’t mind it. I wasn’t sure what to think, I just wanted her to be to how she used to be with me. I would purposefully set myself up for some of her witty comments but none came. Her silence killed me inside and made things worse. All I could to was grid my teeth and bare it. That was until the end of the week came.




When the month finally passed, Hediko quit any contact with me. The only time I saw her was in the classroom. When I gazed at her, she would look away with an immature huff. Her friends would glare at me when I looked at her. I could only image what they told her. If she wanted fake friendships, she got it. There was nothing I could do. However, thinking about it made me feel lonely. I wanted her next to me. I wanted to show her what it meant to have a real friend, but there she continued to believe her ‘friends’ and there was nothing I could do.




As a week without contact with her passed, I couldn’t handle it anymore. I needed her near me again. I wasn’t sure what came over me. But I worried about her, I missed her, I needed someone to keep my ego in check, I needed her.


I began to look for her. Since the fight broke out, Hediko and her friends went to find a new place to eat lunch. I guess it was to avoid me. I searched the school looking for them. And I found them.


Outside the school, they were seated in the grass near the alley of the school building. I watched her friends again, only to notice she wasn’t there. I walked closer to them again and listened into their conversation. There they went again, talking about Hediko behind her back. I wondered if they did this to all their friends or just her. As I watched them, I couldn’t help but notice a small movement in the corner of my eye. It was Hediko. She just stood there. She bit her lip as she listened. I could tell she was hurt, but after a moment she regained her composure and headed into view.


“Hey guys!” I saw her wave and continued to act like she knew nothing.


My heart ached at the scene. I wanted to reach out and help her, but I couldn’t move. I just stood there and watched with a heavy heart.


When the day ended, I saw her leaving the campus. She was alone. And like any 'normal' person would do, I decided to follow her. I stalked behind her, keeping an eye on her. She looked down. She still seemed upset, and it made me want to do something for her.


I followed her for a while until she finally took notice of me. After a few more minutes she realized I was following.


“HEY!” She shouted at me. “If you’re trying to steal my lunch money I don’t have any!”


I chuckled at her. “I don’t want your petty lunch money.”


She grumbled. “Then go away!”


“No!” I shouted back at her. I got closer to her, enough to almost be side by side.


“I said go away!”


I laughed.


“Gosh! You’re so annoying!” She insulted me.


“You’re one to talk. Thinking you’re all that, that you’re smart enough to over come a ‘bully.’” I paused a minute before mimicking her. “Gosh! You’re so annoying!”


“I know that already.” She pushed me, “No go away.”


I pressed my lips together and grabbed her with both arms pulling her close to my chest. “I miss you annoying me.”


She huffed and pushed my arms away. “Oh really?”


“I guess knowing I wouldn’t be able to find anyone more annoying than you made me miss you.” I confessed.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” She grumbled. Again I laughed.


“Why don’t you keep annoying me? Maybe you’ll find out.” I smirked at her.


Her eyebrow cocked up. She smiled a lightly, “Well, it’s your own fault if you can’t handle it.”

I just smiled with her and ruffled her hair, “Then you can’t leave my side and annoy anyone else, got it?”


“What about my friends?” She questioned.


“You don’t need them. People who talk about you behind your back aren’t worth it. I promise I’ll always talk about you in front of your back.” I grinned at her.


She pushed me. “But you only say mean things. You’re such a bully.”


“As long as it keeps you around.” I couldn’t help but chuckle. She returned with a giggle.


“I guess I’ll just have to get use to it.” She replied.


“Just like I had to get use to you.” I stuck my tongue out at her as we continued to walk away.


Thank you KpopRebel! For requesting!!! I hope you enjoyed your oneshot. 


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YYS_SILVER Request Completed!


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I would like to request one ^^

Username: MyHeaven
Member(s): Lay, OC and Kris (no OTP)
Person: 1st, from "my" point of view.
Theme/Genre: Romance(?), slight angst
OC name: Song Hana
Scenario: When OC meets her ex, Lay after a couple of years. She has a new boyfriend, Kris, but Lay still wants her back (dam dam DAAAAM)
Extras: I would love if you listened to Boys of Summer by Don Henley and use it as an inspiration(you don't have to)
Also I don't care about who she choses, make it a surprise. ^^
Chapter 6: Just read it^^
It is soooooooo cute.
Not what I've expected but you managed to make me smile giddly..
Thank you author-nim
mangasanji12 #3
i really like your reaaly like your sto-o-ries!!!!!!!!
Hello! i finally got a free time :)
Finally requesting :)

Username: Kpoplover_suah

Member(s): Luhan - Exo-M

Person: Author's choice

Theme/Genre: Gangs, Romance and dark

If OC, Character Name: Sukyung (shes an ulzzang)

Scenario: Sukyung is in a gang and Luhan is too. One day Luhan was wounded and Sukyung saw her and she treated him and they hanged out secretly and little by little love bloomed :)

Extra: Lol thankyou in advance ^^
I request again!!! ^^

Username: crazedpandalover

Person: First Person

Member: Luhan

Theme: angst/romance

OC: Min Hee

Scenario: When Luhan comes back to see Min Hee after a tour for Exo. Min Hee was hanging out with one of her guy friends when he comes into her apartment. He thinks that she was cheating and they start to argue, then he hits her making her get super angry which then he realized what he did as he's being pushed out of the apartment. He then does whatever he can to apologize until he finds out he's too late.
mangasanji12 #6
can I request another one???

Members: Kris (EXO-M)
Person: First Person
theme: romance, again pwease +.+
OC: Moë
scenario: Kris is the leader of the basketball club in his school. He's always being tough and hardly opens up to people. but when he falls in love with a transfer student who speaks dutch, he tries everything to tell her how much he loves her. The bullied girl ends up as his only girlfriend while he was a total player before she came to his school. She's becoming rather popular and get's close to another guy called Mathias, Kris gets jaleous as he's thinking that they have something...
Username: YYS_SILVER
Members: Zelo (BAP)
Person: First Person
OC: Soo Ri
Scenario: Soo ri likes cute things and Zelo also but her ego is too high which she will not admit it. Even her liking of cute things, she managed to hide it and keep it a secret. But, one day, she was caught by Zelo himself when her nose was bleeding while she was looking at cute things at a shop.
Extra : A naughty Zelo traps An Egoistic girl :D
Chapter 5: I'm dead...I'm thorry... so flipping adorbs oh my god... I love this... great work!!! ^^
mangasanji12 #9

Members: Kris (EXO-M), Joon (MBLAQ), GD (BIGBANG), Lu Han (EXO-M) and Sehun (EXO-K)

Person: 3rd person

Theme: boyxboy please~ n.n

Scenario: Luhan and Sehun of the school St. Lucas are going on a trip to Japan with their class. Since a long time ago Lu Han and Sehun are a couple, but when they meet Kris on the trip, a handsome, older man with a good job, Sehun falls in love with him. He and Kris do alot of fun things togheter and are being total badasses. Luhan doesn't know what to do anymore and desperate to get Sehun back, he asks his 2 best friends, Joon and GD to help him out. They get a nice plan and work it out....

Umm... hihi I don't know if you will accept my extra characters, but i hope you do!
I aactually don't care who wins Sehun in the end... it would me nice if it's a surprise
And, I know it's selfish, but I would like to request not to make Kris a total 'bad' guy -staring with pleading eyes-
thank youuuuu!!