Secret Revealed

I can fix your heart

-_____ POV-

I'm not sick anymore-I know,it seems that I was sick for one day.But it's been a week now,and I feel much better...though I want to study for exams.


"Key oppa,can I just...bludge today?I need to study for exams...."

Key put a finger to his chin."Hmmm...well,I guess it won't hurt.Just,be safe alright?Here's your breakfast." he handed my a raisin toast.

"Gee,thanks...."I muttered.

That whole day,I studied for my exams.I AM SO GETTING AN A FOR MY GRADES!

"Miss ____,a man is here.He wishes to see you,it seems he's badly hurt." a maid came in my room and bowed.

"Oh my gosh.I'll be down in a minute." I said as I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt.The maid bowed and left.

Hastily,I changed into the new clothes and ran down.It was none other than L,just as I predicted.He was shivering and badly beaten up.Oh,I forgot to tell you it was raining.

"OH MY GOSH!MYUNGSOO ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" he shook his head,still shivering."Please get him a blanket.Please also start a fire in the fire place." I told two maids.They immediately did as told,while I went to get the first aid kit and a towel.When I came back,the maid had a blanket in her hand.

"Thankyou." I nodded and rushed to L."Here" I handed him the blanket and he shakily wrapped it around him.The lounge room was starting to warm up,his shaking gradually stopped,but his breathing was still uneven somewhat.Touching his cheek with my right hand,it felt cold.Quickly grabbing the towel,I dried his hair,then started to apply to his wounds and bruises.

"Tell me what happened."

"Sungkyu hyung found out about us.He found out that I was leaking his plans to you.So he beat me up and I left the house.Hoya told me it was for the best at this time,Sungkyu hyung needed to calm down.I didn't know WHERE to go,eventually I figured this was the ONLY place that I KNEW and COULD OR CAN go to."he winced as I applied medicine to another bruise.

As I put band-aids onto him,I asked him another question."You've been acting weird around me since the first time we met,is there something up?"

L turned pale."Now is not the right time to tell you.You're not ready to know."he looked away.I sighed.

"So what I'm meant to do is act like there's nothing going on?...Anyway,you could stay here for the night.I'll go get my brother's clothes.You can use my bathroom to shower.You need it,you smell like rain...and mud." I led him to my room and pointed to the bathroom.L went in straight away.I saw a maid pass by.

"Excuse me,can you please get one of my brother's Singlets and sweat pants?" the maid nodded and cam back with a white singlet with grey pants.I handed them to L,who slightly opened the door.The door went shut again.

"______-ah!I'm back!" I heard Key's voice from below.As if on cue,L cam out of the bathroom,wearing the clothes I gave him.The singlet clung onto his body,outlining his abs.A faint blush crept up my cheeks,I could feel it.

-end of POV-


I could see _____-ah blushing as she looked at my abs.I laughed softly then walked up to her and hugged her."Thankyou for being so caring." I whispered.

Suddenly out of nowhere,Key burst in the room.

"Yah you!Stop molesting my sister!wait-L?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"I gave him permission to stay for the night!So stop pestering him!" _____-ah shouted,she pulled away from the hug and defended me with her body.


"I told the maids to bring him your clothes.Just allow him to stay here for the night,please?"

"Fine!" Key stormed out the room and slammed the door.I'm sure as hell that I might be killed tonight when ____-ah falls asleep.And the person responsible for the murder will be Key. 

-end of POV-

Please comment!I thought you would like some drama right about now.;)

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I choose A and C. I just really want SHINee to come in!
I choose A & C!!!! hehehe
I go for B & C! LOL. I kinda don't wanna know about Dongjun. It might add more flame to the fire in this story. BUT, I really wanna see SHINee. Hahaha.
lametardedx33 #4
Hmmmm.... I go for C! There must have been a reason why you put that specific option! :D
on chapter 11,please scroll back up to Hoya's point of view and after the 'komawo oppa' it's supposed to be 'end of flashabck' LOLOL sorry about that!don't forget to comment!WHY ARE MY READERS SO SILENT ALL OF A SUDDEN?TT_TT
myonly15 #6
Haha! I hope Hoya, Sujong and ____ will be friends. :)) Update soon! :D