Wanted Alive


It wasn't often that a secret mission was given out barely a day after becoming an official agent; the agency usually gave the new agents a week or so to adjust to their new lifestyles. You could call the two girls lucky that they had been the two exceptions, but it wasn't clear if the situation was good or bad.

Whatever it happened to be, there was no denying that Jaeyoung and Opal would be in for an interesting ride. The first step? The car ride to the mission site.
Opal P.O.V.
Okay this is just plain ridiculous. 
Was XOXO really this stingy? Couldn't they afford to buy another van or something? I know two black vans can seat a considerable amount of people but twelve guys, two girls, and a crap load of extra spy equipment? Another van or two would really help. Heck, I can barely move in this cramped space!
"Anyone mind telling me where we're going exactly?" I barely manage to breathe out. 
Jaeyoung looks at me, and I assume she has been wanting to know the answer to that question too. I can see Luhan, and three other guys open their mouths to answer, but another voice beat them to it.
"Shut up and just let us take you there."
My head whips to the right, practically snapping my neck in the process. That Byun guy was about a seat or two away from me, but I knew it was he who rudely answered me. Of course, being me, I answered back just as rudely.
"Well maybe I don't want to shut up because someone decided to call me and wake me up at three in the morning!" 
And what did the bastard do? Ignore me. No response. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Excuse my language, but I'm really pissed right now. 
Apparently the atmosphere was getting really hostile (yeah, I know. I would have never known) so Lay, one of the three other guys riding in our van, decided to play peacemaker and calm the waters. 
"Opal-sshi, I understand that you are a bit cranky because you were awoken so early in the morning. I would like to apologize for your inconvenience and Baekhyun's rudeness on his behalf."
I must say, Lay was really good with his words. My anger and irritation dissipated just like that and the van was back to the quiet state it was before. 
Jaeyoung P.O.V. 
I can't help but notice how fast the van is going. It's like 80 mph! Well, better than 100 I guess.  
Han-oppa keeps sneaking glances at me, I wonder if he wants to talk? I certainly do, but the time is never right. After Opal unnie had her little outburst with that Baek guy, there was an almost thick air of stiffness in the van. You could practically cut it with a knife! And I sure as heck didn't want to cut it, however tempting that might be.
I took the time to try and put names to the faces in the van. Luhan, who was sitting directly across from me, I already knew. There was that Baek guy who is awfully rude to unnie (or maybe it's just playful teasing?) to my right. Then there was three other guys in the van.  
The first was sitting to the left of unnie, and his name was Lay. I didn't think he was the talkative type at first, more like a gentle caring type that didn't talk much. But after he basically instituted a peace treaty between Opal unnie and Baekhyun with a speech that rivaled Marin Luther King Jr.'s, I could definitely see that he had mad oral skills. 
Wait, that sounded wrong. 
What I meant was that he had a way with words. Yeah that's what I meant. The second was sitting next to Lay and had this condescending look on his face. He was also abnormally tall that, even whilst sitting down, his head could almost reach the roof of the van. Either that or the roof was really low. (And no I'm not THAT short, I'm just, you know, petite...) His name was Kris.
The last guy had this cold look on his face, almost as if he wanted nothing to do with the situation present right now. I try to rack my brain and remember his name, but it escapes me. Oh well, I'll did out sometime later. 
Eventually I feel the van come to a stop. We must've arrived. I take two deep breaths and exchange glances with Opal unnie. Here goes nothing.
Opal P.O.V.
All of us filed out of the vans and we entered an alleyway. The alleyway was lined with different kinds of shops– thrift shops, barber shops, trinket stores. The guys led us into a tent and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. 
We had entered an auto shop. 
The smell of burnt tires and gasoline immediately hit me and I could see several workers bent over working on their vehicles. The curly haired guy with us, I think his name was Chanyeol, waved at one of the working guys and he started walking towards us. 
"Hey, what's up? Been a while since you've drooped by!"
All the EXO guys exchanged man-hugs (you know, the kind where they clasp hands and do the bump-chest thing?) with the man. Jaeyoung and I were left awkwardly standing to the side. It wasn't long before we were noticed though.
"And who might these two lovely little ladies be?"
Oh, this guy was definitely a charmer. "Song Opal. This is my sister, Song Jaeyoung" I introduced.
"Hi!" Jaeyoung chirped, as an addition to my comment.
The man winked at both of us and introduced himself. "Jung Jinhwan, pleased to meet your acquaintance," he said in a suave voice, adding a little bow at the end of his sentence. 
Jinhwan. Nice name. Jinhwan led all fourteen (wow that's a lot of people!) of us to the back of the shop where his office was. His office was very small; there was a desk at the center that could seat five people, a potted plant in the corner as well as a water dispenser, and a file cabinet. 
Seeing as there were only five seats, one for Jinhwan and four for us, Jaeyoung and I along with Suho and Kris sat in the chairs in front of the desk. The rest had to stand along the walls. 
"So what can I do for you guys?" Jinhwan asked with a wide grin, the question directed at no one particular. Suho immediately started talking. "We're on a mission." 
