Funny way of making friends isn't it?

I can fix your heart




-Sungjong POV-

I woke up in an awkward position.My leg was on ____-ah's and somehow I was crushing her to me.I saw Hoya with a shocked look on his face and ____-ah with a hysterical one.

"Morning guys..."I removed my leg and let go of ____-ah so she could get up.____-ah got up straight away and pinned Hoya to the wall shouting so fast that I couldn't make out the words.Luckily our cabin was wayyyyyy wayyyyy far from base camp.I know,teachers these days...we are technically in the forest.Were they expecting a or something?=.="

Suddenly I was yanked off the floor by Hoya and pinned to the wall."Waeyo?"

"You.....what did you do with _____-sshi last night?You didn't her did you?"he said with a serious look.I glanced at ____-sh who was banging her head on the wall near us.O_O.....interesting....she better not get brain damage.I looked back at Hoya.

"No!Of course not,I wouldn't do that!She has L doesn't she?I'm not that pathetic or desparate to steal my friend's girl. >.>"

Hoya let go and sighed in relief.He was already dressed up.Black skinny jeans,a white top with a black denim jacket.He also had a black hat that added a flaunting bad boy effect.He was alos wearing his black boots already.Huh.Typical bad boy look, nice Hoya....NICE.He better not try and steal L's girl.

_____-ah straightened up."Sungjong oppa and I are just friends,nothing more.Hoya,do you mind being friends with me too?" she flashed a cute smile.It suited her look.Hoya blushed for a second and nodded before saying,"Alright kiddos,get out.I need to brush my teeth.I washed my face in my personal bathroom.I showered last night.Now,OUT!Get ready..."

______-ah was already out the door.When she came out of Hoya's personal bathroom,she was wearing denim skinny jeans,a checkered buttoned up shirt with a black cardigan and red walking sneakers.I took my turn to get ready,and when I came out I saw Hoya talking with ____-ah and she was blushing and giggling.I could make out the situation with Hoya's charming smile.He....HE WAS FLIRTING WITH L'S GIRLFRIEND!

"Let's go." I said,before putting on my boots,and walking out the door.____-ah and Hoya shrugged,_____-ah linked arms with Hoya and came out like that.

"Hey,cut it out will you?The girls will insult ___-ah if you guys do that.And if L saw,he would misunderstand." fear replaced ____-ah and she abruptly slipped out of Hoya's arms.Her pace quickened and she called over her back,"Sungjong is right,we wouldn't want the public and along with L oppa to misunderstand.We better get going."

When she disappeared from our sight,Hoya grabbed my collar for a second."Why did you do that?!And I was just starting to get along and know her better."

I scoffed."Yeah right,don't think I don't know.I know you like her,I know flirting when I see it." Hoya went silent then.His pace quickened and walked faster.I followed,when we were in public sight,I saw L hugging her waist and kissing her passionately.Glancing at Hoya,he was grimacing....and was that........JEALOUSY in his eyes?

-end of POV-

-Hoya POV-

So,Sungjong knew.He knew that I was in love with L's girlfriend,he knew that I was hitting on her.No doubt that she noticed too.But there was one thing that Sungjong would have no say on....


"You know _____-ah,you can call me 'oppa' from now on.If you ever need anything,you can just call me."I handed her my number.


"Oh and,if L ever hurts you.I'm always here for can always come to me,I'll be waiting for you.If you got married to him,then....then I'll move on."I hugged her.

"Komawo oppa." she gave me a surprise kiss on the cheek.

-end of POV-

But what I am seeing her do with L would never compare to that light kiss she gave me.She loved him more than me.

-end of POV-


I was precautious when I saw ____--ah coming out of the woods safe.When she came to me,I caught her in my embrace.

"I thought you finally got killed...."I murmured and kissed her deeply.She was surprised at first,but responded to the kiss.Her arms wrapped around my neck and hair.

Our lips parted."Oppa,don't be silly.I didn't die ^^...LOL,Hoya and Sungjong would be there for me."

"But they ha-"

"We're friends now."

Knowing Hoya,he would definitely fall for ____-ah.Even if it took stealing her away from me,he would do it.I wonder if ____-ah had an ex's in the past.

"____-ah,have you have any ex-boyfriends?"

"Eh?Oh,yeah.I had.....Dongjun.He was very romantic in a way,he would express his feeling through his rapping.But it ended quite...sadly.I had to move places and we had to split."

"oh." it must have been worse for her than it was for me.She fell in love with a rapper.Interesting.o_O

-end of POV-

-____-ah POV-

It took me by suprise when he asked the question,but I didn't hesitate to answer.Why??Because it's beens years since I last saw Dongjun.I have no idea what became of him.If he has another girlfriend and has gotten over me,I'd be grateful because I don't want to cause him pain,the pain that would stick with him for years.

Dongjun....what happened to you when I left?Do you still have those lasting memories that I've forgotten?Did you know I might have felt more pain then you?What kind of sacrifice it took for me to let you go?I'm sorry to have burnt all those memories.....

"Jagiya,are you okay?" I looked at L when I snapped back to reality.I nodded.

"Let's go." I said,before we went off.But the whole time we were walking,the only thing I could think of was....Dongjun.

-end of POV-


:O Will the past that L brought up interfere your relationship?What about Hoya's feelings?Will he do something?

Comment please!

Question:Should I put your past relationship with Dongjun in the next chap?

a)Yes,tell us what happened!

b)No,get on with the story!XD

c)Bring Dongjun later inthe story with Key and the rest of SHINee.Tell us what Dongjun must have felt!

Answer in the comments box after your comment about the chapter~!

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I choose A and C. I just really want SHINee to come in!
I choose A & C!!!! hehehe
I go for B & C! LOL. I kinda don't wanna know about Dongjun. It might add more flame to the fire in this story. BUT, I really wanna see SHINee. Hahaha.
lametardedx33 #4
Hmmmm.... I go for C! There must have been a reason why you put that specific option! :D
on chapter 11,please scroll back up to Hoya's point of view and after the 'komawo oppa' it's supposed to be 'end of flashabck' LOLOL sorry about that!don't forget to comment!WHY ARE MY READERS SO SILENT ALL OF A SUDDEN?TT_TT
myonly15 #6
Haha! I hope Hoya, Sujong and ____ will be friends. :)) Update soon! :D