Chapter 2

Never Stop Loving You

Chapter 2- my lover in the past


*Dara’s POV*




I woke up and looked at the ray of sunshine from my window and smiled. Then I remembered what happened last night.




I fell asleep and suddenly I felt something is on my cheeks, realizing that Ji Young was caressing me. Heard him saying, “Dara, I still love you.” my heart pounds as fast as a speedy car. I tried to shut my eyes and not to open it. then I felt that Ji Young turned to the other side and whispered something to himself. Then he turned to me again and this time he asked me, “Dara, did you forget not about us?” I can’t take anymore that I opened my eyes and my tongue tends to speak itself, “oppa, I never stop loving you…”


He looked so shock and speechless. “You’re awake?” he asked. I smiled and rubbed away his tears and said, “Don’t be sad.” He then said, “How? I forgot how to be happy…”


I forced myself to smile and pulled him slowly closer to me and whispered, “I’ll teach you how to be happy again.” He looked at me with big round eyes. I said, “I still love you…” I then moved my head closer to his and I felt his lips touching mine. I don’t wanna stop this moment even though I know it has been forbidden for us, but I don’t wanna lie to my heart, I really love him. He was at first reluctantly doing it, but I could feel slowly that we are starting to fall in the journey.


Then he suddenly pulled away from the kiss and said, “This is so wrong.” He said shaking his head, but I pulled his face passionately and again we opened mouth kiss and we both fell into the love-making journey.


#Flashback Ends#


I smiled and got up. I went out and checked everybody. Appa and omma are having breakfast in the dining room and Ji Young is in no sight, “Omma, Ji Young neh?” I asked.


He went out.” she smiled. I nodded and sat together with omma appa on the table, “Dara, you seemed close now with Ji Young. Are you guys bond?” appa ji asked.


I just nodded and smiled. “How’s work lately?” he asked, “Great.” I smiled and ate.


-at work


*Ring, Ring*


Me: Yabosoyo?
Ji Young: Dara

Me: Oppa?
Ji Young: Are you okay?
Me: Deh oppa.

Ji Young: What you said last night, you mean it?

Me: Deh

Ji Young: then, i really wanna say this, Dara I really love you

Me: Love you too oppa




I looked at my phone and sighed, “He called me for that?” I smiled at his silliness. Even though we are siblings through our parents marriage, what we did before they married, it can’t be stop just like that. We are lover even before our parents got married. If it’s not for my mom’s happiness, for sure I’ll never grant for this wish. But my mom needs a life, so I have no choice to accept Ji Young as my brother. And now, I’m crossing the line because of my love.


Dara, can you finish the paperwork ASAP?” my manager asked me in after a few minutes later. I looked at him with full of shock. And I smiled, “Oh, yes sir.”


He then entered back in his office. Young Hwa is my boss or manager who I worked as a secretary for. I smiled looking at the way he is. He is very kind and understanding. I then looked at the paper sheets that he just gave me just now on my desk and was so surprised to see at the thickness of it. “Oh . Look at it.” I gasped. “Better get it done quick.” I whispered to myself.


Then I began to retype the information in the papers into the computer and I had to send it by mail to some other company that shares the same information as we do.


Looking at the time and it was supposed to be lunch. And then I looked at the paperwork on the desk and sighed sadly about how thick it is. Then in minutes later my boss went out of his office. I looked at him and smiled.


Dara, aren’t you going to eat?” he asked looking at me dazedly. I looked at him and acted innocent and said, “Later. I’m not hungry anyways, I’ll just finish this.” I then continued to type on keyboard.


Then suddenly a hand pulled my wrist from typing, I then looked at the hand and widened my eyes and looked at Young Hwa. “Sir, what are you doing?”


As your boss, I can’t let any of worker fall sick, what’s more my personal secretary. I can’t afford to lose you.” he said dramatically. I looked at him and said, “I’m grateful to have a manager that concerns about his workers. Okay, you won over me, I have no choice but to obey your orders.”


Its not that you have to obey me but you can’t miss your meal, araso?” he said and let go of his grip.


I looked at him and smiled, “Okay.” Then we both went to the café which is just right next to our company.


Milk shake please.” I ordered.


carrot soup and orange juice.” Young Hwa ordered.


That’s all?” the waitress asked.


Deh.” We both asked in unison.


Ok.” Then the waitress left. Young Hwa and I giggled together at our silliness. “We said that together.” He said.


I know. it’s really coincidence.” I chuckled. “Yeah, so why didn’t you order something to eat since I’m on it?” he asked.