The joking and relaxed expression on Jinhwan's face immediately droppe and was replaced with a concerned and grim one. "I'm listening" 
"We need a background check on Miyabi Kyoko," Suho firmly stated. (A/N: Just made the name up guys, sorry if the name wasn't an authentic Japanese one or if it sounds weird ;D)
Immediately Jinhwan's eyes flew to his computer screen and he began furiously typing away at the keyboard. After a mere five minutes, he had found something.
"Miyabi Kyoko. 25 years old and former CEO of the Japanese-Korean Communications Association, or JKCA. Was replaced by her stepsister after her father found her unsuitable for the future of his company. Apparently, she held a grudge against her stepsister and father and allegedly murdered the sister on May 8, 2012. She then drove her father and herself off a cliff the following day. The father's body was found at the bottom of the cliff, hers was not. Detectives say that she might still be alive and seeking revenge, others say she is dead but her body just hasn't been found yet. On May 21, 2012 the Bounty Hunters Association issued the capture of Kyoko for a reward of 1,500,000 US dollars. On May 30, the reward was doubled to 3,000,000" 
(A/N: Again, made up everything. Unless some of these organizations actually exist.......that'd be so cool!)
"And the situation now?" Suho pressed.
Jinhwan typed around a little more before he found what Suho wanted. "Two days ago, the case was classified under "International Threat" after she was reportedly sighted at LAX airport. She could be anywhere in the world now. The reward was boosted up to half a billion, and she's wanted alive."
"Alive?!" Luhan exclaimed. I didnt know much about crime and bounties, being a female high school student, but from what I knew, most criminals were wanted dead or alive, or just dead. But alive, and for half a billion? Wow.
"Yes, she's wanted alive. I'm guessing that's why her reward is so high priced. She's got a few thousand bounty hunters after her for the money, and she's still managed to stay hidden after two years," Jinhwan confirmed. 
I couldn't believe it. She had thousands of hunters after her since 2012, and she had only been sighted two days ago? Furthermore, it had been two years! Two years to trail and track her down, but after those two years she still hadn't been found? That Kyoko must be really good at staying hidden.
Suddenly I felt my blood run cold. Why were we even discussing this woman? Yes she was wanted, but how did this relate to the current situation? Why was this Kyoko so important to them, to XOXO, to me? The gears clicked in my head and horror swept over me. There was only one reliable answer. 
Our mission. Catch Miyabi Kyoko.
Yes guys, I am back! I'm very sorry for practically dropping off the face of the earth, but I am back, and with a juicy cliffhanger!!!!!!!
It's official! Opal and Jaeyoung are now agents! And their first mission? Oh yeah. Catch a killer.
On another note, my mind has been cleared from the nasty case of writers block I had. My break has rejuvenated my motivation to write! Expect lots of action-filled and exciting chapters to follow!
This has been one of your beloved two authors of this fic, SeriouslyOMG! Loves y'all!
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missya #1
authornim.....sorry for not comment for so long...school work....damn crazy...
but great story as expected...
but when will my another favourite one will b updated....I really mizzzzz that story....update again....♡♡♡♡♡
missya #2
Chapter 14: It turns out to be wrong person....
Hahaha...authornim...you are so funny....cheating our feeling...-_-
Eeekkk....why baekhyun...why...you are hurting opal again...
Update again authornim...and make sure baekhyun apologised to opal or I am going to sizzle him to bacon next time....
Chapter 13: K so shes found alive! But will they catch her ? And more importantly alive?
missya #4
Chapter 13: They see the female killer.......
Hahaha.....baekhyun with long hair look like girl....would like to see him cross dress....
why does baek and opal keep fighting??? Love their chemistry very much....
Hi....authornim....mianhe for not commenting for so long.....reovery of sick takes time....
And now i am back....keep updating ok....
missya #5
Chapter 12: Wahhhhh.....after waiting for so long....u finally updated authornim....
Woah.....1st dangerous mission yo catch a female killer worth a lot....can I join...can I....can I??????
I like the situation around bacon and opal. ....let them fall in love. ..hehehe and not forgetting jaeyoung and luhan.
Update again authornim. ...
missya #6
Chapter 11: 1st mission at three in the morning....wow....no need to sleep....cool man.....
Wonder who they will stalk in their mission....
Wow....its like in the drama when someone crashed into you bleeding on you....
Hey authornim....is he handsome????hehehe
Feels so long never read your story but.....i need the vampire kris to be updated also and luhan......plsssss authornim.....
Chapter 11: Hooray~ their first mission~
Can't wait to find out their first mission with the boys :3
Oh, trust me author-nim; I feel you. School definitely . And not to mention when your teachers just decided to be generous enough to give you tests everyday without break at all.
Anyway, keep up the good work author-nims~ and be patient with your schools haha 화이팅! (ง'̀⌣'́)ง
Chapter 10: great quetion Chen!! Thumbs up!! whahaha!!!
Chapter 10: BUAHAHAHAH. oh god. poor luhannie. And thanks for the update, author-nims :D
And I could understand this one a lot easier than the chapter before~ since the exam week has passed, I guess. haha
Anyway, I wonder what reaction will Opal's mom show?
I'll be waiting for your next update, author-nim! ;)
missya #10
Chapter 10: Hahaha....luhan so pity being bombarded with so many questions.
Exo is so funny especially Chen...
Should there really b xoxo secret agency....I will b first to sign up
Thanks for the update again authornim....