I looked at him and said, “ Like I told you, I’m not hungry. I only ordered milk because its good for health.”


I don’t believe. You are on diet, I know that.” he looked at me suspiciously.


YOUNG HWA SSHI! I’m not!” I looked at him fiercely trying to prove that I’m telling the truth.


He squirted both his eyes and I just rolled at him despise his attitude. I sighed and just focused at the entrance door and I saw someone whom is quite familiar, “Ji Eun?” I gasped a bit.


Then behind her I saw oppa. “Oppa…” this time I gasped a bit big. Then Young Hwa too was looking at the entrance and said, “Isn’t that Ji Eun…and your oppa?” he asked. I looked at him and smiled, “Yeah.” Then he suddenly got up from his seat and shouted, “Ji Eun, over here!”


Young Hwa, what the hell are you doing?” I whispered in annoyed way. He smirked at me and said, “Your brother is here, why wouldn’t you wanna let him join?” I looked down and remembered about last night- I smiled.


Whatever…” I gave up since he’s my boss. He smirked then Ji Eun and oppa went to us.


It immediately sent me wave to the spinal. I felt as if the world's going to know about me. I felt so running out of breathe. As if the earth spinning quick, the two were here in no time.


I looked at my brother not bothered about the figure that was blocking him. The guy stepped out and a crooked appeared on the corner of his lips. At that time, my heart is at a point where it felt so happy at the same time envious. “Oppa, Ji Eun, what brings you guys here?”


the colorful wearing guy was about to speak when the other party spoke with a smile, “Oh, I am craving for the steamed-crab here, and for your brother, I asked him to accompany.”


Oh...” I faked my smile and nodded. There's an interruption were made by my manager, “Come and sit here.” with gestures of tapping the chair. I looked at my brother again, he had this one neutral face when he looked that YoungHwa was out with me. “Dong saeng, I wanna sit next to you.” my brother said as he looked at me.


I looked at him and a smile appeared between my lips and emitted, “Sure.” at that rate, I felt so happy that he chose to be with me. “Ji Oppa! So, i'll sit with him?” Ji Eun whined with a pout. Young Hwa, tapped on the chair as he smirked, “Sit with me, pretty.” she looked at him and suddenly smiled, “Haha, Hwa oppa, you are sneaky.” then she sat next to him.


let's order something for you guys.” YoungHwa said as he flicked his fingers to call for the waiter.


My milk shake came with the orange juice and carrot soup. “Here.” I grabbed the milk shake and immediately drank it. From the corner of my eyes, I saw that Ji was staring at me.


I want apple juice.” Ji Eun stated. “What about you oppa?” She asked, my heart at that time was struck when she addressed him as oppa. I looked at her with a soft glare. “No, i'll just share with my sister.” when blonde let out those words, I felt even hurt. As if, he was trying to make me so guilty.


I looked at him and asked, “Why?” “You are simply my sister.” he smiled and grabbed away the glass. I was shock by his reaction, “Oppa!” I called him with a higher tone.


Young Hwa stopped eating and said, “Now, dont fight. Even though its fun to watch siblings fight, but not now, not here.” I looked at the manager and again realized that the guy next to me is just my brother. I turned to neutral and gave in the milk shake, “You can have it all. Maybe I should leave. We are running late. I have a lot of paperwork.” he glared at me sharp and said, “What?” I faked up my smile as my hand held unto his under the table, “we'll meet at home in any way.” he took a breathe and breezed it out with a boring look, “K.”


Young hwa, lets go!” I got up and held Young Hwa's hand. “Dara!” the blonde called me. I looked at him and he smirked, “See you at home.” I stared at him and then nodded. “Lets go!”


-at the office


is it tense at home?” my boss asked. I looked at him and shook my head. “aniyo”

oh it seems that something is going on with your oppa.” I widened my eyes at the handsome. “what do you mean?” “oh, nothing really.” then he went in his office.

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Dorkhiem #1
oh my god. this is so.. complicated. :O<br />
i've think of this before, and now you write it. woah. looking forward for the so-called solution.
rudelysweetk21 #2
aww keke hmm like devil beside you..keke hmm well its jiYONG not jiYoung..<br />
you might want to correct it.. but aww will they have chance to be together??<br />
thanks for the updates :D:D
eh? I've read this bfore from ur pendrive~ haha. But, that yonghwa thing is new 0.0 why put him? Im sooooo jealous! Haha, he's hot!